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Chart annotations in React Chart component
19 Sep 202421 minutes to read
Annotations are used to mark the specific area of interest in the chart area with texts, shapes or images.
You can add annotations to the chart by using the annotations
option. By using the content
option of annotation object, you can specify the id of the element that needs to be displayed in the chart area.
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, ChartAnnotation, AnnotationsDirective, AnnotationDirective, Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { columnData } from './datasource';
function App() {
const primaryxAxis = { valueType: 'Category', title: 'Countries' };
const primaryyAxis = { minimum: 0, maximum: 80, interval: 20, title: 'Medals' };
const border = { width: 2, color: 'grey' };
const animation = { enable: true, duration: 1200, delay: 100 };
return <ChartComponent id='charts' primaryXAxis={primaryxAxis} primaryYAxis={primaryyAxis} title='Olympic Medals'>
<Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Category, ChartAnnotation]}/>
<AnnotationDirective content='70 Gold Medals' region='Series' coordinateUnits='Point' x='Japan' y={75}>
<SeriesDirective dataSource={columnData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' border={border} animation={animation} type='Column'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { AxisModel, ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, ChartAnnotation, AnnotationsDirective, AnnotationDirective, Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries}from'@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { columnData } from './datasource';
function App() {
const primaryxAxis: AxisModel = { valueType: 'Category', title: 'Countries' };
const primaryyAxis: AxisModel = { minimum: 0, maximum: 80, interval: 20, title: 'Medals' };
const border = { width: 2, color: 'grey' };
const animation = { enable: true, duration: 1200, delay: 100 };
return <ChartComponent id='charts'
title='Olympic Medals'>
<Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Category, ChartAnnotation]} />
<AnnotationDirective content='70 Gold Medals' region='Series' coordinateUnits='Point' x='Japan' y={75}>
<SeriesDirective dataSource={columnData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold'
animation={animation} type='Column'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
export let columnData = [
{ country: "USA", gold: 50 },
{ country: "China", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Japan", gold: 70 },
{ country: "Australia", gold: 60 },
{ country: "France", gold: 50 },
{ country: "Germany", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Italy", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Sweden", gold: 30 }
export let columnData: Object[] = [
{ country: "USA", gold: 50 },
{ country: "China", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Japan", gold: 70 },
{ country: "Australia", gold: 60 },
{ country: "France", gold: 50 },
{ country: "Germany", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Italy", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Sweden", gold: 30 }
Note: To use annotation feature in chart, we need to inject
module into theservices
Annotations can be placed either with respect to Series
or Chart
. by default, it will placed with respect to Chart
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, ChartAnnotation, AnnotationsDirective, AnnotationDirective, Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { columnData } from './datasource';
function App() {
const primaryxAxis = { valueType: 'Category', title: 'Countries' };
const primaryyAxis = { minimum: 0, maximum: 80, interval: 20, title: 'Medals' };
const border = { width: 2, color: 'grey' };
const animation = { enable: true, duration: 1200, delay: 100 };
const template = chartTemplate;
function chartTemplate() {
return (<div className='template'>
<div>Highest Medal Count</div>
return <ChartComponent id='charts' primaryXAxis={primaryxAxis} primaryYAxis={primaryyAxis} title='Olympic Medals'>
<Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Category, ChartAnnotation]}/>
<AnnotationDirective content={template} region='Series' coordinateUnits='Point' x='Japan' y={75}>
<SeriesDirective dataSource={columnData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' border={border} animation={animation} type='Column'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { AxisModel, ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, ChartAnnotation, AnnotationsDirective, AnnotationDirective, Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries} from'@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { columnData } from './datasource';
function App() {
const primaryxAxis: AxisModel = { valueType: 'Category', title: 'Countries' };
const primaryyAxis: AxisModel = { minimum: 0, maximum: 80, interval: 20, title: 'Medals' };
const border = { width: 2, color: 'grey' };
const animation = { enable: true, duration: 1200, delay: 100 };
const template: any = chartTemplate;
function chartTemplate(): any {
return (<div className='template'>
<div>Highest Medal Count</div>
return <ChartComponent id='charts'
title='Olympic Medals'>
<Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Category, ChartAnnotation]} />
<AnnotationDirective content={template} region='Series' coordinateUnits='Point' x='Japan' y={75}>
<SeriesDirective dataSource={columnData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold'
animation={animation} type='Column'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
export let columnData = [
{ country: "USA", gold: 50 },
{ country: "China", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Japan", gold: 70 },
{ country: "Australia", gold: 60 },
{ country: "France", gold: 50 },
{ country: "Germany", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Italy", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Sweden", gold: 30 }
export let columnData: Object[] = [
{ country: "USA", gold: 50 },
{ country: "China", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Japan", gold: 70 },
{ country: "Australia", gold: 60 },
{ country: "France", gold: 50 },
{ country: "Germany", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Italy", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Sweden", gold: 30 }
Co-ordinate Units
Specified the coordinates units of the annotation either Pixel
or Point
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, ChartAnnotation, AnnotationsDirective, AnnotationDirective, Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { columnData } from './datasource';
function App() {
const primaryxAxis = { valueType: 'Category', title: 'Countries' };
const primaryyAxis = { minimum: 0, maximum: 80, interval: 20, title: 'Medals' };
const border = { width: 2, color: 'grey' };
const animation = { enable: true, duration: 1200, delay: 100 };
const template = chartTemplate;
function chartTemplate() {
return (<div className='charttemplate'>
<div> Annotation In Pixel </div>
return <ChartComponent id='charts' primaryXAxis={primaryxAxis} primaryYAxis={primaryyAxis} title='Olympic Medals'>
<Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Category, ChartAnnotation]}/>
<AnnotationDirective content={template} coordinateUnits='Pixel' x={150} y={50}>
<SeriesDirective dataSource={columnData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' border={border} animation={animation} type='Column'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { AxisModel,ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, ChartAnnotation, AnnotationsDirective, AnnotationDirective, Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries}from'@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { columnData } from './datasource';
function App() {
const primaryxAxis: AxisModel = { valueType: 'Category', title: 'Countries' };
const primaryyAxis: AxisModel = { minimum: 0, maximum: 80, interval: 20, title: 'Medals' };
const border = { width: 2, color: 'grey' };
const animation = { enable: true, duration: 1200, delay: 100 };
const template: any = chartTemplate;
function chartTemplate(): any {
return (<div className='charttemplate'>
<div> Annotation In Pixel </div>
return <ChartComponent id='charts'
title='Olympic Medals'>
<Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Category, ChartAnnotation]} />
<AnnotationDirective content={template}
coordinateUnits='Pixel' x={150} y={50}>
<SeriesDirective dataSource={columnData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold'
animation={animation} type='Column'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
export let columnData = [
{ country: "USA", gold: 50 },
{ country: "China", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Japan", gold: 70 },
{ country: "Australia", gold: 60 },
{ country: "France", gold: 50 },
{ country: "Germany", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Italy", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Sweden", gold: 30 }
export let columnData: Object[] = [
{ country: "USA", gold: 50 },
{ country: "China", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Japan", gold: 70 },
{ country: "Australia", gold: 60 },
{ country: "France", gold: 50 },
{ country: "Germany", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Italy", gold: 40 },
{ country: "Sweden", gold: 30 }