Row template in React Grid component

17 Mar 202524 minutes to read

The row template feature in Grid allows you to customize the appearance and layout of rows in the grid. This feature is useful when you want to display custom content, such as images, buttons, or other controls, within the rows.

To enable the row template feature, you need to set the rowTemplate property of the Grid component. This property accepts a custom HTML template that defines the layout for each row.

In the following example, Employee Information with Employee Photo is presented in the first column and employee details like Name, Address, etc., are presented in the second column.

import { ColumnDirective, ColumnsDirective, GridComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import * as React from 'react';
import { employeeData } from './datasource';
function App() {
    const gridTemplate = (props) => {
        const src = props.EmployeeID + ".png";
        return (<tr className="templateRow">
      <td className="photo">
        <img src={src} alt={props.EmployeeID}/>
      <td className="details">
        <table className="CardTable" cellPadding={3} cellSpacing={2}>
            <col style={{ width: "30%"}}/>
            <col style={{ width: "10%" }}/>
              <td className="CardHeader">First Name </td>
              <td>{props.FirstName} </td>
              <td className="CardHeader">Last Name</td>
              <td>{props.LastName} </td>
              <td className="CardHeader">Title</td>
    return (<div>
    <GridComponent dataSource={employeeData} rowTemplate={gridTemplate} height='315'>
        <ColumnDirective headerText='EmployeeImage' width='180' textAlign='Center' field='OrderID'/>
        <ColumnDirective headerText='Employee Details' width='300' textAlign='Left' field='CustomerName'/>
export default App;
import { ColumnDirective, ColumnsDirective, GridComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import * as React from 'react';
import { employeeData } from './datasource';

function App() {
  const gridTemplate = (props) => {
    const src = props.EmployeeID + ".png";
    return (<tr className="templateRow">
      <td className="photo">
        <img src={src} alt={props.EmployeeID} />
      <td className="details">
        <table className="CardTable" cellPadding={3} cellSpacing={2}>
            <col style={{ width: "30%" }} />
            <col style={{ width: "10%" }} />
              <td className="CardHeader">First Name </td>
              <td>{props.FirstName} </td>
              <td className="CardHeader">Last Name</td>
              <td>{props.LastName} </td>
              <td className="CardHeader">Title</td>
  return (<div>
    <GridComponent dataSource={employeeData} rowTemplate={gridTemplate} height='315'>
        <ColumnDirective headerText='EmployeeImage' width='180' textAlign='Center' field='OrderID' />
        <ColumnDirective headerText='Employee Details' width='300' textAlign='Left' field='CustomerName' />
export default App;
export let employeeData = [{
        'EmployeeID': 1,
        'LastName': 'Davolio',
        'FirstName': 'Nancy',
        'Title': 'Sales Representative',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-664743600000),
        'HireDate': new Date(704692800000),
        'Address': '507 - 20th Ave. E.\r\nApt. 2A',
        'City': 'Seattle',
        'Region': 'WA',
        'PostalCode': '98122',
        'Country': 'USA',
        'HomePhone': '(206) 555-9857',
        'Extension': '5467',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },
        'Notes': 'Education includes a BA in psychology from Colorado State University in 1970.  She also completed\
        \'The Art of the Cold Call.\'  Nancy is a member of Toastmasters International.',
        'ReportsTo': 2,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
        'EmployeeID': 2,
        'LastName': 'Fuller',
        'FirstName': 'Andrew',
        'Title': 'Vice President, Sales',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Dr.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-563828400000),
        'HireDate': new Date(713764800000),
        'Address': '908 W. Capital Way',
        'City': 'Tacoma',
        'Region': 'WA',
        'PostalCode': '98401',
        'Country': 'USA',
        'HomePhone': '(206) 555-9482',
        'Extension': '3457',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },
        'Notes': 'Andrew received his BTS commercial in 1974 and a Ph.D. in international marketing from the University of \
        Dallas in 1981.  He is fluent in French and Italian and reads German.  He joined the company as a sales representative, \
        was promoted to sales manager in January 1992 and to vice president of sales in March 1993.  Andrew is a member of the \
        Sales Management Roundtable, the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, and the Pacific Rim Importers Association.',
        'ReportsTo': 0,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/fuller.bmp'
        'EmployeeID': 3,
        'LastName': 'Leverling',
        'FirstName': 'Janet',
        'Title': 'Sales Representative',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-200088000000),
        'HireDate': new Date(702104400000),
        'Address': '722 Moss Bay Blvd.',
        'City': 'Kirkland',
        'Region': 'WA',
        'PostalCode': '98033',
        'Country': 'USA',
        'HomePhone': '(206) 555-3412',
        'Extension': '3355',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21722 },
        'Notes': 'Janet has a BS degree in chemistry from Boston College (1984). \
         She has also completed a certificate program in food retailing management.\
         Janet was hired as a sales associate in 1991 and promoted to sales representative in February 1992.',
        'ReportsTo': 2,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/leverling.bmp'
        'EmployeeID': 4,
        'LastName': 'Peacock',
        'FirstName': 'Margaret',
        'Title': 'Sales Representative',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Mrs.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-1018814400000),
        'HireDate': new Date(736401600000),
        'Address': '4110 Old Redmond Rd.',
        'City': 'Redmond',
        'Region': 'WA',
        'PostalCode': '98052',
        'Country': 'USA',
        'HomePhone': '(206) 555-8122',
        'Extension': '5176',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },
        'Notes': 'Margaret holds a BA in English literature from Concordia College (1958) and an MA from the American \
        Institute of Culinary Arts (1966).  She was assigned to the London office temporarily from July through November 1992.',
        'ReportsTo': 2,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/peacock.bmp'
        'EmployeeID': 5,
        'LastName': 'Buchanan',
        'FirstName': 'Steven',
        'Title': 'Sales Manager',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Mr.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-468010800000),
        'HireDate': new Date(750830400000),
        'Address': '14 Garrett Hill',
        'City': 'London',
        'Region': null,
        'PostalCode': 'SW1 8JR',
        'Country': 'UK',
        'HomePhone': '(71) 555-4848',
        'Extension': '3453',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },
        'Notes': 'Steven Buchanan graduated from St. Andrews University, Scotland, with a BSC degree in 1976.  Upon joining the company as \
        a sales representative in 1992, he spent 6 months in an orientation program at the Seattle office and then returned to his permanent \
        post in London.  He was promoted to sales manager in March 1993.  Mr. Buchanan has completed the courses \'Successful \
        Telemarketing\' and \'International Sales Management.\'  He is fluent in French.',
        'ReportsTo': 2,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/buchanan.bmp'
        'EmployeeID': 6,
        'LastName': 'Suyama',
        'FirstName': 'Michael',
        'Title': 'Sales Representative',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Mr.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-205185600000),
        'HireDate': new Date(750830400000),
        'Address': 'Coventry House\r\nMiner Rd.',
        'City': 'London',
        'Region': null,
        'PostalCode': 'EC2 7JR',
        'Country': 'UK',
        'HomePhone': '(71) 555-7773',
        'Extension': '428',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },
        'Notes': 'Michael is a graduate of Sussex University (MA, economics, 1983) and the University of California at Los Angeles \
        (MBA, marketing, 1986).  He has also taken the courses \'Multi-Cultural Selling\' and \'Time Management for the Sales Professional.\'  \
        He is fluent in Japanese and can read and write French, Portuguese, and Spanish.',
        'ReportsTo': 5,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
        'EmployeeID': 7,
        'LastName': 'King',
        'FirstName': 'Robert',
        'Title': 'Sales Representative',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Mr.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-302731200000),
        'HireDate': new Date(757486800000),
        'Address': 'Edgeham Hollow\r\nWinchester Way',
        'City': 'London',
        'Region': null,
        'PostalCode': 'RG1 9SP',
        'Country': 'UK',
        'HomePhone': '(71) 555-5598',
        'Extension': '465',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },
        'Notes': 'Robert King served in the Peace Corps and traveled extensively before completing his degree in English at the \
        University of Michigan in 1992, the year he joined the company.  After completing a course entitled \'Selling in Europe,\' \
        he was transferred to the London office in March 1993.',
        'ReportsTo': 5,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
        'EmployeeID': 8,
        'LastName': 'Callahan',
        'FirstName': 'Laura',
        'Title': 'Inside Sales Coordinator',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-377982000000),
        'HireDate': new Date(762843600000),
        'Address': '4726 - 11th Ave. N.E.',
        'City': 'Seattle',
        'Region': 'WA',
        'PostalCode': '98105',
        'Country': 'USA',
        'HomePhone': '(206) 555-1189',
        'Extension': '2344',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },
        'Notes': 'Laura received a BA in psychology from the University of Washington.  She has also completed a course in business \
        French.  She reads and writes French.',
        'ReportsTo': 2,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
        'EmployeeID': 9,
        'LastName': 'Dodsworth',
        'FirstName': 'Anne',
        'Title': 'Sales Representative',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-123966000000),
        'HireDate': new Date(784875600000),
        'Address': '7 Houndstooth Rd.',
        'City': 'London',
        'Region': null,
        'PostalCode': 'WG2 7LT',
        'Country': 'UK',
        'HomePhone': '(71) 555-4444',
        'Extension': '452',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },
        'Notes': 'Anne has a BA degree in English from St. Lawrence College.  She is fluent in French and German.',
        'ReportsTo': 5,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
export let employeeData: Object[] = [{
    'EmployeeID': 1,
    'LastName': 'Davolio',
    'FirstName': 'Nancy',
    'Title': 'Sales Representative',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-664743600000),
    'HireDate': new Date(704692800000),
    'Address': '507 - 20th Ave. E.\r\nApt. 2A',
    'City': 'Seattle',
    'Region': 'WA',
    'PostalCode': '98122',
    'Country': 'USA',
    'HomePhone': '(206) 555-9857',
    'Extension': '5467',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },

    'Notes': 'Education includes a BA in psychology from Colorado State University in 1970.  She also completed\
    \'The Art of the Cold Call.\'  Nancy is a member of Toastmasters International.',
    'ReportsTo': 2,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
    'EmployeeID': 2,
    'LastName': 'Fuller',
    'FirstName': 'Andrew',
    'Title': 'Vice President, Sales',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Dr.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-563828400000),
    'HireDate': new Date(713764800000),
    'Address': '908 W. Capital Way',
    'City': 'Tacoma',
    'Region': 'WA',
    'PostalCode': '98401',
    'Country': 'USA',
    'HomePhone': '(206) 555-9482',
    'Extension': '3457',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },

    'Notes': 'Andrew received his BTS commercial in 1974 and a Ph.D. in international marketing from the University of \
    Dallas in 1981.  He is fluent in French and Italian and reads German.  He joined the company as a sales representative, \
    was promoted to sales manager in January 1992 and to vice president of sales in March 1993.  Andrew is a member of the \
    Sales Management Roundtable, the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, and the Pacific Rim Importers Association.',
    'ReportsTo': 0,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/fuller.bmp'
    'EmployeeID': 3,
    'LastName': 'Leverling',
    'FirstName': 'Janet',
    'Title': 'Sales Representative',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-200088000000),
    'HireDate': new Date(702104400000),
    'Address': '722 Moss Bay Blvd.',
    'City': 'Kirkland',
    'Region': 'WA',
    'PostalCode': '98033',
    'Country': 'USA',
    'HomePhone': '(206) 555-3412',
    'Extension': '3355',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21722 },

    'Notes': 'Janet has a BS degree in chemistry from Boston College (1984). \
        She has also completed a certificate program in food retailing management.\
        Janet was hired as a sales associate in 1991 and promoted to sales representative in February 1992.',
    'ReportsTo': 2,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/leverling.bmp'
    'EmployeeID': 4,
    'LastName': 'Peacock',
    'FirstName': 'Margaret',
    'Title': 'Sales Representative',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Mrs.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-1018814400000),
    'HireDate': new Date(736401600000),
    'Address': '4110 Old Redmond Rd.',
    'City': 'Redmond',
    'Region': 'WA',
    'PostalCode': '98052',
    'Country': 'USA',
    'HomePhone': '(206) 555-8122',
    'Extension': '5176',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },

    'Notes': 'Margaret holds a BA in English literature from Concordia College (1958) and an MA from the American \
    Institute of Culinary Arts (1966).  She was assigned to the London office temporarily from July through November 1992.',
    'ReportsTo': 2,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/peacock.bmp'
    'EmployeeID': 5,
    'LastName': 'Buchanan',
    'FirstName': 'Steven',
    'Title': 'Sales Manager',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Mr.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-468010800000),
    'HireDate': new Date(750830400000),
    'Address': '14 Garrett Hill',
    'City': 'London',
    'Region': null,
    'SW1 8JR',
    'Country': 'UK',
    'HomePhone': '(71) 555-4848',
    'Extension': '3453',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },

    'Notes': 'Steven Buchanan graduated from St. Andrews University, Scotland, with a BSC degree in 1976.  Upon joining the company as \
    a sales representative in 1992, he spent 6 months in an orientation program at the Seattle office and then returned to his permanent \
    post in London.  He was promoted to sales manager in March 1993.  Mr. Buchanan has completed the courses \'Successful \
    Telemarketing\' and \'International Sales Management.\'  He is fluent in French.',
    'ReportsTo': 2,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/buchanan.bmp'
    'EmployeeID': 6,
    'LastName': 'Suyama',
    'FirstName': 'Michael',
    'Title': 'Sales Representative',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Mr.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-205185600000),
    'HireDate': new Date(750830400000),
    'Address': 'Coventry House\r\nMiner Rd.',
    'City': 'London',
    'Region': null,
    'PostalCode': 'EC2 7JR',
    'Country': 'UK',
    'HomePhone': '(71) 555-7773',
    'Extension': '428',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },

    'Notes': 'Michael is a graduate of Sussex University (MA, economics, 1983) and the University of California at Los Angeles \
    (MBA, marketing, 1986).  He has also taken the courses \'Multi-Cultural Selling\' and \'Time Management for the Sales Professional.\'  \
    He is fluent in Japanese and can read and write French, Portuguese, and Spanish.',
    'ReportsTo': 5,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
    'EmployeeID': 7,
    'LastName': 'King',
    'FirstName': 'Robert',
    'Title': 'Sales Representative',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Mr.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-302731200000),
    'HireDate': new Date(757486800000),
    'Address': 'Edgeham Hollow\r\nWinchester Way',
    'City': 'London',
    'Region': null,
    'PostalCode': 'RG1 9SP',
    'Country': 'UK',
    'HomePhone': '(71) 555-5598',
    'Extension': '465',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },

    'Notes': 'Robert King served in the Peace Corps and traveled extensively before completing his degree in English at the \
    University of Michigan in 1992, the year he joined the company.  After completing a course entitled \'Selling in Europe,\' \
    he was transferred to the London office in March 1993.',
    'ReportsTo': 5,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
    'EmployeeID': 8,
    'LastName': 'Callahan',
    'FirstName': 'Laura',
    'Title': 'Inside Sales Coordinator',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-377982000000),
    'HireDate': new Date(762843600000),
    'Address': '4726 - 11th Ave. N.E.',
    'City': 'Seattle',
    'Region': 'WA',
    'PostalCode': '98105',
    'Country': 'USA',
    'HomePhone': '(206) 555-1189',
    'Extension': '2344',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },

    'Notes': 'Laura received a BA in psychology from the University of Washington.  She has also completed a course in business \
    French.  She reads and writes French.',
    'ReportsTo': 2,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
    'EmployeeID': 9,
    'LastName': 'Dodsworth',
    'FirstName': 'Anne',
    'Title': 'Sales Representative',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-123966000000),
    'HireDate': new Date(784875600000),
    'Address': '7 Houndstooth Rd.',
    'City': 'London',
    'Region': null,
    'PostalCode': 'WG2 7LT',
    'Country': 'UK',
    'HomePhone': '(71) 555-4444',
    'Extension': '452',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },

    'Notes': 'Anne has a BA degree in English from St. Lawrence College.  She is fluent in French and German.',
    'ReportsTo': 5,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'

Row template with formatting

The row template feature in Syncfusion® Grid allows you to customize the layout of rows in the grid. This is useful when you want to display images, buttons, or other custom content within the rows of a grid.

By default, Syncfusion® Grid provides the format property to format the values displayed in each column. However, when using the rowtemplate, the format property cannot be directly applied to format the values inside the template.

To format the values within the row template, you can define a global function that handles the formatting logic. This function can be invoked inside the template to format the corresponding values.

Here is an example of how to define a global formatting function for a date column and use it inside a rowTemplate:

import { ColumnDirective, ColumnsDirective, GridComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import { Internationalization } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import * as React from 'react';
import { employeeData } from './datasource';
let instance = new Internationalization();
function App() {
    const format = (value) => {
        return instance.formatDate(value, { skeleton: 'yMd', type: 'date' });
    const gridTemplate = (props) => {
        const src = props.EmployeeID + ".png";
        return (<tr className="templateRow">
      <td className="photo">
        <img src={src} alt={props.EmployeeID}/>
      <td className="details">
        <table className="CardTable" cellPadding={3} cellSpacing={2}>
            <col style={{width: "30%"}}/>
            <col style={{width: "10%"}}/>
              <td className="CardHeader">First Name </td>
              <td>{props.FirstName} </td>
              <td className="CardHeader">Last Name</td>
              <td>{props.LastName} </td>
              <td className="CardHeader">Title</td>
              <td className="CardHeader">Birth Date</td>
              <td> {format(props.BirthDate)}</td>
              <td className="CardHeader">Hire Date</td>
    return (<div>
    <GridComponent dataSource={employeeData} rowTemplate={gridTemplate} height='315'>
        <ColumnDirective headerText='EmployeeImage' width='180' textAlign='Center' field='OrderID'/>
        <ColumnDirective headerText='Employee Details' width='300' textAlign='Left' field='CustomerName'/>
export default App;
import { ColumnDirective, ColumnsDirective, GridComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import { Internationalization } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import * as React from 'react';
import { employeeData } from './datasource';

let instance: Internationalization = new Internationalization();

interface DateFormat extends Window {
  format?: Function;
function App() {
  const format = (value: Date) => {
    return instance.formatDate(value, { skeleton: 'yMd', type: 'date' });
  const gridTemplate = (props) => {
    const src = props.EmployeeID + ".png";
    return (<tr className="templateRow">
      <td className="photo">
        <img src={src} alt={props.EmployeeID} />
      <td className="details">
        <table className="CardTable" cellPadding={3} cellSpacing={2}>
            <col style={{width: "30%" }} />
            <col style={{width: "10%" }}/>
              <td className="CardHeader">First Name </td>
              <td>{props.FirstName} </td>
              <td className="CardHeader">Last Name</td>
              <td>{props.LastName} </td>
              <td className="CardHeader">Title</td>
              <td className="CardHeader">Birth Date</td>
              <td> {format(props.BirthDate)}</td>
              <td className="CardHeader">Hire Date</td>
  return (<div>
    <GridComponent dataSource={employeeData} rowTemplate={gridTemplate} height='315'>
        <ColumnDirective headerText='EmployeeImage' width='180' textAlign='Center' field='OrderID' />
        <ColumnDirective headerText='Employee Details' width='300' textAlign='Left' field='CustomerName' />
export default App;
export let employeeData = [{
        'EmployeeID': 1,
        'LastName': 'Davolio',
        'FirstName': 'Nancy',
        'Title': 'Sales Representative',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-664743600000),
        'HireDate': new Date(704692800000),
        'Address': '507 - 20th Ave. E.\r\nApt. 2A',
        'City': 'Seattle',
        'Region': 'WA',
        'PostalCode': '98122',
        'Country': 'USA',
        'HomePhone': '(206) 555-9857',
        'Extension': '5467',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },
        'Notes': 'Education includes a BA in psychology from Colorado State University in 1970.  She also completed\
        \'The Art of the Cold Call.\'  Nancy is a member of Toastmasters International.',
        'ReportsTo': 2,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
        'EmployeeID': 2,
        'LastName': 'Fuller',
        'FirstName': 'Andrew',
        'Title': 'Vice President, Sales',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Dr.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-563828400000),
        'HireDate': new Date(713764800000),
        'Address': '908 W. Capital Way',
        'City': 'Tacoma',
        'Region': 'WA',
        'PostalCode': '98401',
        'Country': 'USA',
        'HomePhone': '(206) 555-9482',
        'Extension': '3457',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },
        'Notes': 'Andrew received his BTS commercial in 1974 and a Ph.D. in international marketing from the University of \
        Dallas in 1981.  He is fluent in French and Italian and reads German.  He joined the company as a sales representative, \
        was promoted to sales manager in January 1992 and to vice president of sales in March 1993.  Andrew is a member of the \
        Sales Management Roundtable, the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, and the Pacific Rim Importers Association.',
        'ReportsTo': 0,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/fuller.bmp'
        'EmployeeID': 3,
        'LastName': 'Leverling',
        'FirstName': 'Janet',
        'Title': 'Sales Representative',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-200088000000),
        'HireDate': new Date(702104400000),
        'Address': '722 Moss Bay Blvd.',
        'City': 'Kirkland',
        'Region': 'WA',
        'PostalCode': '98033',
        'Country': 'USA',
        'HomePhone': '(206) 555-3412',
        'Extension': '3355',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21722 },
        'Notes': 'Janet has a BS degree in chemistry from Boston College (1984). \
         She has also completed a certificate program in food retailing management.\
         Janet was hired as a sales associate in 1991 and promoted to sales representative in February 1992.',
        'ReportsTo': 2,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/leverling.bmp'
        'EmployeeID': 4,
        'LastName': 'Peacock',
        'FirstName': 'Margaret',
        'Title': 'Sales Representative',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Mrs.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-1018814400000),
        'HireDate': new Date(736401600000),
        'Address': '4110 Old Redmond Rd.',
        'City': 'Redmond',
        'Region': 'WA',
        'PostalCode': '98052',
        'Country': 'USA',
        'HomePhone': '(206) 555-8122',
        'Extension': '5176',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },
        'Notes': 'Margaret holds a BA in English literature from Concordia College (1958) and an MA from the American \
        Institute of Culinary Arts (1966).  She was assigned to the London office temporarily from July through November 1992.',
        'ReportsTo': 2,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/peacock.bmp'
        'EmployeeID': 5,
        'LastName': 'Buchanan',
        'FirstName': 'Steven',
        'Title': 'Sales Manager',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Mr.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-468010800000),
        'HireDate': new Date(750830400000),
        'Address': '14 Garrett Hill',
        'City': 'London',
        'Region': null,
        'PostalCode': 'SW1 8JR',
        'Country': 'UK',
        'HomePhone': '(71) 555-4848',
        'Extension': '3453',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },
        'Notes': 'Steven Buchanan graduated from St. Andrews University, Scotland, with a BSC degree in 1976.  Upon joining the company as \
        a sales representative in 1992, he spent 6 months in an orientation program at the Seattle office and then returned to his permanent \
        post in London.  He was promoted to sales manager in March 1993.  Mr. Buchanan has completed the courses \'Successful \
        Telemarketing\' and \'International Sales Management.\'  He is fluent in French.',
        'ReportsTo': 2,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/buchanan.bmp'
        'EmployeeID': 6,
        'LastName': 'Suyama',
        'FirstName': 'Michael',
        'Title': 'Sales Representative',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Mr.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-205185600000),
        'HireDate': new Date(750830400000),
        'Address': 'Coventry House\r\nMiner Rd.',
        'City': 'London',
        'Region': null,
        'PostalCode': 'EC2 7JR',
        'Country': 'UK',
        'HomePhone': '(71) 555-7773',
        'Extension': '428',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },
        'Notes': 'Michael is a graduate of Sussex University (MA, economics, 1983) and the University of California at Los Angeles \
        (MBA, marketing, 1986).  He has also taken the courses \'Multi-Cultural Selling\' and \'Time Management for the Sales Professional.\'  \
        He is fluent in Japanese and can read and write French, Portuguese, and Spanish.',
        'ReportsTo': 5,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
        'EmployeeID': 7,
        'LastName': 'King',
        'FirstName': 'Robert',
        'Title': 'Sales Representative',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Mr.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-302731200000),
        'HireDate': new Date(757486800000),
        'Address': 'Edgeham Hollow\r\nWinchester Way',
        'City': 'London',
        'Region': null,
        'PostalCode': 'RG1 9SP',
        'Country': 'UK',
        'HomePhone': '(71) 555-5598',
        'Extension': '465',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },
        'Notes': 'Robert King served in the Peace Corps and traveled extensively before completing his degree in English at the \
        University of Michigan in 1992, the year he joined the company.  After completing a course entitled \'Selling in Europe,\' \
        he was transferred to the London office in March 1993.',
        'ReportsTo': 5,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
        'EmployeeID': 8,
        'LastName': 'Callahan',
        'FirstName': 'Laura',
        'Title': 'Inside Sales Coordinator',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-377982000000),
        'HireDate': new Date(762843600000),
        'Address': '4726 - 11th Ave. N.E.',
        'City': 'Seattle',
        'Region': 'WA',
        'PostalCode': '98105',
        'Country': 'USA',
        'HomePhone': '(206) 555-1189',
        'Extension': '2344',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },
        'Notes': 'Laura received a BA in psychology from the University of Washington.  She has also completed a course in business \
        French.  She reads and writes French.',
        'ReportsTo': 2,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
        'EmployeeID': 9,
        'LastName': 'Dodsworth',
        'FirstName': 'Anne',
        'Title': 'Sales Representative',
        'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
        'BirthDate': new Date(-123966000000),
        'HireDate': new Date(784875600000),
        'Address': '7 Houndstooth Rd.',
        'City': 'London',
        'Region': null,
        'PostalCode': 'WG2 7LT',
        'Country': 'UK',
        'HomePhone': '(71) 555-4444',
        'Extension': '452',
        'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },
        'Notes': 'Anne has a BA degree in English from St. Lawrence College.  She is fluent in French and German.',
        'ReportsTo': 5,
        'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
export let employeeData: Object[] = [{
    'EmployeeID': 1,
    'LastName': 'Davolio',
    'FirstName': 'Nancy',
    'Title': 'Sales Representative',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-664743600000),
    'HireDate': new Date(704692800000),
    'Address': '507 - 20th Ave. E.\r\nApt. 2A',
    'City': 'Seattle',
    'Region': 'WA',
    'PostalCode': '98122',
    'Country': 'USA',
    'HomePhone': '(206) 555-9857',
    'Extension': '5467',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },

    'Notes': 'Education includes a BA in psychology from Colorado State University in 1970.  She also completed\
    \'The Art of the Cold Call.\'  Nancy is a member of Toastmasters International.',
    'ReportsTo': 2,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
    'EmployeeID': 2,
    'LastName': 'Fuller',
    'FirstName': 'Andrew',
    'Title': 'Vice President, Sales',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Dr.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-563828400000),
    'HireDate': new Date(713764800000),
    'Address': '908 W. Capital Way',
    'City': 'Tacoma',
    'Region': 'WA',
    'PostalCode': '98401',
    'Country': 'USA',
    'HomePhone': '(206) 555-9482',
    'Extension': '3457',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },

    'Notes': 'Andrew received his BTS commercial in 1974 and a Ph.D. in international marketing from the University of \
    Dallas in 1981.  He is fluent in French and Italian and reads German.  He joined the company as a sales representative, \
    was promoted to sales manager in January 1992 and to vice president of sales in March 1993.  Andrew is a member of the \
    Sales Management Roundtable, the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, and the Pacific Rim Importers Association.',
    'ReportsTo': 0,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/fuller.bmp'
    'EmployeeID': 3,
    'LastName': 'Leverling',
    'FirstName': 'Janet',
    'Title': 'Sales Representative',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-200088000000),
    'HireDate': new Date(702104400000),
    'Address': '722 Moss Bay Blvd.',
    'City': 'Kirkland',
    'Region': 'WA',
    'PostalCode': '98033',
    'Country': 'USA',
    'HomePhone': '(206) 555-3412',
    'Extension': '3355',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21722 },

    'Notes': 'Janet has a BS degree in chemistry from Boston College (1984). \
        She has also completed a certificate program in food retailing management.\
        Janet was hired as a sales associate in 1991 and promoted to sales representative in February 1992.',
    'ReportsTo': 2,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/leverling.bmp'
    'EmployeeID': 4,
    'LastName': 'Peacock',
    'FirstName': 'Margaret',
    'Title': 'Sales Representative',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Mrs.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-1018814400000),
    'HireDate': new Date(736401600000),
    'Address': '4110 Old Redmond Rd.',
    'City': 'Redmond',
    'Region': 'WA',
    'PostalCode': '98052',
    'Country': 'USA',
    'HomePhone': '(206) 555-8122',
    'Extension': '5176',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },

    'Notes': 'Margaret holds a BA in English literature from Concordia College (1958) and an MA from the American \
    Institute of Culinary Arts (1966).  She was assigned to the London office temporarily from July through November 1992.',
    'ReportsTo': 2,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/peacock.bmp'
    'EmployeeID': 5,
    'LastName': 'Buchanan',
    'FirstName': 'Steven',
    'Title': 'Sales Manager',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Mr.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-468010800000),
    'HireDate': new Date(750830400000),
    'Address': '14 Garrett Hill',
    'City': 'London',
    'Region': null,
    'SW1 8JR',
    'Country': 'UK',
    'HomePhone': '(71) 555-4848',
    'Extension': '3453',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },

    'Notes': 'Steven Buchanan graduated from St. Andrews University, Scotland, with a BSC degree in 1976.  Upon joining the company as \
    a sales representative in 1992, he spent 6 months in an orientation program at the Seattle office and then returned to his permanent \
    post in London.  He was promoted to sales manager in March 1993.  Mr. Buchanan has completed the courses \'Successful \
    Telemarketing\' and \'International Sales Management.\'  He is fluent in French.',
    'ReportsTo': 2,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/buchanan.bmp'
    'EmployeeID': 6,
    'LastName': 'Suyama',
    'FirstName': 'Michael',
    'Title': 'Sales Representative',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Mr.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-205185600000),
    'HireDate': new Date(750830400000),
    'Address': 'Coventry House\r\nMiner Rd.',
    'City': 'London',
    'Region': null,
    'PostalCode': 'EC2 7JR',
    'Country': 'UK',
    'HomePhone': '(71) 555-7773',
    'Extension': '428',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },

    'Notes': 'Michael is a graduate of Sussex University (MA, economics, 1983) and the University of California at Los Angeles \
    (MBA, marketing, 1986).  He has also taken the courses \'Multi-Cultural Selling\' and \'Time Management for the Sales Professional.\'  \
    He is fluent in Japanese and can read and write French, Portuguese, and Spanish.',
    'ReportsTo': 5,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
    'EmployeeID': 7,
    'LastName': 'King',
    'FirstName': 'Robert',
    'Title': 'Sales Representative',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Mr.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-302731200000),
    'HireDate': new Date(757486800000),
    'Address': 'Edgeham Hollow\r\nWinchester Way',
    'City': 'London',
    'Region': null,
    'PostalCode': 'RG1 9SP',
    'Country': 'UK',
    'HomePhone': '(71) 555-5598',
    'Extension': '465',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },

    'Notes': 'Robert King served in the Peace Corps and traveled extensively before completing his degree in English at the \
    University of Michigan in 1992, the year he joined the company.  After completing a course entitled \'Selling in Europe,\' \
    he was transferred to the London office in March 1993.',
    'ReportsTo': 5,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
    'EmployeeID': 8,
    'LastName': 'Callahan',
    'FirstName': 'Laura',
    'Title': 'Inside Sales Coordinator',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-377982000000),
    'HireDate': new Date(762843600000),
    'Address': '4726 - 11th Ave. N.E.',
    'City': 'Seattle',
    'Region': 'WA',
    'PostalCode': '98105',
    'Country': 'USA',
    'HomePhone': '(206) 555-1189',
    'Extension': '2344',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },

    'Notes': 'Laura received a BA in psychology from the University of Washington.  She has also completed a course in business \
    French.  She reads and writes French.',
    'ReportsTo': 2,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'
    'EmployeeID': 9,
    'LastName': 'Dodsworth',
    'FirstName': 'Anne',
    'Title': 'Sales Representative',
    'TitleOfCourtesy': 'Ms.',
    'BirthDate': new Date(-123966000000),
    'HireDate': new Date(784875600000),
    'Address': '7 Houndstooth Rd.',
    'City': 'London',
    'Region': null,
    'PostalCode': 'WG2 7LT',
    'Country': 'UK',
    'HomePhone': '(71) 555-4444',
    'Extension': '452',
    'Photo': { 'Length': 21626 },

    'Notes': 'Anne has a BA degree in English from St. Lawrence College.  She is fluent in French and German.',
    'ReportsTo': 5,
    'PhotoPath': 'http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp'

When using the rowTemplate feature in Syncfusion® Grid, keep in mind that any formatting applied to columns using the format property will not work inside the template.

Render syncfusion® control in row template

The Grid allows you to render custom Syncfusion® controls within the rows of the grid. This feature is helpful as it enables you to display interactive Syncfusion® controls instead of field values in the grid.

To enable a Syncfusion® control in a row template, you need to set the rowTemplate property of the Grid component. This property accepts a custom HTML template that defines the layout for each row.

Here is an example that demonstrates rendering Syncfusion® controls within a row template:

import { ColumnDirective, ColumnsDirective, GridComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import { ChipListComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { DropDownListComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-dropdowns';
import { NumericTextBoxComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-inputs';
import { DatePickerComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-calendars';
import * as React from 'react';
import { orderDatas } from './datasource';

function App() {
  const dropData = ['Order Placed', 'Processing', 'Delivered'];
  const gridTemplate = (props) => {
    return (
        <td className="rows">
          <ChipListComponent id='chip' text={props.OrderID}></ChipListComponent>
        <td className="rows">
          <NumericTextBoxComponent width={150} value={props.Quantity}></NumericTextBoxComponent>
        <td className="rows">{props.ShipAddress}</td>
        <td className="rows">
          <DatePickerComponent width={100} value={props.OrderDate}></DatePickerComponent>
        <td className="rows">
          <DropDownListComponent width={150} value={props.OrderStatus} dataSource={dropData} popupHeight={150} popupWidth={150}></DropDownListComponent>
  return (<div>
    <GridComponent dataSource={orderDatas} rowTemplate={gridTemplate} height={315}>
        <ColumnDirective field='OrderID' headerText='Order ID' width='180' />
        <ColumnDirective field='Quantity' headerText='Quantity' width='150' />
        <ColumnDirective field='ShipAddress' headerText='Ship Address' width='180' />
        <ColumnDirective field='OrderDate' headerText='Order Date' width='150' />
        <ColumnDirective field='OrderStatus' headerText='Order Status' width='150' />
export default App;
import { ColumnDirective, ColumnsDirective, GridComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import { ChipListComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { DropDownListComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-dropdowns';
import { NumericTextBoxComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-inputs';
import { DatePickerComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-calendars';
import * as React from 'react';
import { orderDatas } from './datasource';

function App() {
  const dropData: string[] = ['Order Placed', 'Processing', 'Delivered'];
  const gridTemplate = (props) => {
    return (
        <td className="rows">
          <ChipListComponent id='chip' text={props.OrderID}></ChipListComponent>
        <td className="rows">
          <NumericTextBoxComponent width={150} value={props.Quantity}></NumericTextBoxComponent>
        <td className="rows">{props.ShipAddress}</td>
        <td className="rows">
          <DatePickerComponent width={100} value={props.OrderDate}></DatePickerComponent>
        <td className="rows">
          <DropDownListComponent width={150} value={props.OrderStatus} dataSource={dropData} popupHeight={150} popupWidth={150}></DropDownListComponent>
  return (<div>
    <GridComponent dataSource={orderDatas} rowTemplate={gridTemplate} height={315}>
        <ColumnDirective field='OrderID' headerText='Order ID' width='180' />
        <ColumnDirective field='Quantity' headerText='Quantity' width='150' />
        <ColumnDirective field='ShipAddress' headerText='Ship Address' width='180' />
        <ColumnDirective field='OrderDate' headerText='Order Date' width='150' />
        <ColumnDirective field='OrderStatus' headerText='Order Status' width='150' />
export default App;
export let orderDatas = [
      OrderID: 10248,
      CustomerID: 'VINET',
      EmployeeID: 5,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-04T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-08-01T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-07-16T00:00:00Z',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 32.38,
      ShipName: 'Vins et alcools Chevalier',
      ShipAddress: "59 rue de l'Abbaye",
      ShipCity: 'Reims',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '51100',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10249,
      CustomerID: 'TOMSP',
      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-05T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-08-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-07-10T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 11.61,
      ShipName: 'Toms Spezialit\u00e4ten',
      ShipAddress: 'Luisenstr. 48',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00fcnster',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '44087',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '3'
      OrderID: 10250,
      CustomerID: 'HANAR',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-08T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-08-05T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-07-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 65.83,
      ShipName: 'Hanari Carnes',
      ShipAddress: 'Rua do Pa\u00e7o, 67',
      ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro',
      ShipRegion: 'RJ',
      ShipPostalCode: '05454-876',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '5'
      OrderID: 10251,
      CustomerID: 'VICTE',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-08T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-08-05T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-07-15T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 41.34,
      ShipName: 'Victuailles en stock',
      ShipAddress: '2, rue du Commerce',
      ShipCity: 'Lyon',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '69004',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '6'
      OrderID: 10252,
      CustomerID: 'SUPRD',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-09T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-08-06T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-07-11T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 51.3,
      ShipName: 'Supr\u00eames d\u00e9lices',
      ShipAddress: 'Boulevard Tirou, 255',
      ShipCity: 'Charleroi',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'B-6000',
      ShipCountry: 'Belgium',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '5'
      OrderID: 10253,
      CustomerID: 'HANAR',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-10T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-07-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-07-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 58.17,
      ShipName: 'Hanari Carnes',
      ShipAddress: 'Rua do Pa\u00e7o, 67',
      ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro',
      ShipRegion: 'RJ',
      ShipPostalCode: '05454-876',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '7'
      OrderID: 10254,
      CustomerID: 'CHOPS',
      EmployeeID: 5,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-11T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-08-08T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-07-23T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 22.98,
      ShipName: 'Chop-suey Chinese',
      ShipAddress: 'Hauptstr. 31',
      ShipCity: 'Bern',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '3012',
      ShipCountry: 'Switzerland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '8'
      OrderID: 10255,
      CustomerID: 'RICSU',
      EmployeeID: 9,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-12T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-08-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-07-15T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 148.33,
      ShipName: 'Richter Supermarkt',
      ShipAddress: 'Starenweg 5',
      ShipCity: 'Gen\u00e8ve',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1204',
      ShipCountry: 'Switzerland',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '8'
      OrderID: 10256,
      CustomerID: 'WELLI',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-15T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-08-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-07-17T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 13.97,
      ShipName: 'Wellington Importadora',
      ShipAddress: 'Rua do Mercado, 12',
      ShipCity: 'Resende',
      ShipRegion: 'SP',
      ShipPostalCode: '08737-363',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10257,
      CustomerID: 'HILAA',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-16T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-08-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-07-22T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 81.91,
      ShipName: 'HILARION-Abastos',
      ShipAddress: 'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35',
      ShipCity: 'San Crist\u00f3bal',
      ShipRegion: 'T\u00e1chira',
      ShipPostalCode: '5022',
      ShipCountry: 'Venezuela',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10258,
      CustomerID: 'ERNSH',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-17T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-08-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-07-23T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 140.51,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10259,
      CustomerID: 'CENTC',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-18T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-08-15T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-07-25T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 3.25,
      ShipName: 'Centro comercial Moctezuma',
      ShipAddress: 'Sierras de Granada 9993',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00e9xico D.F.',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '05022',
      ShipCountry: 'Mexico',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10260,
      CustomerID: 'OTTIK',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-19T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-08-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-07-29T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 55.09,
      ShipName: 'Ottilies K\u00e4seladen',
      ShipAddress: 'Mehrheimerstr. 369',
      ShipCity: 'K\u00f6ln',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '50739',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10261,
      CustomerID: 'QUEDE',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-19T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-08-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-07-30T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 3.05,
      ShipName: 'Que Del\u00edcia',
      ShipAddress: 'Rua da Panificadora, 12',
      ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro',
      ShipRegion: 'RJ',
      ShipPostalCode: '02389-673',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10262,
      CustomerID: 'RATTC',
      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-22T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-08-19T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-07-25T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 48.29,
      ShipName: 'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery',
      ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
      ShipCity: 'Albuquerque',
      ShipRegion: 'NM',
      ShipPostalCode: '87110',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10263,
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      EmployeeID: 9,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-23T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-07-31T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 146.06,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      CustomerID: 'FOLKO',
      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1996-07-24T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-08-23T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 3.67,
      ShipName: 'Folk och f\u00e4 HB',
      ShipAddress: '\u00c5kergatan 24',
      ShipCity: 'Br\u00e4cke',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'S-844 67',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10265,
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      EmployeeID: 2,
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      RequiredDate: '1996-08-22T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-08-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 55.28,
      ShipName: 'Blondel p\u00e8re et fils',
      ShipAddress: '24, place Kl\u00e9ber',
      ShipCity: 'Strasbourg',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '67000',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-07-31T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 25.73,
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      ShipAddress: 'Torikatu 38',
      ShipCity: 'Oulu',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '90110',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 208.58,
      ShipName: 'Frankenversand',
      ShipAddress: 'Berliner Platz 43',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00fcnchen',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '80805',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
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      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 66.29,
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      ShipRegion: 'DF',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-08-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 4.56,
      ShipName: 'White Clover Markets',
      ShipAddress: '1029 - 12th Ave. S.',
      ShipCity: 'Seattle',
      ShipRegion: 'WA',
      ShipPostalCode: '98124',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 136.54,
      ShipName: 'Wartian Herkku',
      ShipAddress: 'Torikatu 38',
      ShipCity: 'Oulu',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '90110',
      ShipCountry: 'Finland',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-08-30T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 4.54,
      ShipName: 'Split Rail Beer & Ale',
      ShipAddress: 'P.O. Box 555',
      ShipCity: 'Lander',
      ShipRegion: 'WY',
      ShipPostalCode: '82520',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1o'
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 98.03,
      ShipName: 'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery',
      ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
      ShipCity: 'Albuquerque',
      ShipRegion: 'NM',
      ShipPostalCode: '87110',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      ShippedDate: '1996-08-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 76.07,
      ShipName: 'QUICK-Stop',
      ShipAddress: 'Taucherstra\u00dfe 10',
      ShipCity: 'Cunewalde',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '01307',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      EmployeeID: 6,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-08-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 6.01,
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      ShipAddress: "59 rue de l'Abbaye",
      ShipCity: 'Reims',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '51100',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '17'
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      EmployeeID: 1,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-08-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 26.93,
      ShipName: 'Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti',
      ShipAddress: 'Via Ludovico il Moro 22',
      ShipCity: 'Bergamo',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '24100',
      ShipCountry: 'Italy',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '10'
      OrderID: 10276,
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      EmployeeID: 8,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-08-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 13.84,
      ShipName: 'Tortuga Restaurante',
      ShipAddress: 'Avda. Azteca 123',
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      ShipRegion: null,
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      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 125.77,
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      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '04179',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 92.69,
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      ShipCity: 'Lule\u00e5',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'S-958 22',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 25.83,
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      ShipRegion: null,
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      ShipCity: 'Lule\u00e5',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'S-958 22',
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 2.94,
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      Freight: 12.69,
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      ShipAddress: 'Gran V\u00eda, 1',
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      Freight: 84.81,
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 76.56,
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      ShipCity: 'Frankfurt a.M.',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '60528',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 76.83,
      ShipName: 'QUICK-Stop',
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      ShipRegion: null,
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      Freight: 229.24,
      ShipName: 'QUICK-Stop',
      ShipAddress: 'Taucherstra\u00dfe 10',
      ShipCity: 'Cunewalde',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '01307',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      Freight: 12.76,
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 7.45,
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      ShipCity: 'London',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'EC2 5NT',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 6.4,
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      Freight: 1.35,
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      ShipAddress: 'Avda. Azteca 123',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00e9xico D.F.',
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      Freight: 147.26,
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      ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
      ShipCity: 'Albuquerque',
      ShipRegion: 'NM',
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      Freight: 0.12,
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      Freight: 5.74,
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 168.22,
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      ShipAddress: '8 Johnstown Road',
      ShipCity: 'Cork',
      ShipRegion: 'Co. Cork',
      ShipPostalCode: null,
      ShipCountry: 'Ireland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 17.68,
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      ShipRegion: null,
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 45.08,
      ShipName: 'Die Wandernde Kuh',
      ShipAddress: 'Adenauerallee 900',
      ShipCity: 'Stuttgart',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '70563',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '5'
      OrderID: 10302,
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      EmployeeID: 4,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-10-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 6.27,
      ShipName: 'Supr\u00eames d\u00e9lices',
      ShipAddress: 'Boulevard Tirou, 255',
      ShipCity: 'Charleroi',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'B-6000',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      EmployeeID: 7,
      OrderDate: '1996-09-11T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-10-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-09-18T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 107.83,
      ShipName: 'Godos Cocina T\u00edpica',
      ShipAddress: 'C/ Romero, 33',
      ShipCity: 'Sevilla',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '41101',
      ShipCountry: 'Spain',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      EmployeeID: 1,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-09-17T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 63.79,
      ShipName: 'Tortuga Restaurante',
      ShipAddress: 'Avda. Azteca 123',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00e9xico D.F.',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '05033',
      ShipCountry: 'Mexico',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      EmployeeID: 8,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-10-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 257.62,
      ShipName: 'Old World Delicatessen',
      ShipAddress: '2743 Bering St.',
      ShipCity: 'Anchorage',
      ShipRegion: 'AK',
      ShipPostalCode: '99508',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '6'
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      CustomerID: 'ROMEY',
      EmployeeID: 1,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-09-23T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 7.56,
      ShipName: 'Romero y tomillo',
      ShipAddress: 'Gran V\u00eda, 1',
      ShipCity: 'Madrid',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '28001',
      ShipCountry: 'Spain',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      EmployeeID: 2,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-09-25T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 0.56,
      ShipName: 'Lonesome Pine Restaurant',
      ShipAddress: '89 Chiaroscuro Rd.',
      ShipCity: 'Portland',
      ShipRegion: 'OR',
      ShipPostalCode: '97219',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '3'
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      CustomerID: 'ANATR',
      EmployeeID: 7,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-09-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 1.61,
      ShipName: 'Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados',
      ShipAddress: 'Avda. de la Constituci\u00f3n 2222',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00e9xico D.F.',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '05021',
      ShipCountry: 'Mexico',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '13'
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      EmployeeID: 3,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-10-23T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 47.3,
      ShipName: 'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers',
      ShipAddress: '8 Johnstown Road',
      ShipCity: 'Cork',
      ShipRegion: 'Co. Cork',
      ShipPostalCode: null,
      ShipCountry: 'Ireland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '8'
      OrderID: 10310,
      CustomerID: 'THEBI',
      EmployeeID: 8,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-09-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 17.52,
      ShipName: 'The Big Cheese',
      ShipAddress: '89 Jefferson Way Suite 2',
      ShipCity: 'Portland',
      ShipRegion: 'OR',
      ShipPostalCode: '97201',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '6'
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      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-09-20T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-09-26T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 24.69,
      ShipName: 'Du monde entier',
      ShipAddress: '67, rue des Cinquante Otages',
      ShipCity: 'Nantes',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '44000',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
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      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1996-09-23T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-10-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 40.26,
      ShipName: 'Die Wandernde Kuh',
      ShipAddress: 'Adenauerallee 900',
      ShipCity: 'Stuttgart',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '70563',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      CustomerID: 'QUICK',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-10-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 1.96,
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      ShipAddress: 'Taucherstra\u00dfe 10',
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      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '01307',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      EmployeeID: 1,
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 74.16,
      ShipName: 'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery',
      ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
      ShipCity: 'Albuquerque',
      ShipRegion: 'NM',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-10-03T00:00:00Z',
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      Freight: 41.76,
      ShipName: 'Island Trading',
      ShipAddress: 'Garden House Crowther Way',
      ShipCity: 'Cowes',
      ShipRegion: 'Isle of Wight',
      ShipPostalCode: 'PO31 7PJ',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-10-08T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 150.15,
      ShipName: 'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery',
      ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
      ShipCity: 'Albuquerque',
      ShipRegion: 'NM',
      ShipPostalCode: '87110',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 12.69,
      ShipName: 'Lonesome Pine Restaurant',
      ShipAddress: '89 Chiaroscuro Rd.',
      ShipCity: 'Portland',
      ShipRegion: 'OR',
      ShipPostalCode: '97219',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShipCity: 'Cowes',
      ShipRegion: 'Isle of Wight',
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      Freight: 64.5,
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      ShipAddress: 'Avda. Azteca 123',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00e9xico D.F.',
      ShipRegion: null,
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      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 34.57,
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      ShipRegion: null,
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      ShipName: 'Island Trading',
      ShipAddress: 'Garden House Crowther Way',
      ShipCity: 'Cowes',
      ShipRegion: 'Isle of Wight',
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      ShipCountry: 'UK',
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      Freight: 0.4,
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      ShipRegion: null,
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 214.27,
      ShipName: 'Save-a-lot Markets',
      ShipAddress: '187 Suffolk Ln.',
      ShipCity: 'Boise',
      ShipRegion: 'ID',
      ShipPostalCode: '83720',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 77.92,
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      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '28023',
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 63.36,
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      ShipAddress: '\u00c5kergatan 24',
      ShipCity: 'Br\u00e4cke',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'S-844 67',
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      Freight: 87.03,
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      ShipPostalCode: '1675',
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      Freight: 191.67,
      ShipName: 'Split Rail Beer & Ale',
      ShipAddress: 'P.O. Box 555',
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      ShipPostalCode: '82520',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      Freight: 12.75,
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShipVia: 1,
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      ShipCity: 'Montr\u00e9al',
      ShipRegion: 'Qu\u00e9bec',
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      Freight: 0.59,
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      Freight: 42.11,
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      ShipAddress: '8 Johnstown Road',
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      ShipRegion: 'Co. Cork',
      ShipPostalCode: null,
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 15.51,
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      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1756',
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      ShipCity: 'M\u00fcnchen',
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      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 84.21,
      ShipName: 'Old World Delicatessen',
      ShipAddress: '2743 Bering St.',
      ShipCity: 'Anchorage',
      ShipRegion: 'AK',
      ShipPostalCode: '99508',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 15.66,
      ShipName: 'M\u00e8re Paillarde',
      ShipAddress: '43 rue St. Laurent',
      ShipCity: 'Montr\u00e9al',
      ShipRegion: 'Qu\u00e9bec',
      ShipPostalCode: 'H1J 1C3',
      ShipCountry: 'Canada',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      EmployeeID: 1,
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      ShipVia: 3,
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      ShipName: "Bon app'",
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      ShipCity: 'Marseille',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '13008',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      OrderID: 10341,
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      EmployeeID: 7,
      OrderDate: '1996-10-29T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-11-26T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-05T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 26.78,
      ShipName: 'Simons bistro',
      ShipAddress: 'Vinb\u00e6ltet 34',
      ShipCity: 'Kobenhavn',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1734',
      ShipCountry: 'Denmark',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10342,
      CustomerID: 'FRANK',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-10-30T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-11-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 54.83,
      ShipName: 'Frankenversand',
      ShipAddress: 'Berliner Platz 43',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00fcnchen',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '80805',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10343,
      CustomerID: 'LEHMS',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-10-31T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-11-28T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-06T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 110.37,
      ShipName: 'Lehmanns Marktstand',
      ShipAddress: 'Magazinweg 7',
      ShipCity: 'Frankfurt a.M.',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '60528',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10344,
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      EmployeeID: 4,
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      RequiredDate: '1996-11-29T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-05T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 23.29,
      ShipName: 'White Clover Markets',
      ShipAddress: '1029 - 12th Ave. S.',
      ShipCity: 'Seattle',
      ShipRegion: 'WA',
      ShipPostalCode: '98124',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10345,
      CustomerID: 'QUICK',
      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-04T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-02T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-11T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 249.06,
      ShipName: 'QUICK-Stop',
      ShipAddress: 'Taucherstra\u00dfe 10',
      ShipCity: 'Cunewalde',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '01307',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10346,
      CustomerID: 'RATTC',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-05T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-17T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-08T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 142.08,
      ShipName: 'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery',
      ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
      ShipCity: 'Albuquerque',
      ShipRegion: 'NM',
      ShipPostalCode: '87110',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10347,
      CustomerID: 'FAMIA',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-06T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-08T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 3.1,
      ShipName: 'Familia Arquibaldo',
      ShipAddress: 'Rua Or\u00f3s, 92',
      ShipCity: 'Sao Paulo',
      ShipRegion: 'SP',
      ShipPostalCode: '05442-030',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10348,
      CustomerID: 'WANDK',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-07T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-05T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-15T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 0.78,
      ShipName: 'Die Wandernde Kuh',
      ShipAddress: 'Adenauerallee 900',
      ShipCity: 'Stuttgart',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '70563',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10349,
      CustomerID: 'SPLIR',
      EmployeeID: 7,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-08T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-06T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-15T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 8.63,
      ShipName: 'Split Rail Beer & Ale',
      ShipAddress: 'P.O. Box 555',
      ShipCity: 'Lander',
      ShipRegion: 'WY',
      ShipPostalCode: '82520',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10350,
      CustomerID: 'LAMAI',
      EmployeeID: 6,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 64.19,
      ShipName: "La maison d'Asie",
      ShipAddress: '1 rue Alsace-Lorraine',
      ShipCity: 'Toulouse',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '31000',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10351,
      CustomerID: 'ERNSH',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-11T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 162.33,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10352,
      CustomerID: 'FURIB',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-12T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-11-26T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-18T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 1.3,
      ShipName: 'Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar',
      ShipAddress: 'Jardim das rosas n. 32',
      ShipCity: 'Lisboa',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1675',
      ShipCountry: 'Portugal',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10353,
      CustomerID: 'PICCO',
      EmployeeID: 7,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-13T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-11T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-25T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 360.63,
      ShipName: 'Piccolo und mehr',
      ShipAddress: 'Geislweg 14',
      ShipCity: 'Salzburg',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '5020',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10354,
      CustomerID: 'PERIC',
      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-14T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 53.8,
      ShipName: 'Pericles Comidas cl\u00e1sicas',
      ShipAddress: 'Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00e9xico D.F.',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '05033',
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10355,
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      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-15T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 41.95,
      ShipName: 'Around the Horn',
      ShipAddress: 'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary',
      ShipCity: 'Colchester',
      ShipRegion: 'Essex',
      ShipPostalCode: 'CO7 6JX',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10356,
      CustomerID: 'WANDK',
      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-18T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 36.71,
      ShipName: 'Die Wandernde Kuh',
      ShipAddress: 'Adenauerallee 900',
      ShipCity: 'Stuttgart',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '70563',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10357,
      CustomerID: 'LILAS',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-19T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-17T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-02T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 34.88,
      ShipName: 'LILA-Supermercado',
      ShipAddress: 'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bol\u00edvar #65-98 Llano Largo',
      ShipCity: 'Barquisimeto',
      ShipRegion: 'Lara',
      ShipPostalCode: '3508',
      ShipCountry: 'Venezuela',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      CustomerID: 'LAMAI',
      EmployeeID: 5,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-20T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-11-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 19.64,
      ShipName: "La maison d'Asie",
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      ShipCity: 'Toulouse',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '31000',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10359,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-11-26T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 288.43,
      ShipName: 'Seven Seas Imports',
      ShipAddress: '90 Wadhurst Rd.',
      ShipCity: 'London',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'OX15 4NB',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10360,
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      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-22T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-02T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 131.7,
      ShipName: 'Blondel p\u00e8re et fils',
      ShipAddress: '24, place Kl\u00e9ber',
      ShipCity: 'Strasbourg',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '67000',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10361,
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      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-22T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 183.17,
      ShipName: 'QUICK-Stop',
      ShipAddress: 'Taucherstra\u00dfe 10',
      ShipCity: 'Cunewalde',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '01307',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10362,
      CustomerID: 'BONAP',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-25T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-23T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-28T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 96.04,
      ShipName: "Bon app'",
      ShipAddress: '12, rue des Bouchers',
      ShipCity: 'Marseille',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '13008',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10363,
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      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-26T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 30.54,
      ShipName: 'Drachenblut Delikatessen',
      ShipAddress: 'Walserweg 21',
      ShipCity: 'Aachen',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '52066',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10364,
      CustomerID: 'EASTC',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-26T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-07T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 71.97,
      ShipName: 'Eastern Connection',
      ShipAddress: '35 King George',
      ShipCity: 'London',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'WX3 6FW',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      OrderID: 10365,
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      EmployeeID: 3,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-02T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 22.0,
      ShipName: 'Antonio Moreno Taquer\u00eda',
      ShipAddress: 'Mataderos  2312',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00e9xico D.F.',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '05023',
      ShipCountry: 'Mexico',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      OrderID: 10366,
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      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-28T00:00:00Z',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 10.14,
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      ShipAddress: 'Rambla de Catalu\u00f1a, 23',
      ShipCity: 'Barcelona',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8022',
      ShipCountry: 'Spain',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
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      EmployeeID: 7,
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      RequiredDate: '1996-12-26T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-02T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 13.55,
      ShipName: 'Vaffeljernet',
      ShipAddress: 'Smagsloget 45',
      ShipCity: '\u00c5rhus',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8200',
      ShipCountry: 'Denmark',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10368,
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      EmployeeID: 2,
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      RequiredDate: '1996-12-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-02T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 101.95,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      EmployeeID: 8,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 195.68,
      ShipName: 'Split Rail Beer & Ale',
      ShipAddress: 'P.O. Box 555',
      ShipCity: 'Lander',
      ShipRegion: 'WY',
      ShipPostalCode: '82520',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10370,
      CustomerID: 'CHOPS',
      EmployeeID: 6,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 1.17,
      ShipName: 'Chop-suey Chinese',
      ShipAddress: 'Hauptstr. 31',
      ShipCity: 'Bern',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '3012',
      ShipCountry: 'Switzerland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10371,
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      EmployeeID: 1,
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      RequiredDate: '1996-12-31T00:00:00Z',
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 0.45,
      ShipName: "La maison d'Asie",
      ShipAddress: '1 rue Alsace-Lorraine',
      ShipCity: 'Toulouse',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '31000',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      OrderID: 10372,
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      EmployeeID: 5,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 890.78,
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      ShipRegion: 'SP',
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      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-11T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 124.12,
      ShipName: 'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers',
      ShipAddress: '8 Johnstown Road',
      ShipCity: 'Cork',
      ShipRegion: 'Co. Cork',
      ShipPostalCode: null,
      ShipCountry: 'Ireland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10374,
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      EmployeeID: 1,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 3.94,
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      ShipAddress: 'ul. Filtrowa 68',
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      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '01-012',
      ShipCountry: 'Poland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 20.12,
      ShipName: 'Hungry Coyote Import Store',
      ShipAddress: 'City Center Plaza 516 Main St.',
      ShipCity: 'Elgin',
      ShipRegion: 'OR',
      ShipPostalCode: '97827',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10376,
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      EmployeeID: 1,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 20.39,
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      ShipAddress: '43 rue St. Laurent',
      ShipCity: 'Montr\u00e9al',
      ShipRegion: 'Qu\u00e9bec',
      ShipPostalCode: 'H1J 1C3',
      ShipCountry: 'Canada',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 22.21,
      ShipName: 'Seven Seas Imports',
      ShipAddress: '90 Wadhurst Rd.',
      ShipCity: 'London',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'OX15 4NB',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10378,
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      EmployeeID: 5,
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      RequiredDate: '1997-01-07T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-19T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 5.44,
      ShipName: 'Folk och f\u00e4 HB',
      ShipAddress: '\u00c5kergatan 24',
      ShipCity: 'Br\u00e4cke',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'S-844 67',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
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      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-11T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-08T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 45.03,
      ShipName: 'Que Del\u00edcia',
      ShipAddress: 'Rua da Panificadora, 12',
      ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro',
      ShipRegion: 'RJ',
      ShipPostalCode: '02389-673',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10380,
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      EmployeeID: 8,
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      RequiredDate: '1997-01-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 35.03,
      ShipName: 'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers',
      ShipAddress: '8 Johnstown Road',
      ShipCity: 'Cork',
      ShipRegion: 'Co. Cork',
      ShipPostalCode: null,
      ShipCountry: 'Ireland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10381,
      CustomerID: 'LILAS',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-12T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 7.99,
      ShipName: 'LILA-Supermercado',
      ShipAddress: 'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bol\u00edvar #65-98 Llano Largo',
      ShipCity: 'Barquisimeto',
      ShipRegion: 'Lara',
      ShipPostalCode: '3508',
      ShipCountry: 'Venezuela',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10382,
      CustomerID: 'ERNSH',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-13T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-10T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 94.77,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10383,
      CustomerID: 'AROUT',
      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-16T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-18T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 34.24,
      ShipName: 'Around the Horn',
      ShipAddress: 'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary',
      ShipCity: 'Colchester',
      ShipRegion: 'Essex',
      ShipPostalCode: 'CO7 6JX',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10384,
      CustomerID: 'BERGS',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-16T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 168.64,
      ShipName: 'Berglunds snabbk\u00f6p',
      ShipAddress: 'Berguvsv\u00e4gen  8',
      ShipCity: 'Lule\u00e5',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'S-958 22',
      ShipCountry: 'Sweden',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10385,
      CustomerID: 'SPLIR',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-17T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-23T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 30.96,
      ShipName: 'Split Rail Beer & Ale',
      ShipAddress: 'P.O. Box 555',
      ShipCity: 'Lander',
      ShipRegion: 'WY',
      ShipPostalCode: '82520',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10386,
      CustomerID: 'FAMIA',
      EmployeeID: 9,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-18T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-01T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-25T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 13.99,
      ShipName: 'Familia Arquibaldo',
      ShipAddress: 'Rua Or\u00f3s, 92',
      ShipCity: 'Sao Paulo',
      ShipRegion: 'SP',
      ShipPostalCode: '05442-030',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10387,
      CustomerID: 'SANTG',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-18T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-15T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 93.63,
      ShipName: 'Sant\u00e9 Gourmet',
      ShipAddress: 'Erling Skakkes gate 78',
      ShipCity: 'Stavern',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '4110',
      ShipCountry: 'Norway',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10388,
      CustomerID: 'SEVES',
      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-19T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 34.86,
      ShipName: 'Seven Seas Imports',
      ShipAddress: '90 Wadhurst Rd.',
      ShipCity: 'London',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'OX15 4NB',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10389,
      CustomerID: 'BOTTM',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-20T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-17T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 47.42,
      ShipName: 'Bottom-Dollar Markets',
      ShipAddress: '23 Tsawassen Blvd.',
      ShipCity: 'Tsawassen',
      ShipRegion: 'BC',
      ShipPostalCode: 'T2F 8M4',
      ShipCountry: 'Canada',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10390,
      CustomerID: 'ERNSH',
      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-23T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-26T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 126.38,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10391,
      CustomerID: 'DRACD',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-23T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-31T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 5.45,
      ShipName: 'Drachenblut Delikatessen',
      ShipAddress: 'Walserweg 21',
      ShipCity: 'Aachen',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '52066',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10392,
      CustomerID: 'PICCO',
      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-24T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-21T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-01T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 122.46,
      ShipName: 'Piccolo und mehr',
      ShipAddress: 'Geislweg 14',
      ShipCity: 'Salzburg',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '5020',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10393,
      CustomerID: 'SAVEA',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-25T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-22T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 126.56,
      ShipName: 'Save-a-lot Markets',
      ShipAddress: '187 Suffolk Ln.',
      ShipCity: 'Boise',
      ShipRegion: 'ID',
      ShipPostalCode: '83720',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10394,
      CustomerID: 'HUNGC',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-25T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-22T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 30.34,
      ShipName: 'Hungry Coyote Import Store',
      ShipAddress: 'City Center Plaza 516 Main St.',
      ShipCity: 'Elgin',
      ShipRegion: 'OR',
      ShipPostalCode: '97827',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10395,
      CustomerID: 'HILAA',
      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-26T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-23T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 184.41,
      ShipName: 'HILARION-Abastos',
      ShipAddress: 'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35',
      ShipCity: 'San Crist\u00f3bal',
      ShipRegion: 'T\u00e1chira',
      ShipPostalCode: '5022',
      ShipCountry: 'Venezuela',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10396,
      CustomerID: 'FRANK',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-27T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-10T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-06T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 135.35,
      ShipName: 'Frankenversand',
      ShipAddress: 'Berliner Platz 43',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00fcnchen',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '80805',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10397,
      CustomerID: 'PRINI',
      EmployeeID: 5,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-27T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-02T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 60.26,
      ShipName: 'Princesa Isabel Vinhos',
      ShipAddress: 'Estrada da sa\u00fade n. 58',
      ShipCity: 'Lisboa',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1756',
      ShipCountry: 'Portugal',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10398,
      CustomerID: 'SAVEA',
      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-30T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 89.16,
      ShipName: 'Save-a-lot Markets',
      ShipAddress: '187 Suffolk Ln.',
      ShipCity: 'Boise',
      ShipRegion: 'ID',
      ShipPostalCode: '83720',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10399,
      CustomerID: 'VAFFE',
      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-31T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-08T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 27.36,
      ShipName: 'Vaffeljernet',
      ShipAddress: 'Smagsloget 45',
      ShipCity: '\u00c5rhus',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8200',
      ShipCountry: 'Denmark',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10400,
      CustomerID: 'EASTC',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-01T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-29T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 83.93,
      ShipName: 'Eastern Connection',
      ShipAddress: '35 King George',
      ShipCity: 'London',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'WX3 6FW',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      OrderID: 10401,
      CustomerID: 'RATTC',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-01T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-29T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-10T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 12.51,
      ShipName: 'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery',
      ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
      ShipCity: 'Albuquerque',
      ShipRegion: 'NM',
      ShipPostalCode: '87110',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10402,
      CustomerID: 'ERNSH',
      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-02T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-10T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 67.88,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10403,
      CustomerID: 'ERNSH',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-03T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-31T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 73.79,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10404,
      CustomerID: 'MAGAA',
      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-03T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-31T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-08T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 155.97,
      ShipName: 'Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti',
      ShipAddress: 'Via Ludovico il Moro 22',
      ShipCity: 'Bergamo',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '24100',
      ShipCountry: 'Italy',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10405,
      CustomerID: 'LINOD',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-06T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-22T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 34.82,
      ShipName: 'LINO-Delicateses',
      ShipAddress: 'Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar',
      ShipCity: 'I. de Margarita',
      ShipRegion: 'Nueva Esparta',
      ShipPostalCode: '4980',
      ShipCountry: 'Venezuela',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10406,
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      EmployeeID: 7,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-07T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1997-01-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 108.04,
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      ShipAddress: 'Alameda dos Can\u00e0rios, 891',
      ShipCity: 'Sao Paulo',
      ShipRegion: 'SP',
      ShipPostalCode: '05487-020',
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-07T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-30T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 91.48,
      ShipName: 'Ottilies K\u00e4seladen',
      ShipAddress: 'Mehrheimerstr. 369',
      ShipCity: 'K\u00f6ln',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '50739',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      OrderDate: '1997-01-08T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-05T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 11.26,
      ShipName: 'Folies gourmandes',
      ShipAddress: '184, chauss\u00e9e de Tournai',
      ShipCity: 'Lille',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '59000',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10409,
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      EmployeeID: 3,
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      RequiredDate: '1997-02-06T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 29.83,
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      ShipAddress: 'Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585 Piso 20-A',
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      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1010',
      ShipCountry: 'Argentina',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShippedDate: '1997-01-15T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 2.4,
      ShipName: 'Bottom-Dollar Markets',
      ShipAddress: '23 Tsawassen Blvd.',
      ShipCity: 'Tsawassen',
      ShipRegion: 'BC',
      ShipPostalCode: 'T2F 8M4',
      ShipCountry: 'Canada',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 23.65,
      ShipName: 'Bottom-Dollar Markets',
      ShipAddress: '23 Tsawassen Blvd.',
      ShipCity: 'Tsawassen',
      ShipRegion: 'BC',
      ShipPostalCode: 'T2F 8M4',
      ShipCountry: 'Canada',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 3.77,
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      ShipCity: 'Oulu',
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      ShipPostalCode: '90110',
      ShipCountry: 'Finland',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      RequiredDate: '1997-02-11T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-16T00:00:00Z',
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      Freight: 95.66,
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      ShipAddress: '1 rue Alsace-Lorraine',
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      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '31000',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
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      OrderID: 10414,
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      OrderDate: '1997-01-14T00:00:00Z',
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      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 21.48,
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      ShipAddress: 'Rua Or\u00f3s, 92',
      ShipCity: 'Sao Paulo',
      ShipRegion: 'SP',
      ShipPostalCode: '05442-030',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10415,
      CustomerID: 'HUNGC',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-15T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 0.2,
      ShipName: 'Hungry Coyote Import Store',
      ShipAddress: 'City Center Plaza 516 Main St.',
      ShipCity: 'Elgin',
      ShipRegion: 'OR',
      ShipPostalCode: '97827',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10416,
      CustomerID: 'WARTH',
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      OrderDate: '1997-01-16T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 22.72,
      ShipName: 'Wartian Herkku',
      ShipAddress: 'Torikatu 38',
      ShipCity: 'Oulu',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '90110',
      ShipCountry: 'Finland',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10417,
      CustomerID: 'SIMOB',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-16T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-28T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 70.29,
      ShipName: 'Simons bistro',
      ShipAddress: 'Vinb\u00e6ltet 34',
      ShipCity: 'Kobenhavn',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1734',
      ShipCountry: 'Denmark',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10418,
      CustomerID: 'QUICK',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-17T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 17.55,
      ShipName: 'QUICK-Stop',
      ShipAddress: 'Taucherstra\u00dfe 10',
      ShipCity: 'Cunewalde',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '01307',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10419,
      CustomerID: 'RICSU',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-20T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-17T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-30T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 137.35,
      ShipName: 'Richter Supermarkt',
      ShipAddress: 'Starenweg 5',
      ShipCity: 'Gen\u00e8ve',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1204',
      ShipCountry: 'Switzerland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10420,
      CustomerID: 'WELLI',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-21T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-18T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 44.12,
      ShipName: 'Wellington Importadora',
      ShipAddress: 'Rua do Mercado, 12',
      ShipCity: 'Resende',
      ShipRegion: 'SP',
      ShipPostalCode: '08737-363',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      EmployeeID: 8,
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      RequiredDate: '1997-03-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 99.23,
      ShipName: 'Que Del\u00edcia',
      ShipAddress: 'Rua da Panificadora, 12',
      ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro',
      ShipRegion: 'RJ',
      ShipPostalCode: '02389-673',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10422,
      CustomerID: 'FRANS',
      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-22T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-19T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-31T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 3.02,
      ShipName: 'Franchi S.p.A.',
      ShipAddress: 'Via Monte Bianco 34',
      ShipCity: 'Torino',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '10100',
      ShipCountry: 'Italy',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10423,
      CustomerID: 'GOURL',
      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-23T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-06T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 24.5,
      ShipName: 'Gourmet Lanchonetes',
      ShipAddress: 'Av. Brasil, 442',
      ShipCity: 'Campinas',
      ShipRegion: 'SP',
      ShipPostalCode: '04876-786',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10424,
      CustomerID: 'MEREP',
      EmployeeID: 7,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-23T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 370.61,
      ShipName: 'M\u00e8re Paillarde',
      ShipAddress: '43 rue St. Laurent',
      ShipCity: 'Montr\u00e9al',
      ShipRegion: 'Qu\u00e9bec',
      ShipPostalCode: 'H1J 1C3',
      ShipCountry: 'Canada',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10425,
      CustomerID: 'LAMAI',
      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-24T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-21T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 7.93,
      ShipName: "La maison d'Asie",
      ShipAddress: '1 rue Alsace-Lorraine',
      ShipCity: 'Toulouse',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '31000',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10426,
      CustomerID: 'GALED',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-27T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-06T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 18.69,
      ShipName: 'Galer\u00eda del gastron\u00f3mo',
      ShipAddress: 'Rambla de Catalu\u00f1a, 23',
      ShipCity: 'Barcelona',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8022',
      ShipCountry: 'Spain',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      OrderID: 10427,
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      OrderDate: '1997-01-27T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-03-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 31.29,
      ShipName: 'Piccolo und mehr',
      ShipAddress: 'Geislweg 14',
      ShipCity: 'Salzburg',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '5020',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10428,
      CustomerID: 'REGGC',
      EmployeeID: 7,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-28T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-25T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 11.09,
      ShipName: 'Reggiani Caseifici',
      ShipAddress: 'Strada Provinciale 124',
      ShipCity: 'Reggio Emilia',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '42100',
      ShipCountry: 'Italy',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10429,
      CustomerID: 'HUNGO',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-29T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-07T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 56.63,
      ShipName: 'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers',
      ShipAddress: '8 Johnstown Road',
      ShipCity: 'Cork',
      ShipRegion: 'Co. Cork',
      ShipPostalCode: null,
      ShipCountry: 'Ireland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10430,
      CustomerID: 'ERNSH',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-30T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 458.78,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10431,
      CustomerID: 'BOTTM',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-30T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-07T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 44.17,
      ShipName: 'Bottom-Dollar Markets',
      ShipAddress: '23 Tsawassen Blvd.',
      ShipCity: 'Tsawassen',
      ShipRegion: 'BC',
      ShipPostalCode: 'T2F 8M4',
      ShipCountry: 'Canada',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10432,
      CustomerID: 'SPLIR',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-31T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-07T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 4.34,
      ShipName: 'Split Rail Beer & Ale',
      ShipAddress: 'P.O. Box 555',
      ShipCity: 'Lander',
      ShipRegion: 'WY',
      ShipPostalCode: '82520',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10433,
      CustomerID: 'PRINI',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-03T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-03-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 73.83,
      ShipName: 'Princesa Isabel Vinhos',
      ShipAddress: 'Estrada da sa\u00fade n. 58',
      ShipCity: 'Lisboa',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1756',
      ShipCountry: 'Portugal',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10434,
      CustomerID: 'FOLKO',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-03T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 17.92,
      ShipName: 'Folk och f\u00e4 HB',
      ShipAddress: '\u00c5kergatan 24',
      ShipCity: 'Br\u00e4cke',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'S-844 67',
      ShipCountry: 'Sweden',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
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      OrderID: 10435,
      CustomerID: 'CONSH',
      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-04T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1997-02-07T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 9.21,
      ShipName: 'Consolidated Holdings',
      ShipAddress: 'Berkeley Gardens 12  Brewery',
      ShipCity: 'London',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'WX1 6LT',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10436,
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      RequiredDate: '1997-03-05T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-11T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 156.66,
      ShipName: 'Blondel p\u00e8re et fils',
      ShipAddress: '24, place Kl\u00e9ber',
      ShipCity: 'Strasbourg',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '67000',
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      OrderDate: '1997-02-05T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-05T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 19.97,
      ShipName: 'Wartian Herkku',
      ShipAddress: 'Torikatu 38',
      ShipCity: 'Oulu',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '90110',
      ShipCountry: 'Finland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      OrderID: 10438,
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      RequiredDate: '1997-03-06T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 8.24,
      ShipName: 'Toms Spezialit\u00e4ten',
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      ShipCity: 'M\u00fcnster',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '44087',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
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      Quantity: '1'
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      OrderDate: '1997-02-07T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1997-02-10T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 4.07,
      ShipName: 'M\u00e8re Paillarde',
      ShipAddress: '43 rue St. Laurent',
      ShipCity: 'Montr\u00e9al',
      ShipRegion: 'Qu\u00e9bec',
      ShipPostalCode: 'H1J 1C3',
      ShipCountry: 'Canada',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10440,
      CustomerID: 'SAVEA',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-10T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-10T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-28T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 86.53,
      ShipName: 'Save-a-lot Markets',
      ShipAddress: '187 Suffolk Ln.',
      ShipCity: 'Boise',
      ShipRegion: 'ID',
      ShipPostalCode: '83720',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10441,
      CustomerID: 'OLDWO',
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      OrderDate: '1997-02-10T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1997-03-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 73.02,
      ShipName: 'Old World Delicatessen',
      ShipAddress: '2743 Bering St.',
      ShipCity: 'Anchorage',
      ShipRegion: 'AK',
      ShipPostalCode: '99508',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10442,
      CustomerID: 'ERNSH',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-11T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-11T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-18T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 47.94,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
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      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-12T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 13.95,
      ShipName: 'Reggiani Caseifici',
      ShipAddress: 'Strada Provinciale 124',
      ShipCity: 'Reggio Emilia',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '42100',
      ShipCountry: 'Italy',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10444,
      CustomerID: 'BERGS',
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      OrderDate: '1997-02-12T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-21T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 3.5,
      ShipName: 'Berglunds snabbk\u00f6p',
      ShipAddress: 'Berguvsv\u00e4gen  8',
      ShipCity: 'Lule\u00e5',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'S-958 22',
      ShipCountry: 'Sweden',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10445,
      CustomerID: 'BERGS',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-13T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 9.3,
      ShipName: 'Berglunds snabbk\u00f6p',
      ShipAddress: 'Berguvsv\u00e4gen  8',
      ShipCity: 'Lule\u00e5',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'S-958 22',
      ShipCountry: 'Sweden',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10446,
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      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-14T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-19T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 14.68,
      ShipName: 'Toms Spezialit\u00e4ten',
      ShipAddress: 'Luisenstr. 48',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00fcnster',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '44087',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10447,
      CustomerID: 'RICAR',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-14T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-03-07T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 68.66,
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      ShipAddress: 'Av. Copacabana, 267',
      ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro',
      ShipRegion: 'RJ',
      ShipPostalCode: '02389-890',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShipCity: 'M\u00fcnster',
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      Freight: 41.34,
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      ShipAddress: '2, rue du Commerce',
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      ShipPostalCode: '69004',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 51.3,
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      ShipRegion: null,
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      ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro',
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      ShipCity: 'Bern',
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      Freight: 148.33,
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      ShipCity: 'Gen\u00e8ve',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1204',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-07-17T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 13.97,
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      ShipAddress: 'Rua do Mercado, 12',
      ShipCity: 'Resende',
      ShipRegion: 'SP',
      ShipPostalCode: '08737-363',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
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      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 81.91,
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      ShipRegion: 'T\u00e1chira',
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 140.51,
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      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
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      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 3.25,
      ShipName: 'Centro comercial Moctezuma',
      ShipAddress: 'Sierras de Granada 9993',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00e9xico D.F.',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '05022',
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      EmployeeID: 4,
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 55.09,
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      ShipCity: 'K\u00f6ln',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '50739',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10261,
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      EmployeeID: 4,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-07-30T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 3.05,
      ShipName: 'Que Del\u00edcia',
      ShipAddress: 'Rua da Panificadora, 12',
      ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro',
      ShipRegion: 'RJ',
      ShipPostalCode: '02389-673',
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      ShippedDate: '1996-07-25T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 48.29,
      ShipName: 'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery',
      ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
      ShipCity: 'Albuquerque',
      ShipRegion: 'NM',
      ShipPostalCode: '87110',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10263,
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      EmployeeID: 9,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-07-31T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 146.06,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      EmployeeID: 6,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-08-23T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 3.67,
      ShipName: 'Folk och f\u00e4 HB',
      ShipAddress: '\u00c5kergatan 24',
      ShipCity: 'Br\u00e4cke',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'S-844 67',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      OrderID: 10265,
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      EmployeeID: 2,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-08-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 55.28,
      ShipName: 'Blondel p\u00e8re et fils',
      ShipAddress: '24, place Kl\u00e9ber',
      ShipCity: 'Strasbourg',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '67000',
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-07-31T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 25.73,
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      ShipAddress: 'Torikatu 38',
      ShipCity: 'Oulu',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '90110',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 208.58,
      ShipName: 'Frankenversand',
      ShipAddress: 'Berliner Platz 43',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00fcnchen',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '80805',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      EmployeeID: 8,
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      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 66.29,
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      ShipRegion: 'DF',
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-08-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 4.56,
      ShipName: 'White Clover Markets',
      ShipAddress: '1029 - 12th Ave. S.',
      ShipCity: 'Seattle',
      ShipRegion: 'WA',
      ShipPostalCode: '98124',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 136.54,
      ShipName: 'Wartian Herkku',
      ShipAddress: 'Torikatu 38',
      ShipCity: 'Oulu',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '90110',
      ShipCountry: 'Finland',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-08-30T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 4.54,
      ShipName: 'Split Rail Beer & Ale',
      ShipAddress: 'P.O. Box 555',
      ShipCity: 'Lander',
      ShipRegion: 'WY',
      ShipPostalCode: '82520',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1o'
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 98.03,
      ShipName: 'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery',
      ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
      ShipCity: 'Albuquerque',
      ShipRegion: 'NM',
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      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 76.07,
      ShipName: 'QUICK-Stop',
      ShipAddress: 'Taucherstra\u00dfe 10',
      ShipCity: 'Cunewalde',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '01307',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      ShippedDate: '1996-08-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 6.01,
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      ShipAddress: "59 rue de l'Abbaye",
      ShipCity: 'Reims',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '51100',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 26.93,
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      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '24100',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      OrderID: 10276,
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      EmployeeID: 8,
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      ShipVia: 3,
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      ShipAddress: 'Avda. Azteca 123',
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      ShipRegion: null,
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      Freight: 125.77,
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      ShipRegion: null,
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      Freight: 25.83,
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      ShipRegion: null,
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      Freight: 12.69,
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      ShipAddress: 'Gran V\u00eda, 1',
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 76.56,
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      ShipCity: 'Frankfurt a.M.',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '60528',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 76.83,
      ShipName: 'QUICK-Stop',
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      ShipCity: 'Cunewalde',
      ShipRegion: null,
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      OrderID: 10286,
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      OrderDate: '1996-08-21T00:00:00Z',
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      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 229.24,
      ShipName: 'QUICK-Stop',
      ShipAddress: 'Taucherstra\u00dfe 10',
      ShipCity: 'Cunewalde',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '01307',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      Freight: 12.76,
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      Freight: 7.45,
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      ShipCity: 'London',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'EC2 5NT',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 6.4,
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      Freight: 1.35,
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      ShipAddress: 'Avda. Azteca 123',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00e9xico D.F.',
      ShipRegion: null,
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      Freight: 147.26,
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      ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
      ShipCity: 'Albuquerque',
      ShipRegion: 'NM',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 1.15,
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      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '51100',
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      Freight: 0.12,
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 5.74,
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      ShipAddress: '24, place Kl\u00e9ber',
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      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '67000',
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      RequiredDate: '1996-10-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-09-11T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 168.22,
      ShipName: 'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers',
      ShipAddress: '8 Johnstown Road',
      ShipCity: 'Cork',
      ShipRegion: 'Co. Cork',
      ShipPostalCode: null,
      ShipCountry: 'Ireland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10299,
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      EmployeeID: 4,
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      Freight: 29.76,
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 17.68,
      ShipName: 'Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti',
      ShipAddress: 'Via Ludovico il Moro 22',
      ShipCity: 'Bergamo',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '24100',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      EmployeeID: 8,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-09-17T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 45.08,
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      ShipAddress: 'Adenauerallee 900',
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      ShipRegion: null,
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      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 6.27,
      ShipName: 'Supr\u00eames d\u00e9lices',
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      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'B-6000',
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      EmployeeID: 7,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-09-18T00:00:00Z',
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      Freight: 107.83,
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      ShipAddress: 'C/ Romero, 33',
      ShipCity: 'Sevilla',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '41101',
      ShipCountry: 'Spain',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 63.79,
      ShipName: 'Tortuga Restaurante',
      ShipAddress: 'Avda. Azteca 123',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00e9xico D.F.',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '05033',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      EmployeeID: 8,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-10-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 257.62,
      ShipName: 'Old World Delicatessen',
      ShipAddress: '2743 Bering St.',
      ShipCity: 'Anchorage',
      ShipRegion: 'AK',
      ShipPostalCode: '99508',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '6'
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      ShippedDate: '1996-09-23T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 7.56,
      ShipName: 'Romero y tomillo',
      ShipAddress: 'Gran V\u00eda, 1',
      ShipCity: 'Madrid',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '28001',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      EmployeeID: 2,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-09-25T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 0.56,
      ShipName: 'Lonesome Pine Restaurant',
      ShipAddress: '89 Chiaroscuro Rd.',
      ShipCity: 'Portland',
      ShipRegion: 'OR',
      ShipPostalCode: '97219',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '3'
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      EmployeeID: 7,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-09-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 1.61,
      ShipName: 'Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados',
      ShipAddress: 'Avda. de la Constituci\u00f3n 2222',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00e9xico D.F.',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '05021',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-10-23T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 47.3,
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      ShipAddress: '8 Johnstown Road',
      ShipCity: 'Cork',
      ShipRegion: 'Co. Cork',
      ShipPostalCode: null,
      ShipCountry: 'Ireland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '8'
      OrderID: 10310,
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 17.52,
      ShipName: 'The Big Cheese',
      ShipAddress: '89 Jefferson Way Suite 2',
      ShipCity: 'Portland',
      ShipRegion: 'OR',
      ShipPostalCode: '97201',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShipVia: 3,
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      ShipRegion: null,
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 40.26,
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      ShipAddress: 'Adenauerallee 900',
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      ShipRegion: null,
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      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 1.96,
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      ShipRegion: null,
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      ShipVia: 2,
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      ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
      ShipCity: 'Albuquerque',
      ShipRegion: 'NM',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      Freight: 41.76,
      ShipName: 'Island Trading',
      ShipAddress: 'Garden House Crowther Way',
      ShipCity: 'Cowes',
      ShipRegion: 'Isle of Wight',
      ShipPostalCode: 'PO31 7PJ',
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      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 150.15,
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      ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
      ShipCity: 'Albuquerque',
      ShipRegion: 'NM',
      ShipPostalCode: '87110',
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 12.69,
      ShipName: 'Lonesome Pine Restaurant',
      ShipAddress: '89 Chiaroscuro Rd.',
      ShipCity: 'Portland',
      ShipRegion: 'OR',
      ShipPostalCode: '97219',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      ShipCity: 'Cowes',
      ShipRegion: 'Isle of Wight',
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      Freight: 64.5,
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      ShipAddress: 'Avda. Azteca 123',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00e9xico D.F.',
      ShipRegion: null,
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      Freight: 34.57,
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      ShipRegion: null,
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      ShipAddress: 'Garden House Crowther Way',
      ShipCity: 'Cowes',
      ShipRegion: 'Isle of Wight',
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      ShipCountry: 'UK',
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      Freight: 0.4,
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      ShipCity: 'M\u00e9xico D.F.',
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 4.88,
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      ShipRegion: null,
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 214.27,
      ShipName: 'Save-a-lot Markets',
      ShipAddress: '187 Suffolk Ln.',
      ShipCity: 'Boise',
      ShipRegion: 'ID',
      ShipPostalCode: '83720',
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShipVia: 3,
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      ShipVia: 2,
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      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '28023',
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 63.36,
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      ShipAddress: '\u00c5kergatan 24',
      ShipCity: 'Br\u00e4cke',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'S-844 67',
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 191.67,
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      ShipAddress: 'P.O. Box 555',
      ShipCity: 'Lander',
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      ShipPostalCode: '82520',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
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      Freight: 12.75,
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShipAddress: '43 rue St. Laurent',
      ShipCity: 'Montr\u00e9al',
      ShipRegion: 'Qu\u00e9bec',
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      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 0.59,
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      Freight: 42.11,
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      ShipAddress: '8 Johnstown Road',
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      ShipPostalCode: null,
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      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 15.51,
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      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1756',
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      Freight: 108.26,
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      ShipCity: 'M\u00fcnchen',
      ShipRegion: null,
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      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      OrderDate: '1996-10-25T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-10-29T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 84.21,
      ShipName: 'Old World Delicatessen',
      ShipAddress: '2743 Bering St.',
      ShipCity: 'Anchorage',
      ShipRegion: 'AK',
      ShipPostalCode: '99508',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10339,
      CustomerID: 'MEREP',
      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1996-10-28T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-11-25T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 15.66,
      ShipName: 'M\u00e8re Paillarde',
      ShipAddress: '43 rue St. Laurent',
      ShipCity: 'Montr\u00e9al',
      ShipRegion: 'Qu\u00e9bec',
      ShipPostalCode: 'H1J 1C3',
      ShipCountry: 'Canada',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10340,
      CustomerID: 'BONAP',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-10-29T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-11-26T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-08T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 166.31,
      ShipName: "Bon app'",
      ShipAddress: '12, rue des Bouchers',
      ShipCity: 'Marseille',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '13008',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10341,
      CustomerID: 'SIMOB',
      EmployeeID: 7,
      OrderDate: '1996-10-29T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-11-26T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-05T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 26.78,
      ShipName: 'Simons bistro',
      ShipAddress: 'Vinb\u00e6ltet 34',
      ShipCity: 'Kobenhavn',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1734',
      ShipCountry: 'Denmark',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10342,
      CustomerID: 'FRANK',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-10-30T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-11-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 54.83,
      ShipName: 'Frankenversand',
      ShipAddress: 'Berliner Platz 43',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00fcnchen',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '80805',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10343,
      CustomerID: 'LEHMS',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-10-31T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-11-28T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-06T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 110.37,
      ShipName: 'Lehmanns Marktstand',
      ShipAddress: 'Magazinweg 7',
      ShipCity: 'Frankfurt a.M.',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '60528',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10344,
      CustomerID: 'WHITC',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-01T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-11-29T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-05T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 23.29,
      ShipName: 'White Clover Markets',
      ShipAddress: '1029 - 12th Ave. S.',
      ShipCity: 'Seattle',
      ShipRegion: 'WA',
      ShipPostalCode: '98124',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10345,
      CustomerID: 'QUICK',
      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-04T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-02T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-11T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 249.06,
      ShipName: 'QUICK-Stop',
      ShipAddress: 'Taucherstra\u00dfe 10',
      ShipCity: 'Cunewalde',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '01307',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10346,
      CustomerID: 'RATTC',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-05T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-17T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-08T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 142.08,
      ShipName: 'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery',
      ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
      ShipCity: 'Albuquerque',
      ShipRegion: 'NM',
      ShipPostalCode: '87110',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10347,
      CustomerID: 'FAMIA',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-06T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-08T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 3.1,
      ShipName: 'Familia Arquibaldo',
      ShipAddress: 'Rua Or\u00f3s, 92',
      ShipCity: 'Sao Paulo',
      ShipRegion: 'SP',
      ShipPostalCode: '05442-030',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10348,
      CustomerID: 'WANDK',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-07T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-05T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-15T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 0.78,
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      ShipAddress: 'Adenauerallee 900',
      ShipCity: 'Stuttgart',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '70563',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10349,
      CustomerID: 'SPLIR',
      EmployeeID: 7,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-08T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-06T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-15T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 8.63,
      ShipName: 'Split Rail Beer & Ale',
      ShipAddress: 'P.O. Box 555',
      ShipCity: 'Lander',
      ShipRegion: 'WY',
      ShipPostalCode: '82520',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10350,
      CustomerID: 'LAMAI',
      EmployeeID: 6,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 64.19,
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      ShipCity: 'Toulouse',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '31000',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10351,
      CustomerID: 'ERNSH',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-11T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-09T00:00:00Z',
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      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 162.33,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10352,
      CustomerID: 'FURIB',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-12T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-11-18T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 1.3,
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      ShipAddress: 'Jardim das rosas n. 32',
      ShipCity: 'Lisboa',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1675',
      ShipCountry: 'Portugal',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10353,
      CustomerID: 'PICCO',
      EmployeeID: 7,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-13T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-11T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-25T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 360.63,
      ShipName: 'Piccolo und mehr',
      ShipAddress: 'Geislweg 14',
      ShipCity: 'Salzburg',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '5020',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10354,
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      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-14T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 53.8,
      ShipName: 'Pericles Comidas cl\u00e1sicas',
      ShipAddress: 'Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00e9xico D.F.',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '05033',
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-15T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 41.95,
      ShipName: 'Around the Horn',
      ShipAddress: 'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary',
      ShipCity: 'Colchester',
      ShipRegion: 'Essex',
      ShipPostalCode: 'CO7 6JX',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10356,
      CustomerID: 'WANDK',
      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-18T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 36.71,
      ShipName: 'Die Wandernde Kuh',
      ShipAddress: 'Adenauerallee 900',
      ShipCity: 'Stuttgart',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '70563',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10357,
      CustomerID: 'LILAS',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-19T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-02T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 34.88,
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      ShipCity: 'Barquisimeto',
      ShipRegion: 'Lara',
      ShipPostalCode: '3508',
      ShipCountry: 'Venezuela',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      CustomerID: 'LAMAI',
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      OrderDate: '1996-11-20T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-11-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 19.64,
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      ShipCity: 'Toulouse',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '31000',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10359,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-11-26T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 288.43,
      ShipName: 'Seven Seas Imports',
      ShipAddress: '90 Wadhurst Rd.',
      ShipCity: 'London',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'OX15 4NB',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10360,
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      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-22T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-02T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 131.7,
      ShipName: 'Blondel p\u00e8re et fils',
      ShipAddress: '24, place Kl\u00e9ber',
      ShipCity: 'Strasbourg',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '67000',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10361,
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      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-22T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 183.17,
      ShipName: 'QUICK-Stop',
      ShipAddress: 'Taucherstra\u00dfe 10',
      ShipCity: 'Cunewalde',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '01307',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10362,
      CustomerID: 'BONAP',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-25T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-23T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-11-28T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 96.04,
      ShipName: "Bon app'",
      ShipAddress: '12, rue des Bouchers',
      ShipCity: 'Marseille',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '13008',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10363,
      CustomerID: 'DRACD',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-26T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 30.54,
      ShipName: 'Drachenblut Delikatessen',
      ShipAddress: 'Walserweg 21',
      ShipCity: 'Aachen',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '52066',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10364,
      CustomerID: 'EASTC',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-26T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-07T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 71.97,
      ShipName: 'Eastern Connection',
      ShipAddress: '35 King George',
      ShipCity: 'London',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'WX3 6FW',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      OrderID: 10365,
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      EmployeeID: 3,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-02T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 22.0,
      ShipName: 'Antonio Moreno Taquer\u00eda',
      ShipAddress: 'Mataderos  2312',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00e9xico D.F.',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '05023',
      ShipCountry: 'Mexico',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10366,
      CustomerID: 'GALED',
      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-28T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-30T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 10.14,
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      ShipAddress: 'Rambla de Catalu\u00f1a, 23',
      ShipCity: 'Barcelona',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8022',
      ShipCountry: 'Spain',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10367,
      CustomerID: 'VAFFE',
      EmployeeID: 7,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-28T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-26T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-02T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 13.55,
      ShipName: 'Vaffeljernet',
      ShipAddress: 'Smagsloget 45',
      ShipCity: '\u00c5rhus',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8200',
      ShipCountry: 'Denmark',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      OrderID: 10368,
      CustomerID: 'ERNSH',
      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1996-11-29T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1996-12-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-02T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 101.95,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      OrderID: 10369,
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      EmployeeID: 8,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 195.68,
      ShipName: 'Split Rail Beer & Ale',
      ShipAddress: 'P.O. Box 555',
      ShipCity: 'Lander',
      ShipRegion: 'WY',
      ShipPostalCode: '82520',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10370,
      CustomerID: 'CHOPS',
      EmployeeID: 6,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 1.17,
      ShipName: 'Chop-suey Chinese',
      ShipAddress: 'Hauptstr. 31',
      ShipCity: 'Bern',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '3012',
      ShipCountry: 'Switzerland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10371,
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      EmployeeID: 1,
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      RequiredDate: '1996-12-31T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 0.45,
      ShipName: "La maison d'Asie",
      ShipAddress: '1 rue Alsace-Lorraine',
      ShipCity: 'Toulouse',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '31000',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10372,
      CustomerID: 'QUEEN',
      EmployeeID: 5,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-04T00:00:00Z',
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 890.78,
      ShipName: 'Queen Cozinha',
      ShipAddress: 'Alameda dos Can\u00e0rios, 891',
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      ShipRegion: 'SP',
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      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      RequiredDate: '1997-01-02T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-11T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 124.12,
      ShipName: 'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers',
      ShipAddress: '8 Johnstown Road',
      ShipCity: 'Cork',
      ShipRegion: 'Co. Cork',
      ShipPostalCode: null,
      ShipCountry: 'Ireland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10374,
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      EmployeeID: 1,
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      RequiredDate: '1997-01-02T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 3.94,
      ShipName: 'Wolski Zajazd',
      ShipAddress: 'ul. Filtrowa 68',
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      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '01-012',
      ShipCountry: 'Poland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      OrderID: 10375,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 20.12,
      ShipName: 'Hungry Coyote Import Store',
      ShipAddress: 'City Center Plaza 516 Main St.',
      ShipCity: 'Elgin',
      ShipRegion: 'OR',
      ShipPostalCode: '97827',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10376,
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      EmployeeID: 1,
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      ShippedDate: '1996-12-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 20.39,
      ShipName: 'M\u00e8re Paillarde',
      ShipAddress: '43 rue St. Laurent',
      ShipCity: 'Montr\u00e9al',
      ShipRegion: 'Qu\u00e9bec',
      ShipPostalCode: 'H1J 1C3',
      ShipCountry: 'Canada',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10377,
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      OrderDate: '1996-12-09T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-06T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 22.21,
      ShipName: 'Seven Seas Imports',
      ShipAddress: '90 Wadhurst Rd.',
      ShipCity: 'London',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'OX15 4NB',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10378,
      CustomerID: 'FOLKO',
      EmployeeID: 5,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-10T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-07T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-19T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 5.44,
      ShipName: 'Folk och f\u00e4 HB',
      ShipAddress: '\u00c5kergatan 24',
      ShipCity: 'Br\u00e4cke',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'S-844 67',
      ShipCountry: 'Sweden',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10379,
      CustomerID: 'QUEDE',
      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-11T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-08T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 45.03,
      ShipName: 'Que Del\u00edcia',
      ShipAddress: 'Rua da Panificadora, 12',
      ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro',
      ShipRegion: 'RJ',
      ShipPostalCode: '02389-673',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10380,
      CustomerID: 'HUNGO',
      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-12T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 35.03,
      ShipName: 'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers',
      ShipAddress: '8 Johnstown Road',
      ShipCity: 'Cork',
      ShipRegion: 'Co. Cork',
      ShipPostalCode: null,
      ShipCountry: 'Ireland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10381,
      CustomerID: 'LILAS',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-12T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 7.99,
      ShipName: 'LILA-Supermercado',
      ShipAddress: 'Carrera 52 con Ave. Bol\u00edvar #65-98 Llano Largo',
      ShipCity: 'Barquisimeto',
      ShipRegion: 'Lara',
      ShipPostalCode: '3508',
      ShipCountry: 'Venezuela',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10382,
      CustomerID: 'ERNSH',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-13T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-10T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 94.77,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10383,
      CustomerID: 'AROUT',
      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-16T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-18T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 34.24,
      ShipName: 'Around the Horn',
      ShipAddress: 'Brook Farm Stratford St. Mary',
      ShipCity: 'Colchester',
      ShipRegion: 'Essex',
      ShipPostalCode: 'CO7 6JX',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10384,
      CustomerID: 'BERGS',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-16T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 168.64,
      ShipName: 'Berglunds snabbk\u00f6p',
      ShipAddress: 'Berguvsv\u00e4gen  8',
      ShipCity: 'Lule\u00e5',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'S-958 22',
      ShipCountry: 'Sweden',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10385,
      CustomerID: 'SPLIR',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-17T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-23T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 30.96,
      ShipName: 'Split Rail Beer & Ale',
      ShipAddress: 'P.O. Box 555',
      ShipCity: 'Lander',
      ShipRegion: 'WY',
      ShipPostalCode: '82520',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10386,
      CustomerID: 'FAMIA',
      EmployeeID: 9,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-18T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-01T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-25T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 13.99,
      ShipName: 'Familia Arquibaldo',
      ShipAddress: 'Rua Or\u00f3s, 92',
      ShipCity: 'Sao Paulo',
      ShipRegion: 'SP',
      ShipPostalCode: '05442-030',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10387,
      CustomerID: 'SANTG',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-18T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-15T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 93.63,
      ShipName: 'Sant\u00e9 Gourmet',
      ShipAddress: 'Erling Skakkes gate 78',
      ShipCity: 'Stavern',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '4110',
      ShipCountry: 'Norway',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10388,
      CustomerID: 'SEVES',
      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-19T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 34.86,
      ShipName: 'Seven Seas Imports',
      ShipAddress: '90 Wadhurst Rd.',
      ShipCity: 'London',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'OX15 4NB',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10389,
      CustomerID: 'BOTTM',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-20T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-17T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 47.42,
      ShipName: 'Bottom-Dollar Markets',
      ShipAddress: '23 Tsawassen Blvd.',
      ShipCity: 'Tsawassen',
      ShipRegion: 'BC',
      ShipPostalCode: 'T2F 8M4',
      ShipCountry: 'Canada',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10390,
      CustomerID: 'ERNSH',
      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-23T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-26T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 126.38,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10391,
      CustomerID: 'DRACD',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-23T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1996-12-31T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 5.45,
      ShipName: 'Drachenblut Delikatessen',
      ShipAddress: 'Walserweg 21',
      ShipCity: 'Aachen',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '52066',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10392,
      CustomerID: 'PICCO',
      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-24T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-21T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-01T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 122.46,
      ShipName: 'Piccolo und mehr',
      ShipAddress: 'Geislweg 14',
      ShipCity: 'Salzburg',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '5020',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10393,
      CustomerID: 'SAVEA',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-25T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-22T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 126.56,
      ShipName: 'Save-a-lot Markets',
      ShipAddress: '187 Suffolk Ln.',
      ShipCity: 'Boise',
      ShipRegion: 'ID',
      ShipPostalCode: '83720',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10394,
      CustomerID: 'HUNGC',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-25T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-22T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 30.34,
      ShipName: 'Hungry Coyote Import Store',
      ShipAddress: 'City Center Plaza 516 Main St.',
      ShipCity: 'Elgin',
      ShipRegion: 'OR',
      ShipPostalCode: '97827',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10395,
      CustomerID: 'HILAA',
      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-26T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-23T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 184.41,
      ShipName: 'HILARION-Abastos',
      ShipAddress: 'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35',
      ShipCity: 'San Crist\u00f3bal',
      ShipRegion: 'T\u00e1chira',
      ShipPostalCode: '5022',
      ShipCountry: 'Venezuela',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10396,
      CustomerID: 'FRANK',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-27T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-10T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-06T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 135.35,
      ShipName: 'Frankenversand',
      ShipAddress: 'Berliner Platz 43',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00fcnchen',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '80805',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10397,
      CustomerID: 'PRINI',
      EmployeeID: 5,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-27T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-02T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 60.26,
      ShipName: 'Princesa Isabel Vinhos',
      ShipAddress: 'Estrada da sa\u00fade n. 58',
      ShipCity: 'Lisboa',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1756',
      ShipCountry: 'Portugal',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10398,
      CustomerID: 'SAVEA',
      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-30T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 89.16,
      ShipName: 'Save-a-lot Markets',
      ShipAddress: '187 Suffolk Ln.',
      ShipCity: 'Boise',
      ShipRegion: 'ID',
      ShipPostalCode: '83720',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10399,
      CustomerID: 'VAFFE',
      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1996-12-31T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-08T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 27.36,
      ShipName: 'Vaffeljernet',
      ShipAddress: 'Smagsloget 45',
      ShipCity: '\u00c5rhus',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8200',
      ShipCountry: 'Denmark',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10400,
      CustomerID: 'EASTC',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-01T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-29T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 83.93,
      ShipName: 'Eastern Connection',
      ShipAddress: '35 King George',
      ShipCity: 'London',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'WX3 6FW',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
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      OrderID: 10401,
      CustomerID: 'RATTC',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-01T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-29T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-10T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 12.51,
      ShipName: 'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery',
      ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
      ShipCity: 'Albuquerque',
      ShipRegion: 'NM',
      ShipPostalCode: '87110',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10402,
      CustomerID: 'ERNSH',
      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-02T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-10T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 67.88,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10403,
      CustomerID: 'ERNSH',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-03T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-31T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-09T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 73.79,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10404,
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      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-03T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-01-31T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-08T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 155.97,
      ShipName: 'Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti',
      ShipAddress: 'Via Ludovico il Moro 22',
      ShipCity: 'Bergamo',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '24100',
      ShipCountry: 'Italy',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10405,
      CustomerID: 'LINOD',
      EmployeeID: 1,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-06T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-22T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 34.82,
      ShipName: 'LINO-Delicateses',
      ShipAddress: 'Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar',
      ShipCity: 'I. de Margarita',
      ShipRegion: 'Nueva Esparta',
      ShipPostalCode: '4980',
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10406,
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      EmployeeID: 7,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-07T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-18T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 108.04,
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      ShipAddress: 'Alameda dos Can\u00e0rios, 891',
      ShipCity: 'Sao Paulo',
      ShipRegion: 'SP',
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      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      EmployeeID: 2,
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      RequiredDate: '1997-02-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-30T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 91.48,
      ShipName: 'Ottilies K\u00e4seladen',
      ShipAddress: 'Mehrheimerstr. 369',
      ShipCity: 'K\u00f6ln',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '50739',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-08T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-05T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 11.26,
      ShipName: 'Folies gourmandes',
      ShipAddress: '184, chauss\u00e9e de Tournai',
      ShipCity: 'Lille',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '59000',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10409,
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      EmployeeID: 3,
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      RequiredDate: '1997-02-06T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 29.83,
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      ShipAddress: 'Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585 Piso 20-A',
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      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1010',
      ShipCountry: 'Argentina',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
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      ShippedDate: '1997-01-15T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 2.4,
      ShipName: 'Bottom-Dollar Markets',
      ShipAddress: '23 Tsawassen Blvd.',
      ShipCity: 'Tsawassen',
      ShipRegion: 'BC',
      ShipPostalCode: 'T2F 8M4',
      ShipCountry: 'Canada',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10411,
      CustomerID: 'BOTTM',
      EmployeeID: 9,
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      RequiredDate: '1997-02-07T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-21T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 23.65,
      ShipName: 'Bottom-Dollar Markets',
      ShipAddress: '23 Tsawassen Blvd.',
      ShipCity: 'Tsawassen',
      ShipRegion: 'BC',
      ShipPostalCode: 'T2F 8M4',
      ShipCountry: 'Canada',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
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      RequiredDate: '1997-02-10T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-15T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 3.77,
      ShipName: 'Wartian Herkku',
      ShipAddress: 'Torikatu 38',
      ShipCity: 'Oulu',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '90110',
      ShipCountry: 'Finland',
      OrderStatus: 'Processing',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10413,
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      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-14T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-11T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-16T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 95.66,
      ShipName: "La maison d'Asie",
      ShipAddress: '1 rue Alsace-Lorraine',
      ShipCity: 'Toulouse',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '31000',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10414,
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      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-14T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-11T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-17T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 21.48,
      ShipName: 'Familia Arquibaldo',
      ShipAddress: 'Rua Or\u00f3s, 92',
      ShipCity: 'Sao Paulo',
      ShipRegion: 'SP',
      ShipPostalCode: '05442-030',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10415,
      CustomerID: 'HUNGC',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-15T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 0.2,
      ShipName: 'Hungry Coyote Import Store',
      ShipAddress: 'City Center Plaza 516 Main St.',
      ShipCity: 'Elgin',
      ShipRegion: 'OR',
      ShipPostalCode: '97827',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10416,
      CustomerID: 'WARTH',
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      OrderDate: '1997-01-16T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 22.72,
      ShipName: 'Wartian Herkku',
      ShipAddress: 'Torikatu 38',
      ShipCity: 'Oulu',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '90110',
      ShipCountry: 'Finland',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10417,
      CustomerID: 'SIMOB',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-16T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-28T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 70.29,
      ShipName: 'Simons bistro',
      ShipAddress: 'Vinb\u00e6ltet 34',
      ShipCity: 'Kobenhavn',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1734',
      ShipCountry: 'Denmark',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10418,
      CustomerID: 'QUICK',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-17T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 17.55,
      ShipName: 'QUICK-Stop',
      ShipAddress: 'Taucherstra\u00dfe 10',
      ShipCity: 'Cunewalde',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '01307',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10419,
      CustomerID: 'RICSU',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-20T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-17T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-30T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 137.35,
      ShipName: 'Richter Supermarkt',
      ShipAddress: 'Starenweg 5',
      ShipCity: 'Gen\u00e8ve',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1204',
      ShipCountry: 'Switzerland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10420,
      CustomerID: 'WELLI',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-21T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-18T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 44.12,
      ShipName: 'Wellington Importadora',
      ShipAddress: 'Rua do Mercado, 12',
      ShipCity: 'Resende',
      ShipRegion: 'SP',
      ShipPostalCode: '08737-363',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10421,
      CustomerID: 'QUEDE',
      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-21T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 99.23,
      ShipName: 'Que Del\u00edcia',
      ShipAddress: 'Rua da Panificadora, 12',
      ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro',
      ShipRegion: 'RJ',
      ShipPostalCode: '02389-673',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10422,
      CustomerID: 'FRANS',
      EmployeeID: 2,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-22T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-19T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-31T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 3.02,
      ShipName: 'Franchi S.p.A.',
      ShipAddress: 'Via Monte Bianco 34',
      ShipCity: 'Torino',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '10100',
      ShipCountry: 'Italy',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10423,
      CustomerID: 'GOURL',
      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-23T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-06T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 24.5,
      ShipName: 'Gourmet Lanchonetes',
      ShipAddress: 'Av. Brasil, 442',
      ShipCity: 'Campinas',
      ShipRegion: 'SP',
      ShipPostalCode: '04876-786',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10424,
      CustomerID: 'MEREP',
      EmployeeID: 7,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-23T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-01-27T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 370.61,
      ShipName: 'M\u00e8re Paillarde',
      ShipAddress: '43 rue St. Laurent',
      ShipCity: 'Montr\u00e9al',
      ShipRegion: 'Qu\u00e9bec',
      ShipPostalCode: 'H1J 1C3',
      ShipCountry: 'Canada',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10425,
      CustomerID: 'LAMAI',
      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-24T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-21T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 7.93,
      ShipName: "La maison d'Asie",
      ShipAddress: '1 rue Alsace-Lorraine',
      ShipCity: 'Toulouse',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '31000',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10426,
      CustomerID: 'GALED',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-27T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-06T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 18.69,
      ShipName: 'Galer\u00eda del gastron\u00f3mo',
      ShipAddress: 'Rambla de Catalu\u00f1a, 23',
      ShipCity: 'Barcelona',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8022',
      ShipCountry: 'Spain',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10427,
      CustomerID: 'PICCO',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-27T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-03-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 31.29,
      ShipName: 'Piccolo und mehr',
      ShipAddress: 'Geislweg 14',
      ShipCity: 'Salzburg',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '5020',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10428,
      CustomerID: 'REGGC',
      EmployeeID: 7,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-28T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-25T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 11.09,
      ShipName: 'Reggiani Caseifici',
      ShipAddress: 'Strada Provinciale 124',
      ShipCity: 'Reggio Emilia',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '42100',
      ShipCountry: 'Italy',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10429,
      CustomerID: 'HUNGO',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-29T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-07T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 56.63,
      ShipName: 'Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers',
      ShipAddress: '8 Johnstown Road',
      ShipCity: 'Cork',
      ShipRegion: 'Co. Cork',
      ShipPostalCode: null,
      ShipCountry: 'Ireland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10430,
      CustomerID: 'ERNSH',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-30T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 458.78,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10431,
      CustomerID: 'BOTTM',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-30T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-07T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 44.17,
      ShipName: 'Bottom-Dollar Markets',
      ShipAddress: '23 Tsawassen Blvd.',
      ShipCity: 'Tsawassen',
      ShipRegion: 'BC',
      ShipPostalCode: 'T2F 8M4',
      ShipCountry: 'Canada',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10432,
      CustomerID: 'SPLIR',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-01-31T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-02-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-07T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 4.34,
      ShipName: 'Split Rail Beer & Ale',
      ShipAddress: 'P.O. Box 555',
      ShipCity: 'Lander',
      ShipRegion: 'WY',
      ShipPostalCode: '82520',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10433,
      CustomerID: 'PRINI',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-03T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-03-04T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 73.83,
      ShipName: 'Princesa Isabel Vinhos',
      ShipAddress: 'Estrada da sa\u00fade n. 58',
      ShipCity: 'Lisboa',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '1756',
      ShipCountry: 'Portugal',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10434,
      CustomerID: 'FOLKO',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-03T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-03T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 17.92,
      ShipName: 'Folk och f\u00e4 HB',
      ShipAddress: '\u00c5kergatan 24',
      ShipCity: 'Br\u00e4cke',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'S-844 67',
      ShipCountry: 'Sweden',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10435,
      CustomerID: 'CONSH',
      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-04T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-18T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-07T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 9.21,
      ShipName: 'Consolidated Holdings',
      ShipAddress: 'Berkeley Gardens 12  Brewery',
      ShipCity: 'London',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'WX1 6LT',
      ShipCountry: 'UK',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10436,
      CustomerID: 'BLONP',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-05T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-05T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-11T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 156.66,
      ShipName: 'Blondel p\u00e8re et fils',
      ShipAddress: '24, place Kl\u00e9ber',
      ShipCity: 'Strasbourg',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '67000',
      ShipCountry: 'France',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10437,
      CustomerID: 'WARTH',
      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-05T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-05T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 19.97,
      ShipName: 'Wartian Herkku',
      ShipAddress: 'Torikatu 38',
      ShipCity: 'Oulu',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '90110',
      ShipCountry: 'Finland',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10438,
      CustomerID: 'TOMSP',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-06T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-06T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 8.24,
      ShipName: 'Toms Spezialit\u00e4ten',
      ShipAddress: 'Luisenstr. 48',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00fcnster',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '44087',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10439,
      CustomerID: 'MEREP',
      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-07T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-07T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-10T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 4.07,
      ShipName: 'M\u00e8re Paillarde',
      ShipAddress: '43 rue St. Laurent',
      ShipCity: 'Montr\u00e9al',
      ShipRegion: 'Qu\u00e9bec',
      ShipPostalCode: 'H1J 1C3',
      ShipCountry: 'Canada',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10440,
      CustomerID: 'SAVEA',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-10T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-10T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-28T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 86.53,
      ShipName: 'Save-a-lot Markets',
      ShipAddress: '187 Suffolk Ln.',
      ShipCity: 'Boise',
      ShipRegion: 'ID',
      ShipPostalCode: '83720',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10441,
      CustomerID: 'OLDWO',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-10T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-24T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-03-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 73.02,
      ShipName: 'Old World Delicatessen',
      ShipAddress: '2743 Bering St.',
      ShipCity: 'Anchorage',
      ShipRegion: 'AK',
      ShipPostalCode: '99508',
      ShipCountry: 'USA',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10442,
      CustomerID: 'ERNSH',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-11T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-11T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-18T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 47.94,
      ShipName: 'Ernst Handel',
      ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
      ShipCity: 'Graz',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '8010',
      ShipCountry: 'Austria',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10443,
      CustomerID: 'REGGC',
      EmployeeID: 8,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-12T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 13.95,
      ShipName: 'Reggiani Caseifici',
      ShipAddress: 'Strada Provinciale 124',
      ShipCity: 'Reggio Emilia',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '42100',
      ShipCountry: 'Italy',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10444,
      CustomerID: 'BERGS',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-12T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-12T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-21T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 3,
      Freight: 3.5,
      ShipName: 'Berglunds snabbk\u00f6p',
      ShipAddress: 'Berguvsv\u00e4gen  8',
      ShipCity: 'Lule\u00e5',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'S-958 22',
      ShipCountry: 'Sweden',
      OrderStatus: 'Delivered',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10445,
      CustomerID: 'BERGS',
      EmployeeID: 3,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-13T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-13T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-20T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 9.3,
      ShipName: 'Berglunds snabbk\u00f6p',
      ShipAddress: 'Berguvsv\u00e4gen  8',
      ShipCity: 'Lule\u00e5',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: 'S-958 22',
      ShipCountry: 'Sweden',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10446,
      CustomerID: 'TOMSP',
      EmployeeID: 6,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-14T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-02-19T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 1,
      Freight: 14.68,
      ShipName: 'Toms Spezialit\u00e4ten',
      ShipAddress: 'Luisenstr. 48',
      ShipCity: 'M\u00fcnster',
      ShipRegion: null,
      ShipPostalCode: '44087',
      ShipCountry: 'Germany',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'
      OrderID: 10447,
      CustomerID: 'RICAR',
      EmployeeID: 4,
      OrderDate: '1997-02-14T00:00:00Z',
      RequiredDate: '1997-03-14T00:00:00Z',
      ShippedDate: '1997-03-07T00:00:00Z',
      ShipVia: 2,
      Freight: 68.66,
      ShipName: 'Ricardo Adocicados',
      ShipAddress: 'Av. Copacabana, 267',
      ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro',
      ShipRegion: 'RJ',
      ShipPostalCode: '02389-890',
      ShipCountry: 'Brazil',
      OrderStatus: 'Order Placed',
      Quantity: '1'

Render Syncfusion® Chart in row template

The Syncfusion® Grid component provides the flexibility to include custom controls, such as Chart, within the rows of the Grid. This feature enhances Grid interactivity by allowing you to display graphical representations of data instead of plain text.

To render a Syncfusion® Chart within a row template of the Grid, you can utilize the rowTemplate property. This property accepts a custom HTML template that specifies the layout for each row, allowing for rich data visualization.

Here is an example that demonstrates rendering Syncfusion® Chart within a row template:

import React from 'react';
import { GridComponent, ColumnsDirective, ColumnDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, ColumnSeries, Category } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { employeeData, employeePerformanceData } from './datasource.jsx';

function App() {
    function GridRowTemplate(props) {
        const primaryXAxis = {
            valueType: 'Category',
        const getChartData = (employeeID) => {
            const employeePerformance = employeePerformanceData.find(emp => emp.EmployeeID === employeeID);
            return employeePerformance ? employeePerformance.chartData : [];
        return (
                <td className="custom">
                <td className="custom">
                <td className="custom">
                <td className="details">
                    <ChartComponent id={`chart-container-${props.EmployeeID}`} primaryXAxis={primaryXAxis} height="150px">
                        <Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Category]} />
                            <SeriesDirective dataSource={getChartData(props.EmployeeID)} xName='month' yName='performance' type='Column' name='Performance' />
    return (
            <GridComponent dataSource={employeeData} rowTemplate={GridRowTemplate} height={315}>
                    <ColumnDirective field='Name' headerText='Name' width='180' />
                    <ColumnDirective field='Designation' headerText='Designation' width='150' />
                    <ColumnDirective field='Team' headerText='Team' width='180' />
                    <ColumnDirective headerText='Employee Performance' width='300' textAlign="Center" />

export default App;
import React from 'react';
import { GridComponent, ColumnsDirective, ColumnDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import { ChartComponent, SeriesCollectionDirective, SeriesDirective, Inject, ColumnSeries, Category } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import { employeeData, employeePerformanceData } from './datasource';

function App() {
    function GridRowTemplate(props) {
        const primaryXAxis = {
            valueType: 'Category',
        const getChartData = (employeeID) => {
            const employeePerformance = employeePerformanceData.find(emp => (emp as any).EmployeeID === employeeID);
            return employeePerformance ? (employeePerformance as any).chartData : [];
        return (
                <td className="custom">
                <td className="custom">
                <td className="custom">
                <td className="details">
                    <ChartComponent id={`chart-container-${props.EmployeeID}`} primaryXAxis={primaryXAxis} height="150px">
                        <Inject services={[ColumnSeries, Category]} />
                            <SeriesDirective dataSource={getChartData(props.EmployeeID)} xName='month' yName='performance' type='Column' name='Performance' />
    return (
            <GridComponent dataSource={employeeData} rowTemplate={GridRowTemplate} height={315}>
                    <ColumnDirective field='Name' headerText='Name' width='180' />
                    <ColumnDirective field='Designation' headerText='Designation' width='150' />
                    <ColumnDirective field='Team' headerText='Team' width='180' />
                    <ColumnDirective headerText='Employee Performance' width='300' textAlign="Center" />

export default App;
export let employeeData = [
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1001',
      "Name": "John",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(711) 555-4444',
      "Designation": "Sales Representative",
      "Team": "Sales",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Web-General",
      "ReportTo": "Vinet",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(704692800000),
      "YearOfExperience": "3 Years",
      "Location": "Reims",
      "AssetKit": "Headset, Laptop, Phone",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(704692800000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Available"
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1002',
      "Name": "Suyama",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(206) 555-1189',
      "Designation": "Marketing Manager",
      "Team": "Marketing",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Web-Server",
      "ReportTo": "Suprd",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(713764800000),
      "YearOfExperience": "1 Year 10 Months",
      "Location": "Albuquerque",
      "AssetKit": "Laptop, Projector, Tablet",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(713764800000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Available"
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1003',
      "Name": "Janet",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(710) 555-5598',
      "Designation": "HR Specialist",
      "Team": "Human Resources",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Web-General",
      "ReportTo": "Hanar",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(702104400000),
      "YearOfExperience": "1 Year",
      "Location": "Barquisimeto",
      "AssetKit": "Headset, Laptop, Printer",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(702104400000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Not available"
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1004',
      "Name": "Peacock",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(811) 555-7773',
      "Designation": "Sales Representative",
      "Team": "Sales",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Window",
      "ReportTo": "Vinet",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(736401600000),
      "YearOfExperience": "2 Years",
      "Location": "Albuquerque",
      "AssetKit": "Headset, Laptop, Phone",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(736401600000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Available"
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1005',
      "Name": "Leverling",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(712) 555-4848',
      "Designation": "IT Support",
      "Team": "IT Department",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Web-Server",
      "ReportTo": "Tomsp",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(750830400000),
      "YearOfExperience": "5 Years 3 Months",
      "Location": "Reims",
      "AssetKit": "Keyboard, Laptop, Mouse",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(750830400000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Not available"
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1006',
      "Name": "Fuller",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(206) 555-8122',
      "Designation": "HR Specialist",
      "Team": "Human Resources",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Designer",
      "ReportTo": "Victe",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(750830400000),
      "YearOfExperience": "3 Years 1 Month",
      "Location": "Barquisimeto",
      "AssetKit": "Headset, Laptop, Printer",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(750830400000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Available"
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1007',
      "Name": "Buchanan",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(206) 555-3412',
      "Designation": "Marketing Manager",
      "Team": "Marketing",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Support",
      "ReportTo": "Hanar",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(757486800000),
      "YearOfExperience": "4 Years",
      "Location": "Reims",
      "AssetKit": "Laptop, Projector, Tablet",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(757486800000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Not available"
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1008',
      "Name": "Davolio",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(206) 555-9482',
      "Designation": "Customer Service",
      "Team": "Customer Support",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Web-Server",
      "ReportTo": "Vinet",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(762843600000),
      "YearOfExperience": "11 Months",
      "Location": "Albuquerque",
      "AssetKit": "Headset, Laptop, Phone",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(762843600000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Not available"
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1009',
      "Name": "Robert",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(206) 555-9857',
      "Designation": "Finance Analyst",
      "Team": "Finance",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Testing",
      "ReportTo": "Suprd",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(784875600000),
      "YearOfExperience": "3 Years 5 Months",
      "Location": "Reims",
      "AssetKit": "Calculator, Headset, Laptop",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(784875600000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Available"

export const employeePerformanceData = [
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1001',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 10 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 53 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 56 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 20 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 32 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 42 },
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 55 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 3 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance: 50 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 60 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 30 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 17 },
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1002',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 54 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 55 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 66 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 62 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 63 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 54 },
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 55 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 66 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance: 43 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 57 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 45 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 44 },
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1003',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 66 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 64 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 55 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 57 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 53 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 64 },
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 62 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 65 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance:66 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 63 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 65 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 64 },
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1004',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 64 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 64 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 54 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 42 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 34 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 84 },
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 55 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 74 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance: 64 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 54 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 58 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 53 },
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1005',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 54 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 34 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 24 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 64 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 74 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 44},
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 55 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 64 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance: 34 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 24 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 44 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 64 },
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1006',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 47 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 57 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 37 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 67 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 65 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 77 },
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 67 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 47 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance: 37 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 54 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 64 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 24 },
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1007',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 66 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 76 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 56 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 74 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 66 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 33 },
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 53 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 73 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance: 83 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 63 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 53 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 45 },
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1008',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 34 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 52 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 45 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 33 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 60 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 17 },
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 44 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 55 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance: 30 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 38 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 32 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 47 },
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1009',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 5 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 56 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 67 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 44 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 35 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 23 },
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 26 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 37 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance: 35 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 66 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 24 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 53 },
export let employeeData : Object[] = [
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1001',
      "Name": "John",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(711) 555-4444',
      "Designation": "Sales Representative",
      "Team": "Sales",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Web-General",
      "ReportTo": "Vinet",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(704692800000),
      "YearOfExperience": "3 Years",
      "Location": "Reims",
      "AssetKit": "Headset, Laptop, Phone",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(704692800000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Available"
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1002',
      "Name": "Suyama",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(206) 555-1189',
      "Designation": "Marketing Manager",
      "Team": "Marketing",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Web-Server",
      "ReportTo": "Suprd",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(713764800000),
      "YearOfExperience": "1 Year 10 Months",
      "Location": "Albuquerque",
      "AssetKit": "Laptop, Projector, Tablet",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(713764800000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Available"
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1003',
      "Name": "Janet",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(710) 555-5598',
      "Designation": "HR Specialist",
      "Team": "Human Resources",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Web-General",
      "ReportTo": "Hanar",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(702104400000),
      "YearOfExperience": "1 Year",
      "Location": "Barquisimeto",
      "AssetKit": "Headset, Laptop, Printer",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(702104400000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Not available"
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1004',
      "Name": "Peacock",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(811) 555-7773',
      "Designation": "Sales Representative",
      "Team": "Sales",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Window",
      "ReportTo": "Vinet",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(736401600000),
      "YearOfExperience": "2 Years",
      "Location": "Albuquerque",
      "AssetKit": "Headset, Laptop, Phone",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(736401600000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Available"
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1005',
      "Name": "Leverling",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(712) 555-4848',
      "Designation": "IT Support",
      "Team": "IT Department",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Web-Server",
      "ReportTo": "Tomsp",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(750830400000),
      "YearOfExperience": "5 Years 3 Months",
      "Location": "Reims",
      "AssetKit": "Keyboard, Laptop, Mouse",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(750830400000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Not available"
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1006',
      "Name": "Fuller",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(206) 555-8122',
      "Designation": "HR Specialist",
      "Team": "Human Resources",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Designer",
      "ReportTo": "Victe",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(750830400000),
      "YearOfExperience": "3 Years 1 Month",
      "Location": "Barquisimeto",
      "AssetKit": "Headset, Laptop, Printer",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(750830400000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Available"
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1007',
      "Name": "Buchanan",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(206) 555-3412',
      "Designation": "Marketing Manager",
      "Team": "Marketing",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Support",
      "ReportTo": "Hanar",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(757486800000),
      "YearOfExperience": "4 Years",
      "Location": "Reims",
      "AssetKit": "Laptop, Projector, Tablet",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(757486800000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Not available"
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1008',
      "Name": "Davolio",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(206) 555-9482',
      "Designation": "Customer Service",
      "Team": "Customer Support",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Web-Server",
      "ReportTo": "Vinet",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(762843600000),
      "YearOfExperience": "11 Months",
      "Location": "Albuquerque",
      "AssetKit": "Headset, Laptop, Phone",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(762843600000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Not available"
      "EmployeeID": 'Emp1009',
      "Name": "Robert",
      "MailID": "",
      "PhoneNumber": '(206) 555-9857',
      "Designation": "Finance Analyst",
      "Team": "Finance",
      "SoftwareTeam": "Testing",
      "ReportTo": "Suprd",
      "DateOfJoining": new Date(784875600000),
      "YearOfExperience": "3 Years 5 Months",
      "Location": "Reims",
      "AssetKit": "Calculator, Headset, Laptop",
      "AssetKitDistribution": new Date(784875600000),
      "EmployeeAvailability": "Available"

export let employeePerformanceData: Object[]  = [
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1001',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 10 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 53 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 56 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 20 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 32 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 42 },
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 55 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 3 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance: 50 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 60 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 30 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 17 },
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1002',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 54 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 55 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 66 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 62 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 63 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 54 },
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 55 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 66 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance: 43 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 57 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 45 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 44 },
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1003',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 66 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 64 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 55 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 57 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 53 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 64 },
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 62 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 65 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance:66 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 63 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 65 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 64 },
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1004',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 64 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 64 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 54 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 42 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 34 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 84 },
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 55 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 74 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance: 64 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 54 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 58 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 53 },
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1005',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 54 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 34 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 24 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 64 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 74 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 44},
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 55 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 64 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance: 34 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 24 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 44 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 64 },
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1006',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 47 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 57 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 37 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 67 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 65 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 77 },
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 67 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 47 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance: 37 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 54 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 64 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 24 },
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1007',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 66 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 76 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 56 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 74 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 66 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 33 },
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 53 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 73 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance: 83 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 63 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 53 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 45 },
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1008',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 34 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 52 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 45 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 33 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 60 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 17 },
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 44 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 55 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance: 30 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 38 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 32 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 47 },
      EmployeeID: 'Emp1009',
      chartData: [
          { month: 'Jan', performance: 5 },
          { month: 'Feb', performance: 56 },
          { month: 'Mar', performance: 67 },
          { month: 'Apr', performance: 44 },
          { month: 'May', performance: 35 },
          { month: 'Jun', performance: 23 },
          { month: 'Jul', performance: 26 },
          { month: 'Aug', performance: 37 },
          { month: 'Sep', performance: 35 },
          { month: 'Oct', performance: 66 },
          { month: 'Nov', performance: 24 },
          { month: 'Dec', performance: 53 },


Row template feature is not compatible with all the features which are available in the grid, and it has limited features support. The features that are incompatible with the row template feature are listed below.

  • Filtering
  • Paging
  • Sorting
  • Searching
  • Rtl
  • Export
  • Context Menu
  • State Persistence
  • Selection
  • Grouping
  • Editing
  • Frozen rows & columns
  • Virtual & Infinite scrolling
  • Column chooser
  • Column menu
  • Detail Row
  • Foreignkey column
  • Resizing
  • Reordering
  • Aggregates
  • Clipboard
  • Adaptive view