- Labels customization
- Gridlines
- Axis line
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Smithchart axis in React Smithchart component
2 Feb 202324 minutes to read
Like chart, Smith chart also has support for two types of axis:
- Horizontal axis: Axis drawn as straight line in horizontal direction of the chart.
- Radial axis: Axis drawn as circular path.
Labels customization
Axis labels are used to denote the kind of data that is bound to Smith chart. Using axis labels, you can easily identify the interval, in which the chart is rendered. The following properties are used to customize the axis labels for horizontal and radial axes:
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { SmithchartComponent, SmithchartSeriesCollectionDirective, SmithchartSeriesDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
function App() {
function load(args) {
args.smithchart.radialAxis = {
labelPosition: 'Inside',
labelIntersectAction: 'Hide',
labelStyle: {
fontFamily: 'Times New Roman',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontStyle: 'Italic',
opacity: 0.75,
size: '14px'
args.smithchart.horizontalAxis = {
labelPosition: 'Inside',
labelIntersectAction: 'Hide',
labelStyle: {
fontFamily: 'Times New Roman',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontStyle: 'Italic',
opacity: 0.75,
size: '14px'
return (<SmithchartComponent id='smithchart' load={load.bind(this)}>
<SmithchartSeriesDirective points={[
{ resistance: 10, reactance: 25 }, { resistance: 8, reactance: 6 },
{ resistance: 6, reactance: 4.5 }, { resistance: 4.5, reactance: 2 },
{ resistance: 3.5, reactance: 1.6 }, { resistance: 2.5, reactance: 1.3 },
{ resistance: 2, reactance: 1.2 }, { resistance: 1.5, reactance: 1 },
{ resistance: 1, reactance: 0.8 }, { resistance: 0.5, reactance: 0.4 },
{ resistance: 0.3, reactance: 0.2 }, { resistance: 0, reactance: 0.15 },
]} name='Transmission1'>
<SmithchartSeriesDirective points={[
{ resistance: 20, reactance: -50 }, { resistance: 10, reactance: -10 },
{ resistance: 9, reactance: -4.5 }, { resistance: 8, reactance: -3.5 },
{ resistance: 7, reactance: -2.5 }, { resistance: 6, reactance: -1.5 },
{ resistance: 5, reactance: -1 }, { resistance: 4.5, reactance: -0.5 },
{ resistance: 3.5, reactance: 0 }, { resistance: 2.5, reactance: 0.4 },
{ resistance: 2, reactance: 0.5 }, { resistance: 1.5, reactance: 0.5 },
{ resistance: 1, reactance: 0.4 }, { resistance: 0.5, reactance: 0.2 },
{ resistance: 0.3, reactance: 0.1 }, { resistance: 0, reactance: 0.05 },
]} name='Transmission2'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('smithchart'));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { SmithchartComponent, SmithchartSeriesCollectionDirective, SmithchartSeriesDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
function App() {
function load(args: ISmithchartLoadedEventArgs): void {
args.smithchart.radialAxis = {
labelPosition: 'Inside',
labelIntersectAction: 'Hide',
labelStyle: {
fontFamily: 'Times New Roman',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontStyle: 'Italic',
opacity: 0.75,
size: '14px'
args.smithchart.horizontalAxis = {
labelPosition: 'Inside',
labelIntersectAction: 'Hide',
labelStyle: {
fontFamily: 'Times New Roman',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontStyle: 'Italic',
opacity: 0.75,
size: '14px'
return ( <SmithchartComponent id='smithchart' load={load.bind(this)}>
{ resistance: 10, reactance: 25 }, { resistance: 8, reactance: 6 },
{ resistance: 6, reactance: 4.5 }, { resistance: 4.5, reactance: 2 },
{ resistance: 3.5, reactance: 1.6 }, { resistance: 2.5, reactance: 1.3 },
{ resistance: 2, reactance: 1.2 }, { resistance: 1.5, reactance: 1 },
{ resistance: 1, reactance: 0.8 }, { resistance: 0.5, reactance: 0.4 },
{ resistance: 0.3, reactance: 0.2 }, { resistance: 0, reactance: 0.15 },
]} name='Transmission1'
{ resistance: 20, reactance: -50 }, { resistance: 10, reactance: -10 },
{ resistance: 9, reactance: -4.5 }, { resistance: 8, reactance: -3.5 },
{ resistance: 7, reactance: -2.5 }, { resistance: 6, reactance: -1.5 },
{ resistance: 5, reactance: -1 }, { resistance: 4.5, reactance: -0.5 },
{ resistance: 3.5, reactance: 0 }, { resistance: 2.5, reactance: 0.4 },
{ resistance: 2, reactance: 0.5 }, { resistance: 1.5, reactance: 0.5 },
{ resistance: 1, reactance: 0.4 }, { resistance: 0.5, reactance: 0.2 },
{ resistance: 0.3, reactance: 0.1 }, { resistance: 0, reactance: 0.05 },
]} name='Transmission2'
</SmithchartComponent> );
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('smithchart'));
To make the data easier to read in a chart that displays axes, display horizontal axis and radial axis gridlines. Gridlines are extended from any horizontal axis or radial axis across the plot area of the Smith chart.
Both horizontal and radial axes have support for major and minor gridlines. Major gridlines are drawn from the position in which labels are rendered. Minor gridlines are drawn between two major gridlines as per the count you set in settings.
You can customize the major and minor gridlines using the following properties:
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { SmithchartComponent, SmithchartSeriesCollectionDirective, SmithchartSeriesDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
function App() {
function load(args) {
args.smithchart.horizontalAxis = {
majorGridLines: {
visible: true,
opacity: 0.8,
width: 10
return (<SmithchartComponent id='smithchart' load={load.bind(this)}>
<SmithchartSeriesDirective points={[
{ resistance: 10, reactance: 25 }, { resistance: 8, reactance: 6 },
{ resistance: 6, reactance: 4.5 }, { resistance: 4.5, reactance: 2 },
{ resistance: 3.5, reactance: 1.6 }, { resistance: 2.5, reactance: 1.3 },
{ resistance: 2, reactance: 1.2 }, { resistance: 1.5, reactance: 1 },
{ resistance: 1, reactance: 0.8 }, { resistance: 0.5, reactance: 0.4 },
{ resistance: 0.3, reactance: 0.2 }, { resistance: 0, reactance: 0.15 },
]} name='Transmission1'>
<SmithchartSeriesDirective points={[
{ resistance: 20, reactance: -50 }, { resistance: 10, reactance: -10 },
{ resistance: 9, reactance: -4.5 }, { resistance: 8, reactance: -3.5 },
{ resistance: 7, reactance: -2.5 }, { resistance: 6, reactance: -1.5 },
{ resistance: 5, reactance: -1 }, { resistance: 4.5, reactance: -0.5 },
{ resistance: 3.5, reactance: 0 }, { resistance: 2.5, reactance: 0.4 },
{ resistance: 2, reactance: 0.5 }, { resistance: 1.5, reactance: 0.5 },
{ resistance: 1, reactance: 0.4 }, { resistance: 0.5, reactance: 0.2 },
{ resistance: 0.3, reactance: 0.1 }, { resistance: 0, reactance: 0.05 },
]} name='Transmission2'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('smithchart'));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { SmithchartComponent, SmithchartSeriesCollectionDirective, SmithchartSeriesDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
function App() {
function load(args: ISmithchartLoadedEventArgs): void {
args.smithchart.horizontalAxis = {
majorGridLines: {
visible: true,
opacity: 0.8,
width: 10
return ( <SmithchartComponent id='smithchart' load={load.bind(this)}>
{ resistance: 10, reactance: 25 }, { resistance: 8, reactance: 6 },
{ resistance: 6, reactance: 4.5 }, { resistance: 4.5, reactance: 2 },
{ resistance: 3.5, reactance: 1.6 }, { resistance: 2.5, reactance: 1.3 },
{ resistance: 2, reactance: 1.2 }, { resistance: 1.5, reactance: 1 },
{ resistance: 1, reactance: 0.8 }, { resistance: 0.5, reactance: 0.4 },
{ resistance: 0.3, reactance: 0.2 }, { resistance: 0, reactance: 0.15 },
]} name='Transmission1'
{ resistance: 20, reactance: -50 }, { resistance: 10, reactance: -10 },
{ resistance: 9, reactance: -4.5 }, { resistance: 8, reactance: -3.5 },
{ resistance: 7, reactance: -2.5 }, { resistance: 6, reactance: -1.5 },
{ resistance: 5, reactance: -1 }, { resistance: 4.5, reactance: -0.5 },
{ resistance: 3.5, reactance: 0 }, { resistance: 2.5, reactance: 0.4 },
{ resistance: 2, reactance: 0.5 }, { resistance: 1.5, reactance: 0.5 },
{ resistance: 1, reactance: 0.4 }, { resistance: 0.5, reactance: 0.2 },
{ resistance: 0.3, reactance: 0.1 }, { resistance: 0, reactance: 0.05 },
]} name='Transmission2'
</SmithchartComponent> );
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('smithchart'));
Axis line
Axis line is a line in Smith chart that can be configured to denote the axis. You can customize the axis line using the following properties:
By default, visibility of the axis line is true. You can customize its visibility by using the visible property in axis line.
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { SmithchartComponent, SmithchartSeriesCollectionDirective, SmithchartSeriesDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
function App() {
function load(args) {
args.smithchart.horizontalAxis = {
majorGridLines: {
visible: true,
opacity: 0.8,
width: 10
axisLine: {
width: 10,
visible: false
return (<SmithchartComponent id='smithchart' load={load.bind(this)}>
<SmithchartSeriesDirective points={[
{ resistance: 10, reactance: 25 }, { resistance: 8, reactance: 6 },
{ resistance: 6, reactance: 4.5 }, { resistance: 4.5, reactance: 2 },
{ resistance: 3.5, reactance: 1.6 }, { resistance: 2.5, reactance: 1.3 },
{ resistance: 2, reactance: 1.2 }, { resistance: 1.5, reactance: 1 },
{ resistance: 1, reactance: 0.8 }, { resistance: 0.5, reactance: 0.4 },
{ resistance: 0.3, reactance: 0.2 }, { resistance: 0, reactance: 0.15 },
]} name='Transmission1'>
<SmithchartSeriesDirective points={[
{ resistance: 20, reactance: -50 }, { resistance: 10, reactance: -10 },
{ resistance: 9, reactance: -4.5 }, { resistance: 8, reactance: -3.5 },
{ resistance: 7, reactance: -2.5 }, { resistance: 6, reactance: -1.5 },
{ resistance: 5, reactance: -1 }, { resistance: 4.5, reactance: -0.5 },
{ resistance: 3.5, reactance: 0 }, { resistance: 2.5, reactance: 0.4 },
{ resistance: 2, reactance: 0.5 }, { resistance: 1.5, reactance: 0.5 },
{ resistance: 1, reactance: 0.4 }, { resistance: 0.5, reactance: 0.2 },
{ resistance: 0.3, reactance: 0.1 }, { resistance: 0, reactance: 0.05 },
]} name='Transmission2'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('smithchart'));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { SmithchartComponent, SmithchartSeriesCollectionDirective, SmithchartSeriesDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
function App() {
function load(args: ISmithchartLoadedEventArgs): void {
args.smithchart.horizontalAxis = {
majorGridLines: {
visible: true,
opacity: 0.8,
width: 10
axisLine: {
width: 10,
visible: false
return ( <SmithchartComponent id='smithchart' load={load.bind(this)}>
{ resistance: 10, reactance: 25 }, { resistance: 8, reactance: 6 },
{ resistance: 6, reactance: 4.5 }, { resistance: 4.5, reactance: 2 },
{ resistance: 3.5, reactance: 1.6 }, { resistance: 2.5, reactance: 1.3 },
{ resistance: 2, reactance: 1.2 }, { resistance: 1.5, reactance: 1 },
{ resistance: 1, reactance: 0.8 }, { resistance: 0.5, reactance: 0.4 },
{ resistance: 0.3, reactance: 0.2 }, { resistance: 0, reactance: 0.15 },
]} name='Transmission1'
{ resistance: 20, reactance: -50 }, { resistance: 10, reactance: -10 },
{ resistance: 9, reactance: -4.5 }, { resistance: 8, reactance: -3.5 },
{ resistance: 7, reactance: -2.5 }, { resistance: 6, reactance: -1.5 },
{ resistance: 5, reactance: -1 }, { resistance: 4.5, reactance: -0.5 },
{ resistance: 3.5, reactance: 0 }, { resistance: 2.5, reactance: 0.4 },
{ resistance: 2, reactance: 0.5 }, { resistance: 1.5, reactance: 0.5 },
{ resistance: 1, reactance: 0.4 }, { resistance: 0.5, reactance: 0.2 },
{ resistance: 0.3, reactance: 0.1 }, { resistance: 0, reactance: 0.05 },
]} name='Transmission2'
</SmithchartComponent> );
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('smithchart'));