- Customizing the In-place Editor text
- Customizing the In-place Editor action buttons
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CSS structures
17 Feb 20221 minute to read
The following content provides the exact CSS structure that can be used to modify the control’s appearance based on the user preference.
Customizing the In-place Editor text
Use the following CSS to customize the default In-place Editor’s text content properties like font-family, font-size, color and border bottom.
/* To change color, font family and font size */
.e-inplaceeditor .e-editable-value-wrapper .e-editable-value {
border-bottom: 2px dotted green;
color: red;
font-size: 12px;
font-family: Segoe UI
Customizing the In-place Editor action buttons
Use the following CSS to customize the default In-place Editor’s action buttons.
/* To change icon color for save button */
.e-inplaceeditor .e-editable-action-buttons .e-btn-save.e-icon-btn .e-btn-icon.e-icons,
.e-inplaceeditor-tip .e-editable-action-buttons .e-btn-save.e-icon-btn .e-btn-icon.e-icons{
color: green;
/* To change icon color for cancel button */
.e-inplaceeditor .e-editable-action-buttons .e-btn-cancel.e-icon-btn .e-btn-icon.e-icons, .e-inplaceeditor-tip .e-editable-action-buttons .e-btn-cancel.e-icon-btn .e-btn-icon.e-icons {
color: red;
/* To change background color for save button */
.e-inplaceeditor .e-editable-action-buttons .e-btn-save.e-icon-btn,
.e-inplaceeditor-tip .e-editable-action-buttons .e-btn-save.e-icon-btn {
background-color: antiquewhite;
/* To change background color for cancel button */
.e-inplaceeditor .e-editable-action-buttons .e-btn-cancel.e-icon-btn,
.e-inplaceeditor-tip .e-editable-action-buttons .e-btn-cancel.e-icon-btn {
background-color: antiquewhite;