Essential Studio for EJ2 JavaScript Release Notes

December 03, 2024


Bug Fixes

  • #I642521, #I642106 - Interaction issues in the Safari browser with iPad devices have been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I653576 - Now, the data label for zero will not overlap with the previous rectangle in inverted stacking series.
  • #I656631 - The data label for the polar and radar series renders properly, even when it collides with the axis.
  • #I657609 - Now, the legend tooltip text updates properly when changes are made in the legend render event.


Bug Fixes

  • #I656496 - The shadow region is no longer drawn while creating a freehand connector with DragSegmentThumb enabled.
  • #I656689 - The resize cursor is now enabled even for phases with small widths, allowing them to be resized.
  • #I657602 - Ports now rotate properly with the node after performing Group and Flip actions.
  • #I655032 - The z-order of native nodes now updates properly at the UI level during undo and redo actions.


Bug Fixes

  • #I646634 - Resolved the horizontal and vertical border rendering issue when applying the cell background in the table.
  • #I648872 - Resolved the issue with paragraph indentation in lists when opening .docx files in the Document Editor.
  • #I647138, #I657678 - Resolved the font rendering issue that occurred when opening Chinese text documents in the Document Editor.
  • #I647834 - Resolved the layout issue that occurred when performing undo and redo operations.
  • #I649032 - Resolved the issue where table properties were not applied when a non-English locale was set in the Document Editor.
  • #I651642 - Resolved the script error issue related to layout when the document has a column break.
  • #I652084 - Resolved the issue with text visibility inside the table when the table has cell shading.

Bug Fixes

  • #I652479 - Resolved the duplicate ID issue in the Dropdown Tree component, which is impacting accessibility.

  • #I658444 - Resolved the console error that occurred when selecting the Select All option after adding a new item to the Dropdown Tree component through the search functionality.

  • #F195051 - The issue with pre-selecting child nodes in the Dropdown Tree component for Remote data has been resolved.

  • #I656345 - The issue with child items being skipped when navigating tree items with the down arrow key while the filtering input is active in the Dropdown Tree has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I657144 - Fixed an issue with the move event arguments in the File Manager component’s flat data support.
  • #I656248 - Addressed an issue with search results in the File Manager component’s flat data support when searching within a subdirectory.
  • #I655646 - Resolved the delete operation issue while performing delete operation for nested level of folder in the File Manager component navigation pane.
  • #I658910 - The issue with navigation pane not reflect the renamed item data in File Manager component has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I643775 - The queryTaskbarInfo event wasn’t triggered for virtualization with multiple taskbars enabled and tasks in a collapsed state issue has been fixed.
  • #I660550 - Work calculation not working properly while changing end Date in grid columns issue has been fixed.
  • #I660532 - SchedulingType Value Resets to Null even we passed value issue has been fixed.
  • #I652260 - Splitter persistence object is not working properly in local storage issue has been fixed.
  • #I658881 - Right label is not rendered properly while giving decimal value for duration issue has been fixed.
  • #I654502 - fontFamily is not changing in the PDF export for header and footer issue has been fixed.
  • #F194824 - On expand parent records, data not aligned properly when loadChildOnDemand and virtualization enabled issue has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I645200 - Fixed an issue where focus would get stuck on the toolbar’s last element if the checkbox column was the first and set to hidden.
  • #I655341 - Resolved an issue where the resize line was not appearing while resizing frozen columns.


Bug Fixes

  • #I654492 - The issue with the dynamic data source update in ListView virtualization has been resolved.

MultiColumn ComboBox


  • #I645254 - Now we have provided support for resizing columns in the Multicolumn ComboBox.


Bug Fixes

  • #I655507 - Fixed an issue where the selected value was not loading after scrolling the popup.

  • #I659840 - Fixed the issue where the Clear icon was not functioning properly.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I649989 - Now, the image quality of the printed document is properly preserved.
  • #I646167 - Now, the scrolling is consistent during word search at high zoom levels.
  • #I651103 - Now, the tab navigation works properly in the customer provided document.
  • #I641323 - Now, the PDF pages render properly when performing a text search in the provided document.
  • #I641323 - Now, the text search match count is displayed correctly when searching for the first word on a PDF page.
  • #I656223 - Now, the custom stamp dialog opens on the desktop when the enableDesktopMode API is set to true.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #I655109 - The calculated field option will now work properly with the ‘Defer Layout Update’ option enabled in the pivot table when using the server-side engine.


Bug Fixes

  • #F195165 - Now, the font color is correctly applied to the specified pasted text content in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I656600 - Now, the background color is applied correctly when formatting multiple pieces of content in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I622428 - Now, setting the font size and font family to null works correctly in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I656594 - - #I656594 - Now, decreasing indent using outdent toolbar icon works properly.

  • #I651237 - Now, when multiple iframes are embedded in the document, the Rich Text Editor’s resizing operation will stop upon triggering the mouseup event within any of the iframes.

  • #I652730 - Now, the undo action is working properly when pressing backspace before the DIV element in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I653810 - Now, the list items are pasted correctly when copied from Word documents into the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I919705 - Now, the pasted image other than the allowed types is being prevented in the Rich Text Editor.


Bug fixes

  • #I657588 - The issue with the schedule’s current time indicator not being properly aligned has been resolved


Bug Fixes

  • #I649636 - An issue where the Tab selecting event isInteracted field value returned false in random cases upon item selection through interaction when the allowDragAndDrop property is enabled has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I656345 - The issue with child items being skipped when navigating tree items with the down arrow key while the filtering input is active in the DropdownTree has been resolved.
Note : The bug or feature items that do not have a corresponding ID associated with them are internally identified.