Essential Studio for React Release Notes

December 31, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • #I660150 - The issue with carousel slide continue to move, when mouse swiped out of the container has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I667080 - The column series now renders properly when the width is set in pixels and enableSideBySidePlacement is set to false.
  • #I654525 - The y-axis now dynamically adjusts to accommodate negative ranges when the negative error bar exceeds the minimum value.


Bug Fixes

  • #I664457 - The issue with “The context menu does not close when the Escape key is pressed immediately after opening it with animation enabled.” has been resolved.

  • #I627856 - Need to reposition the Context menu after setting the height for popup with enableScrolling support has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I664732 - Fixed an issue where the overlay was displayed even when the popup was prevented from opening in mobile mode.

  • #I664735 - Removed unnecessary conditional code for adding CSS classes based on device type.


Bug Fixes

  • #I664086 - Bezier settings are now applied to freehand connectors during the drawing process.
  • #I664088 - Segment points are now draggable even when the pointer is positioned on the outer part of an increased segment thumb size.


Bug Fixes

  • #I646103 - Fixed the rendering issue of dot and circle bullets in the Ubuntu environment.
  • #I664612 - Fixed the application hanging issue when searching for text within a split cell widget using the find option.
  • #I665316 - Fixed the layout issue during editing actions caused by field start and end tags being in different paragraphs.
  • #I656347 - Fixed the issue where an empty cell was not added in a split row widget.
  • #I662866 - Fixed a script error that occurred when opening a document with block content controls inside a cell with revisions.
  • #I660441 - Fixed the issue where a table became corrupt after merging cells.
  • #I660453 - Fixed the issue where the replace API was not working when using a pattern to find and replace text.


Bug fixes

  • #I666904 - When the resource unit is changed, the duration field is not updated issue has been fixed.
  • #I665780 - Baseline width not validated properly for less than one day issue has been fixed.
  • #I663274 - Taskbar not rendering properly with fixed work issue has been fixed.
  • #I663985 - Script error thrown when collapsing the root node with task mode set to custom and enableMultiTaskbar enabled issue has been fixed.
  • #I665270 - Work not calculated correctly on parent task, after child outdent issue has been fixed.
  • #F195374 - Console error thrown when scrolling in virtualization sample with allowSelection set to false issue has been fixed.
  • #I666264 - Console error occurred while taskbar drag with null duration issue has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I662531 - The script error that occurred when autofit was enabled in the Grid, the width of the first column was undefined, and its visibility was set to false has been resolved.
  • #I661447 - Resolved an issue where templates were not rendered in the printed output of the React Grid.
  • #I664462 - Resolved the issue where SelectedRowIndex was not updating correctly when allowSelection was enabled dynamically.
  • #I666371 - Resolved the issue where the rowSelected event was triggered twice when persist selection was enabled.
  • #FB63898 - The script issue caused by an initial filter query with complex predicates when using the ODataV4Adaptor has been resolved.
  • #I665773 - Fixed the issue where the Column Menu popup was not positioned correctly when the StickyHeader feature was enabled, and the screen was zoomed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I667040 - Issue with “previous and current index are not return proper values in listbox while drag and drop event” has been resolved.

MultiColumn ComboBox

Bug Fixes

  • #I666815 - Now the issue with value selection using complex data binding in the Multicolumn ComboBox has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I663752 - The issue where the “No records found” template was displayed when closing and opening the popup has been resolved.

  • #I661577 - Fixed the issue where the placeholder was not displayed after clearing the value.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I664554 - Now, the documentId property is no longer missing in the ajaxRequestInitiate event after rotating the PDF pages.
  • #I662588 - A proper error message is now displayed when an invalid base 64 string is loaded in the PDF Viewer.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #I660802 - The autofit option will now be applied correctly to the pivot table cells without any extra space.


Bug Fixes

  • #I665346 - Now, the table edit properties are applied properly without any errors when editing a table using the TableEditProperties quick toolbar option in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I659461 - Now, the link functionality works properly when pressing the Enter key in the Firefox browser in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I665113 - Now, performing the enter action at the beginning of the text in Firefox works correctly without generating any console errors.

  • #I666517 - Now, the image src is updated properly when the actionBegin event argument is changed in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I664456 - Now, when the backspace key is pressed at the beginning of a line, it correctly merges only the adjacent lines instead of all lines in the Rich Text Editor.


Bug fixes

  • #I664340 - Issue with “columns do not scroll when autofill the cell values by dragging to the left with frozen columns” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I664211 - The issue with tab resizing does not work properly when the height adjust mode is set to None has been resolved.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I661832 - Collapsed records are now displayed properly in the viewport for last set of records when virtualization is enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • FB63997 - Prevent expanded nodes from collapsing when using addNodes or moveNodes method with preventTargetExpand set to true in TreeView.
Note : The bug or feature items that do not have a corresponding ID associated with them are internally identified.