Essential Studio for EJ2 JavaScript Release Notes

November 21, 2024


Bug Fixes

  • #I659555 - Now, the minor gridlines and ticks are rendered in canvas mode.

New Features

  • #I567864 - Legends can be arranged horizontally or vertically, with a fixed-width option and a maximum column count for consistent and flexible presentation.
  • #I620773 - The crosshair now snaps to the nearest data point, providing improved precision and focus on individual data points.
  • #F194134 - Users can now customize the position of the zoom toolbar within the chart using drag-and-drop functionality, allowing easy repositioning anywhere within the chart area.
  • Users can now customize the ARIA label, role, tab index, and focusable options for chart elements to improve accessibility and keyboard navigation.
  • Added options for adjusting the spacing between the chart area and container.
  • When hovering over a data point, the corresponding series is now highlighted, improving clarity and interaction with the tooltip.

Breaking Changes

  • The default value of the edgeLabelPlacement property has been changed from None to Shift for better visibility of axis labels.



  • The context menu now includes scroller support, improving accessibility and usability across all devices. Submenus dynamically adjust to fit the available screen space.

  • The context menu now includes Template Support, enabling the embedding of custom layouts, controls, or components for seamless integration of text, buttons, images, and icons.


Bug Fixes

  • #I650290 - Enhanced the transition effect when performing drag and drop between panels in the Dashboard component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I647572 - Image node opacity is now applied in exported images.
  • #I644133 - Resolved the issue with drawing Polyline connector on iPad.
  • #I644139 - Improved touch interactions for selecting and editing nodes.
  • #I642023 - Multiple selected child nodes of a Swimlane can be moved to a different lane smoothly.
  • #I651070 - Deleted nodes now no longer reappear after interacting with nodes
  • #I652278 - The elementDraw event is now triggered for freehand connectors, polyline connectors, and polygon shapes.


Bug Fixes

  • #I642653 - Resolved the XML mapping data document importing issue.
  • #I639842 - Resolved the layouting issue in RTL table.
  • #I644826 - Resolved the comments escape characters issue when opening exported document.
  • #I645913 - Resolved the selection issue incorrect behaviour with Comments.
  • #I623329 - Resolved the performance issues with document editor.
  • #I650898 - Resolved the Document generates a corrupted docx issue.
  • #I643649 - Now selection in document does not get changed after modifying the style.
  • #I644795 - Resolved the adding enter in syncfusion editor leads to weird tab behaviour issue.
  • #I645817 - Resolved the change case functionality bugs.
  • #I645091 - Resolved the table text outside table at end of page issue.


  • The DropDownButton now includes a Template supports embedding custom layouts, controls, or components, allowing for flexible integration of text, buttons, images, and icons to enhance user-friendliness.

  • The DropDownButton component now includes a PopupWidth property, enabling users to define the width of its popup, providing enhanced design flexibility.

  • The DropDownButton component now includes the AnimationSettings feature, enabling users to customize popup animations by controlling the duration, easing, and effects. This enhancement improves visual appeal, ensures smooth transitions, and provides a consistent interactive experience.

Bug Fixes

  • I639573 - Resolved an issue where all child nodes of a parent node were automatically selected upon reopening the Dropdown Tree component after filtering and selecting the parent node.


Bug Fixes

  • #I649098 - Resolved a console error that occurred during drag-and-drop operations in the File Manager component when integrated with the NodeJS service.


Bug fixes

  • #I648941 - Critical path style not updated using dialog edit issue has been fixed.
  • #I645586 - Last 3 rows of the taskbar are not exported when performing PDF export with the pageOrientation set Portrait issue has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I652520 - Resolved an issue where a script error was thrown when hovering over the stacked header column.
  • #I647846 - Fixed a script error that occurred when calling the updateRow method with an invalid row index.
  • #I650873 - Resolved an issue where the paste action could not be performed on a template cell in the Grid.
  • #I649529 - Fixed a script error that occurred while searching for unavailable data with the checkbox and persistSelection options enabled, and at least one column grouped.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with “Listbox moveTo method thrown script error when toolbarSettings property is empty” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I451885 - Resolved the performance issue when multiselect component is rendered with large number of data.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I652381 - Now, the signature with custom font is visible properly in downloaded PDF document.
  • #I645218 - Now, the memory out-of-bounds exception no longer occurs in Vue 2.
  • #I651818 - Now, the dropdown values are correctly preserved when opening the PDF document, with different item names and values for the dropdown options.
  • #I645714 - Now, the added text markup annotation bounds and the exported annotation bounds are the same.
  • #I645043 - Now, the radio button field data is not lost when scrolling through the provided document.
  • #I646730 - Now, the Text Selection and Pan keyboard shortcuts are disabled when the corresponding options are not available in the toolbar.
  • #I635071 - Now, the checkbox form fields are properly checked in the downloaded document.

New Features

  • #I593597 - Added support for preserving unicode text in free text annotations within the standalone PDF Viewer.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #I645195 - The pivot table will now display the proper data based on the current page size when using the paging option.
  • #I645619 - The error popup will now appear correctly when entering an invalid formula in the calculated field UI.


Bug Fixes

  • #I656029 - Now, the link quick toolbar now opens properly in the Firefox browser when the link is inside a table in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I659319 - Now, the inline emoji picker popup now closes properly after certain characters when the No Result Found status is displayed in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I659591 - Now, the content now scrolls to the cursor position correctly when inserted through the executeCommand method in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I648421 - Now, enhanced the documentation for imageUploadFailed and imageUploadSuccess events in the Rich Text Editor to include detailed descriptions of the event parameters.

  • #I657212 - Now, when adding an emoji before or after a URL, it will remain separate and will not be included in the link’s display text.


Bug fixes

  • #F194681 - An issue where a script error occurred while editing an existing event in the scheduler component has been resolved.

Stock Chart

New Features

  • #I620773 - The crosshair now snaps to the nearest data point, providing improved precision and focus on individual data points.

Tree Grid


  • Provided support for inline editing with virtualization enabled. Please find the demo here.
  • #I323425, #I332700, #I344742, #I375307 - Provided support for frozen column with virtualization enabled.
Note : The bug or feature items that do not have a corresponding ID associated with them are internally identified.