#I686430 - Now the issue with scrollbar position when loaded initially using the messageTemplate and loadOnDemand property enabled has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
#I687354 - The chart with the primary and secondary axes is now working properly even when no series is bound.
Bug Fixes
#I685229 - Fixed the issue where an extra space appears when using the allowResize with height properties.
Bug Fixes
#I683467 - Improved performance by optimizing bookmark manipulation during text insertion.
#I684634 - Fixed an issue where focus moved to the document editor when selecting a tracked revision.
#I684435 - Resolved a freezing issue when accepting all tracked changes.
#I686056 - Fixed an issue where the background color was not updating properly in the properties pane.
#I679707 - Corrected the continuation of page numbers after restarting page numbering.
#I680995 - Fixed font rendering issues when applying the theme font to text.
#I687189 - Resolved caret height inconsistencies in collaborative editing.
#I682585 - Fixed incorrect list indentation when performing an undo action.
#F195801 - Resolved an issue where the content change event was triggered twice when applying a paragraph style.
Bug Fixes
#I684184 - An issue when using value property as two way binding and selecting a filtered node has been resolved.
#I681976 - An issue with value property when updating a data source dynamically in Dropdown Tree component has been resolved.
#I682748 - An issue Tab focus occurs when navigating a disabled Dropdown Tree component has been resolved.
#I682703 - An Focusing issues in Dropdown Tree component when showSelectAll property is true has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
#I676641 - The issue with the details View column and selection when dynamically changing the view in the File Manager component has been resolved.
#I681088, #FB628089 - Provided enableMenuItems API method support to enable the menu items in the File Manager component.
Bug fixes
#I678529 - When row drag and drop is used, the issue where modified records were not updating properly in the actionComplete event has been fixed.
#I683525 - Resolved a script error that occurred during cell editing of the Resource field when the resource collection was modified through column editing.
Bug fixes
#I679470 - The issue of the missing focus border on grid cells after adding rows has been resolved.
#I679056 - The problem of a script error occurring when updating the dataSource with a frozen column and the All option in the pager dropdown has been resolved.
#I682856 - Resolved an issue where pressing ESC or the cancel button in the toolbar did not properly restore a row after editing.
#I687968 - Fixed an issue where virtual scrolling did not function correctly when frozen columns were enabled.
#I679046 - Resolved an issue where infinite scrolling not loading correctly in Firefox at specific resolutions.
#I682690 - The issue where the DropDownList popup does not opening with Alt + Down Arrow in the Grid for remote data binding has been resolved.
Bug fixes
#I681991 - Now, the marker will not be translated for the maximum zoomed-out layers.
#I686422 - Now, the marker cluster expands properly when clicked.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
#I683657 - Now, the scale ratio updated properly when changing the measurementSettings dynamically.
#I683269 - Now, the form field value is updated properly after disabling read-only mode programmatically.
#I675316 - The date and time format is now preserved correctly in the comment panel when importing annotations.
#I687098 - Now , the Exception will not occur when downloading the customer provided document with the newly added annotation.
#I680877 - Now, the handwritten signature width and height are not swapped for rotated documents.
#I682398 - Now, the font height is retrieved properly from the widget annotation.
#I686841 - Now , the customData will update properly when adding the annotations programmatically.
Bug Fixes
#F195633 - Now, the change event will trigger when Cmd+Backspace is performed on a Mac.
#I687260 - Now, the issue with the toolbar action not being applied to the selected text in the Rich Text Editor when using keyboard actions in the Safari browser has now been resolved.
Bug fixes
#I682735, #I680637 - An issue where the current time indicator in the Scheduler is rendered in the incorrect position in vertical views has been resolved.
#F64855 - An issue where the selected date not maintained in Scheduler MonthAgenda view has been resolved.
Bug fixes
#I683923 - The issue with “column selection does not work properly when multiple columns are selected with a merged cell as the active cell” has been resolved.
#I684489 - Issue with “formulas containing negative arithmetic expressions and nested structures resulted in an Incorrect number of arguments error” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
#I686179 - An issue where the Tab content not loaded properly while switching the tabs has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
#I686187 - The expand animation issue, which occurred when adding and removing nodes inside the TreeView component’s expanding event handler, has been resolved.
Note : The bug or feature items that do not have a corresponding ID associated with them are internally identified.