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Grouping in Vue Combo box component
11 Jun 20246 minutes to read
The ComboBox supports wrapping nested elements into a group based on different categories. The category of each list item can be mapped through the groupBy field in the data table. The group header is displayed both as inline and fixed headers. The fixed group header content is updated dynamically on scrolling the popup list with its category value.
To group the Vue ComboBox items, you can check on this video:
In the following sample, the vegetables are grouped according on its category using groupBy
<div id="app">
<div id='container' style="margin:50px auto 0; width:250px;">
<ejs-combobox id='combobox' :dataSource='vegetableData' :fields='fields' popupHeight="200px"
placeholder="select a vegetable"></ejs-combobox>
<script setup>
import { ComboBoxComponent as EjsCombobox } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-dropdowns";
const vegetableData = [
{ Vegetable: 'Cabbage', Category: 'Leafy and Salad', Id: 'item1' },
{ Vegetable: 'Spinach', Category: 'Leafy and Salad', Id: 'item2' },
{ Vegetable: 'Wheat grass', Category: 'Leafy and Salad', Id: 'item3' },
{ Vegetable: 'Yarrow', Category: 'Leafy and Salad', Id: 'item4' },
{ Vegetable: 'Pumpkins', Category: 'Leafy and Salad', Id: 'item5' },
{ Vegetable: 'Chickpea', Category: 'Beans', Id: 'item6' },
{ Vegetable: 'Green bean', Category: 'Beans', Id: 'item7' },
{ Vegetable: 'Horse gram', Category: 'Beans', Id: 'item8' },
{ Vegetable: 'Garlic', Category: 'Bulb and Stem', Id: 'item9' },
{ Vegetable: 'Nopal', Category: 'Bulb and Stem', Id: 'item10' },
{ Vegetable: 'Onion', Category: 'Bulb and Stem', Id: 'item11' }
const fields = { groupBy: 'Category', text: 'Vegetable', value: 'Id' };
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-base/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-inputs/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-vue-dropdowns/styles/material.css";
<div id="app">
<div id='container' style="margin:50px auto 0; width:250px;">
<ejs-combobox id='combobox' :dataSource='vegetableData' :fields='fields' popupHeight="200px"
placeholder="select a vegetable"></ejs-combobox>
import { ComboBoxComponent } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-dropdowns";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
"ejs-combobox": ComboBoxComponent
data() {
return {
vegetableData: [
{ Vegetable: 'Cabbage', Category: 'Leafy and Salad', Id: 'item1' },
{ Vegetable: 'Spinach', Category: 'Leafy and Salad', Id: 'item2' },
{ Vegetable: 'Wheat grass', Category: 'Leafy and Salad', Id: 'item3' },
{ Vegetable: 'Yarrow', Category: 'Leafy and Salad', Id: 'item4' },
{ Vegetable: 'Pumpkins', Category: 'Leafy and Salad', Id: 'item5' },
{ Vegetable: 'Chickpea', Category: 'Beans', Id: 'item6' },
{ Vegetable: 'Green bean', Category: 'Beans', Id: 'item7' },
{ Vegetable: 'Horse gram', Category: 'Beans', Id: 'item8' },
{ Vegetable: 'Garlic', Category: 'Bulb and Stem', Id: 'item9' },
{ Vegetable: 'Nopal', Category: 'Bulb and Stem', Id: 'item10' },
{ Vegetable: 'Onion', Category: 'Bulb and Stem', Id: 'item11' }
fields: { groupBy: 'Category', text: 'Vegetable', value: 'Id' }
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-base/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-inputs/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-vue-dropdowns/styles/material.css";
The grouping header is also provided with customization option. This allows custom designing using the groupTemplate
property for both inline and fixed headers.