#I689424 - Now the issue with TextArea doesn’t adjust the height dynamically when the text exceeds the current height has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
#I508544 - Now, the DataMatrix barcode is rendered properly with alphanumeric values.
Bug Fixes
#I688740 - An issue with the carousel item moving when trying to navigate using the tab key has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
#I691577 - Now, mouse wheel zooming works properly in the Firefox browser.
Bug Fixes
#I688698- Provided the tab index attribute support to the checkbox element.
Bug Fixes
#I683160 - Fixed the issue where an ComboBox makes the page unresponsive after filtering with no result.
Dashboard Layout
Bug Fixes
#I686340 - The issue with the layout height after removing all the panels has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
#I667084 - Excessive space is no longer created between nodes in complex hierarchical tree layout.
Bug Fixes
#I682967 - Fixed a script error that occurred when deleting content inside an edit region.
#I684112 - Fixed a script issue when opening a line-marker chart in Document Editor.
#I683052 - Fixed a bookmark insertion issue when spell check is enabled.
Bug Fixes
#I682127 - Resolved an issue where the checkbox state was not maintained properly during custom filtering operations in the Dropdown Tree component.
#I682703, #I691872 - An Focusing issues in Dropdown Tree component when showSelectAll property is true has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
#I656917 - The issue with the selected item count when enabling range selection in the File Manager component has been resolved.
Bug fixes
F159354 - Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.
Bug fixes
#I684532 - Resolved the issue where the dataSourceChanged event was not triggered when end editing in batch mode with custom data binding.
#I686671 - Fixed an issue where the updated React state was not accessible inside the Grid filterTemplate.
#I689691 - Fixed a script error that occurred during the save action when using grouping and hierarchy features.
#I682492 - Resolved the script error that was thrown when copying with column selection in cell selection mode.
Bug fixes
#I686420 - Now, the legend renders properly regardless of the letter casing of latitude and longitude.
MultiColumn ComboBox
Bug Fixes
#I685573 - Now the issue with MultiColumn ComboBox popup not rendered properly when placed inside the Dialog has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
#I688364 - Fixed an issue with the positioning issue of the Multi select component popup while enabling the RTL mode.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
#I664230 - Now , the signature annotation will appear in UI upon import when deleted programmatically.
#I683048 - Now , the custom stamp image will appear in UI when changing the image source dynamically.
#I686411 - Now, the pan mode is not disabled when the Ctrl key is pressed.
#I686925, #686758 - Now, the findText method properly returns the width value for the searched text.
#I689347 - Now, the script error no longer occurs when deleting the text markup annotation using the deleteAnnotationById method.
Pivot Table
Bug Fixes
#I683197 - The Drillthrough popup will now display the date field with the correct formatting in the pivot table.
#I675848 - The pivot table scrollbar will now be displayed correctly during the initial rendering, even when its width is not explicitly specified.
Bug Fixes
#I558909 - The progress bar label position is now correct when the progress value is zero.
Bug Fixes
#I685085 - Now, the Rich Text Editor works properly when pressing the backspace key within list elements, and the list structure no longer collapses.
#I682872 - Now, pressing Shift + Enter after selecting a video will no longer create a duplicate video in the Rich Text Editor.
#F195768 - Now, the font size will be preserved for numbered and bulleted lists in the Rich Text Editor.
#F195933 - Now, the Add Table popup works properly when using two Rich Text Editors.
Bug fixes
#I682735, #I680637 - An issue where the current time indicator in the Scheduler is rendered in the incorrect position in timeline views has been resolved.
#F64855 - An issue where the selected date not maintained in Scheduler MonthAgenda view has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
#I686672 - An issue with the toolbar scrollable arrows not removing after resizing page to full width, has been resolved.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
I682605 - Resolved a script error issue occurred when expanding the remote data after clearing filter.
Bug Fixes
#I682127 - Resolved an issue where the checkbox state was not maintained properly during custom filtering operations in the DropdownTree component.
Note : The bug or feature items that do not have a corresponding ID associated with them are internally identified.