Selection in React Chart component

19 Sep 202424 minutes to read

Chart provides selection support for the series and its data points on mouse click.

When Mouse is clicked on the data points, the corresponding series legend will also be selected.

We have different type of selection mode for selecting the data. They are,

  • None
  • Point
  • Series
  • Cluster
  • DragXY
  • DragX
  • DragY


You can select a point, by setting selectionMode to point.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries, Selection } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { selectionData } from './datasource';
function App() {
    const primaryxAxis = { valueType: 'Category' };
    return <ChartComponent id='charts' primaryXAxis={primaryxAxis} title='Olympic Medals' selectionMode='Point'>
      <Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Selection, Category]}/>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' type='Column'>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='silver' name='Silver' type='Column'></SeriesDirective>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='bronze' name='Bronze' type='Column'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import {  AxisModel, ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject,
         Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries,  Selection}
import { selectionData } from './datasource';
function App() {

  const primaryxAxis: AxisModel = { valueType: 'Category' };

  return <ChartComponent id='charts'
      title='Olympic Medals' selectionMode='Point'>
      <Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Selection, Category]} />
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' type='Column'>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='silver' name='Silver' type='Column'></SeriesDirective>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='bronze' name='Bronze' type='Column'>

export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
export let selectionData = [
    { country: "USA",       gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
    { country: "China",     gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
    { country: "Japan",     gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
    { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
    { country: "France",    gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
    { country: "Germany",   gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
    { country: "Italy",     gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
    { country: "Sweden",    gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }
export let selectionData: Object[] = [
    { country: "USA",       gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
    { country: "China",     gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
    { country: "Japan",     gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
    { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
    { country: "France",    gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
    { country: "Germany",   gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
    { country: "Italy",     gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
    { country: "Sweden",    gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }


You can select a series, by setting selectionMode to series.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries, Selection } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { selectionData } from './datasource';
function App() {
    const primaryxAxis = { valueType: 'Category' };
    return <ChartComponent id='charts' primaryXAxis={primaryxAxis} title='Olympic Medals' selectionMode='Series'>
      <Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Selection, Category]}/>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' type='Column'>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='silver' name='Silver' type='Column'>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='bronze' name='Bronze' type='Column'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { AxisModel, ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject,
         Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries,  Selection}
import { selectionData } from './datasource';
function App() {

  const primaryxAxis: AxisModel = { valueType: 'Category' };

  return <ChartComponent id='charts'
      title='Olympic Medals' selectionMode='Series'>
      <Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Selection, Category]} />
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' type='Column'>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='silver' name='Silver' type='Column'>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='bronze' name='Bronze' type='Column'>

export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
export let selectionData = [
    { country: "USA",       gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
    { country: "China",     gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
    { country: "Japan",     gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
    { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
    { country: "France",    gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
    { country: "Germany",   gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
    { country: "Italy",     gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
    { country: "Sweden",    gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }
export let selectionData: Object[] = [
    { country: "USA",       gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
    { country: "China",     gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
    { country: "Japan",     gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
    { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
    { country: "France",    gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
    { country: "Germany",   gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
    { country: "Italy",     gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
    { country: "Sweden",    gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }


You can select the points that corresponds to the same index in all the series, by setting selectionMode to cluster.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries, Selection } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { selectionData } from './datasource';
function App() {
    const primaryxAxis = { valueType: 'Category' };
    return <ChartComponent id='charts' primaryXAxis={primaryxAxis} title='Olympic Medals' selectionMode='Cluster'>
      <Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Selection, Category]}/>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' type='Column'>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='silver' name='Silver' type='Column'>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='bronze' name='Bronze' type='Column'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { AxisModel, ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject,
         Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries,  Selection}
import { selectionData } from './datasource';
function App() {

  const primaryxAxis: AxisModel = { valueType: 'Category' };

  return <ChartComponent id='charts'
      title='Olympic Medals' selectionMode='Cluster'>
      <Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Selection, Category]} />
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' type='Column'>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='silver' name='Silver' type='Column'>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='bronze' name='Bronze' type='Column'>

export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
export let selectionData = [
    { country: "USA",       gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
    { country: "China",     gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
    { country: "Japan",     gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
    { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
    { country: "France",    gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
    { country: "Germany",   gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
    { country: "Italy",     gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
    { country: "Sweden",    gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }
export let selectionData: Object[] = [
    { country: "USA",       gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
    { country: "China",     gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
    { country: "Japan",     gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
    { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
    { country: "France",    gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
    { country: "Germany",   gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
    { country: "Italy",     gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
    { country: "Sweden",    gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }

Rectangular selection

DragXY, DragX and DragY

To fetch the collection of data under a particular region, you have to set selectionMode as DragXY.

  • DragXY - Allows us to select data with respect to horizontal and vertical axis.
  • DragX - Allows us to select data with respect to horizontal axis.
  • DragY - Allows us to select data with respect to vertical axis.

The selected data’s are returned as an array collection in the dragComplete event.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, Legend, Tooltip, Selection, ScatterSeries } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { dragData } from './datasource';
function App() {
    const marker = { width: 12, height: 12 };
    return <ChartComponent id='charts' selectionMode='DragXY' title='Height Vs Weight'>
      <Inject services={[ScatterSeries, Legend, Tooltip, Selection]}/>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={dragData} xName='x' yName='y' type='Scatter' marker={marker}>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject,
         Legend, Category, Tooltip,Selection, DataLabel, ScatterSeries}
import { dragData } from './datasource';
function App() {

  const marker = { width: 12, height: 12 };

  return <ChartComponent id='charts'
      title='Height Vs Weight'>
      <Inject services={[ScatterSeries, Legend, Tooltip, Selection]} />
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={dragData} xName='x' yName='y' type='Scatter'

export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
export let dragData = [
    { x: 1971, y: 50 }, { x: 1972, y: 20 }, { x: 1973, y: 63 }, { x: 1974, y: 81 }, { x: 1975, y: 64 },
    { x: 1976, y: 36 }, { x: 1977, y: 22 }, { x: 1978, y: 78 }, { x: 1979, y: 60 }, { x: 1980, y: 41 },
    { x: 1981, y: 62 }, { x: 1982, y: 56 }, { x: 1983, y: 96 }, { x: 1984, y: 48 }, { x: 1985, y: 23 },
    { x: 1986, y: 54 }, { x: 1987, y: 73 }, { x: 1988, y: 56 }, { x: 1989, y: 67 }, { x: 1990, y: 79 },
    { x: 1991, y: 18 }, { x: 1992, y: 78 }, { x: 1993, y: 92 }, { x: 1994, y: 43 }, { x: 1995, y: 29 },
    { x: 1996, y: 14 }, { x: 1997, y: 85 }, { x: 1998, y: 24 }, { x: 1999, y: 61 }, { x: 2000, y: 80 },
    { x: 2001, y: 14 }, { x: 2002, y: 34 }, { x: 2003, y: 81 }, { x: 2004, y: 70 }, { x: 2005, y: 21 },
    { x: 2006, y: 70 }, { x: 2007, y: 32 }, { x: 2008, y: 43 }, { x: 2009, y: 21 }, { x: 2010, y: 63 },
    { x: 2011, y: 9 },  { x: 2012, y: 51 }, { x: 2013, y: 25 }, { x: 2014, y: 96 }, { x: 2015, y: 32 }
export let dragData: Object[] = [
    { x: 1971, y: 50 }, { x: 1972, y: 20 }, { x: 1973, y: 63 }, { x: 1974, y: 81 }, { x: 1975, y: 64 },
    { x: 1976, y: 36 }, { x: 1977, y: 22 }, { x: 1978, y: 78 }, { x: 1979, y: 60 }, { x: 1980, y: 41 },
    { x: 1981, y: 62 }, { x: 1982, y: 56 }, { x: 1983, y: 96 }, { x: 1984, y: 48 }, { x: 1985, y: 23 },
    { x: 1986, y: 54 }, { x: 1987, y: 73 }, { x: 1988, y: 56 }, { x: 1989, y: 67 }, { x: 1990, y: 79 },
    { x: 1991, y: 18 }, { x: 1992, y: 78 }, { x: 1993, y: 92 }, { x: 1994, y: 43 }, { x: 1995, y: 29 },
    { x: 1996, y: 14 }, { x: 1997, y: 85 }, { x: 1998, y: 24 }, { x: 1999, y: 61 }, { x: 2000, y: 80 },
    { x: 2001, y: 14 }, { x: 2002, y: 34 }, { x: 2003, y: 81 }, { x: 2004, y: 70 }, { x: 2005, y: 21 },
    { x: 2006, y: 70 }, { x: 2007, y: 32 }, { x: 2008, y: 43 }, { x: 2009, y: 21 }, { x: 2010, y: 63 },
    { x: 2011, y: 9 },  { x: 2012, y: 51 }, { x: 2013, y: 25 }, { x: 2014, y: 96 }, { x: 2015, y: 32 }

Lasso selection

To select a region by drawing freehand shapes to fetch a collection of data use selectionMode as Lasso. You can also select multiple regions on the chart through this mode.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, Legend, Tooltip, Selection, ScatterSeries } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { dragData } from './datasource';
function App() {
    const marker = { width: 12, height: 12 };
    return <ChartComponent id='charts' selectionMode='Lasso' title='Height Vs Weight'>
      <Inject services={[ScatterSeries, Legend, Tooltip, Selection]}/>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={dragData} xName='x' yName='y' type='Scatter' marker={marker}>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject,
         Legend, Category, Tooltip,Selection, DataLabel, ScatterSeries}
import { dragData } from './datasource';
function App() {

  const marker = { width: 12, height: 12 };

  return <ChartComponent id='charts'
      title='Height Vs Weight'>
      <Inject services={[ScatterSeries, Legend, Tooltip, Selection]} />
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={dragData} xName='x' yName='y' type='Scatter'

export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
export let dragData = [
    { x: 1971, y: 50 }, { x: 1972, y: 20 }, { x: 1973, y: 63 }, { x: 1974, y: 81 }, { x: 1975, y: 64 },
    { x: 1976, y: 36 }, { x: 1977, y: 22 }, { x: 1978, y: 78 }, { x: 1979, y: 60 }, { x: 1980, y: 41 },
    { x: 1981, y: 62 }, { x: 1982, y: 56 }, { x: 1983, y: 96 }, { x: 1984, y: 48 }, { x: 1985, y: 23 },
    { x: 1986, y: 54 }, { x: 1987, y: 73 }, { x: 1988, y: 56 }, { x: 1989, y: 67 }, { x: 1990, y: 79 },
    { x: 1991, y: 18 }, { x: 1992, y: 78 }, { x: 1993, y: 92 }, { x: 1994, y: 43 }, { x: 1995, y: 29 },
    { x: 1996, y: 14 }, { x: 1997, y: 85 }, { x: 1998, y: 24 }, { x: 1999, y: 61 }, { x: 2000, y: 80 },
    { x: 2001, y: 14 }, { x: 2002, y: 34 }, { x: 2003, y: 81 }, { x: 2004, y: 70 }, { x: 2005, y: 21 },
    { x: 2006, y: 70 }, { x: 2007, y: 32 }, { x: 2008, y: 43 }, { x: 2009, y: 21 }, { x: 2010, y: 63 },
    { x: 2011, y: 9 },  { x: 2012, y: 51 }, { x: 2013, y: 25 }, { x: 2014, y: 96 }, { x: 2015, y: 32 }
export let dragData: Object[] = [
    { x: 1971, y: 50 }, { x: 1972, y: 20 }, { x: 1973, y: 63 }, { x: 1974, y: 81 }, { x: 1975, y: 64 },
    { x: 1976, y: 36 }, { x: 1977, y: 22 }, { x: 1978, y: 78 }, { x: 1979, y: 60 }, { x: 1980, y: 41 },
    { x: 1981, y: 62 }, { x: 1982, y: 56 }, { x: 1983, y: 96 }, { x: 1984, y: 48 }, { x: 1985, y: 23 },
    { x: 1986, y: 54 }, { x: 1987, y: 73 }, { x: 1988, y: 56 }, { x: 1989, y: 67 }, { x: 1990, y: 79 },
    { x: 1991, y: 18 }, { x: 1992, y: 78 }, { x: 1993, y: 92 }, { x: 1994, y: 43 }, { x: 1995, y: 29 },
    { x: 1996, y: 14 }, { x: 1997, y: 85 }, { x: 1998, y: 24 }, { x: 1999, y: 61 }, { x: 2000, y: 80 },
    { x: 2001, y: 14 }, { x: 2002, y: 34 }, { x: 2003, y: 81 }, { x: 2004, y: 70 }, { x: 2005, y: 21 },
    { x: 2006, y: 70 }, { x: 2007, y: 32 }, { x: 2008, y: 43 }, { x: 2009, y: 21 }, { x: 2010, y: 63 },
    { x: 2011, y: 9 },  { x: 2012, y: 51 }, { x: 2013, y: 25 }, { x: 2014, y: 96 }, { x: 2015, y: 32 }

Multi-region selection

To select multiple region on the chart, set the allowMultiSelection property to true.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, Legend, Tooltip, Selection, ScatterSeries } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { dragData } from './datasource';
function App() {
    const marker = { width: 12, height: 12 };
    return <ChartComponent id='charts' selectionMode='Lasso' allowMultiSelection={true} title='Height Vs Weight'>
      <Inject services={[ScatterSeries, Legend, Tooltip, Selection]}/>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={dragData} xName='x' yName='y' type='Scatter' marker={marker}>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject,
         Legend, Category, Tooltip,Selection, DataLabel, ScatterSeries}
import { dragData } from './datasource';
function App() {

  const marker = { width: 12, height: 12 };

  return <ChartComponent id='charts'
      selectionMode='Lasso' allowMultiSelection={true}
      title='Height Vs Weight'>
      <Inject services={[ScatterSeries, Legend, Tooltip, Selection]} />
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={dragData} xName='x' yName='y' type='Scatter'

export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
export let dragData = [
    { x: 1971, y: 50 }, { x: 1972, y: 20 }, { x: 1973, y: 63 }, { x: 1974, y: 81 }, { x: 1975, y: 64 },
    { x: 1976, y: 36 }, { x: 1977, y: 22 }, { x: 1978, y: 78 }, { x: 1979, y: 60 }, { x: 1980, y: 41 },
    { x: 1981, y: 62 }, { x: 1982, y: 56 }, { x: 1983, y: 96 }, { x: 1984, y: 48 }, { x: 1985, y: 23 },
    { x: 1986, y: 54 }, { x: 1987, y: 73 }, { x: 1988, y: 56 }, { x: 1989, y: 67 }, { x: 1990, y: 79 },
    { x: 1991, y: 18 }, { x: 1992, y: 78 }, { x: 1993, y: 92 }, { x: 1994, y: 43 }, { x: 1995, y: 29 },
    { x: 1996, y: 14 }, { x: 1997, y: 85 }, { x: 1998, y: 24 }, { x: 1999, y: 61 }, { x: 2000, y: 80 },
    { x: 2001, y: 14 }, { x: 2002, y: 34 }, { x: 2003, y: 81 }, { x: 2004, y: 70 }, { x: 2005, y: 21 },
    { x: 2006, y: 70 }, { x: 2007, y: 32 }, { x: 2008, y: 43 }, { x: 2009, y: 21 }, { x: 2010, y: 63 },
    { x: 2011, y: 9 }, { x: 2012, y: 51 }, { x: 2013, y: 25 }, { x: 2014, y: 96 }, { x: 2015, y: 32 }
export let dragData: Object[] = [
    { x: 1971, y: 50 }, { x: 1972, y: 20 }, { x: 1973, y: 63 }, { x: 1974, y: 81 }, { x: 1975, y: 64 },
    { x: 1976, y: 36 }, { x: 1977, y: 22 }, { x: 1978, y: 78 }, { x: 1979, y: 60 }, { x: 1980, y: 41 },
    { x: 1981, y: 62 }, { x: 1982, y: 56 }, { x: 1983, y: 96 }, { x: 1984, y: 48 }, { x: 1985, y: 23 },
    { x: 1986, y: 54 }, { x: 1987, y: 73 }, { x: 1988, y: 56 }, { x: 1989, y: 67 }, { x: 1990, y: 79 },
    { x: 1991, y: 18 }, { x: 1992, y: 78 }, { x: 1993, y: 92 }, { x: 1994, y: 43 }, { x: 1995, y: 29 },
    { x: 1996, y: 14 }, { x: 1997, y: 85 }, { x: 1998, y: 24 }, { x: 1999, y: 61 }, { x: 2000, y: 80 },
    { x: 2001, y: 14 }, { x: 2002, y: 34 }, { x: 2003, y: 81 }, { x: 2004, y: 70 }, { x: 2005, y: 21 },
    { x: 2006, y: 70 }, { x: 2007, y: 32 }, { x: 2008, y: 43 }, { x: 2009, y: 21 }, { x: 2010, y: 63 },
    { x: 2011, y: 9 },  { x: 2012, y: 51 }, { x: 2013, y: 25 }, { x: 2014, y: 96 }, { x: 2015, y: 32 }

Selection Type

You can select multiple points or series, by enabling the isMultiSelect property.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries, Selection } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { selectionData } from './datasource';
function App() {
    const primaryxAxis = { valueType: 'Category' };
    return <ChartComponent id='charts' primaryXAxis={primaryxAxis} title='Olympic Medals' isMultiSelect={true} selectionMode='Point'>
      <Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Selection, Category]}/>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' type='Column'>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='silver' name='Silver' type='Column'>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='bronze' name='Bronze' type='Column'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import {  AxisModel, ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject,
         Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries,  Selection}
import { selectionData } from './datasource';
function App() {

  const primaryxAxis: AxisModel = { valueType: 'Category' };

  return <ChartComponent id='charts'
      title='Olympic Medals' isMultiSelect={true} selectionMode='Point'>
      <Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Selection, Category]} />
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' type='Column'>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='silver' name='Silver' type='Column'>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='bronze' name='Bronze' type='Column'>

export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
export let selectionData = [
    { country: "USA",       gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
    { country: "China",     gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
    { country: "Japan",     gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
    { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
    { country: "France",    gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
    { country: "Germany",   gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
    { country: "Italy",     gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
    { country: "Sweden",    gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }
export let selectionData: Object[] = [
    { country: "USA",       gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
    { country: "China",     gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
    { country: "Japan",     gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
    { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
    { country: "France",    gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
    { country: "Germany",   gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
    { country: "Italy",     gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
    { country: "Sweden",    gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }

Selection on Load

You can able to select a point or series programmatically on a chart using selectedDataIndexes property.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries, Selection } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { selectionData } from './datasource';
function App() {
    const selectedData = [{ series: 0, point: 1 }, { series: 2, point: 3 }];
    const primaryxAxis = { valueType: 'Category' };
    const animation = { enable: false };
    return <ChartComponent id='charts' primaryXAxis={primaryxAxis} title='Olympic Medals' selectedDataIndexes={selectedData} isMultiSelect={true} selectionMode='Point'>
      <Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Selection, Category]}/>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' type='Column' selectionStyle='chartSelection1' animation={animation}></SeriesDirective>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='silver' name='Silver' type='Column' selectionStyle='chartSelection2' animation={animation}></SeriesDirective>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='bronze' name='Bronze' type='Column' selectionStyle='chartSelection3' animation={animation}></SeriesDirective>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { AxisModel, ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject,
         Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries,  Selection }
import { selectionData } from './datasource';
function App() {

  const selectedData: any[] = [{ series: 0, point: 1 }, { series: 2, point: 3 }];
  const primaryxAxis: AxisModel = { valueType: 'Category' };
  const animation = { enable: false };

  return <ChartComponent id='charts'
      title='Olympic Medals' selectedDataIndexes={selectedData}
      isMultiSelect={true} selectionMode='Point'>
      <Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Selection, Category]} />
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' type='Column' selectionStyle='chartSelection1' animation={animation} ></SeriesDirective>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='silver' name='Silver' type='Column' selectionStyle='chartSelection2' animation={animation}></SeriesDirective>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='bronze' name='Bronze' type='Column' selectionStyle='chartSelection3' animation={animation}></SeriesDirective>

export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
export let selectionData = [
    { country: "USA",       gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
    { country: "China",     gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
    { country: "Japan",     gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
    { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
    { country: "France",    gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
    { country: "Germany",   gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
    { country: "Italy",     gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
    { country: "Sweden",    gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }
export let selectionData: Object[] = [
    { country: "USA",       gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
    { country: "China",     gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
    { country: "Japan",     gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
    { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
    { country: "France",    gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
    { country: "Germany",   gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
    { country: "Italy",     gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
    { country: "Sweden",    gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }

Selection through on legend

You can able to select a point or series through on legend using toggleVisibility property. Also, use enableHighlight property for highlighting the series through legend.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries, Highlight, Selection } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { selectionData } from './datasource';
function App() {
  const primaryxAxis = { valueType: 'Category' };
  const legendSettings = { visible: true, toggleVisibility: false, enableHighlight: true };
  return <ChartComponent id='charts' primaryXAxis={primaryxAxis} legendSettings={legendSettings} title='Olympic Medals' selectionMode='Cluster'>
    <Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Selection, Category, Highlight]} />
      <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' type='Column'>
      <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='silver' name='Silver' type='Column'>
      <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='bronze' name='Bronze' type='Column'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import {
  AxisModel, ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject,
  Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries, Highlight, LegendSettingsModel, Selection
  from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { selectionData } from './datasource';
function App() {

  const primaryxAxis: AxisModel = { valueType: 'Category' };
  const legendSettings: LegendSettingsModel = { visible: true, toggleVisibility: false, enableHighlight: true };

  return <ChartComponent id='charts'
    title='Olympic Medals' selectionMode='Cluster' legendSettings={legendSettings}>
    <Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Selection, Category, Highlight]} />
      <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' type='Column'>
      <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='silver' name='Silver' type='Column'>
      <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='bronze' name='Bronze' type='Column'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
export let selectionData = [
    { country: "USA",       gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
    { country: "China",     gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
    { country: "Japan",     gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
    { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
    { country: "France",    gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
    { country: "Germany",   gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
    { country: "Italy",     gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
    { country: "Sweden",    gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }
export let selectionData: Object[] = [
    { country: "USA",       gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
    { country: "China",     gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
    { country: "Japan",     gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
    { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
    { country: "France",    gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
    { country: "Germany",   gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
    { country: "Italy",     gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
    { country: "Sweden",    gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }

Customization for selection

You can apply custom style to selected points or series with selectionStyle property.

import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries, Selection } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { selectionData } from './datasource';
function App() {
    const primaryxAxis = { valueType: 'Category', title: 'Countries' };
    const primaryyAxis = { minimum: 0, maximum: 80, interval: 20, title: 'Medals' };
    return <ChartComponent id='charts' primaryXAxis={primaryxAxis} primaryYAxis={primaryyAxis} title='Olympic Medals' isMultiSelect={true} selectionMode='Point'>
      <Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Selection, Category]}/>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' type='Column' selectionStyle='chartSelection1'></SeriesDirective>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='silver' name='Silver' type='Column' selectionStyle='chartSelection2'></SeriesDirective>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='bronze' name='Bronze' type='Column' selectionStyle='chartSelection3'></SeriesDirective>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { AxisModel, ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject,
         Legend, Category, Tooltip, DataLabel, ColumnSeries,  Selection }
import { selectionData } from './datasource';
function App() {
  const primaryxAxis: AxisModel = { valueType: 'Category', title: 'Countries' };
  const primaryyAxis: AxisModel = { minimum: 0, maximum: 80, interval: 20, title: 'Medals' };

  return <ChartComponent id='charts'
      title='Olympic Medals' isMultiSelect={true} selectionMode='Point'>
      <Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Legend, Tooltip, DataLabel, Selection, Category]} />
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='gold' name='Gold' type='Column' selectionStyle='chartSelection1'></SeriesDirective>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='silver' name='Silver' type='Column' selectionStyle='chartSelection2'></SeriesDirective>
        <SeriesDirective dataSource={selectionData} xName='country' yName='bronze' name='Bronze' type='Column' selectionStyle='chartSelection3'></SeriesDirective>

export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
export let selectionData = [
    { country: "USA",       gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
    { country: "China",     gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
    { country: "Japan",     gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
    { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
    { country: "France",    gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
    { country: "Germany",   gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
    { country: "Italy",     gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
    { country: "Sweden",    gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }
export let selectionData: Object[] = [
    { country: "USA",       gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
    { country: "China",     gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
    { country: "Japan",     gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
    { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
    { country: "France",    gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
    { country: "Germany",   gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
    { country: "Italy",     gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
    { country: "Sweden",    gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }

Note: To use select feature, we need to Inject Selection module into the services.

See Also