Ej1 api migration in Angular Gantt component
4 Apr 202324 minutes to read
This topic shows the API equivalent of JS2 Gantt component to be used, while migrating your project that uses JS1 Gantt.
Data Binding and Task mapping
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Data Binding |
Property: dataSource <ej-gantt [dataSource]="ganttData"> </ej-gantt>
Property: dataSource <ejs-gantt [dataSource]="ganttData"> </ejs-gantt>
To map id of task from data source |
Property: taskIdMapping <ej-gantt taskIdMapping= "taskID"> </ej-gantt>
Property: <ejs-gantt [taskFields]="taskSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.taskSettings = { id: 'TaskID' };
To map name of task from data source |
Property: taskNameMapping <ej-gantt taskNameMapping= "taskName"> </ej-gantt>
Property: <ejs-gantt [taskFields]="taskSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.taskSettings = { name: 'TaskName' };
To map start date from data source |
Property: startDateMapping <ej-gantt startDateMapping= "startDate"> </ej-gantt>
Property: taskFields.startDate <ejs-gantt [taskFields]="taskSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.taskSettings = { startDate: 'StartDate' };
To map end date from data source |
Property: endDateMapping <ej-gantt endDateMapping= "EndDate"> </ej-gantt>
Property: taskFields.endDate <ejs-gantt [taskFields]="taskSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.taskSettings = { endDate: 'EndDate' };
To map duration from data source |
Property: durationMapping <ej-gantt durationMapping= "duration"> </ej-gantt>
Property: taskFields.duration <ejs-gantt [taskFields]="taskSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.taskSettings = { duration: 'Duration' };
To map duration unit from data source |
Property: durationUnitMapping <ej-gantt durationUnitMapping : "durationUnit"> </ej-gantt>
Property: taskFields.durationUnit <ejs-gantt [taskFields]="taskSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.taskSettings = { durationUnit: 'durationUnit' };
To map predecessors from data source |
Property: predecessorMapping <ej-gantt predecessorMapping : "predecessor"> </ej-gantt>
Property: taskFields.dependency <ejs-gantt [taskFields]="taskSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.taskSettings = { dependency: 'predecessor' };
To map progress from data source |
Property: progressMapping <ej-gantt progressMapping: "progress"> </ej-gantt>
Property: taskFields.progress <ejs-gantt [taskFields]="taskSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.taskSettings = { progress: 'progress' };
To map child task from data source |
Property: childMapping <ej-gantt childMapping : "subTasks"> </ej-gantt>
Property: taskFields.child <ejs-gantt [taskFields]="taskSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.taskSettings = { child: 'subTasks' };
To map baseline start date from data source |
Property: baselineStartDateMapping <ej-gantt baselineStartDateMapping: "baselineStartDate"> </ej-gantt>
Property: taskFields.baselineStartDate <ejs-gantt [taskFields]="taskSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.taskSettings = { baselineStartDate: 'baselineStartDate' };
To map baseline end date from data source |
Property: baselineEndDateMapping <ej-gantt baselineEndDateMapping: "baselineEndDate"> </ej-gantt>
Property: taskFields.baselineEndDate <ejs-gantt [taskFields]="taskSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.taskSettings = { baselineEndDate: 'baselineEndDate' };
To map milestone mapping from data source |
Property: milestoneMapping <ej-gantt milestoneMapping: "isMilestone"> </ej-gantt>
Property: taskFields.milestone <ejs-gantt [taskFields]="taskSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.taskSettings = { milestone: 'isMilestone'' };
To map notes from data source |
Property: notesMapping <ej-gantt notesMapping: "notes"> </ej-gantt>
Property: taskFields.notes <ejs-gantt [taskFields]="taskSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.taskSettings = { notes: 'notes' };
To map parent task id from data source |
Property: parentTaskIdMapping <ej-gantt parentTaskIdMapping: "parentId"> </ej-gantt>
Property: taskFields.parentID <ejs-gantt [taskFields]="taskSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.taskSettings = { parentID: 'parentId' };
To map assigned resources from data source |
Property: resourceInfoMapping <ej-gantt resourceInfoMapping: "assignedResource"> </ej-gantt>
Property: taskFields.resourceInfo <ejs-gantt [taskFields]="taskSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.taskSettings = { resourceInfo: 'assignedResource' };
To map expand state from data source |
Property: expandStateMapping <ej-gantt expandStateMapping: "isExpanded"> </ej-gantt>
Property: taskFields.expandState <ejs-gantt [taskFields]="taskSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.taskSettings = { expandState: 'isExpanded' };
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Default |
Property: allowSorting <ej-gantt [allowSorting]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: allowSorting <ejs-gantt [allowSorting]="true"> </ejs-gantt>
To enable/disable multiple sorting option |
Property: allowMultiSorting <ej-gantt [allowMultiSorting]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: allowSorting <ejs-gantt [allowSorting]="true"> </ejs-gantt>
Sort column Initially |
Property: sortSettings.sortedColumns <ej-gantt [allowSorting]="true" [sortSettings]="sortSettings"> </ej-gantt> TS this.sortSettings = { sortedColumns :[ {field: "taskName", direction: "descending" } ] };
Property: sortSettings.columns <ejs-gantt [allowSorting]="true" [sortSettings]="sortSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.sortSettings = { columns: [{ field: 'TaskID', direction: 'Ascending' }] };
Clear the Sorted columns |
Method: clearSorting() export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public clearSorting(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.clearSorting(); } }
Method: clearSorting() @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.clearSorting();
Sort records in Gantt |
Method: sortColumn(mappingName, columnSortDirection) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public clearSorting(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.sortColumn("startDate","ascending"); } }
Method: sortColumn(columnName, direction,[isMultiSort]) @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.sortColumn('startDate','ascending'); |
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Filter column Initially |
Property: filterSettings.filteredColumns <ej-gantt [filterSettings]="filterSettings"> </ej-gantt> TS this.filterSettings = { filteredColumns: [ { value: "plan", field: "taskName", predicate: "and", operator: "startswith" } ] };
Property: filterSettings.columns <ejs-gantt [filterSettings]="filterSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.filterSettings = { columns: [ { field: 'TaskName', matchCase: false, operator: 'startswith', predicate: 'and', value: 'Identify' } ] };
Filter records in Gantt |
Method: filterColumn(fieldName, filterOperator, filterValue, [predicate], [matchCase]) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public filterColumn(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.filterColumn("taskName", "startswith", "plan"); } }
Method: filterByColumn(fieldName, filterOperator, filterValue, [predicate], [matchCase],[ignoreAccent]) @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.filterByColumn('taskName', 'startswith', 'plan');
Filter multiple columns |
Method: filterContent(ejPredicate) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public filterContent(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); var predicate = ej.Predicate("taskName", ej.FilterOperators.equal, "planning", false) .or("taskName", ej.FilterOperators.equal, "plan budget", false) .and("progress", ej.FilterOperators.equal, 100, true); ganttObj.filterContent(ejPredicate); } }
Not applicable |
Clear filtered columns |
Method: clearFilter() export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public clearFilter(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.clearFilter(); } }
Method: clearFiltering() @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.clearFiltering();
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Default |
Property: toolbarSettings.toolbarItems <ej-gantt [toolbarSettings]="toolbarSettings"> </ej-gantt> TS this.toolbarSettings = { showToolbar: true, toolbarItems : [ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.Search] };
Property: toolbar <ejs-gantt [toolbar]="toolbar> </ejs-gantt> TS this.toolbar = ['Search']; |
Search records in Gantt |
Method: searchItem(key) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public searchItem(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.searchItem("plan"); } }
Method: search(key) @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent;'plan');
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Default |
Property: allowSelection <ej-gantt [allowSelection]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: allowSelection <ejs-gantt [allowSelection]="true"> </ejs-gantt>
To define selection type in Gantt |
Property: selectionType <ej-gantt selectionType="single </ej-gantt>
Property: selectionSettings.type <ejs-gantt [selectionSettings]="selectionSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.selectionSettings = { type: 'Multiple' };
To define selection mode in Gantt |
Property: selectionMode <ej-gantt selectionMode="cell </ej-gantt>
Property: selectionSettings.mode <ejs-gantt [selectionSettings]="selectionSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.selectionSettings = { mode: 'Cell' };
Select Row by Index |
Property: selectedRowIndex <ej-gantt [selectedRowIndex]="selectedRowIndex"> </ej-gantt> TS this.selectedRowIndex = 3
Property: selectedRowIndex <ejs-gantt [selectedRowIndex]='5'> <ejs-gantt>
To define selected cell index in Gantt |
Property: selectedCellIndexes <ej-gantt [selectedCellIndexes]="selectedCellIndexes"> </ej-gantt> TS this.selectedCellIndexes = [ ];
Not applicable |
Select Multiple Cells |
Method: selectCells(Indexes,preservePreviousSelectedCell) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public selectCells(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); var indexes = [{rowIndex:4, cellIndex: 4}, {rowIndex: 3, cellIndex: 3}]; ganttObj.selectCells(indexes, true);
Not Applicable |
Select multiple Rows |
Method: selectMultipleRows(rowIndexes) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public selectMultipleRows(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.selectMultipleRows([1,2,3]); } }
Method: selectRows(key) @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.selectionModule.selectRows([1,2,3]);
Triggers after cell selection action |
Event: cellSelected <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (cellSelected)="cellSelected($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS cellSelected(event) { }
Event: cellSelected <ejs-gantt (cellSelected)="cellSelected($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public cellSelected(event) { }
Triggers on cell selection action |
Event: cellSelecting <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (cellSelecting)="cellSelecting($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS cellSelecting(event) { }
Event: cellSelecting <ejs-gantt (cellSelecting)="cellSelecting($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public cellSelecting(event) { }
Triggers after row selection action |
Event: rowSelected <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (rowSelected)="rowSelected($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS rowSelected(event) { }
Event: rowSelected <ejs-gantt (rowSelected)="rowSelected($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public rowSelected(event) { }
Triggers before row selection action |
Event: rowSelecting <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (rowSelecting)="rowSelecting($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS rowSelecting(event) { }
Event: rowSelecting <ejs-gantt (rowSelecting)="rowSelecting($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public rowSelecting(event) { }
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Default |
Property: editSettings <ej-gantt [editSettings]= "editSettings"> </ej-gantt> TS this.editSettings = { allowEditing: true, allowAdding: true, allowDeleting: true, showDeleteConfirmDialog: true}; });
Property: editSettings <ejs-gantt [editSettings]="editSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.editSettings = { allowEditing: true, allowAdding: true, allowDeleting: true, showDeleteConfirmDialog: true};
Cell Editing |
Property: editSettings.editMode <ej-gantt [editSettings]="editSettings"> </ej-gantt> TS this.editSettings = { editMode: "cellEditing" };
Property: editSettings.mode <ejs-gantt [editSettings]="editSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.editSettings = { mode: "Auto" };
Dialog Editing |
Property: editSettings.editMode <ej-gantt [editSettings]="editSettings"> </ej-gantt> TS this.editSettings = { editMode: "normal" };
Property: editSettings.mode <ejs-gantt [editSettings]="editSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.editSettings = { mode: "Dialog" };
To enable/disable taskbar editing |
Property: allowGanttChartEditing <ej-gantt [allowGanttChartEditing]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: editSettings.allowTaskbarEditing <ejs-gantt [editSettings]="editSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.editSettings = { allowTaskbarEditing: true };
To enable progressbar resizing |
Property: enableProgressBarResizing <ej-gantt [enableProgressBarResizing]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: editSettings.allowTaskbarEditing <ejs-gantt [editSettings]="editSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.editSettings = { allowTaskbarEditing: true };
To enable indent/ outdent option |
Property: editSettings.allowIndent <ej-gantt [editSettings]="editSettings"> </ej-gantt> TS this.editSettings = { allowIndent: true };
Not applicable |
To define click or double click action to begin edit action |
Property: editSettings.beginEditAction <ej-gantt [editSettings]="editSettings"> </ej-gantt> TS this.editSettings = { beginEditAction: 'click' };
Not applicable |
To define new row position in Gantt |
Property: editSettings.rowPosition <ej-gantt [editSettings]="editSettings"> </ej-gantt> TS this.editSettings = { rowPosition: ej.Gantt.RowPosition.AboveSelectedRow};
Property: editSettings.newRowPosition <ejs-gantt [editSettings]="editSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.editSettings = { newRowPosition: 'Below'};
To define fields in edit dialog |
Property: editDialogFields <ej-gantt [editDialogFields]= "editDialogFields"> </ej-gantt> TS this.editDialogFields = [{ field: 'taskName', editType: 'stringedit' }];
Property: editDialogFields <ejs-gantt [editDialogFields]="editDialogFields"> <ejs/gantt> TS this.editDialogFields = [ { type: 'General', fields: ['TaskName'] } ];
To define fields in add dialog |
Property: addDialogFields <ej-gantt [addDialogFields]="addDialogFields"> </ej-gantt> TS this.addDialogFields = [{ field: 'taskName', editType: 'stringedit' }];
Property: addDialogFields <ejs-gantt [addDialogFields]="addDialogFields"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.addDialogFields: [ { type: 'General', fields: ['taskName'] } ];
To make Gantt as read only |
Property: readOnly <ej-gantt [readOnly]= "true"> </ej-gantt>
Not Applicable |
To open Edit dialog |
Method: openEditDialog() export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public openEditDialog(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.openEditDialog(); } }
Method: openEditDialog() @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.openEditDialog();
To open Add dialog |
Method: openAddDialog() export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public openAddDialog(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.openAddDialog(); } }
Method: openAddDialog() @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.openAddDialog();
Add task in Gantt |
Method: addRecord(data, rowPosition) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public addRecord(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); var data = { taskId:"40", taskName:"New Task 40", startDate:"2/20/2014", endDate:"2/25/2014" }; ganttObj.addRecord(data, ej.Gantt.AddRowPosition.Child); } }
Method: addRecord(data, rowPosition, rowIndex) @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; var data = { taskId:"40", taskName:"New Task 40", startDate:"2/20/2014", endDate:"2/25/2014" }; this.ganttObj.addRecord(data, 'Below', 10);
Delete selected item |
Method: deleteItem() export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public deleteItem(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.deleteItem(); } }
Method: deleteRecord() @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.editModule.deleteRecord();
Update task details by id |
Method: updateRecordByTaskId(data) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public updateRecordByTaskId(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); var data = { taskID: 4, taskName: "updated value"}; ganttObj.updateRecordByTaskId(data); } }
Method: updateRecordByID @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; var data = { taskID: 4, taskName: "updated value"}; this.ganttObj.updateRecordByID(data);
Delete dependency |
Method: deleteDependency(fromTaskId,toTaskId) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public deleteDependency(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.deleteDependency(3, 6);
Not applicable |
Save Edit |
Method: saveEdit() export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public saveEdit(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.saveEdit();
Not applicable |
Cancel Edit |
Method: cancelEdit() export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public cancelEdit(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.cancelEdit();
Method: cancelEdit() @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.cancelEdit()
Triggers for every Gantt action before it get started |
Event: actionBegin <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (actionBegin)="actionBegin($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS actionBegin(event) { }
Event: actionBegin <ejs-gantt (actionBegin)="actionBegin($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public actionBegin(event) { }
Triggers for after every Gantt action completed |
Event: actionComplete <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (actionComplete)="actionComplete($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS actionComplete(event) { }
Event: actionComplete <ejs-gantt (actionComplete)="actionComplete($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public actionComplete(event) { }
Triggers while resizing, dragging the taskbar |
Event: taskbarEditing <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (taskbarEditing)="taskbarEditing($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS taskbarEditing(event) { }
Event: taskbarEditing <ejs-gantt (taskbarEditing)="taskbarEditing($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public taskbarEditing(event) { }
Triggers after taskbar resize, drag action |
Event: taskbarEdited <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (taskbarEdited)="taskbarEdited($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS taskbarEdited(event) { }
Event: taskbarEdited <ejs-gantt (taskbarEdited)="taskbarEdited($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public taskbarEdited(event) { }
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
To enable/disable column resize |
Property: allowColumnResize <ej-gantt [allowColumnResize]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: allowResizing <ejs-gantt [allowResizing]="true"> <ejs/gantt>
To enable/disable column chooser |
Property: showColumnChooser <ej-gantt [showColumnChooser]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: showColumnMenu <ejs-gantt [showColumnMenu]="true"> <ejs/gantt>
To enable/disable column add, remove option in column menu |
Property: showColumnOptions <ej-gantt [showColumnOptions]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
Tree column index |
Property: treeColumnIndex <ej-gantt [treeColumnIndex]= "1"> </ej-gantt>
Property: treeColumnIndex <ejs-gantt [treeColumnIndex]= "2"> </ejs-gantt>
To define column fields in column menu |
Property: columnDialogFields <ej-gantt [columnDialogFields]="columnDialogFields"> </ej-gantt> TS this.columnDialogFields = ["field", "headerText", "editType", "width", "visible", "allowSorting", "textAlign", "headerTextAlign"];
Not applicable |
Show column |
Method: showColumn(headerText) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public showColumn(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.showColumn("Task Name");
Method: showColumn(keys, showBy) @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.showColumn("TaskName");
Hide column |
Method: hideColumn(headerText) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public hideColumn(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.hideColumn("Task Name");
Method: hideColumn(keys, showBy) @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.hideColumn("TaskName");
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
To configure default toolbars of Gantt |
Property: toolbarSettings.toolbarItems <ej-gantt [toolbarSettings]= "toolbarSettings"> </ej-gantt> TS this.toolbarSettings = { showToolbar: true, toolbarItems: [ ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.Add, ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.Edit, ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.Delete, ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.Update, ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.Cancel, ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.ExpandAll, ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.CollapseAll, ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.Search, ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.PrevTimeSpan, ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.NextTimeSpan ], }; </ej-gantt>
Property: toolbar <ejs-gantt [toolbar]="toolbar"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.toolbar = ['Add','Edit','Delete','Update','Cancel','ExpandAll', 'CollapseAll','Search','PrevTimeSpan','NextTimeSpan'];
Other toolbars |
Property: toolbarSettings.toolbarItems <ej-gantt [toolbarSettings]= "toolbarSettings"> </ej-gantt> TS this.toolbarSettings = { showToolbar: true, toolbarItems: [ ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.Indent, ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.Outdent, ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.CriticalPath, ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.ExcelExport, ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.PdfExport ];
Not applicable |
Custom toolbar |
Property: toolbarSettings.customToolbarItems <ej-gantt [toolbarSettings]= "toolbarSettings"> </ej-gantt> TS this.toolbarSettings = { showToolbar: true, customToolbarItems: [{ text: "ShowBaseline", tooltipText: "Show Baseline" }, { text: "Reset", tooltipText:"Reset" }] };
Property: toolbar <ejs-gantt [toolbar]="toolbar"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.toolbar = [{text: 'Quick Filter', tooltipText: 'Quick Filter', id: 'toolbarfilter', align:'Right'}];
Triggers when toolbar items clicked |
Event: toolbarClick <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (toolbarClick)="toolbarClick($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS toolbarClick(event) { }
Event: toolbarClick <ejs-gantt (toolbarClick)="toolbarClick($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public toolbarClick(event) { }
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
To enable taskbar tooltip |
Property: enableTaskbarTooltip <ej-gantt [enableTaskbarTooltip]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: tooltipSettings.showTooltip <ejs-gantt [tooltipSettings]="tooltipSettings"> ></ejs-gantt> TS this.tooltipSettings = { showTooltip: true } >
To define tooltip for all cells |
Property: cellTooltipTemplate <ej-gantt cellTooltipTemplate="#CustomToolTip"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To define tooltip template for row drag action |
Property: dragTooltip <ej-gantt [dragTooltip]= "dragTooltip"> </ej-gantt> TS this.dragTooltip = { showTooltip: true };
Not applicable |
To enable taskbar editing tooltip |
Property: enableTaskbarDragTooltip <ej-gantt [enableTaskbarDragTooltip]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Not Applicable |
To enable/disable tooltip for grid cells |
Property: showGridCellTooltip <ej-gantt [showGridCellTooltip]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To enable/disable tooltip for grid cells |
Property: showGridExpandCellTooltip <ej-gantt [showGridExpandCellTooltip]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To define taskbar tooltip template in Gantt |
Property: taskbarTooltipTemplate <ej-gantt taskbarTooltipTemplate="template tooltip string"> </ej-gantt>
Property: tooltipSettings.taskbar <ejs-gantt [tooltipSettings]="tooltipSettings"> ></ejs-gantt> TS this.tooltipSettings = { taskbar: "template tooltip string: } >
To define taskbar tooltip template id in Gantt |
Property: taskbarTooltipTemplateId <ej-gantt taskbarTooltipTemplateId = "#templateId"> </ej-gantt>
Property: tooltipSettings.taskbar <ejs-gantt [tooltipSettings]="tooltipSettings"> ></ejs-gantt> TS this.tooltipSettings = { taskbar : "#templateId" } >
To define tooltip template for connector line |
Property: predecessorTooltipTemplate <ej-gantt predecessorTooltipTemplate= "predecessorTooltipTemplate"> </ej-gantt>
Property: tooltipSettings.connectorLine <ejs-gantt [tooltipSettings]="tooltipSettings"> ></ejs-gantt> TS this.tooltipSettings = { connectorLine : "predecessorTooltip" };
To define template for progress resize tooltip |
Property: progressbarTooltipTemplate <ej-gantt progressbarTooltipTemplate= "progressbarTooltipTemplate"> </ej-gantt>
Property: tooltipSettings.editing <ejs-gantt [tooltipSettings]="tooltipSettings"> ></ejs-gantt> TS this.tooltipSettings = { editing : "template tooltip string" };
To define template id for progress resize tooltip |
Property: progressbarTooltipTemplateId <ej-gantt progressbarTooltipTemplateId= "#tooltipTemplateID"> </ej-gantt>
Property: tooltipSettings.editing <ejs-gantt [tooltipSettings]="tooltipSettings"> ></ejs-gantt> TS this.tooltipSettings = { editing : "#progressResize" };
To define tooltip template for taskbar edit action |
Property: taskbarEditingTooltipTemplate <ej-gantt taskbarEditingTooltipTemplate = "tooltipTemplate"> </ej-gantt>
Property: tooltipSettings.editing <ejs-gantt [tooltipSettings]="tooltipSettings"> ></ejs-gantt> TS this.tooltipSettings = { editing : "template tooltip string" };
To define tooltip template id for taskbar edit action |
Property: taskbarEditingTooltipTemplateId <ej-gantt taskbarEditingTooltipTemplateId = "#templateId"> </ej-gantt>
Property: tooltipSettings.editing <ejs-gantt [tooltipSettings]="tooltipSettings"> ></ejs-gantt> TS this.tooltipSettings = { editing : "#templateId" } >
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
To configure timeline settings in Gantt |
Property: scheduleHeaderSettings <ej-gantt [scheduleHeaderSettings]="scheduleHeaderSettings"> <ej-gantt> TS this.scheduleHeaderSettings = { weekHeaderFormat: "MMM dd , yyyy", dayHeaderFormat: "dd,MM,yy", yearHeaderFormat: "yyyy", monthHeaderFormat: 'MMM", hourHeaderFormat: "HH", scheduleHeaderType: "week", minutesPerInterval: "auto", weekendBackground: "#F2F2F2", timescaleStartDateMode: "auto", timescaleUnitSize:"100%", weekStartDay: 0, updateTimescaleView: true }> </ej-gantt>
Property: timelineSettings <ejs-gantt [timelineSettings]="timelineSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.timelineSettings = { timelineViewMode: 'Week', timelineUnitSize: 33, weekStartDay: 0, showTooltip: true, weekendBackground: ' ' updateTimescaleView: true, topTier: { unit: 'Week', format: 'MMM dd, y', count: 1, formatter: null }, bottomTier: { unit: 'Day', format: 'dd', count: 1, formatter: null } };
To define weekend background in Gantt |
Property: weekendBackground <ej-gantt weekendBackground= "blue"> </ej-gantt>;
Not applicable |
To Highlight weekends |
Property: highlightWeekends <ej-gantt [highlightWeekends]="true"> </ej-gantt>;
Property: highlightWeekends <ejs-gantt [highlightWeekends]="true"> </ejs-gantt>
To include weekends |
Property: includeWeekend <ej-gantt [includeWeekend]="true"> </ej-gantt>;
Property: includeWeekend <ejs-gantt [includeWeekend]="true"> </ejs-gantt>
To define project start date in Gantt |
Property: scheduleStartDate <ej-gantt scheduleStartDate = "3/20/2018"> </ej-gantt>
Property: projectStartDate <ejs-gantt [projectStartDate]="projectStartDate"> </ej-gantt> TS this. projectStartDate = new Date('3/20/2018');
To define project end date in Gantt |
Property: scheduleEndDate <ej-gantt scheduleEndDate = "3/20/2018"> </ej-gantt>
Property: projectEndDate <ejs-gantt [projectEndDate]="projectEndDate"> </ej-gantt> TS this. projectEndDate = new Date('3/20/2018');
Update project start date and end date |
Method: updateScheduleDates(startDate,endDate) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public updateScheduleDates(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.updateScheduleDates("5/25/2017", "9/27/2017"); } }
Method: updateProjectDates(startDate, endDate, isTimelineRoundOff) @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.updateProjectDates("5/25/2017", "9/27/2017", true);
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
To enable/disable row drag and drop |
Property: allowDragAndDrop <ej-gantt [allowDragAndDrop]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To enable/disable alternate row background |
Property: enableAltRow <ej-gantt [enableAltRow]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To add Row height |
Property: rowHeight <ej-gantt [rowHeight]="60"> </ej-gantt>
Property: rowHeight <ejs-gantt [rowHeight]="60"> </ejs-gantt>
To render parent in collapsed state |
Property: enableCollapseAll <ej-gantt [enableCollapseAll]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: collapseAllParentTasks <ejs-gantt [collapseAllParentTasks]="true" >
Expand/collapse record by id |
Method: expandCollapseRecord(taskId) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public expandCollapseRecord(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.expandCollapseRecord(1); } }
Method: collapseByID() expandByID() @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.expandByID(1); this.ganttObj.collapseByID(1);
Expand all rows |
Method: expandAllItems() export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public expandAllItems(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.expandAllItems(); } }
Method: expandAll() @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.expandAll();
Collapse all rows |
Method: collapseAllItems() export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public collapseAllItems(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.collapseAllItems(); } }
Method: collapseAll() @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.collapseAll();
Triggers after row collapse action |
Event: collapsed <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (collapsed)="collapsed($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS collapsed(event) { }
Event: collapsed <ejs-gantt (collapsed)="collapsed($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public collapsed(event) { }
Triggers before row collapse action |
Event: collapsing <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (collapsing)="collapsing($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS collapsing(event) { }
Event: collapsing <ejs-gantt (collapsing)="collapsing($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public collapsing(event) { }
Triggers after Gantt row was expanded |
Event: expanded <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (expanded)="expanded($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS expanded(event) { }
Event: expanded <ejs-gantt (expanded)="expanded($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public expanded(event) { }
Triggers before Gantt row expand action |
Event: expanding <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (expanding)="expanding($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS expanding(event) { }
Event: expanding <ejs-gantt (expanding)="expanding($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public expanding(event) { }
Triggers before grid rows render action |
Event: rowDataBound <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (rowDataBound)="rowDataBound($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS rowDataBound(event) { }
Event: rowDataBound <ejs-gantt (rowDataBound)="rowDataBound($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public rowDataBound(event) { }
Triggers while dragging a row |
Event: rowDrag <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (rowDrag)="rowDrag($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS rowDrag(event) { }
Not applicable |
Triggers while while start to drag row |
Event: rowDragStart <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (rowDragStart)="rowDragStart($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS rowDrag(event) { }
Not applicable |
Triggers while while drop a row |
Event: rowDragStop <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (rowDragStop)="rowDragStop($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS rowDrag(event) { }
Not applicable |
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
To map resources |
Property: resources <ej-gantt [resources]="resources"> </ej-gantt> TS this.resources =[{id:1; name:"jack" }];
Property: resources <ejs-gantt [resources]="resources"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.resources =[{ resourceId: 1, resourceName: 'Martin Tamer' }];
To map resource id field from resource collection |
Property: resourceIdMapping <ej-gantt resourceIdMapping ="id"> </ej-gantt>
Property: resourceIDMapping <ejs-gantt resourceIDMapping='resourceId'> </ejs-gantt>
To map resource name field from resource collection |
Property: resourceNameMapping <ej-gantt resourceNameMapping = "name"> </ej-gantt>
Property: resourceNameMapping <ejs-gantt resourceNameMapping='resourceName'> </ejs-gantt>
To map resource unit field from assigned resource collection |
Property: resourceUnitMapping <ej-gantt resourceUnitMapping = "Unit"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To define resource view type of Gantt |
Property: viewType <ej-gantt [viewType]= "viewType"> </ej-gantt> TS this.viewType = ej.Gantt.ViewType.ResourceView> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To define mapping property for resource collection in resource view Gantt |
Property: resourceCollectionMapping <ej-gantt resourceCollectionMapping= "resources"> </ej-gantt>
Not Applicable |
To map task collection from resources for resource view Gantt |
Property: taskCollectionMapping <ej-gantt taskCollectionMapping= "tasks"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To map group id for resource view Gantt |
Property: groupIdMapping <ej-gantt groupIdMapping= "groupId"> </ej-gantt>
Not Applicable |
To map group name for resource view Gantt |
Property: groupNameMapping <ej-gantt groupNameMapping= "groupName"> </ej-gantt>
Not Applicable |
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
To render baseline |
Property: renderBaseline <ej-gantt [renderBaseline] = "true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: renderBaseline <ejs-gantt [renderBaseline]="true"> </ejs-gantt>
To define baselineColor |
Property: baselineColor <ej-gantt [baselineColor]= "blue"> </ej-gantt>
Property: baselineColor <ejs-gantt baselineColor="red"> </ejs-gantt>
Context Menu
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
To enable context menu |
Property: enableContextMenu <ej-gantt [enableContextMenu]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: enableContextMenu <ejs-gantt [enableContextMenu]="true" >
To define custom menu items |
Event: contextMenuOpen <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (contextMenuOpen)="contextMenuOpen($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS contextMenuOpen(event) { event.contextMenuItems.push({ headerText: "Expand/Collapse", menuId: "expand", iconPath: "url(Expand-02-WF.png)", eventHandler: function() { //event handler for custom menu items } }); } }
Property: contextMenuItems <ejs-gantt [contextMenuItems]="contextMenuItems"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.contextMenuItems = [ { text: 'Collapse the Row', target: '.e-content', id: 'collapserow' } as ContextMenuItemModel, { text: 'Expand the Row', target: '.e-content', id: 'expandrow' } as ContextMenuItemModel ];
Triggers before context menu opens |
Event: contextMenuOpen <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (contextMenuOpen)="contextMenuOpen($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS contextMenuOpen(event) { }
Event: contextMenuOpen <ejs-gantt (contextMenuOpen)="contextMenuOpen($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public contextMenuOpen(event) { }
Scheduling Tasks
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
To define task scheduling mode in Gantt |
Property: taskSchedulingMode <ej-gantt [taskSchedulingMode]= "taskSchedulingMode"> </ej-gantt> TS this.taskSchedulingMode = ej.Gantt.TaskSchedulingMode.Auto;
Not applicable |
To map task scheduling mode from data source |
Property: taskSchedulingModeMapping <ej-gantt taskSchedulingModeMapping= "taskMode"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To enable schedule date validation while task predecessor draw action |
Property: validateManualTasksOnLinking <ej-gantt [validateManualTasksOnLinking]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To define working time range of day |
Property: dayWorkingTime <ej-gantt [dayWorkingTime]="dayWorkingTime"> </ej-gantt> TS this.dayWorkingTime = [{ "from": "08:00 AM", "to": "12:00 PM" }];
Property: dayWorkingTime <ejs-gantt [dayWorkingTime]="dayWorkingTime"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.dayWorkingTime = [ { from: 9, to: 18 } ];
To enable rounding off date value in taskbar editing |
Property: roundOffDayworkingTime <ej-gantt [roundOffDayworkingTime]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To define non-working background color |
Property: nonWorkingBackground <ej-gantt nonWorkingBackground = "#0000FF"> </ej-gantt>
Not Applicable |
To highlight non working time range in Gantt |
Property: highlightNonWorkingTime <ej-gantt [highlightNonWorkingTime]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Not Applicable |
To set working days of a week |
Property: workweek <ej-gantt [workweek]= "workweek"> </ej-gantt> TS this.workweek = ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday"];
Property: workWeek <ejs-gantt [workWeek]="workWeek"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.workWeek = ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday"];
To enable/disable Unscheduled tasks |
Property: allowUnscheduledTask <ej-gantt [allowUnscheduledTask]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: allowUnscheduledTasks <ejs-gantt allowUnscheduledTasks="true"> </ejs-gantt>
Appearance and Customizations
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
To define taskbar background type in Gantt |
Property: taskbarBackground <ej-gantt taskbarBackground = "#F2F2F2"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To define background color for parent taskbar |
Property: parentTaskbarBackground <ej-gantt parentTaskbarBackground= "#F2F2F2"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To add Taskbar height |
Property: taskbarHeight <ej-gantt [taskbarHeight]="25" [rowHeight]="40"> </ej-gantt>
Property: taskbarHeight <ejs-gantt [taskbarHeight]="50" [rowHeight]="60"> </ejs-gantt>
To define background color for parent progress bar |
Property: parentProgressbarBackground <ej-gantt parentProgressbarBackground= "#F2F2F2"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To define background color fro progress bar |
Property: progressbarBackground <ej-ganttprogressbarBackground= "#F2F2F2"> </ej-gantt>
Not Applicable |
To define height for progress bar |
Property: progressbarHeight <ej-gantt progressbarHeight= "100"> </ej-gantt>
Not Applicable |
To render progress status taskbar |
Property: showProgressStatus <ej-gantt [showProgressStatus] = "true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: labelSettings.taskLabel <ejs-gantt [labelSettings]="labelSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.labelSettings = { taskLabel: '${Progress}%' };
To set connectorline width |
Property: connectorlineWidth <ej-gantt [connectorlineWidth]= 2> </ej-gantt>
Property: connectorLineWidth <ejs-gantt [connectorLineWidth]='3'> </ejs-gantt>
To set connectorline background |
Property: connectorLineBackground <ej-gantt connectorLineBackground="#F2F2F2">> </ej-gantt>
Property: connectorLineBackground <ejs-gantt connectorLineBackground="red"> </ejs-gantt>
To define weekend background in Gantt |
Property: weekendBackground <ej-gantt weekendBackground = "blue"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To define taskbar template |
Property: taskbarTemplate <ej-gantt taskbarTemplate= "#TaskbarTemplate"> </ej-gantt>
Property: taskbarTemplate <ejs-gantt taskbarTemplate="#TaskbarTemplate"> </ejs-gantt>
To define parent taskbar template |
Property: parentTaskbarTemplate <ej-gantt parentTaskbarTemplate= "#parentTaskbarTemplate"> </ej-gantt>
Property: parentTaskbarTemplate <ejs-gantt parentTaskbarTemplate= "#parentTaskbarTemplate"> </ejs-gantt>
To define milestone template |
Property: milestoneTemplate <ej-gantt milestoneTemplate= "#milestoneTemplate"> </ej-gantt>
Property: milestoneTemplate <ejs-gantt milestoneTemplate= '#MilestoneTemplate'> </ejs-gantt>
To define right task label |
Property: rightTaskLabelMapping <ej-gantt rightTaskLabelMapping = "taskName"> </ej-gantt>
Property: labelSettings.rightLabel <ejs-gantt [labelSettings]="labelSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.labelSettings = { rightLabel: '${taskData.Progress}' };
To define left task label |
Property: leftTaskLabelMapping <ej-gantt leftTaskLabelMapping= "taskId"> </ej-gantt>
Property: labelSettings.leftLabel <ejs-gantt [labelSettings]="labelSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.labelSettings = { leftLabel: 'TaskID' };
To define right task label template |
Property: rightTaskLabelTemplate <ej-gantt rightTaskLabelTemplate = "#customTaskRightLabel"> </ej-gantt>
Property: labelSettings.rightLabel <ejs-gantt [labelSettings]="labelSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.labelSettings = { rightLabel: '#rightLabel'};
To define left task label template |
Property: leftTaskLabelTemplate <ej-gantt leftTaskLabelTemplate= "#customTaskLeftLabel"> </ej-gantt>
Property: labelSettings.leftLabel <ejs-gantt [labelSettings]="labelSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.labelSettings = { leftLabel: '#leftLabel'};
To render resource names right to taskbar |
Property: showResourceNames <ej-gantt [showResourceNames]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: labelSettings.rightLabel <ejs-gantt [labelSettings]="labelSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.labelSettings = { rightLabel: 'resourceInfo'};
To render task name left to taskbar |
Property: showTaskNames <ej-gantt [showTaskNames]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: labelSettings.leftLabel <ejs-gantt [labelSettings]="labelSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.labelSettings = { leftLabel: 'taskName'};
Triggers on taskbar rendering action |
Event: queryTaskbarInfo <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (queryTaskbarInfo)="queryTaskbarInfo($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS queryTaskbarInfo(event) { }
Event: queryTaskbarInfo <ejs-gantt (queryTaskbarInfo)="queryTaskbarInfo($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public queryTaskbarInfo(event) { }
Triggers on grid cell rendering action |
Event: queryCellInfo <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (queryCellInfo)="queryCellInfo($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS queryCellInfo(event) { }
Event: queryCellInfo <ejs-gantt (queryCellInfo)="queryCellInfo($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public queryCellInfo(event) { }
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
To define striplines |
Property: stripLines <ej-gantt [stripLines]= "stripLines"> </ej-gantt> TS this.stripLines = [ { day: "01/02/2014",label: "Project Release", lineStyle: "dotted", lineColor: "blue", lineWidth: 2 } ];
Property: eventMarkers <ejs-gantt [eventMarkers]="eventMarkers"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.eventMarkers = [ { day: '04/10/2019', cssClass: 'e-custom-event-marker', label: 'Project approval and kick-off'} ];
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
To define holidays |
Property: holidays <ej-gantt [holidays]= "holidays"> </ej-gantt> TS this.holidays = [ { day: "2/03/2014", label: " Public holiday", background: "yellow" } ];
Property: holidays <ejs-gantt [holidays] = "holidays"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.holidays = [ { from: "04/04/2019", to:"04/05/2019", label: " Public holidays", cssClass:"e-custom-holiday"} ];
To define days in holiday collection |
Property: <ejs-gantt [holidays] = "holidays"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.holidays = [ { day:"12/2/2000" } ];
Property: holidays.from <ejs-gantt [holidays] = "holidays"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.holidays = [ { from: "3/20/2018" } ];
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
To define height for Gantt |
Property: sizeSettings.height <ej-gantt [sizeSettings]= "sizeSettings"> </ej-gantt> TS this.sizeSettings = { height: "450px" };
Property: height <ejs-gantt height="430px"> </ejs-gantt>
To define width for Gantt |
Property: sizeSettings.width <ej-gantt [sizeSettings]= "sizeSettings"> </ej-gantt> TS this.sizeSettings = { width: "700px" }> </ej-gantt>
Property: width <ejs-gantt width="700px"> </ejs-gantt>
To change splitter position |
Property: splitterPosition <ej-gantt [splitterSettings]= "splitterSettings"[splitterPosition] = "50%"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To change splitter by position |
Property: splitterSettings.position <ej-gantt [splitterSettings]= "splitterSettings"> </ej-gantt> TS this.splitterSettings = { position: "50%" };
Property: splitterSettings.position <ejs-gantt [splitterSettings]="splitterSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.splitterSettings = { position: "50%" };
To change splitter by index |
Property: splitterSettings.index <ej-gantt [splitterSettings]= "splitterSettings"> </ej-gantt> TS this.splitterSettings = { index : "3" };
Property: splitterSettings.columnIndex <ejs-gantt [splitterSettings]="splitterSettings"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.splitterSettings = { columnIndex : "3" };
To define view type of Gantt |
Property: viewType <ej-gantt [viewType]= "viewType"> </ej-gantt> TS this.viewType = ej.Gantt.ViewType.ProjectView> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To enable Localization |
Property: locale <ej-gantt locale="fr-FR"> </ej-gantt>
Property: locale <ejs-gantt locale="fr-FR"> </ejs-gantt>
To specify the date format for Gantt |
Property: dateFormat <ej-gantt dateFormat= "dd/MM/yyyy"> </ej-gantt>
Property: dateFormat <ejs-gantt dateFormat= "dd/MM/yyyy"> </ejs-gantt>
To enable/disable key navigation |
Property: allowKeyboardNavigation <ej-gantt [allowKeyboardNavigation]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: allowKeyboard <ejs-gantt [allowKeyboard]="true" > </ejs-gantt>
To enable serial number support |
Property: enableSerialNumber <ej-gantt [enableSerialNumber]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To enable/disable predecessor validation |
Property: enablePredecessorValidation <ej-gantt [enablePredecessorValidation]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Property: enablePredecessorValidation <ejs-gantt [enablePredecessorValidation]="true"> </ejs-gantt>
To set timescale for working hours |
Property: workingTimeScale <ej-gantt [workingTimeScale]= "workingTimeScale"> </ej-gantt> TS this.workingTimeScale = ej.Gantt.workingTimeScale.TimeScale24Hours;
Property: dayWorkingTime <ejs-gantt [dayWorkingTime]="dayWorkingTime"> </ejs-gantt> TS this.dayWorkingTime = [ { from: 0, to: 24 } ];
To enable work break down structure in Gantt |
Property: enableWBS <ej-gantt [enableWBS] ="true"> </ej-gantt>
Not Applicable |
To enable work break down structure predecessor in Gantt |
Property: enableWBSPredecessor <ej-gantt [enableWBSPredecessor] ="true"> </ej-gantt>
Not Applicable |
To map work value from data source |
Property: workMapping <ej-gantt workMapping = "estimatedHours"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To define work unit for tasks |
Property: workUnit <ej-gantt [workUnit]= "workUnit"> </ej-gantt> TS this.workUnit = ej.Gantt.WorkUnit.Day;
Not applicable |
To define task type in Gantt |
Property: taskType <ej-gantt [taskType]= "taskType"> </ej-gantt> TS this.taskType = ej.Gantt.TaskType.FixedWork;
Not applicable |
To enable/disable multiple exporting option |
Property: allowMultipleExporting <ej-gantt [allowMultipleExporting]="true"> </ej-gantt>
Not applicable |
To enable virtual rendering in Gantt |
Property: enableVirtualization <ej-gantt [enableVirtualization] ="true"> </ej-gantt>
Not Applicable |
Change splitter position dynamically |
Method: setSplitterIndex(index) setSplitterPosition(width) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public setSplitterIndex(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.setSplitterIndex(3); this.ganttObj.ejGantt("setSplitterPosition","40%"); |
Method: setSplitterPosition(value,type) @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.setSplitterPosition('40%', 'position'); this.ganttObj.setSplitterPosition(3, 'columnIndex');
To destroy Gantt |
Method: destroy() export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public destroy(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.destroy(); } }
Method: destroy() @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.destroy();
To update task id |
Method: updateTaskId(currentId, newId) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public updateTaskId(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.updateTaskId(5, 7); } }
Not applicable |
To set scroll top for Gantt |
Method: setScrollTop(top) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public updateTaskId(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.setScrollTop(50); } }
Method: setScrollTop() @ViewChild('gantt') public ganttObj: GanttComponent; this.ganttObj.setScrollTop(200);
To get columns to edit in resource view |
Method: getResourceViewEditColumns() export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public getResourceViewEditColumns(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); columns = ganttObj.getResourceViewEditColumns()
Not applicable |
Show/hide critical path in Gantt |
Method: showCriticalPath(isShown) export class AppComponent { constructor() { //... } public showCriticalPath(event) { var ganttObj = $("#Gantt").ejGantt("instance"); ganttObj.showCriticalPath(true); } }
Not applicable |
Triggers on initialization of Gantt control |
Event: load <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (load)="load($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS load(event) { }
Event: load <ejs-gantt (load)="load($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public load(event) { }
Triggers after splitter resize action |
Event: splitterResized <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (splitterResized)="splitterResized($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS splitterResized(event) { }
Event: splitterResized <ejs-gantt (splitterResized)="splitterResized($event)"> </ejs-gantt> TS public splitterResized(event) { }
Triggers when taskbar item is clicked |
Event: taskbarClick <ej-gantt id="Gantt" (taskbarClick)="taskbarClick($event)"> </ej-gantt> TS taskbarClick(event) { }
Not applicable |