Essential Studio for Angular Release Notes

February 04, 2025


Bug Fixes

  • #I660165 - The issue with “ The accordion causing a script error when expanding it with the expandMode set to single” has been resolved.

Accumulation Chart

New Features

  • #I667715 - Added support for trapezoidal funnel shapes in the accumulation chart, offering a new design option to represent data more effectively and enhance visual appeal.


Bug Fixes

  • I679114 - Resolved the styles issue for the secondary type Badge component in the material theme.


  • #I513228 - Provided support to enable/disable the keyboard interactions in the carousel component by using allowKeyboardInteraction property.


Bug Fixes

  • #I679703 - The arguments in the axisMultiLabelRender event can now be modified correctly.

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • #I680947 - The issue with the “size of the drag-and-drop helper element differs from the original panel size in Dashboard Layout” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I680965 - Fixed document corruption when opening a client-side exported DOCX in Microsoft Word.
  • #I681505 - Fixed issues with programmatically added comment replies and text range selection in the Document Editor.
  • #I684705 - Fixed wavy underline rendering issue for non-misspelled words when pressing backspace.
  • #I680849 - Fixed missing split cell content when a row spans multiple pages.
  • #I667699 - Fixed missing content in shapes after copying and pasting the entire content, followed by server-side DOCX export.
  • #I678996, #I678997, #I678999 - Fixed script errors when accepting track changes in list paragraphs and table paragraphs.

Bug Fixes

  • #I679000 - An issue with react Dropdown Tree CustomTemplate when the state updates in the change event has been resolved.

  • #I681727 - An issue with selection and CustomTemplate not updating after filtering in Dropdown Tree component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I682491 - Resolved the issue with the flat data in the FileManager component, where the “This folder is empty” message still appeared after clearing the search input.


Bug fixes

  • F159354 - Issue in locale text of predecessor tooltip has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I691051 - Fixed a script error thrown when accessing the pageSize property within the actionComplete event of the Grid.
  • #I681001 - Resolved the issue where the Update and Cancel buttons were not displayed in normal edit mode on an adaptive layout.
  • #I665236 - Fixed the issue where the header checkbox displayed an indeterminate state when all rows were selected with virtualization enabled.
    -#I677222 - Resolved an issue where the group caption text was not displayed properly when grouping with frozen columns.
  • #I679448 - Fixed an issue where the validation error message was hidden under the Grid column header when the grid had only two rows for a custom tooltip.
  • #I681556 - Resolved an issue where the Grid was displaying only the searched column in the ColumnChooser.
  • #FB64702 - Fixed a script error that occurred on expand or collapse when InfiniteScrolling with frozen columns and grouping.
  • #I683071 - Resolved an issue where data misalignment with the frozen column in the Material 3 theme.
  • #I660627 - Resolved an issue where column reordering cancellation in the actionBegin event did not work as expected when only the header column was reordered.


Bug Fixes

  • #I678111 - Handled the enableHtmlSanitizer property functionality for single level list items in the ListView component.


New features

  • #I665480 - Now, the location property in legendSettings accepts percentage values for the x and y properties when the position property is set to Float, allowing the legend to be rendered relative to the Maps element.

MultiColumn ComboBox

Bug Fixes

  • #I667643 - Now the exception raised when updating empty value in the MultiColumn ComboBox with grid batch mode enabled has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I681861 - Fixed an issue where the popup would detach from the control when virtualization was enabled during filtering.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I679527 - Now, the annotations no longer disappear when programmatically selecting annotations on a non-rendered page.
  • #I678021 - Now, the order of annotations is properly preserved if the document contains stamp annotations.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #I681520 - The percentage symbol is now included in the axis labels for the StackingBar100, StackingColumn100, StackingArea100, and StackingLine100 chart types.


Bug Fixes

  • #I682906 - The progress bar label now renders correctly with the exact number of digits.


Bug Fixes

  • #I667904 - The Form data is not updated when the Rating value changes


Bug Fixes

  • #I677654 - Now, nested list content is cleaned up properly when the backspace key is pressed in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I674632 - Now, the Shift plus Enter keys work properly in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I680096 - Now, the shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + H works properly when frequently used to switch between Code View and Preview in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I677654 - Now, nested list content is cleaned up properly when the backspace key is pressed in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I684249- Now, the issue has been resolved where pressing the backspace key at the beginning of a block element within a nested structure no longer results in unexpected wrapping with inline styles.

  • #I588147 - Now, the text &times remains unchanged and is not converted to x in the Rich Text Editor, regardless of the insertion method used.

  • #F195633 - Now, the change event will trigger when Cmd+Backspace is performed on a Mac.

  • #I667013 - Now, the Tab key is now functioning properly within the list in the Rich Text Editor.


Bug fixes

  • #I680887 - An issue where the Scheduler year view popup does not close when navigating to other views has been resolved.

  • #F195634 - An issue with scheduler event misalignment in timeline Day View with custom timeScale and interval settings has been resolved.

  • #F195703 - An issue with the Schedule actionCompleteArgs to ensure deletedRecords contain the correct edited timezone start and end time for deleted appointments has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I638858 - Issue with “exception occurred when exporting a spreadsheet containing a defined name that referred to a table reference” has been resolved.



  • #I313872, #I511661, #F163147, #F163322 - Provided the content rendering support that allows you to specify the modes for loading tab content.
  • #F153247 - Provided support to enable/disable the Tab content swiping by using the swipeMode property.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • I679426 - Resolved a selection issue when adding a record after sorting the records


Bug Fixes

  • #I681955 - Resolved an issue where the aria-activedescendant attribute was incorrectly updated when the TreeView component was empty.
Note : The bug or feature items that do not have a corresponding ID associated with them are internally identified.