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Remove an item from DropDownList
12 Apr 20225 minutes to read
@Html.EJS().Button("first").Content("Remove 0th Item").Render()
@Html.EJS().DropDownList("games").Placeholder("Select a game").PopupHeight("200px").DataSource((IEnumerable<object>)ViewBag.data).Fields(new Syncfusion.EJ2.DropDowns.DropDownListFieldSettings { Text = "Game" }).Render()
document.getElementById('first').onclick = () => {
// create DropDownList object
let obj = document.getElementById('games');
if (obj.ej2_instances[0].list) {
// Remove the selected value if 0th index selected
var dropObject = document.getElementById("games");
var dropDownListObject = dropObject.ej2_instances[0];
if (dropDownListObject.index === 0) {
dropDownListObject.value = null;
// remove first item in list
if (!obj.ej2_instances[0].list.querySelectorAll('li')[0]) {
dropDownListObject.dataSource = [];
// enable the nodata template when no data source is empty.
else {
// remove first item in list
dropDownListObject.dataSource.splice(0, 1);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace WebApplication1.Models
public class GameList
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Game { get; set; }
public List<GameList> GameLists()
List<GameList> game = new List<GameList>();
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game1", Game = "American Football" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game2", Game = "Badminton" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game3", Game = "Basketball" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game3", Game = "Basketball" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game4", Game = "Cricket" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game5", Game = "Football" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game6", Game = "Golf" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game7", Game = "Hockey" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game8", Game = "Rugby" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game9", Game = "Snooker" });
game.Add(new GameList { Id = "Game10", Game = "Tennis" });
return game;