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Smithchart tooltip in React Smithchart component
2 Feb 20237 minutes to read
The Smith chart displays details about the points using tooltip when the mouse is hovered over the points. By default, the tooltips are disabled. To enable the tooltips, import and inject the TooltipRender module from Smith chart, and set the visible property to true in tooltip settings. You can customize the visibility and appearance of tooltips for each series in the Smith chart.
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Inject, SmithchartComponent, SmithchartSeriesCollectionDirective, SmithchartSeriesDirective, TooltipRender } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
function App() {
function load(args) {
args.smithchart.series[0].tooltip = {
visible: true
args.smithchart.series[0].marker = {
visible: true
return (<SmithchartComponent id='smithchart' load={load.bind(this)}>
<Inject services={[TooltipRender]}/>
<SmithchartSeriesDirective points={[
{ resistance: 10, reactance: 25 }, { resistance: 8, reactance: 6 },
{ resistance: 6, reactance: 4.5 }, { resistance: 4.5, reactance: 2 },
{ resistance: 3.5, reactance: 1.6 }, { resistance: 2.5, reactance: 1.3 },
{ resistance: 2, reactance: 1.2 }, { resistance: 1.5, reactance: 1 },
{ resistance: 1, reactance: 0.8 }, { resistance: 0.5, reactance: 0.4 },
{ resistance: 0.3, reactance: 0.2 }, { resistance: 0, reactance: 0.15 },
]} name='Transmission1'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('smithchart'));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Inject, SmithchartComponent, SmithchartLegend, SmithchartSeriesCollectionDirective, SmithchartSeriesDirective, TooltipRender } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
function App() {
function load(args: ISmithchartLoadedEventArgs): void {
args.smithchart.series[0].tooltip = {
visible: true
args.smithchart.series[0].marker = {
visible: true
return ( <SmithchartComponent id='smithchart' load={load.bind(this)}>
<Inject services={[TooltipRender]} />
{ resistance: 10, reactance: 25 }, { resistance: 8, reactance: 6 },
{ resistance: 6, reactance: 4.5 }, { resistance: 4.5, reactance: 2 },
{ resistance: 3.5, reactance: 1.6 }, { resistance: 2.5, reactance: 1.3 },
{ resistance: 2, reactance: 1.2 }, { resistance: 1.5, reactance: 1 },
{ resistance: 1, reactance: 0.8 }, { resistance: 0.5, reactance: 0.4 },
{ resistance: 0.3, reactance: 0.2 }, { resistance: 0, reactance: 0.15 },
]} name='Transmission1'
</SmithchartComponent> );
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('smithchart'));