High Low Open Close in React Chart component

4 Apr 202312 minutes to read

High Low Open Close

To render a HiloOpenClose series, use series type as HiloOpenClose and inject HiloOpenCloseSeries module into the services.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, Category, Tooltip, Zoom, Crosshair, HiloOpenCloseSeries } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { Browser } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
function App() {
    const chartData = [
        { x: 'Jan', open: 120, high: 160, low: 100, close: 140 },
        { x: 'Feb', open: 150, high: 190, low: 130, close: 170 },
        { x: 'Mar', open: 130, high: 170, low: 110, close: 150 },
        { x: 'Apr', open: 160, high: 180, low: 120, close: 140 },
        { x: 'May', open: 150, high: 170, low: 110, close: 130 }
    const primaryxAxis = { title: 'Date', valueType: 'Category' };
    const primaryyAxis = { title: 'Price in Dollar', minimum: 100, maximum: 200, interval: 20 };
    const style = { textAlign: "center" };
    const legendSettings = { visible: false };
    const border = { border: { width: 0 } };
    return <ChartComponent id='charts' style={style} primaryXAxis={primaryxAxis} primaryYAxis={primaryyAxis} legendSettings={legendSettings} chartArea={border} width={Browser.isDevice ? '100%' : '80%'} title='Financial Analysis'>
      <Inject services={[HiloOpenCloseSeries, Tooltip, Category, Crosshair, Zoom]}/>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={chartData} xName='x' yName='low' name='SHIRPUR-G' type='HiloOpenClose' low='low' high='high' open='open' close='close'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { AxisModel, ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject,LegendSettingsModel,
         Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, Zoom, Crosshair, HiloOpenCloseSeries, Selection}
import { Browser } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';

function App() {

  const chartData: any[] = [
    { x: 'Jan', open: 120, high: 160, low: 100, close: 140 },
    { x: 'Feb', open: 150, high: 190, low: 130, close: 170 },
    { x: 'Mar', open: 130, high: 170, low: 110, close: 150 },
    { x: 'Apr', open: 160, high: 180, low: 120, close: 140 },
    { x: 'May', open: 150, high: 170, low: 110, close: 130 }
  const primaryxAxis: AxisModel = { title: 'Date', valueType: 'Category' };
  const primaryyAxis: AxisModel = { title: 'Price in Dollar', minimum: 100, maximum: 200, interval: 20 };
  const style: any = { textAlign: "center" };
  const legendSettings: LegendSettingsModel = { visible: false };
  const border = { border: { width: 0 } };

  return <ChartComponent id='charts' style={style}
      width={Browser.isDevice ? '100%' : '80%'}
      title='Financial Analysis'>
      <Inject services={[HiloOpenCloseSeries, Tooltip, Category, Crosshair, Zoom]} />
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={chartData} xName='x' yName='low' name='SHIRPUR-G' type='HiloOpenClose' low='low'
          high='high' open='open' close='close'>

export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));

Series customization

In HiloOpenClose series, bullFillColor is used to fill the segment when the open value is greater than the close value and bearFillColor is used to fill the segment when the open value is less than the close value.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, Category, Tooltip, Zoom, Crosshair, HiloOpenCloseSeries } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
function App() {
    const chartData = [
        { x: 'Jan', open: 120, high: 160, low: 100, close: 140 },
        { x: 'Feb', open: 150, high: 190, low: 130, close: 170 },
        { x: 'Mar', open: 130, high: 170, low: 110, close: 150 },
        { x: 'Apr', open: 160, high: 180, low: 120, close: 140 },
        { x: 'May', open: 150, high: 170, low: 110, close: 130 }
    const primaryxAxis = { title: 'Date', valueType: 'Category' };
    const primaryyAxis = { title: 'Price in Dollar', minimum: 100, maximum: 200, interval: 20 };
    const style = { textAlign: "center" };
    const legendSettings = { visible: false };
    return <ChartComponent id='charts' style={style} primaryXAxis={primaryxAxis} primaryYAxis={primaryyAxis} legendSettings={legendSettings} title='Financial Analysis'>
      <Inject services={[HiloOpenCloseSeries, Tooltip, Category, Crosshair, Zoom]}/>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={chartData} xName='x' yName='low' name='SHIRPUR-G' type='HiloOpenClose' low='low' high='high' open='open' close='close' bearFillColor='#e56590' bullFillColor='#f8b883'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { AxisModel, ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject,LegendSettingsModel,
         Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, Zoom, Crosshair, HiloOpenCloseSeries, Selection}

function App() {

  const chartData: any[] = [
    { x: 'Jan', open: 120, high: 160, low: 100, close: 140 },
    { x: 'Feb', open: 150, high: 190, low: 130, close: 170 },
    { x: 'Mar', open: 130, high: 170, low: 110, close: 150 },
    { x: 'Apr', open: 160, high: 180, low: 120, close: 140 },
    { x: 'May', open: 150, high: 170, low: 110, close: 130 }
  const primaryxAxis: AxisModel = { title: 'Date', valueType: 'Category' };
  const primaryyAxis: AxisModel = { title: 'Price in Dollar', minimum: 100, maximum: 200, interval: 20 };
  const style: any = { textAlign: "center" };
  const legendSettings: LegendSettingsModel = { visible: false };

  return <ChartComponent id='charts' style={style}
      title='Financial Analysis'>
      <Inject services={[HiloOpenCloseSeries, Tooltip, Category, Crosshair, Zoom]} />
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={chartData} xName='x' yName='low' name='SHIRPUR-G' type='HiloOpenClose' low='low'
          high='high' open='open' close='close' bearFillColor='#e56590' bullFillColor='#f8b883'>

export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));

See Also