Syncfusion Angular UI Components (Essential JS 2)

31 Jan 20258 minutes to read

Syncfusion Angular UI (Essential JS 2) offers a comprehensive suite of modern, TypeScript-based true Angular components. These components support Ahead Of Time (AOT) compilation and Tree-Shaking, ensuring optimal performance. Each component is designed to be lightweight, responsive, modular, and touch-friendly to cater to diverse user needs.

Components list

The Syncfusion Angular UI components are listed below.

How to Best Read This User Guide

  • Begin by reading the “Getting Started” section for the specific component you wish to use. This section provides the essential information required to understand and implement the component efficiently. We recommend reading this section fully before writing any code. For all other information, refer to it as needed.

  • After acquiring a basic understanding, start integrating the component into your application. A helpful resource is the online sample browser, which contains numerous code samples. You’ll likely find examples similar to your intended usage scenario.

  • The API reference is another valuable resource, offering detailed information on the object hierarchy and configurable options for each object.

Getting Help

  • If the self-help resources do not satisfy your information needs, please create a support ticket on our support site or post your question on Stack Overflow using the syncfusion-ej2 tag.

  • If there’s something you require that isn’t covered, request it through our feedback portal.

Note: Syncfusion does not collect any data from customer applications utilizing our components.

See Also