Essential Studio for EJ2 JavaScript Release Notes

October 15, 2024


New Features

  • Provided support for handling license key validation in CI services.

Bug Fixes

  • #I617320 - Resolved an issue with touch swipe functionality in iOS Capacitor applications.


Bug Fixes

  • #I637725 - The first label on the y-axis is now positioned correctly.

AI AssistView

Bug Fixes

#I639994 - Now the issue with CSS syntax exception raised by the use of justifyContent property style in the AI AssistView has been resolved.


#640732 - Now we have provided localization support for the stop responding text in the AI AssistView.


Bug Fixes

  • #I637436 - Now, multilevel axis labels are working properly when RTL is enabled.
  • #I640682 - The border dash array now works properly for all series.
  • #I640585 - Now, the range area series works properly when the middle point’s x value is set to 0.


Bug Fixes

  • #F60464- The issue with “checkbox state input element checked state was not update properly “ has been resolved.


  • #I636600 - Panels overlapping when adding a panel dynamically using addPanel method in the Vue DashboardLayout component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I631866 - Now, The connectors can connect to ports even when their visibility is set to hidden.
  • #F194445 - The mouse cursor now updates correctly when entering the diagram canvas after changing tools at runtime.
  • #I635135 - The tooltip for a node is now displayed correctly when the node is grouped at runtime.
  • #I630934 - Now, The flipped annotations are readable when the corresponding node is flipped.


Bug Fixes

  • #I633873 - Resolved the inconsistent resizing behaviour observed with the modal dialog.


Bug Fixes

  • #I628955 - Resolved the Pie chart color issue in Blazor word processor.
  • #I627890 - Resolved the error in opening the document.
  • #I631391 - Resolved the Word Preview Freezes Browser issue.
  • #I632707 - Resolved the issue of tables with complex structures that have cells wrapping to the next page are not rendered.
  • #FB61513 - Resolved the error when saving track changes.
  • #I631081 - Resolved the table looping issue while opening attached sfdt.
  • #I638813 - Resolved the XSS vulnerability issue.
  • #I635143 - Resolved the mailto issue in the Document editor.
  • #I632855 - Resolved script error when try to download the document with unposted comments.
  • #I627023 - Now SpellCheck API pass the custom header when using beforeXmlHttpRequestSend.
  • #I631727 - Resolved the issue bullet points loses it style.
  • #I636298 - Now stopProtectionAsync reject properly when entered wrong password.
  • #I626464 - Resolved the Characters get hidden when typing multi languages with Track changes OFF.
  • #I632911 - Resolved console warning for missing modules in document editor.
  • #I630998 - Now able to add text after a content control when no other element is next to it.
  • #I622732 - Resolved script error while delete content after search text.


  • #I629004 - Added support for selecting revision in beforeAcceptRejectChanges event in document editor.
  • #I568983 - Provided support to refer external font in Document Editor.

Bug fixes

  • #I633865 - The issue with the selected item being incorrectly added to the popup in the dropdown list has been resolved.
  • #I912588 - The issue with filtered selected item in the Dropdown Tree component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I629895 - The scrolling performance of the File Manager component has been enhanced to enable smoother scrolling during drag-and-drop operations.
  • #I633879 - Improved error handling and null value management in File Manager component create folder and filterFiles operations.


Bug fixes

  • #I636598 - Duration field not updating in dialog box when setting the end Date as same as start Date issue has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I637799 - The issue with Excel custom filtering not working correctly with the Null or Empty operators has been resolved.
  • #FB61575 - The issue where the browser automatically scrolls to the grid when it is rendered with initially grouped columns has been resolved.
  • #I630298 - The issue where the dataStateChange event was not triggered when opening the filter menu for a Boolean column in custom data binding has been resolved.
  • I640964 - Resolved a script error that occurred when editing was disabled in Batch mode.
  • I638333 - Fixed an issue where clicking the Clear button in the sort responsive dialog incorrectly displayed all sort buttons text as None instead of their localized values.
  • I639750 - Resolved a script error that occurred during the initial rendering of auto-generated columns when resizing was enabled.
  • I638418 - Fixed a script error that occurred when opening the filter pop-up and navigating using the down arrow key.
  • I635845 - Resolved misalignment issues that occurred when resizing aggregate columns along with frozen columns.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with “Toolbar button state not updated properly while drag and drop with filtering and disabled listbox items” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I639732 - Fixed an issue where removing one item using the cross icon caused all options to be removed from the select element in the DOM.

  • #I630748 - Fixed an issue that caused performance degradation in MultiSelect when selecting 5,000 items with virtualization enabled.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I638294 - Now, the notification dialog is not shown for search text with no matches when showNotificationDialog API is set to false.
  • #I636244 - Now, the annotation toolbar is programmatically opened on a mobile device using the showAnnotationToolbar method.
  • #I637351 - Now, the signature collection ID and ID from the addSignature event are the same on mobile devices.
  • #F194443 - Now, the tooltip is properly removed when programmatically removing a form field tooltip using the updateFormField API.
  • #I637350 - Now, the PDF Viewer does not stop responding when searching the text.
  • #I637275 - Now, the download option is disabled in mobile mode when enableDownload API is set to false.
  • #I633438 , #I633453 - Now, the invalid file corrupted dialog closes automatically after a valid PDF document is loaded.
  • #I619099 - Now, the delay in searching for text after completing text extraction has been reduced.
  • #I635120 - Now, the undo and redo functions for free text annotations, as well as the ability to change alignment and font size using the editAnnotation method, are now functioning correctly.
  • #I608686 - Now, a script error does not occur when trying to update and delete annotations simultaneously after importing them.
  • #I635119 - Now, after programmatically highlighting and deleting text, the text will not be highlighted again unless a new selection is made, as the selection is cleared when the delete method is called programmatically.
  • Now, the close button is clickable across all size scenarios when the thumbnail container is resized.
  • #I908781 - Now, the Form field data will be accurately preserved after scrolling, even when form fields with the same name are updated, and the form designer module is not included.

New Features

  • #I627469 - Added support for retrieving page details, such as the current page size, page rotation and zoom factor, through the getPageDetails.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • The pivot table will now work properly while dynamically disabling grouping with the pivot chart enabled.


Bug fixes

  • #FB61537 - An issue where a script error occurred when attempting to save an event after adding the NumericTextBox component in the editor template has been resolved.
  • #FB61371 - An issue affecting the identification of the startTime and endTime properties within the eventRenderedArgs for spanned events in the Month view has been resolved.
  • #I640650 - An issue where a script error occurred while setting setWorkHours in DST time has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F194542 - The issue with the text indicators disappearing when the disabled property is updated dynamically in the stepper component has been resolved.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #F61461 - Fixed an issue where the scroll position was not maintained correctly when using enablePersistence.


Bug Fixes

  • #I637759 - The issue with the collapseAll API not collapsing TreeView nodes correctly based on the specified node level in the TreeView component has been resolved.
  • #I912588 - The issue with filtered selected item in the DropdownTree component has been fixed.
Note : The bug or feature items that do not have a corresponding ID associated with them are internally identified.