- Hierarchy data source binding
- Self-Referential data binding (Flat data)
- Refresh the data source
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Local data in Angular Treegrid component
8 Jun 202424 minutes to read
In Local Data binding, data source for rendering the TreeGrid control is retrieved from the same application locally.
Two types of Data binding are possible with the TreeGrid control.
- Hierarchical Datasource binding
- Self-Referential Data binding (Flat Data)
To bind local data to the treegrid, you can assign a JavaScript object array to the dataSource
property. The local data source can also be provided as an instance of the DataManager
By default,
for local data-binding.
Hierarchy data source binding
The childMapping
property is used to map the child records in hierarchy data source.
The following code example shows you how to bind the hierarchical local data into the TreeGrid control.
import { NgModule,ViewChild } from '@angular/core'
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'
import { TreeGridModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-treegrid'
import { PageService, SortService, FilterService } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-treegrid'
import {ButtonModule} from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-buttons'
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { sampleData } from './datasource';
import {PageSettingsModel } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-grids';
imports: [
providers: [PageService,
standalone: true,
selector: 'app-container',
template: `<ejs-treegrid [dataSource]='data' [treeColumnIndex]='1' childMapping='subtasks'
[allowPaging]="true" [pageSettings]='pageSettings'>
<e-column field='taskID' headerText='Task ID' textAlign='Right' width=90></e-column>
<e-column field='taskName' headerText='Task Name' textAlign='Left' width=180></e-column>
<e-column field='startDate' headerText='Start Date' textAlign='Right' format='yMd' width=90></e-column>
<e-column field='duration' headerText='Duration' textAlign='Right' width=80></e-column>
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
public data?: Object[];
public pageSettings?: PageSettingsModel;
ngOnInit(): void {
this.data = sampleData;
this.pageSettings = { pageSize: 6 };
* TreeGrid DataSource
export let sampleData: Object[] = [
taskID: 1,
taskName: 'Planning',
startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'),
progress: 100,
duration: 5,
priority: 'Normal',
approved: false,
subtasks: [
{ taskID: 2, taskName: 'Plan timeline', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
{ taskID: 3, taskName: 'Plan budget', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Low', approved: true },
{ taskID: 4, taskName: 'Allocate resources', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
{ taskID: 5, taskName: 'Planning complete', startDate: new Date('02/07/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 0, progress: 0, priority: 'Low', approved: true }
taskID: 6,
taskName: 'Design',
startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'),
duration: 3,
progress: 86,
priority: 'High',
approved: false,
subtasks: [
{ taskID: 7, taskName: 'Software Specification', startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/12/2017'), duration: 3, progress: 60, priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
{ taskID: 8, taskName: 'Develop prototype', startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/12/2017'), duration: 3, progress: 100, priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
{ taskID: 9, taskName: 'Get approval from customer', startDate: new Date('02/13/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 2, progress: 100, priority: 'Low', approved: true },
{ taskID: 10, taskName: 'Design Documentation', startDate: new Date('02/13/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 2, progress: 100, priority: 'High', approved: true },
{ taskID: 11, taskName: 'Design complete', startDate: new Date('02/14/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 0, progress: 0, priority: 'Normal', approved: true }
taskID: 12,
taskName: 'Implementation Phase',
startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
priority: 'Normal',
approved: false,
duration: 11,
progress: 66,
subtasks: [
taskID: 13,
taskName: 'Phase 1',
startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
priority: 'High',
approved: false,
progress: 50,
duration: 11,
subtasks: [{
taskID: 14,
taskName: 'Implementation Module 1',
startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
priority: 'Normal',
duration: 11,
progress: 10,
approved: false,
subtasks: [
{ taskID: 15, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'High', approved: false },
{ taskID: 16, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true },
{ taskID: 17, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/20/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/21/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
{ taskID: 18, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/24/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/25/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
{ taskID: 19, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/26/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
{ taskID: 20, taskName: 'Phase 1 complete', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true }
taskID: 21,
taskName: 'Phase 2',
startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
priority: 'High',
approved: false,
duration: 12,
progress: 60,
subtasks: [{
taskID: 22,
taskName: 'Implementation Module 2',
startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
priority: 'Critical',
approved: false,
duration: 12,
progress: 90,
subtasks: [
{ taskID: 23, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/20/2017'), duration: 4, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
{ taskID: 24, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/20/2017'), duration: 4, progress: '50', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
{ taskID: 25, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/21/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/24/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
{ taskID: 26, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/25/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/26/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Low', approved: false },
{ taskID: 27, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
{ taskID: 28, taskName: 'Phase 2 complete', startDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: false }
taskID: 29,
taskName: 'Phase 3',
startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
priority: 'Normal',
approved: false,
duration: 11,
progress: 30,
subtasks: [{
taskID: 30,
taskName: 'Implementation Module 3',
startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
priority: 'High',
approved: false,
duration: 11,
progress: 60,
subtasks: [
{ taskID: 31, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true },
{ taskID: 32, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
{ taskID: 33, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/20/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/21/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
{ taskID: 34, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/24/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/25/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
{ taskID: 35, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/26/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
{ taskID: 36, taskName: 'Phase 3 complete', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import 'zone.js';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent).catch((err) => console.error(err));
- Remote data binding is not supported for Hierarchy Data.
Self-Referential data binding (Flat data)
TreeGrid is rendered from Self-Referential data structures by providing two fields, ID field and parent ID field.
ID Field: This field contains unique values used to identify nodes. Its name is assigned to the
property. -
Parent ID Field: This field contains values that indicate parent nodes. Its name is assigned to the
import { NgModule,ViewChild } from '@angular/core'
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'
import { TreeGridModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-treegrid'
import { PageService, SortService, FilterService } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-treegrid'
import {ButtonModule} from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-buttons'
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { projectData } from './datasource';
imports: [
providers: [PageService,
standalone: true,
selector: 'app-container',
template: `<ejs-treegrid [dataSource]='data' [treeColumnIndex]='1' parentIdMapping='parentID' idMapping='TaskID' height=265 [allowPaging]="true">
<e-column field='TaskID' headerText='Task ID' width='90' textAlign='Right'></e-column>
<e-column field='TaskName' headerText='Task Name' width='170'></e-column>
<e-column field='StartDate' headerText='Start Date' width='130' format="yMd" textAlign='Right'></e-column>
<e-column field='Duration' headerText='Duration' width='80' textAlign='Right'></e-column>
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
public data?: Object[];
ngOnInit(): void {
this.data = projectData;
* TreeGrid DataSource
export let projectData: Object[] = [
{ TaskID: 1, TaskName: 'Parent Task 1', StartDate: new Date('02/23/2017'), Duration: 3, Priority : 'Normal',
EndDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), Progress: '40' },
{ TaskID: 2, TaskName: 'Child Task 1', StartDate: new Date('02/23/2017'), Duration: 4, Priority : 'Low',
EndDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), Progress: '40', parentID: 1 },
{ TaskID: 3, TaskName: 'Child Task 2', StartDate: new Date('02/23/2017'), Duration: 2, Priority : 'Normal',
EndDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), Progress: '40', parentID: 1 },
{ TaskID: 4, TaskName: 'Child Task 3', StartDate: new Date('02/23/2017'), Duration: 2, Priority : 'Low',
EndDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), Progress: '40', parentID: 1 },
{ TaskID: 5, TaskName: 'Parent Task 2', StartDate: new Date('03/14/2017'), Duration: 6, Priority : 'Normal',
EndDate: new Date('03/18/2017'), Progress: '40' },
{ TaskID: 6, TaskName: 'Child Task 1', StartDate: new Date('03/02/2017'), Duration: 11, Priority : 'High',
EndDate: new Date('03/06/2017'), Progress: '40', parentID: 5 },
{ TaskID: 7, TaskName: 'Child Task 2', StartDate: new Date('03/02/2017'), Duration: 7, Priority : 'Critical',
EndDate: new Date('03/06/2017'), Progress: '40', parentID: 5 },
{ TaskID: 8, TaskName: 'Child Task 3', StartDate: new Date('03/02/2017'), Duration: 10, Priority : 'Breaker',
EndDate: new Date('03/06/2017'), Progress: '40', parentID: 5 },
{ TaskID: 9, TaskName: 'Child Task 4', StartDate: new Date('03/02/2017'), Duration: 15, Priority : 'High',
EndDate: new Date('03/06/2017'), Progress: '40', parentID: 5 },
{ TaskID: 10, TaskName: 'Parent Task 3', StartDate: new Date('03/09/2017'), Duration: 17, Priority : 'Breaker',
EndDate: new Date('03/13/2017'), Progress: '40' },
{ TaskID: 11, TaskName: 'Child Task 1', StartDate: new Date('03/9/2017'), Duration: 0, Priority : 'Low',
EndDate: new Date('03/13/2017'), Progress: '40', parentID: 10 },
{ TaskID: 12, TaskName: 'Child Task 2', StartDate: new Date('03/9/2017'), Duration: 10, Priority : 'Breaker',
EndDate: new Date('03/13/2017'), Progress: '40', parentID: 10 },
{ TaskID: 13, TaskName: 'Child Task 3', StartDate: new Date('03/9/2017'), Duration: 11, Priority : 'Normal',
EndDate: new Date('03/13/2017'), Progress: '40', parentID: 10 },
{ TaskID: 14, TaskName: 'Child Task 4', StartDate: new Date('03/9/2017'), Duration: 1, Priority : 'Normal',
EndDate: new Date('03/13/2017'), Progress: '40', parentID: 10 },
{ TaskID: 15, TaskName: 'Child Task 5', StartDate: new Date('03/9/2017'), Duration: 14, Priority : 'Critical',
EndDate: new Date('03/13/2017'), Progress: '40', parentID: 10 }
import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import 'zone.js';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent).catch((err) => console.error(err));
Herewith we have provided list of reserved properties and the purpose used in TreeGrid. We recommend to avoid these reserved properties for Internal purpose(To get rid of conflicts).
Reserved keywords | Purpose |
childRecords | Specifies the childRecords of a parentData |
hasChildRecords | Specifies whether the record contains child records |
hasFilteredChildRecords | Specifies whether the record contains filtered child records |
expanded | Specifies whether the child records are expanded |
parentItem | Specifies the parentItem of childRecords |
index | Specifies the index of current record |
level | Specifies the hierarchy level of record |
filterLevel | Specifies the hierarchy level of filtered record |
parentIdMapping | Specifies the parentID |
uniqueID | Specifies the unique ID of a record |
parentUniqueID | Specifies the parent Unique ID of a record |
checkboxState | Specifies the checkbox state of a record |
isSummaryRow | Specifies the summary of a record |
taskData | Specifies the main data |
primaryParent | Specifies the Primary data |
Refresh the data source
Add or delete the data source through an external button. To reflect the data source changes in the tree grid, you need to invoke the refresh method.
Please follow the below steps to refresh the tree grid after changing the data source:
Step 1:
Add or delete the datasource record by using the following code:
this.treegrid.dataSource.unshift(data); // Add a new record.
this.treegrid.dataSource.splice(selectedRow, 1); // Delete a record.
Step 2:
Refresh the tree grid after changing the datasource by using the refresh
this.treegrid.refresh(); // Refresh the tree grid.
import { NgModule,ViewChild } from '@angular/core'
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'
import { TreeGridModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-treegrid'
import { PageService, SortService, FilterService } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-treegrid'
import {ButtonModule} from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-buttons'
import { DropDownListAllModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-dropdowns'
import { Component, OnInit, } from '@angular/core';
import { TreeGridComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-treegrid';
import { sampleData } from './datasource';
imports: [
providers: [PageService,
standalone: true,
selector: 'app-container',
template: `<button ej-button class="e-flat" (click)="add()">Add</button>
<button ej-button class="e-flat" (click)="delete()">Delete</button>
<ejs-treegrid #treegrid [dataSource]="data" childMapping="subtasks" height="350" [treeColumnIndex]="1" [allowPaging]="true" [pageSettings]="pageSettings">
<e-column field="taskID" headerText="Task ID" width="90" textAlign="Right"></e-column>
<e-column field="taskName" headerText="Task Name" width="200"></e-column>
<e-column field="startDate" headerText="Start Date" width="110" format="yMd" textAlign="Right"></e-column>
<e-column field="endDate" headerText="End Date" width="110" format="yMd" textAlign="Right"></e-column>
<e-column field="duration" headerText="Duration" width="100" textAlign="Right"></e-column>
<e-column field="progress" headerText="Progress" width="80" textAlign="Right"></e-column>
<e-column field="priority" headerText="Priority" width="90"></e-column>
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
public data: Object[] = [];
@ViewChild('treegrid') public treegrid?: TreeGridComponent;
pageSettings: any;
ngOnInit(): void {
this.data = sampleData;
add(): void {
const rdata: object = {
taskID: 102,
taskName: 'New record',
startDate: new Date(8367642e5),
endDate: new Date(8467642e5),
duration: 15,
progress: 100,
priority: 'Normal',
(this.treegrid?.dataSource as object[]).unshift(rdata);
delete(): void {
const selectedRow: number = this.treegrid?.getSelectedRowIndexes()[0] as number;
if (this.treegrid?.getSelectedRowIndexes().length) {
(this.treegrid?.dataSource as object[]).splice(selectedRow, 1);
} else {
alert('No records selected for delete operation');
* TreeGrid DataSource
export let sampleData: Object[] = [
taskID: 1,
taskName: 'Planning',
startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'),
progress: 100,
duration: 5,
priority: 'Normal',
approved: false,
subtasks: [
{ taskID: 2, taskName: 'Plan timeline', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
{ taskID: 3, taskName: 'Plan budget', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Low', approved: true },
{ taskID: 4, taskName: 'Allocate resources', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
{ taskID: 5, taskName: 'Planning complete', startDate: new Date('02/07/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 0, progress: 0, priority: 'Low', approved: true }
taskID: 6,
taskName: 'Design',
startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'),
duration: 3,
progress: 86,
priority: 'High',
approved: false,
subtasks: [
{ taskID: 7, taskName: 'Software Specification', startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/12/2017'), duration: 3, progress: 60, priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
{ taskID: 8, taskName: 'Develop prototype', startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/12/2017'), duration: 3, progress: 100, priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
{ taskID: 9, taskName: 'Get approval from customer', startDate: new Date('02/13/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 2, progress: 100, priority: 'Low', approved: true },
{ taskID: 10, taskName: 'Design Documentation', startDate: new Date('02/13/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 2, progress: 100, priority: 'High', approved: true },
{ taskID: 11, taskName: 'Design complete', startDate: new Date('02/14/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 0, progress: 0, priority: 'Normal', approved: true }
taskID: 12,
taskName: 'Implementation Phase',
startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
priority: 'Normal',
approved: false,
duration: 11,
progress: 66,
subtasks: [
taskID: 13,
taskName: 'Phase 1',
startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
priority: 'High',
approved: false,
progress: 50,
duration: 11,
subtasks: [{
taskID: 14,
taskName: 'Implementation Module 1',
startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
priority: 'Normal',
duration: 11,
progress: 10,
approved: false,
subtasks: [
{ taskID: 15, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'High', approved: false },
{ taskID: 16, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true },
{ taskID: 17, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/20/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/21/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
{ taskID: 18, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/24/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/25/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
{ taskID: 19, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/26/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
{ taskID: 20, taskName: 'Phase 1 complete', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true }
taskID: 21,
taskName: 'Phase 2',
startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
priority: 'High',
approved: false,
duration: 12,
progress: 60,
subtasks: [{
taskID: 22,
taskName: 'Implementation Module 2',
startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
priority: 'Critical',
approved: false,
duration: 12,
progress: 90,
subtasks: [
{ taskID: 23, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/20/2017'), duration: 4, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
{ taskID: 24, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/20/2017'), duration: 4, progress: '50', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
{ taskID: 25, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/21/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/24/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
{ taskID: 26, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/25/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/26/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Low', approved: false },
{ taskID: 27, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
{ taskID: 28, taskName: 'Phase 2 complete', startDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: false }
taskID: 29,
taskName: 'Phase 3',
startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
priority: 'Normal',
approved: false,
duration: 11,
progress: 30,
subtasks: [{
taskID: 30,
taskName: 'Implementation Module 3',
startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
priority: 'High',
approved: false,
duration: 11,
progress: 60,
subtasks: [
{ taskID: 31, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true },
{ taskID: 32, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
{ taskID: 33, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/20/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/21/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
{ taskID: 34, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/24/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/25/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
{ taskID: 35, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/26/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
{ taskID: 36, taskName: 'Phase 3 complete', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import 'zone.js';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent).catch((err) => console.error(err));
Get the content of the tree grid by using the
Get the table content by using thegetContentTable
method in the tree grid.
Destroy the component by using thedestroy
method in the tree grid.