
11 Jul 202418 minutes to read

The Scheduler makes use of the current system time zone by default. If it needs to follow some other user-specific time zone, then the timezone property needs to be used. Apart from the default action of applying specific timezone to the Scheduler, it is also possible to set different time zone values for each appointments through the properties startTimezone and endTimezone which can be defined as separate fields within the event fields collection.

Note: timezone property only applicable for the appointment processing and current time indication.

Understanding date manipulation in JavaScript

The new Date() in JavaScript returns the exact current date object with complete time and timezone information. For example, it may return value such as Wed Dec 12 2018 05:23:27 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) which indicates that the current date is December 12, 2018 and the current time is 5.23 AM on browsers following the IST timezone.

Scheduler with no timezone

When no specific time zone is set to Scheduler, appointments will be displayed based on the client system’s timezone which is the default behavior. Here, the same appointment when viewed from different timezone will have different start and end times.

The following code example displays an appointment from 9.00 AM to 10.00 AM when you open the Scheduler from any of the timezone. This is because, we are providing the start and end time enclosing with new Date() which works based on the client browser’s timezone.

@using Syncfusion.EJ2.Schedule

<ejs-schedule id="schedule" width="100%" height="550px" selectedDate="new DateTime(2018, 2, 15)">
    <e-schedule-eventsettings dataSource="@ViewBag.appointments"></e-schedule-eventsettings>
public ActionResult Index()
    ViewBag.appointments = GetScheduleData();
    return View();

public List<AppointmentData> GetScheduleData()
    List<AppointmentData> appData = new List<AppointmentData>();
    appData.Add(new AppointmentData
        Id = 1,
        Subject = "Meeting",
        StartTime = new DateTime(2018, 2, 15, 10, 0, 0),
        EndTime = new DateTime(2018, 2, 15, 12, 30, 0)
    return appData;

public class AppointmentData
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Subject { get; set; }
    public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }
    public DateTime EndTime { get; set; }

Scheduler set to specific timezone

When a timezone is set to Scheduler through timezone property, the appointments will be displayed exactly based on the Scheduler timezone regardless of its client timezone. In core application, client timezone will be added by default. In order to render the appointments in the timezone which has been set to the scheduler, add the following code snippet in your Startup.cs file like below.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
    services.AddDbContext<ScheduleDataContext>(options =>
        .AddJsonOptions(options => options.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver())
        .AddJsonOptions(options => options.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore)
        .AddJsonOptions(opt => opt.SerializerSettings.DateFormatHandling = DateFormatHandling.MicrosoftDateFormat)
        .AddJsonOptions(opt => opt.SerializerSettings.DateTimeZoneHandling = DateTimeZoneHandling.Utc);
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddDbContext<ScheduleDataContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("ScheduleDataConnection")));
    services.AddControllersWithViews(option => option.EnableEndpointRouting = false).AddNewtonsoftJson();
        .AddNewtonsoftJson(options => options.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver())
        .AddNewtonsoftJson(opt => opt.SerializerSettings.DateFormatHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling.MicrosoftDateFormat)
        .AddNewtonsoftJson(opt => opt.SerializerSettings.DateTimeZoneHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.DateTimeZoneHandling.Local);

In the following code example, appointments will be displayed based on Eastern Time (UTC -05:00).

@using Syncfusion.EJ2.Schedule

<ejs-schedule id="schedule" width="100%" height="550px" timezone="America/New_York" selectedDate="new DateTime(2018, 2, 15)">
    <e-schedule-eventsettings dataSource="@ViewBag.appointments"></e-schedule-eventsettings>
public ActionResult Index()
    ViewBag.appointments = GetScheduleData();
    return View();

public List<AppointmentData> GetScheduleData()
    List<AppointmentData> appData = new List<AppointmentData>();
    appData.Add(new AppointmentData
        Id = 2,
        Subject = "Meeting",
        StartTime = new DateTime(2018, 2, 15, 10, 0, 0),
        EndTime = new DateTime(2018, 2, 15, 12, 30, 0)
    return appData;

public class AppointmentData
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Subject { get; set; }
    public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }
    public DateTime EndTime { get; set; }

Display events on same time everywhere with no time difference

Setting timezone to UTC for Scheduler will display the appointments on same time as in the database for all the users in different time zone.

@using Syncfusion.EJ2.Schedule

<ejs-schedule id="schedule" width="100%" height="550px" timezone="UTC" selectedDate="new DateTime(2018, 2, 15)">
    <e-schedule-eventsettings dataSource="@ViewBag.appointments"></e-schedule-eventsettings>
public ActionResult Index()
    ViewBag.appointments = GetScheduleData();
    return View();

public List<AppointmentData> GetScheduleData()
    List<AppointmentData> appData = new List<AppointmentData>();
    appData.Add(new AppointmentData
        Id = 2,
        Subject = "Meeting",
        StartTime = new DateTime(2018, 2, 15, 10, 0, 0),
        EndTime = new DateTime(2018, 2, 15, 12, 30, 0)
    return appData;

public class AppointmentData
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Subject { get; set; }
    public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }
    public DateTime EndTime { get; set; }

Set specific timezone for events

It is possible to set different timezone for Scheduler events by setting startTimezone and endTimezone properties within the eventSettings option. It allows each appointment to maintain different timezone and displays on Scheduler with appropriate time differences.

@using Syncfusion.EJ2.Schedule

<ejs-schedule id="schedule" width="100%" height="550px" selectedDate="new DateTime(2018, 2, 15)">
    <e-schedule-eventsettings dataSource="@ViewBag.appointments"></e-schedule-eventsettings>
public ActionResult Index()
    ViewBag.appointments = GetScheduleData();
    return View();

public List<AppointmentData> GetScheduleData()
    List<AppointmentData> appData = new List<AppointmentData>();
    appData.Add(new AppointmentData
        Id = 2,
        Subject = "Meeting",
        StartTime = new DateTime(2018, 2, 15, 10, 0, 0),
        EndTime = new DateTime(2018, 2, 15, 12, 30, 0),
        StartTimezone = "Europe/Moscow",
        EndTimezone = "Europe/Moscow"
    return appData;

public class AppointmentData
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Subject { get; set; }
    public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }
    public DateTime EndTime { get; set; }
    public string StartTimezone { get; set; }
    public string EndTimezone { get; set; }

Add or remove timezone names to/from the timezone collection

Instead of displaying all the timezone names within the timezone collection (more than 200 are displayed on the editor window timezone fields by default), you can customize the timezone collection at application end as shown in the following example.

@using Syncfusion.EJ2.Schedule

<ejs-schedule id="schedule" width="100%" height="550px" selectedDate="new DateTime(2018, 2, 15)">
    <e-schedule-eventsettings dataSource="@ViewBag.appointments"></e-schedule-eventsettings>

<script type="text/javascript">
    var data = [{ Value: 'America/New_York', Text: '(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time' }, { Value: 'UTC', Text: 'UTC' }, { Value: 'Asia/Kolkata', Text: '(UTC+05:30) India Standard Time' }];
    var timezoneData = ej.schedule.timezoneData;
    timezoneData.splice.apply(timezoneData, [0, timezoneData.length].concat(data));
public ActionResult Index()
    ViewBag.appointments = GetScheduleData();
    List<ScheduleView> viewOption = new List<ScheduleView>()
        new ScheduleView { Option = Syncfusion.EJ2.Schedule.View.Day },
        new ScheduleView { Option = Syncfusion.EJ2.Schedule.View.Week },
        new ScheduleView { Option = Syncfusion.EJ2.Schedule.View.Month }
    ViewBag.view = viewOption;
    return View();

public List<AppointmentData> GetScheduleData()
    List<AppointmentData> appData = new List<AppointmentData>();
    appData.Add(new AppointmentData
        Id = 1,
        Subject = "Meeting",
        StartTime = new DateTime(2018, 2, 15, 10, 0, 0),
        EndTime = new DateTime(2018, 2, 15, 12, 30, 0)
    return appData;

public class AppointmentData
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Subject { get; set; }
    public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }
    public DateTime EndTime { get; set; }

Timezone methods


This method is used to calculate the difference between passed UTC date and timezone.

Parameters Type Description
Date Date UTC time as date object.
Timezone String Timezone.

Returns number

    // Assume your local timezone as IST/UTC+05:30
    var timezone = new ej.schedule.Timezone();
    var date = new Date(2018,11,5,15,25,11);
    var timeZoneOffset = timezone.offset(date,"Europe/Paris");
    console.log(timeZoneOffset); //-60


This method is used to convert the passed date from one timezone to another timezone.

Parameters Type Description
Date Date UTC time as date object.
fromOffset number/string Timezone from which date need to be converted.
toOffset number/string Timezone to which date need to be converted.

Returns Date

    // Assume your local timezone as IST/UTC+05:30
    var timezone = new ej.schedule.Timezone();
    var date = new Date(2018,11,5,15,25,11);
    var convertedDate = timezone.convert(date, "Europe/Paris", "Asia/Tokyo");
    var convertedDate1 = timezone.convert(date, 60, -360);
    console.log(convertedDate); //2018-12-05T17:55:11.000Z
    console.log(convertedDate1); //2018-12-05T16:55:11.000Z


This method is used to add the time difference between passed UTC date and timezone.

Parameters Type Description
Date Date UTC time as date object.
Timezone String Timezone.

Returns Date

    // Assume your local timezone as IST/UTC+05:30
    var timezone = new ej.schedule.Timezone();
    var date = new Date(2018,11,5,15,25,11);
    var convertedDate = timezone.add(date, "Europe/Paris");
    console.log(convertedDate); //2018-12-05T05:25:11.000Z


This method is used to remove the time difference between passed UTC date and timezone.

Parameters Type Description
Date Date UTC as date object.
Timezone String Timezone.

Returns Date

    // Assume your local timezone as IST/UTC+05:30
    var timezone = new ej.schedule.Timezone();
    var date = new Date(2018,11,5,15,25,11);
    var convertedDate = timezone.remove(date, "Europe/Paris");
    console.log(convertedDate); //2018-12-05T14:25:11.000Z


This method is used to remove the local offset time from the date passed.

Parameters Type Description
Date Date UTC as date object.

Returns Date

    // Assume your local timezone as IST/UTC+05:30
    var timezone = new ej.schedule.Timezone();
    var date = new Date(2018,11,5,15,25,11);
    var convertedDate = timezone.removeLocalOffset(date);
    console.log(convertedDate); //2018-12-05T15:25:11.000Z


You can refer to our ASP.NET Core Scheduler feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our ASP.NET Core Scheduler example to knows how to present and manipulate data.