Action buttons in React Toast component

23 Jan 20248 minutes to read

You can include action Buttons into toast by adding buttons property. You can bind collections of Essential JS 2 Button Model to model property inside buttons property, You can also include click event callback function, for each button.


import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { ToastComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-notifications';
import * as React from "react";
class App extends React.Component {
    position = { X: "Right", Y: "Bottom" };
    buttons = [
        { model: { content: "Ignore" } },
        { model: { content: "reply" } }
    toastShow() {;
    toastCreated() {;
    contentTemplate() {
        return <p><img src='./laura.png'/></p>;
    render() {
        return (<div>
        <ButtonComponent cssClass="e-primary" onClick={this.toastShow = this.toastShow.bind(this)}> Show Toast </ButtonComponent>
        <ToastComponent ref={toast => this.toastInstance = toast} title="Anjolie Stokes" content={this.contentTemplate} position={this.position} width='230' height='250' buttons={this.buttons} created={this.toastCreated = this.toastCreated.bind(this)}/>
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { ToastComponent  } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-notifications';
import * as React from "react";

class App extends React.Component<{}, {}> {
  public toastInstance: ToastComponent;
  public position = { X: "Right", Y: "Bottom" };
  private buttons: object[] = [
    { model: { content: "Ignore" } },
    { model: { content: "reply" } }

  public toastShow() {;

  public toastCreated(): void {;

  public contentTemplate() {
    return <p><img src='./laura.png'/></p>;

  public render() {
    return (
        <ButtonComponent cssClass="e-primary" onClick={this.toastShow = this.toastShow.bind(this)}> Show Toast </ButtonComponent>
        <ToastComponent ref={toast => this.toastInstance = toast!} title="Anjolie Stokes" content={this.contentTemplate} position={this.position} width='230' height='250' buttons={this.buttons} created={this.toastCreated = this.toastCreated.bind(this)} />
export default App;


import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { ToastComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-notifications';
import * as React from "react";
function App() {
    let toastInstance;
    let position = { X: "Right", Y: "Bottom" };
    let buttons = [
        { model: { content: "Ignore" } },
        { model: { content: "reply" } }
    function toastShow() {;
    function toastCreated() {;
    function contentTemplate() {
        return <p><img src='./laura.png'/></p>;
    return (<div>
          <ButtonComponent cssClass="e-primary" onClick={toastShow.bind(this)}> Show Toast </ButtonComponent>
          <ToastComponent ref={toast => toastInstance = toast} title="Anjolie Stokes" content={contentTemplate} position={position} width='230' height='250' buttons={buttons} created={toastCreated.bind(this)}/>
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { ToastComponent  } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-notifications';
import * as React from "react";

function App() {
    let toastInstance: ToastComponent;
    let position = { X: "Right", Y: "Bottom" };
    let buttons: object[] = [
      { model: { content: "Ignore" } },
      { model: { content: "reply" } }
    function toastShow() {;
    function toastCreated() {;
    function contentTemplate() {
      return <p><img src='./laura.png'/></p>;
    return (
          <ButtonComponent cssClass="e-primary" onClick={toastShow.bind(this)}> Show Toast </ButtonComponent>
          <ToastComponent ref={toast => toastInstance = toast!} title="Anjolie Stokes" content={contentTemplate} position={position} width='230' height='250' buttons={buttons} created={toastCreated.bind(this)} />
export default App;

See Also