Essential Studio for EJ2 JavaScript Release Notes

October 29, 2024


Bug Fixes

  • #I640039 - The inconsistency in the AutoComplete popup behavior when utilizing custom filtering has been resolved.

Bug Fixes

  • #I916680 - The issue with “Breadcrumb menu popup not destroyed after breadcrumb element destroyed” has been resolved.

Bug Fixes

  • #I644419 - The script error that occurred in the carousel when a grid was rendered as a carousel item has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I640035 - The tooltips now render properly for decimal data points.
  • #I645981 - The stripline now works correctly on the logarithmic axis.

Circular Gauge

Bug fixes

#I640295 - Exceptions will no longer be thrown when the pointer is dragged and the pointer value is updated during the dragEnd event.


Bug Fixes

  • #I640083 - The issue causing a console error after selecting a value and subsequently emptying the datasource upon button click has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I643169 - Fixed an issue where the popup repositions to Right-Bottom when clicking on the custom range, even though it is set to Left-Bottom.


Bug Fixes

  • #I637156 - Tooltip now displays properly on mobile devices with touch interactions.
  • #I637207 - Nodes are now resizable via touch interactions.
  • #I639121 - The gradient background of the node is now properly preserved when exporting the diagram as an SVG
  • #F194691 - The Position Change Event Now Triggers on Keyboard Nudging.


Bug Fixes

  • #I28945 - Fixed an issue where the Dialog’s enableResize property was not functioning for dynamic changes.


Bug Fixes

  • #I644412 - Resolved the issue of editor deletes all text in document.
  • #I642436 - Resolve the issue with track Changes when pasting Word contents multiple times.
  • F194706 - Now able to copy highlighted text from word processor when Restrict Editing property is true.
  • #I640675 - Resolve script error when using track changes.
  • #I639276 - Resolved the issue of page freezes when trying to load document in document editor.

Bug Fixes

  • #I612750 - Fixed an issue where updateData was throwing an error when filtering in a DropDownList.


Bug fixes

  • #I642434 - recordIndex property is updating last index for every above or below add action via contextMenu issue has been fixed.
  • #I646826 - An invalid resource collection is being passed resulting in a script error issue has been fixed.
  • #I637870 - White space when expand and collapse action issue has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I645144 - Resolved an issue where the search keyword would automatically change when entering more than 16 digits.
  • #I641786 - Fixed an issue with focus misplacement after deleting a row using the command column.
  • #I641368 - Resolved a type issue in the ICustomOptr interface by updating the filterSettings.operators property from dateTimeOperator to datetimeOperator.
  • #I640492 - The issue where the dataBound event was triggered multiple times during a page refresh when virtualization with persistence was enabled has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I645059 - Fixed an issue where the filtered list items were not cleared after selection when the enableVirtualization property is enabled.

PDF Viewer

Breaking Changes

  • The getPageDetails API has been renamed to getPageInfo. Additionally, the zoom factor parameter has been removed from the getPageInfo API, as the zoom factor can be accessed directly through the zoomPercentage API.
Existing API name New API Name
getPageDetails getPageInfo

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • The pivot table will now be rendered properly when creating a new report using the toolbar.


Bug Fixes

  • #I640976 - Now, the width and height attributes of the image are set with correct values instead of auto, when inserting and replacing the image in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I637660 - Now, the OneNote list that has been copied and pasted will now have a correct element structure.

  • #I644239 - Now, the link insertion is prevented when clicking the insert button in the link dialog when the cancel argument is set to true in the beforeDialogClose event.

  • #I633901 - Now, the table height adjusts correctly when resized within the Rich Text Editor in Firefox.

  • Now, the issue with image resizing in the IFrame editor, particularly when the editor area is small, has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I641069 - An issue when dragging an event, the first cell of the hour will be selected and highlighted has been resolved.
  • #I643159 - An issue when weekly recurrence rule is rendered in the wrong position when setting the firstDayOfWeek has been resolved.
  • #FB62128 - An issue causing events to display incorrectly when a weekly recurrence rule with BDAY and a specified timezone is applied has been resolved.

Bug Fixes

  • #I643178 - An issue on browser resizing while setting width value in percentage in Sidebar component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I914299 - Split buttons popup not closed when we open with mouse click and select with key down action has been resolved.

Stock Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #F194807 - The series now renders properly after a data source update and legend toggle.


  • #I639573 - Resolved issues with selected items and the checked state of the parent node when filtering in the DropdownTree component.

Bug Fixes

  • #I642832 - An issue with TreeView component when adding child nodes using addNodes method without passing a target has been resolved.
Note : The bug or feature items that do not have a corresponding ID associated with them are internally identified.