Migration from Essential® JS 1

8 Dec 202416 minutes to read

This article describes the API migration process of DropDownList component from Essential® JS 1 to Essential® JS 2.


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Default Property: Datasource
Property: dataSource
Fields for mapping Property: DropDownListFields
@Html.EJ().DropDownList("groupsList").DropDownListFields(f => f.Value("parentId").Text("text"))
Property: Fields
@Html.EJS().DropDownList("games").Fields(new DropDownListFieldSettings { Text = "Game" }).Render()
Query Property: Query
Property: Query
Begin event Event :ActionBegin
Event : actionBegin
Complete event Event: ActionComplete
Event: ActionComplete
Failure event Event: ActionFailure
Event: ActionFailure
Success event Event: ActionSuccess
Not Applicable
Data binding event Event: DataBound
Event: DataBound


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Default Property: EnableFilterSearch
Property: AllowFiltering
Server filtering Property: EnableServerFiltering
Property: AllowFiltering
Filter type Property: FilterType
No Records Template Not Applicable Property: NoRecordsTemplate
@Html.EJS().DropDownList("games").NoRecordsTemplate("<span class='norecord'> NO DATA AVAILABLE</span>").Render()
Filter Bar watermarktext Not Applicable Property: FilterBarPlaceholder
Ignore casing and diacritics Not Applicable Property: IgnoreAccent
Incremental search Property: EnableIncrementalSearch
By default it is true
Case sensitivity Property: CaseSensitiveSearch
Search event Event: Search
Event: Filtering


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Default Property: Template
@Html.EJ().DropDownList("selectCompany").Template("<div><img class='imgId' src='../Content/Employees/${Image}.png' alt='employee'/> <div class='ename'> ${Text} </div><div class='role'> ${Role} </div><div class='cont'> ${Country} </div></div>")
Property: ItemTemplate
@Html.EJS().DropDownList("customers").ItemTemplate("@Html.Raw("<span><span class='name'>${FirstName}</span><span class ='city'>${City}</span></span>")").Render()
Group Template Not Applicable Property: GroupTemplate
ValueTemplate Not Applicable Property: ValueTemplate
@Html.EJS().DropDownList("customers").ValueTemplate(""@Html.Raw("<span>${FirstName} - ${City}</span>")").Render()
Header Template Property: HeaderTemplate
@Html.EJ().DropDownList("selectCompany").HeaderTemplate("<div class='eheader'><span>PHOTO</span> <span>DETAILS</span></div>").Render()
Property: HeaderTemplate
@Html.EJS().DropDownList("customers").HeaderTemplate("@Html.Raw("<span class='head'><span class='name'>Name</span><span class='city'>City</span></span>")").Render()
FooterTemplate Not applicable Property: FooterTemplate
@Html.EJS().DropDownList("customers").FooterTemplate("@Html.Raw("<span class='foot'> Total list items: " + 8 + "</span>")").Render()
No records Template Not applicable Property: NoRecordsTemplate
@Html.EJS().DropDownList("customers").NoRecordsTemplate("@Html.Raw("<span class='norecord'> NO DATA AVAILABLE</span>")").Render()
Action failure Template Not applicable Property: ActionFailureTemplate
@Html.EJS().DropDownList("customers").ActionFailureTemplate("@Html.Raw("<span class='action-failure'> Data fetch get fails</span>")").Render()

Virtual Scrolling

Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Default Property: AllowVirtualScrolling
Not applicable

Applying CSS

Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Default Property: CssClass
Property: CssClass
showRoundedCorner Property: ShowRoundedCorner
Property: CssClass


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Default Property: EnableSorting
Enabled only on using sortorder **Property**
Order of sorting Property: SortOrder
Property: SortOrder
Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Popup height Property: PopupHeight
Property: PopupHeight
Popup width Property: PopupWidth
Property: PopupWidth
Popup show on load Property: ShowPopupOnLoad
By default, the data load on demand.
enableAnimation Property: EnableAnimation
Not applicable
Popup resizing Property: EnablePopupResize
Not applicable
Maximum Popup height Property: MaxPopupHeight
Not applicable
Minimum Popup height Property: min-popup-height
Not applicable
Maximum Popup width Property: MaxPopupWidth
Not applicable
Minimum Popup width Property: MinPopupWidth
Not applicable
Loading data Property: LoadOnDemand
By default, it is true
Popup showing manually Method: showPopup

Method: showPopup

var ddlObj = document.getElementById('dropdown').ej2_Instances[0];

Popup hiding manually Method: hidePopup

Method: HidePopup

var ddlObj = document.getElementById("dropdownlist").ej2_Instances[0];

Before Popup hide event Event: BeforePopupHide
Not applicable
Before Popup shown event Event: BeforePopupShown
Event: BeforeOpen
Popup hide event Event: PopupHide
Event: Close
Popup resize event Event: PopupResize
Not applicable
Popup resize start event Event: PopupResizeStart
Not applicable
Popup resize stop event Event: popupResizeStop
Not applicable
Popup shown event Event: Popupshown
Event: Open


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Watermark text Property: WatermarkText
Property: Placeholder
Floating of waterMarkText Not applicable Property: FloatLabelType


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Default Property: fields.groupBy
@Html.EJ().DropDownList("groupsList").DropDownListFields(f => f.GroupBy("parentId"))
Property: fields.groupBy
>@Html.EJS().DropDownList("games").Fields(new DropDownListFieldSettings { GroupBy = "Game" }).Render()
Group Template Not applicable Property: GroupTemplate


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Globalization Property: Locale
Property: Locale
Rtl support Property: EnableRtl
Property: EnableRtl


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Enable/disable Property: Enabled
Property: Enabled
Read only Property: ReadOnly

Property: ReadOnly
Persistence of data Property: EnablePersistence
Property: EnablePersistence
Disable Method: disable

Property: Enabled
Enable Method: enable

Property: Enabled
Height Property: Height
Property: Height
Width Property: Width
Property: Width


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Selecting particular index Property: selected-index
Property: index
Selecting particular value Property: value
Property: value
Selecting particular text Property: text
Property: text
Target id Property: targetId
Not applicable
Selecting item using text Method: selectItemByText

Not applicable
Unselect item using text Method: unselectItemByText

Not applicable
Selecting item using value Method: selectItemByValue

Not applicable
Getting data by using value Method: getItemDataByValue

Method: getDataByValue

var ddlObj = document.getElementById("dropdownlist").ej2_Instances[0];

Get selected value Method: getSelectedItem

Not applicable
Get selected text Method: getSelectedText

Property: text
Select event Event: select
Event: select
Addition of Html attributes Property: html-attributes
Property: htmlAttributes


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Adding new item Method : addItem

$('#dropdown').ejDropDownList("addItem", {text:"India"});
Method: addItem

var ddlObj = document.getElementById(dropdownlist).ej2_Instances[0];

ddlObj.addItem({Id: 'game4', Game: 'Golf'}, 2);
Clearing the text Method : clearText

Property:* showClearButton*
<ejs-dropdownlist showClearButton=true/>
Destroy the component Method : destroy

Method: destroy

var ddlObj = document.getElementById(dropdownlist).ej2_Instances[0];

Getting the data Method : getListData

Method : getItems

var ddlObj = document.getElementById(dropdownlist).ej2_Instances[0];

Create event Event: create
<ej-drop-down-list create="onCreate"></ej-drop-down-list>
Event: created
<ejs-dropdownlist created ="created" />
Destroy event Event: destroy
<ej-drop-down-list destroy="ondestroy"></ej-drop-down-list>
Event: destroyed
<ejs-dropdownlist destroyed ="destroy" />
Cascade event Event: cascade
<ej-drop-down-list cascade="cascade"></ej-drop-down-list>
Change event Event: change
<ej-drop-down-list create="change"></ej-drop-down-list>
Event: change
<ejs-dropdownlist change ="change" />
Focus out event Event: focusOut
<ej-drop-down-list focus-out="focus"></ej-drop-down-list>
Event: blur
<ejs-dropdownlist blur ="blur" />
Focus in event Event: focusIn

<ej-drop-down-list focus-in="focus"></ej-drop-down-list>
Event: focus
<ejs-dropdownlist focus ="onfofus" />