Timeout in React Toast component

13 Dec 202321 minutes to read

The timeOut property helps to change the default value of toast expire time. By default, the set timeOut value will be 5000 milliseconds. React Toast will live till the timeOut reaches without user interaction, the timeOut value will be taken in milliseconds. Once the toast reached a given timeOut it will expire automatically.

Visual representation of timeOut

The toast component’s expire time can be visually shown using a Progress Bar. To show progress bar you must set showProgressbar api as true.

How long the toast displayed in page

The extendedTimeOut property is used to decide how long the toast to be displayed after the user hovers on it.

You can destroy toast at any time by clicking on the close button. The close button can be enabled by showCloseButton property as true.


import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { ToastComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-notifications';
import * as React from "react";
class App extends React.Component {
    position = { X: "Right", Y: "Bottom" };
    buttons = [
        { model: { content: "Ignore" } },
        { model: { content: "reply" } }
    toastCreated() {
    toastShow() {
        const value = parseInt(document.getElementById('timeOut').value, 0);
        this.toastInstance.show({ timeOut: value });
    contentTemplate() {
        return <p><img src='./laura.png'/></p>;
    render() {
        return (<div>
        <div className='e-float-input'>
          <input type='text' className='e-input' id='timeOut' defaultValue={'0'} required={true}/>
          <span className='e-float-line'/>
          <label className="e-float-text">TimeOut</label>
        <ButtonComponent cssClass="e-primary" onClick={this.toastShow = this.toastShow.bind(this)}> Show Toast </ButtonComponent>
        <ToastComponent id="elementToastTime" ref={toast => this.toastInstance = toast} title="Anjolie Stokes" content={this.contentTemplate} position={this.position} width={230} height={250} buttons={this.buttons} showProgressBar={true} created={this.toastCreated = this.toastCreated.bind(this)}/>
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { ToastComponent  } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-notifications';
import * as React from "react";

class App extends React.Component<{}, {}> {
  public toastInstance: ToastComponent;
  public position = { X: "Right", Y: "Bottom" };
  private buttons: object[] = [
    { model: { content: "Ignore" } },
    { model: { content: "reply" } }

  public toastCreated(): void {

  public toastShow() {
    const value: number = parseInt((document.getElementById('timeOut') as HTMLInputElement).value, 0);
    this.toastInstance.show({ timeOut: value });

  public contentTemplate() {
    return <p><img src='./laura.png'/></p>;

  public render() {
    return (
        <div className='e-float-input'>
          <input type='text' className='e-input' id='timeOut' defaultValue={'0'} required={true} />
          <span className='e-float-line' />
          <label className="e-float-text">TimeOut</label>
        <ButtonComponent cssClass="e-primary" onClick={this.toastShow = this.toastShow.bind(this)}> Show Toast </ButtonComponent>
        <ToastComponent id="elementToastTime" ref={toast => this.toastInstance = toast!} title="Anjolie Stokes" content={this.contentTemplate} position={this.position} width={230} height={250} buttons={this.buttons} showProgressBar={true} created={this.toastCreated = this.toastCreated.bind(this)} />
export default App;


import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { ToastComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-notifications';
import * as React from "react";
function App() {
    let toastInstance;
    let position = { X: "Right", Y: "Bottom" };
    let buttons = [
        { model: { content: "Ignore" } },
        { model: { content: "reply" } }
    function toastCreated() {
    function toastShow() {
        const value = parseInt(document.getElementById('timeOut').value, 0);
        toastInstance.show({ timeOut: value });
    function contentTemplate() {
        return <p><img src='./laura.png'/></p>;
    return (<div>
      <div className='e-float-input'>
        <input type='text' className='e-input' id='timeOut' defaultValue={'0'} required={true}/>
        <span className='e-float-line'/>
        <label className="e-float-text">TimeOut</label>
      <ButtonComponent cssClass="e-primary" onClick={toastShow.bind(this)}> Show Toast </ButtonComponent>
      <ToastComponent id="elementToastTime" ref={toast => toastInstance = toast} title="Anjolie Stokes" content={contentTemplate} position={position} width={230} height={250} buttons={buttons} showProgressBar={true} created={toastCreated.bind(this)}/>
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { ToastComponent  } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-notifications';
import * as React from "react";

function App(){
  let toastInstance: ToastComponent;
  let position = { X: "Right", Y: "Bottom" };
  let buttons: object[] = [
    { model: { content: "Ignore" } },
    { model: { content: "reply" } }

  function toastCreated(): void {

  function toastShow() {
    const value: number = parseInt((document.getElementById('timeOut') as HTMLInputElement).value, 0);
    toastInstance.show({ timeOut: value });

  function contentTemplate() {
    return <p><img src='./laura.png'/></p>;
  return (
      <div className='e-float-input'>
        <input type='text' className='e-input' id='timeOut' defaultValue={'0'} required={true} />
        <span className='e-float-line' />
        <label className="e-float-text">TimeOut</label>
      <ButtonComponent cssClass="e-primary" onClick={toastShow.bind(this)}> Show Toast </ButtonComponent>
      <ToastComponent id="elementToastTime" ref={toast => toastInstance = toast!} title="Anjolie Stokes" content={contentTemplate} position={position} width={230} height={250} buttons={buttons} showProgressBar={true} created={toastCreated.bind(this)} />
export default App;

Static toast

You can prevent auto-hiding of React toast by set timeOut value of timeOut property as zero (0).


import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { ToastComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-notifications';
import * as React from "react";
class App extends React.Component {
    position = { X: "Right", Y: "Bottom" };
    buttons = [
        { model: { content: "Ignore" } },
        { model: { content: "reply" } }
    toastCreated() {
    toastShow() {
        const value = parseInt(document.getElementById('timeOut').value, 0);
        this.toastInstance.show({ timeOut: value });
    contentTemplate() {
        return <p><img src='./laura.png'/></p>;
    render() {
        return (<div>
        <div className='e-float-input'>
          <input type='text' className='e-input' id='timeOut' defaultValue={'0'} required={true}/>
          <span className='e-float-line'/>
          <label className="e-float-text">TimeOut</label>
        <ButtonComponent cssClass="e-primary" onClick={this.toastShow = this.toastShow.bind(this)}> Show Toast </ButtonComponent>
        <ToastComponent id="elementToastTime" ref={toast => this.toastInstance = toast} title="Anjolie Stokes" content={this.contentTemplate} position={this.position} width={230} height={250} buttons={this.buttons} showProgressBar={true} created={this.toastCreated = this.toastCreated.bind(this)}/>
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { ToastComponent  } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-notifications';
import * as React from "react";

class App extends React.Component<{}, {}> {
  public toastInstance: ToastComponent;
  public position = { X: "Right", Y: "Bottom" };
  private buttons: object[] = [
    { model: { content: "Ignore" } },
    { model: { content: "reply" } }

  public toastCreated(): void {

  public toastShow() {
    const value: number = parseInt((document.getElementById('timeOut') as HTMLInputElement).value, 0);
    this.toastInstance.show({ timeOut: value });

  public contentTemplate() {
    return <p><img src='./laura.png'/></p>;

  public render() {
    return (
        <div className='e-float-input'>
          <input type='text' className='e-input' id='timeOut' defaultValue={'0'} required={true} />
          <span className='e-float-line' />
          <label className="e-float-text">TimeOut</label>
        <ButtonComponent cssClass="e-primary" onClick={this.toastShow = this.toastShow.bind(this)}> Show Toast </ButtonComponent>
        <ToastComponent id="elementToastTime" ref={toast => this.toastInstance = toast!} title="Anjolie Stokes" content={this.contentTemplate} position={this.position} width={230} height={250} buttons={this.buttons} showProgressBar={true} created={this.toastCreated = this.toastCreated.bind(this)} />
export default App;


import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { ToastComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-notifications';
import * as React from "react";
function App() {
    let toastInstance;
    let position = { X: "Right", Y: "Bottom" };
    let buttons = [
        { model: { content: "Ignore" } },
        { model: { content: "reply" } }
    function toastCreated() {
    function toastShow() {
        const value = parseInt(document.getElementById('timeOut').value, 0);
        toastInstance.show({ timeOut: value });
    function contentTemplate() {
        return <p><img src='./laura.png'/></p>;
    return (<div>
      <div className='e-float-input'>
        <input type='text' className='e-input' id='timeOut' defaultValue={'0'} required={true}/>
        <span className='e-float-line'/>
        <label className="e-float-text">TimeOut</label>
      <ButtonComponent cssClass="e-primary" onClick={toastShow.bind(this)}> Show Toast </ButtonComponent>
      <ToastComponent id="elementToastTime" ref={toast => toastInstance = toast} title="Anjolie Stokes" content={contentTemplate} position={position} width={230} height={250} buttons={buttons} showProgressBar={true} created={toastCreated.bind(this)}/>
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { ToastComponent  } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-notifications';
import * as React from "react";

function App(){
  let toastInstance: ToastComponent;
  let position = { X: "Right", Y: "Bottom" };
  let buttons: object[] = [
    { model: { content: "Ignore" } },
    { model: { content: "reply" } }

  function toastCreated(): void {

  function toastShow() {
    const value: number = parseInt((document.getElementById('timeOut') as HTMLInputElement).value, 0);
    toastInstance.show({ timeOut: value });

  function contentTemplate() {
    return <p><img src='./laura.png'/></p>;

  return (
      <div className='e-float-input'>
        <input type='text' className='e-input' id='timeOut' defaultValue={'0'} required={true} />
        <span className='e-float-line' />
        <label className="e-float-text">TimeOut</label>
      <ButtonComponent cssClass="e-primary" onClick={toastShow.bind(this)}> Show Toast </ButtonComponent>
      <ToastComponent id="elementToastTime" ref={toast => toastInstance = toast!} title="Anjolie Stokes" content={contentTemplate} position={position} width={230} height={250} buttons={buttons} showProgressBar={true} created={toastCreated.bind(this)} />
export default App;

See Also