Angular Theme in Syncfusion Components

31 Jan 202524 minutes to read

Syncfusion Angular UI components allow you to apply styles to your application. The library includes a selection of themes:

Theme Style Sheet Name
Tailwind 3.4 tailwind3.css
Tailwind 3.4 Dark tailwind3-dark.css
Bootstrap 5.3 bootstrap5.3.css
Bootstrap 5.3 Dark bootstrap5.3-dark.css
Fluent 2 fluent2.css
Fluent 2 Dark fluent2-dark.css
Material 3 material3.css
Material 3 Dark material3-dark.css
Bootstrap 5 bootstrap5.css
Bootstrap 5 Dark bootstrap5-dark.css
Fluent fluent.css
Fluent Dark fluent-dark.css
Google’s Material material.css
Google’s Material-Dark material-dark.css
Tailwind CSS tailwind.css
TailwindDark CSS tailwind-dark.css
Microsoft Office Fabric fabric.css
Microsoft Office Fabric Dark fabric-dark.css
High Contrast highcontrast.css

Optimized CSS Files

Syncfusion components provide two size modes for each theme: normal and bigger. By default, the normal size mode is applied, granting a standard look suitable for all devices. The bigger size mode enhances interactions, visibility, and user experience by enlarging UI components.

The bigger size mode is optimal for projects requiring enlarged display, whereas the normal size suits applications maintaining default appearances.

See below for a Button component comparison in both size modes:


Each theme includes both normal and bigger sizes, increasing overall file size. To enhance performance, Syncfusion offers optimized theme files (e.g., fluent2-lite.css), which contain only normal size mode styles. These reduce file size, improving load times and application performance, especially when the bigger mode is not needed.

Refer to the comparison for theme file sizes:

Theme Name Default Theme Size Optimized Theme Size
Fluent 2 3.97 MB 2.96 MB


Syncfusion Angular UI themes can be included in your application by four different methods:

Install via NPM

Themes come as both individual and combined CSS files. Use the @syncfusion/ej2 npm package for combined CSS files, with individual files stored in the component repository’s style folder. Both CSS and SCSS files are provided in ej2 npm packages.

To install combined CSS files, run:

 npm install @syncfusion/ej2

CDN Direct Referral

Instead of local resources, use a cloud CDN to reference theme style sheets.

Syncfusion Angular Themes are available via CDN. Ensure the URL version matches your Syncfusion Angular Package to avoid compatibility issues.

    <link href="<version>/<theme_name>.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

For optimized CSS files, use:

    <link href="<version>/<theme_name>-lite.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
Theme Name CDN Reference
Tailwind 3.4
Tailwind 3.4 Dark
Bootstrap 5.3
Bootstrap 5.3 Dark
Fluent 2
Fluent 2 Dark
Material 3
Material 3 Dark
Fluent Dark
Bootstrap 5
Bootstrap 5 Dark
Bootstrap 4
Bootstrap 3
Bootstrap 3 Dark
Google’s Material
Google’s Material Dark
Tailwind CSS
Tailwind CSS Dark
Microsoft Office Fabric
Microsoft Office Fabric Dark
High Contrast

Using Precompiled CSS and SCSS File

Precompiled CSS

Precompiled signifies minified and optimized CSS.

Syncfusion Angular UI theme includes a precompiled CSS file encompassing styles for all Syncfusion components.

@import "./node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2/<theme_name>.css";

To refer to all components SCSS:

@import "ej2/<theme_name>.scss";

Individual themes are obtainable from individual package or ej2 package.

To refer to an individual component from an individual package:

@import "ej2-buttons/button/<theme_name>.scss";

Referring All Components Optimized CSS File

For optimized CSS files from the @syncfusion/ej2 package:

@import "@syncfusion/ej2/<theme_name>-lite.css";
/* or */
@import "@syncfusion/ej2/<theme_name>-lite.scss";


@import "@syncfusion/ej2/fluent2-lite.css";
/* or */
@import "@syncfusion/ej2/fluent2-lite.scss";

Referring Individual Component Optimized CSS File

For individual component’s optimized CSS from individual packages:

@import "<dependent-package>/styles/<theme_name>-lite.css";
/* or */
@import "<dependent-package>/styles/<theme_name>-lite.scss";


@import "@syncfusion/ej2-buttons/styles/fluent2-lite.css";
/* or */
@import "@syncfusion/ej2-buttons/styles/fluent2-lite.scss";

Advantages of Individual Components Theme

  • Reduces page load time
  • Decreases bundle size
  • Avoids unused CSS

Compiling Themes from SCSS Source File

The Syncfusion Angular UI theme includes SCSS file compilation. Refer to Compiling SCSS file for more information.

Common Variables

Below is a list of common variables used in Syncfusion Angular library themes for all UI components. These can be customized to change respective theme properties.

Syncfusion Tailwind 3.4 theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
--color-sf-black rgb(0,0,0) rgb(0,0,0)
--color-sf-white rgb(255,255,255) rgb(255,255,255)
--color-sf-primary rgba(79, 70, 229) rgba(99, 102, 241)
--color-sf-primary-text-color #fff #fff
--color-sf-primary-light #3730a3 #3730a3
--color-sf-primary-lighter #e0e7ff #1e1b4b
--color-sf-primary-dark #4338ca #818cf8
--color-sf-primary-darker #3730a3 #4f46e5
--color-sf-success #15803d #22c55e
--color-sf-info #0e7490 #38bdf8
--color-sf-warning #c2410c #f97316
--color-sf-danger #dc2626 #f87171
--color-sf-success-light #dcfce7 #164c37
--color-sf-info-light #cffafe #0e485b
--color-sf-warning-light #ffedd5 #573422
--color-sf-danger-light #fee2e2 #54252f
--color-sf-success-dark #166534 #4ade80
--color-sf-info-dark #155e75 #38bdf8
--color-sf-warning-dark #9a3412 #fb923c
--color-sf-danger-dark #b91c1c #ef4444

Syncfusion Bootstrap 5.3 theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
--color-sf-black rgb(0,0,0) rgb(0,0,0)
--color-sf-white rgb(255,255,255) rgb(255,255,255)
--color-sf-primary rgba(13,110,253,1) rgba(13,110,253,1)
--color-sf-primary-text-color #fff #fff
--color-sf-primary-light #86b7fe #86b7fe
--color-sf-primary-lighter #cfe2ff #031633
--color-sf-primary-dark #3367d1 #073ba6
--color-sf-primary-darker #052c65 #6ea8fe
--color-sf-success rgba(25,135,84,1) rgba(25,135,84,1)
--color-sf-info rgba(13,202,240,1) rgba(13,202,240,1)
--color-sf-warning rgba(255,193,7,1) rgba(255,193,7,1)
--color-sf-danger rgba(220,53,69,1) rgba(220,53,69,1)
--color-sf-success-light #d1e7dd #75b798
--color-sf-info-light #cff4fc #6edff6
--color-sf-warning-light #fff3cd #ffda6a
--color-sf-danger-light #f8d7da #ea868f
--color-sf-success-dark #0a3622 #75b798
--color-sf-info-dark #055160 #6edff6
--color-sf-warning-dark #664d03 #ffda6a
--color-sf-danger-dark #58151c #ea868f
--color-sf-success-light-alt #d1e7dd #051b11
--color-sf-info-light-alt #cff4fc #032830
--color-sf-warning-light-alt #fff3cd #332701
--color-sf-danger-light-alt #f8d7da #2c0b0e

Syncfusion Fluent 2 theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
--color-sf-black #000 #000
--color-sf-white #fff #fff
--color-sf-primary #0f6cbd #115ea3
--color-sf-primary-text-color #fff #fff
--color-sf-primary-light #b4d6fa #0e4775
--color-sf-primary-lighter #ebf3fc #082338
--color-sf-primary-dark #0f548c #62abf5
--color-sf-primary-darker #0c3b5e #96c6fa
--color-sf-success #0e700e #107c10
--color-sf-info #008aa9 #0099bc
--color-sf-warning #bc4b09 #faa06b
--color-sf-danger #d13438 #dc626d
--color-sf-success-light #54b054 #094509
--color-sf-info-light #56bfd7 #005669
--color-sf-warning-light #fee5d7 #4a1e04
--color-sf-danger-light #eeacb2 #6e0811
--color-sf-success-dark #54b054 #c9eac9
--color-sf-info-dark #56bfd7 #cdedf4
--color-sf-warning-dark #8a3707 #fee5d7
--color-sf-danger-dark #6e0811 #fee5d7
--color-sf-success-light-alt #f1faf1 #052505
--color-sf-info-light-alt #f2fafc #002e38
--color-sf-warning-light-alt #fff9f5 #4a1e04
--color-sf-danger-light-alt #fdf3f4 #3b0509
--color-sf-badge-warning #fde300 #fde300
--color-sf-badge-warning-text #847619 #fde300
--color-sf-primary-label-color #0f6cbd #479ef5
--color-sf-primary-cell-selection #ebf3fc #ebf3fc

Syncfusion Material 3 theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
--color-sf-black rgb(0,0,0) rgb(0,0,0)
--color-sf-white rgb(255,255,255) rgb(255,255,255)
--color-sf-primary rgb(103, 80, 164) rgb(208, 188, 255)
--color-sf-primary-container rgb(234, 221, 255) rgb(79, 55, 139)
--color-sf-on-primary rgb(255, 255, 255) rgb(55, 30, 115)
--color-sf-on-primary-container rgb(33, 0, 94) rgb(234, 221, 255)
--color-sf-surface rgb(255, 255, 255) rgb(28, 27, 31)
--color-sf-surface-variant rgb(231, 224, 236) rgb(73, 69, 79)
--color-sf-on-surface rgb(28, 27, 31) rgb(230, 225, 229)
--color-sf-on-surface-variant rgb(73, 69, 78) rgb(202, 196, 208)
--color-sf-secondary rgb(98, 91, 113) rgb(204, 194, 220)
--color-sf-secondary-container rgb(232, 222, 248) rgb(74, 68, 88)
--color-sf-on-secondary rgb(255, 255, 255) rgb(51, 45, 65)
--color-sf-on-secondary-container rgb(30, 25, 43) rgb(232, 222, 248)
--color-sf-tertiary rgb(125, 82, 96) rgb(239, 184, 200)
--color-sf-tertiary-container rgb(255, 216, 228) rgb(99, 59, 72)
--color-sf-on-tertiary rgb(255, 255, 255) rgb(73, 37, 50)
--color-sf-on-tertiary-container rgb(55, 11, 30) rgb(255, 216, 228)
--color-sf-background rgb(255, 255, 255) rgb(28, 27, 31)
--color-sf-on-background rgb(28, 27, 31) rgb(230, 225, 229)
--color-sf-outline rgb(121, 116, 126) rgb(147, 143, 153)
--color-sf-outline-variant rgb(196, 199, 197) rgb(68, 71, 70)
--color-sf-shadow rgb(0, 0, 0) rgb(0, 0, 0)
--color-sf-surface-tint-color rgb(103, 80, 164) rgb(208, 188, 255)
--color-sf-inverse-surface rgb(49, 48, 51) rgb(230, 225, 229)
--color-sf-inverse-on-surface rgb(244, 239, 244) rgb(49, 48, 51)
--color-sf-inverse-primary rgb(208, 188, 255) rgb(103, 80, 164)
--color-sf-scrim rgb(0, 0, 0) rgb(0, 0, 0)
--color-sf-error rgb(179, 38, 30) rgb(242, 184, 181)
--color-sf-error-container rgb(249, 222, 220) rgb(140, 29, 24)
--color-sf-on-error rgb(255, 250, 250) rgb(96, 20, 16)
--color-sf-on-error-container rgb(65, 14, 11) rgb(249, 222, 220)
--color-sf-success rgb(32, 81, 7) rgb(83, 202, 23)
--color-sf-success-container rgb(209, 255, 186) rgb(22, 62, 2)
--color-sf-on-success rgb(244, 255, 239) rgb(13, 39, 0)
--color-sf-on-success-container rgb(13, 39, 0) rgb(183, 250, 150)
--color-sf-info rgb(1, 87, 155) rgb(71, 172, 251)
--color-sf-info-container rgb(233, 245, 255) rgb(0, 67, 120)
--color-sf-on-info rgb(250, 253, 255) rgb(0, 51, 91)
--color-sf-on-info-container rgb(0, 51, 91) rgb(173, 219, 255)
--color-sf-warning rgb(145, 76, 0) rgb(245, 180, 130)
--color-sf-warning-container rgb(254, 236, 222) rgb(123, 65, 0)
--color-sf-on-warning rgb(255, 255, 255) rgb(99, 52, 0)
--color-sf-on-warning-container rgb(47, 21, 0) rgb(255, 220, 193)

Bootstrap 5 Theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
$black #000 #000
$white #fff #fff
$gray-100 #f8f9fa #f8f9fa
$gray-200 #e9ecef #e9ecef
$gray-300 #dee2e6 #dee2e6
$gray-400 #ced4da #ced4da
$gray-500 #adb5bd #adb5bd
$gray-600 #6c757d #6c757d
$gray-700 #495057 #495057
$gray-800 #343a40 #343a40
$gray-900 #212529 #212529
$blue #0d6efd #0d6efd
$indigo #6610f2 #6610f2
$purple #6f42c1 #6f42c1
$pink #d63384 #d63384
$red #dc3545 #dc3545
$orange #fd7e14 #fd7e14
$yellow #ffc107 #ffc107
$green #198754 #198754
$teal #20c997 #20c997
$cyan #0dcaf0 #0dcaf0

Fluent Theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
$black #000 #000
$white #fff #fff
$gray220 #11100f #11100f
$gray210 #161514 #161514
$gray200 #1b1a19 #1b1a19
$gray190 #201f1e #201f1e
$gray180 #252423 #252423
$gray170 #292827 #292827
$gray160 #323130 #323130
$gray150 #3b3a39 #3b3a39
$gray140 #484644 #484644
$gray130 #605e5c #605e5c
$gray120 #797775 #797775
$gray110 #8a8886 #8a8886
$gray100 #979593 #979593
$gray90 #a19f9d #a19f9d
$gray80 #b3b0ad #b3b0ad
$gray70 #bebbb8 #bebbb8
$gray60 #c8c6c4 #c8c6c4
$gray50 #d2d0ce #d2d0ce
$gray40 #e1dfdd #e1dfdd
$gray30 #edebe9 #edebe9
$gray20 #f3f2f1 #f3f2f1
$gray10 #faf9f8 #faf9f8
$cyanblue10 #0078d4 #0078d4
$red10 #d13438 #d13438
$orange20 #ca5010 #ca5010
$green20 #0b6a0b #0b6a0b
$cyan20 #038387 #038387

Material Theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
$accent #e3165b #ff80ab
$accent-font #fff #000
$primary #3f51b5 #3f51b5
$primary-50 #e8eaf6 #e8eaf6
$primary-100 #c5cae9 #c5cae9
$primary-200 #9fa8da #9fa8da
$primary-300 #7986cb #7986cb
$primary-font #fff #fff
$primary-50-font #000 #000
$primary-100-font #000 #000
$primary-200-font #000 #000
$primary-300-font #fff #fff
$grey-white #fff #fff
$grey-black #000 #000
$grey-50 #fafafa #fafafa
$grey-100 #f5f5f5 #f5f5f5
$grey-200 #eee #eee
$grey-300 #e0e0e0 #e0e0e0
$grey-400 #bdbdbd #bdbdbd
$grey-500 #9e9e9e #9e9e9e
$grey-600 #757575 #757575
$grey-700 #616161 #616161
$grey-800 #424242 #424242
$grey-900 #212121 #212121
$grey-dark #303030 #303030
$grey-light-font #000 #000
$grey-dark-font #fff #fff
$base-font #000 #000
$error-font #f44336 #ff6652
$success-bg #4caf50
$error-bg #ff6652
$warning-bg #ff9800
$info-bg #03a9f4
$message-font #fff
$success-font #4caf50
$warning-font #ff9800
$info-font #03a9f4

Tailwind CSS Theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
$black #000 #000
$white #fff #fff
$transparent transparent transparent
$cool-gray-50 #f9fafb #f9fafb
$cool-gray-100 #f3f4f6 #f3f4f6
$cool-gray-200 #e5e7eb #e5e7eb
$cool-gray-300 #d1d5db #d1d5db
$cool-gray-400 #9ca3af #9ca3af
$cool-gray-500 #6b7280 #6b7280
$cool-gray-600 #4b5563 #4b5563
$cool-gray-700 #374151 #374151
$cool-gray-800 #1f2937 #1f2937
$cool-gray-900 #111827 #111827
$red-100 #fee2e2 #fee2e2
$red-400 #f87171 #f87171
$red-500 #ef4444 #ef4444
$red-600 #dc2626 #dc2626
$red-800 #991b1b #991b1b
$green-100 #dcfce7 #dcfce7
$green-500 #22c55e #22c55e
$green-600 #16a34a #16a34a
$green-700 #15803d #15803d
$orange-100 #ffedd5 #ffedd5
$orange-500 #f97316 #f97316
$orange-600 #ea580c #ea580c
$orange-700 #c2410c #c2410c
$orange-800 #9a3412 #9a3412
$cyan-300 #67e8f9 #67e8f9
$cyan-400 #22d3ee #22d3ee
$cyan-500 #06b6d4 #06b6d4
$cyan-600 #0891b2 #0891b2
$cyan-800 #155e75 #155e75
$indigo-50 #eef2ff
$indigo-100 #e0e7ff
$indigo-200 #c7d2fe
$indigo-300 #a5b4fc
$indigo-400 #818cf8
$indigo-500 #6366f1
$indigo-600 #4f46e5
$indigo-700 #4338ca
$indigo-800 #3730a3
$indigo-900 #312e81
$green-400 #4ade80
$light-blue-50 #f0f9ff
$light-blue-100 #e0f2fe
$light-blue-400 #38bdf8
$light-blue-500 #0ea5e9
$light-blue-600 #0284c7
$light-blue-700 #0369a1
$light-blue-800 #075985

Microsoft Office Fabric Theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
$theme-primary #0078d6 #0074cc
$theme-dark-alt darken($theme-primary, 3%) darken($theme-primary, 3%)
$theme-dark darken($theme-primary, 10%) darken($theme-primary, 6%)
$theme-darker darken($theme-primary, 18%) darken($theme-primary, 10%)
$theme-secondary lighten($theme-primary, 3%) lighten($theme-primary, 3%)
$theme-tertiary lighten($theme-primary, 21%) lighten($theme-primary, 21%)
$theme-light lighten($theme-primary, 44%) lighten($theme-primary, 44%)
$theme-lighter lighten($theme-primary, 49%) lighten($theme-primary, 49%)
$theme-lighter-alt lighten($theme-primary, 55%) lighten($theme-primary, 55%)
$neutral-white #fff #201f1f
$neutral-lighter-alt #f8f8f8 #282727
$neutral-lighter #f4f4f4 #333232
$neutral-light #eaeaea #414040
$neutral-quintenaryalt #dadada #4a4848
$neutral-quintenary #d0d0d0 #514f4f
$neutral-tertiary-alt #c8c8c8 #6f6c6c
$neutral-tertiary #a6a6a6 #9a9a9a
$neutral-secondary-alt #767676 #c8c8c8
$neutral-secondary #666 #dadada
$neutral-primary #333 #fff
$neutral-dark #212121 #f4f4f4
$neutral-black #000 #f8f8f8
$alert-bg #deecf9 #bf7500
$error-bg #fde7e9 #cd2a19
$success-bg #dff6dd #37844d
$theme-dark-font #fff #fff
$theme-primary-font #fff #fff
$theme-light-font #333 #000
$neutral-light-font #333 #dadada
$neutral-light-fontalt #000 #fff
$grey-dark-font #fff #000
$base-font #333 #dadada
$message-font #333 #fff
$alert-font #d83b01 #ff9d48
$error-font #a80000 #ff5f5f
$success-font #107c10 #8eff8d
$info-bg #1e79cb
$info-font #62cfff

High Contrast Theme

Name Value
$selection-bg #ffd939
$selection-font #000
$selection-border #ffd939
$hover-bg #685708
$hover-font #fff
$hover-border #fff
$border-default #969696
$border-alt #757575
$border-fg #fff
$border-fg-alt #ffd939
$bg-base-0 #000
$bg-base-5 #0d0d0d
$bg-base-10 #1a1a1a
$bg-base-15 #262626
$bg-base-20 #333
$bg-base-75 #bfbfbf
$bg-base-100 #fff
$header-font #ffd939
$header-font-alt #fff
$content-font #fff
$content-font-alt #969696
$link #8a8aff
$invert-font #000
$success-bg #166600
$error-bg #b30900
$message-font #fff
$alert-bg #944000
$info-bg #0056b3
$success-alt #2bc700
$error-alt #ff6161
$alert-alt #ff7d1a
$info-alt #66b0ff
$disable #757575