Pdf export in EJ2 TypeScript Gantt Control

14 Mar 202424 minutes to read

PDF Export

PDF export allows exporting Gantt data to PDF document. You need to use the pdfExport method for exporting. To enable PDF export in the Gantt, set the allowPdfExport to true.

To export data to PDF document, inject the PdfExport module in Gantt.

import { Gantt, Toolbar, PdfExport, Selection } from '@syncfusion/ej2-gantt';
import { GanttData } from 'datasource.ts';
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations/src/toolbar/toolbar';

Gantt.Inject(Toolbar, PdfExport, Selection);

let clickHandler: EmitType<ClickEventArgs> = (args: ClickEventArgs) => {
    if (args.item.id === 'GanttExport_pdfexport') {

let gantt: Gantt = new Gantt({
    dataSource: GanttData,
    height: '450px',
    taskFields: {
        id: 'TaskID',
        name: 'TaskName',
        startDate: 'StartDate',
        duration: 'Duration',
        progress: 'Progress',
        child: 'subtasks'
    allowPdfExport: true,
    toolbar: ['PdfExport'],
    toolbarClick: clickHandler
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Indicators in PDF exporting

The PDF export functionality allows users to export Gantt charts enriched with dynamic indicators and accompanying images.
These indicators, represented by images,can be effortlessly defined using the base64 encoding value in the data object of datasource.This data object field should be mapped to indiactor property of task fields.

import { Gantt, Toolbar, PdfExport, Selection } from '@syncfusion/ej2-gantt';
import { GanttData } from 'datasource.ts';
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations/src/toolbar/toolbar';

Gantt.Inject(Toolbar, PdfExport, Selection);

let clickHandler: EmitType<ClickEventArgs> = (args: ClickEventArgs) => {
    if (args.item.id === 'GanttExport_pdfexport') {

let gantt: Gantt = new Gantt({
    dataSource: GanttData,
    height: '450px',
    taskFields: {
        id: 'TaskID',
        name: 'TaskName',
        startDate: 'StartDate',
        duration: 'Duration',
        progress: 'Progress',
        child: 'subtasks',
        indicators: 'Indicators'
    allowPdfExport: true,
    toolbar: ['PdfExport'],
    toolbarClick: clickHandler
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Exporting Gantt data as a blob object

In Gantt, you can export the Gantt chart data as a blob object, which allows you to preview or modify the data before exporting it.

To export the Gantt chart data as a blob object, follow these steps:

step 1: pdfExport fourth argument set as true.

step 2: Then , pdfExpComplete return as blob object.

import { Gantt, Toolbar, PdfExport, Selection,ExcelExport, PdfExportProperties,ExcelExportCompleteArgs,ExcelExportCompleteArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-gantt';
import { GanttData } from 'datasource.ts';
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations/src/toolbar/toolbar';

Gantt.Inject(Toolbar, PdfExport, Selection,ExcelExport);
 * Exporting Blob data

let excelExpComplete: EmitType<ExcelExportCompleteArgs> = (args: ExcelExportCompleteArgs) => {
        //This event will be triggered when excel exporting.
            args.promise.then((e: { blobData: Blob }) => {
        //In this `then` function, we can get blob data through the arguments after promise resolved.
let pdfExpComplete: EmitType<ExcelExportCompleteArgs> = (args: PdfExportCompleteArgs) => {
    //This event will be triggered when pdf exporting.
        args.promise.then((e: { blobData: Blob }) => {
        //In this `then` function, we can get blob data through the arguments after promise resolved.

let exportBlob: Function = (blob: Blob) => {
    let a: HTMLAnchorElement = document.createElement('a');
    a.style.display = 'none';
    let url: string = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
    a.href = url;
    a.download = 'Export';
let clickHandler: EmitType<ClickEventArgs> = (args: ClickEventArgs) => {
    if (args.item.id === 'GanttExport_pdfexport') {
       if (args.item.id === 'GanttExport_excelexport') {
        gantt.excelExport(null, null, null, true);

let gantt: Gantt = new Gantt({
    dataSource: GanttData,
    height: '450px',
    taskFields: {
        id: 'TaskID',
        name: 'TaskName',
        startDate: 'StartDate',
        duration: 'Duration',
        progress: 'Progress',
        child: 'subtasks'
    columns: [
        { field: 'TaskID'},
        { field: 'TaskName'},
        { field: 'StartDate'},
        { field: 'Duration'},
        { field: 'Progress'}
    allowPdfExport: true,
    allowExcelExport: true,
       excelExportComplete: excelExpComplete,
        pdfExportComplete: pdfExpComplete,
        toolbar: ['PdfExport','ExcelExport'],
    toolbarClick: clickHandler
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Single page exporting in gantt

In Gantt, we have provided support to export the Gantt component where each rows are auto-fit to the PDF document page width by setting isFitToWidth as true in fitToWidthSettings of PdfExportProperties.

Also, we can customize the chart width and grid width in exported file using chartWidth and gridWidth by defining it as percentage in string.

import { Gantt, Toolbar, PdfExport, Selection, PdfExportProperties } from '@syncfusion/ej2-gantt';
import { GanttData } from 'datasource.ts';
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations/src/toolbar/toolbar';

Gantt.Inject(Toolbar, PdfExport, Selection);

let clickHandler: EmitType<ClickEventArgs> = (args: ClickEventArgs) => {
    if (args.item.id === 'GanttExport_pdfexport') {
        let exportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
            fitToWidthSettings: {       
                isFitToWidth: true,       

let gantt: Gantt = new Gantt({
    dataSource: GanttData,
            dateFormat: 'MMM dd, y',
            taskFields: {
                id: 'TaskID',
                name: 'TaskName',
                startDate: 'StartDate',
                endDate: 'EndDate',
                duration: 'Duration',
                progress: 'Progress',
                dependency: 'Predecessor',
                child: 'subtasks',
            columns: [
                { field: 'TaskID', width: 80 },
                { field: 'TaskName', width: 250 },
                { field: 'StartDate' },
                { field: 'EndDate' },
                { field: 'Duration' },
                { field: 'Predecessor' },
                { field: 'resources' },
                { field: 'Progress' }
            splitterSettings: {
                columnIndex: 2
            allowPdfExport: true,
            toolbar: ['PdfExport'],
            toolbarClick: clickHandler,
            allowSelection: true,
            gridLines: 'Both',
            height: '450px',
            treeColumnIndex: 1,
            resourceFields: {
                id: 'resourceId',
                name: 'resourceName'
            highlightWeekends: true,
            timelineSettings: {
                topTier: {
                    unit: 'Week',
                    format: 'MMM dd, y',
                bottomTier: {
                    unit: 'Day',
            labelSettings: {
                leftLabel: 'TaskName',
                rightLabel: 'resources'
            projectStartDate: new Date('03/25/2019'),
            projectEndDate: new Date('07/28/2019')
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Exporting with templates

Exporting with column template

The PDF export functionality allows to export Grid columns that include images, hyperlinks, and custom text to an PDF document using pdfQueryCellInfo event.

In the following sample, the hyperlinks and images are exported to PDF using hyperlink and image properties in the pdfQueryCellInfo event.

Note: PDF Export supports base64 string to export the images.

import { Gantt, Toolbar, PdfExport, Selection, PdfExportProperties,PdfQueryCellInfoEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-gantt';
import { GanttData,editingResources } from 'datasource.ts';
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations/src/toolbar/toolbar';

Gantt.Inject(Toolbar, PdfExport, Selection);

let clickHandler: EmitType<ClickEventArgs> = (args: ClickEventArgs) => {
    if (args.item.id === 'GanttExport_pdfexport') {
        let exportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
            enableFooter: false
function pdfQueryCellInfo(args: PdfQueryCellInfoEventArgs): any {
    if (args.column.headerText === 'Resources') {
            args.image = { height:40,width:40, base64: (args as any).data.taskData.resourcesImage };
    if (args.column.headerText === 'Email ID') {
        args.hyperLink = {
            target: 'mailto:' + (args as any).data.taskData.EmailId,
            displayText: (args as any).data.taskData.EmailId

let gantt: Gantt = new Gantt({
    dataSource: GanttData,
    height: '450px',
    taskFields: {
        id: 'TaskID',
        name: 'TaskName',
        startDate: 'StartDate',
        endDate: 'EndDate',
        duration: 'Duration',
        progress: 'Progress',
        resourceInfo: 'resources',
        dependency: 'Predecessor',
        child: 'subtasks'
    columns: [
        { field: 'TaskID', headerText: 'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left' },
        { field: 'TaskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: '250' },
        { field: 'resources', headerText: 'Resources', width: '250', template: '#columnTemplate' },
        {field: 'EmailId', headerText: 'Email ID', template: '#template2', width: 180 },
    pdfQueryCellInfo: pdfQueryCellInfo,
    allowPdfExport: true,
    toolbar: ['PdfExport'],
    toolbarClick: clickHandler,
    resources: editingResources,
    resourceFields: {
        id: 'resourceId',
        name: 'resourceName'
    projectStartDate: new Date('03/24/2019'),
    projectEndDate: new Date('07/06/2019')
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    <script type="text/x-jsrender" id="columnTemplate">
        <div class="image">
            <img src="./images/${ganttProperties.resourceNames}.png" style="height:40px;width:40px" alt="${resourceName}" />
    <script id="template2" type="text/x-template">
        <div class="link">
            <a href="mailto:${taskData.EmailId}">${taskData.EmailId}</a></div>
    <div id='loader'>Loading....</div>
    <div id='container'>
        <div id='GanttExport'></div>


Exporting with taskbar template

The PDF export functionality allows to export taskbar templates that include images and text to an PDF document using pdfQueryTaskbarInfo event. Taskbars in the exported PDF document can be customized or formatted using the pdfQueryTaskbarInfo event for parent taskbar template, taskbar templates and milestone templates.

In the following sample, taskbar templates with images and text are exported to PDF using taskbarTemplate properties in the pdfQueryTaskbarInfo event.

Note: PDF Export supports base64 string to export the images.

import { Gantt, Toolbar, PdfExport, Selection, PdfExportProperties } from '@syncfusion/ej2-gantt';
import { ganttData,editingResources } from 'datasource.ts';
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations/src/toolbar/toolbar';

Gantt.Inject(Toolbar, PdfExport, Selection);

let clickHandler: EmitType<ClickEventArgs> = (args: ClickEventArgs) => {
    if (args.item.id === 'GanttExport_pdfexport') {
        let exportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
            enableFooter: false
let pdfQueryTaskbarInfo: EmitType<Object> = (args: Object) => {
        if (args.data.ganttProperties.resourceNames) {
            args.taskbarTemplate.image = [{
                width: 20, base64: (args as any).data.taskData.resourcesImage, height: 20
        args.taskbarTemplate.value =  args.data.TaskName;
        if (args.data.ganttProperties.resourceNames) {
            args.taskbarTemplate.image = [{
                width: 20, base64: (args as any).data.taskData.resourcesImage, height: 20
        args.taskbarTemplate.value= args.data.TaskName;
    if(args.data.ganttProperties.duration === 0){
        if (args.data.ganttProperties.resourceNames) {
            args.taskbarTemplate.image = [{
                width: 20, base64: (args as any).data.taskData.resourcesImage, height: 20,
        args.taskbarTemplate.value = args.data.TaskName

let gantt: Gantt = new Gantt({
    dataSource: ganttData,
    height: '450px',
    rowHeight: 55,
    taskbarHeight: 45,
    taskFields: {
        id: 'TaskID',
        name: 'TaskName',
        startDate: 'StartDate',
        endDate: 'EndDate',
        duration: 'Duration',
        resourceInfo: 'resources',
        dependency: 'Predecessor',
        child: 'subtasks'
    columns: [
        { field: 'TaskID', headerText: 'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left' },
        { field: 'TaskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: '250' },
    pdfQueryTaskbarInfo: pdfQueryTaskbarInfo,
    milestoneTemplate: '#MilestoneTemplate',
    parentTaskbarTemplate: '#ParentTaskbarTemplate',
    taskbarTemplate: '#TaskbarTemplate',
    allowPdfExport: true,
    toolbar: ['PdfExport'],
    toolbarClick: clickHandler,
    resources: editingResources,
    resourceFields: {
        id: 'resourceId',
        name: 'resourceName'
    projectStartDate: new Date('03/24/2019'),
    projectEndDate: new Date('04/30/2019'),
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    <div id='loader'>Loading....</div>

    <script type="text/x-jsrender" id="TaskbarTemplate">
        <div class="e-gantt-child-taskbar-inner-div e-gantt-child-taskbar"  style="height:100%">
           <div class="e-gantt-child-progressbar-inner-div e-gantt-child-progressbar" style="width:${ganttProperties.progressWidth}px;height:100%">
            <div class="image">
                <img src="./images/${ganttProperties.resourceNames}.png" style="height:40px;width:40px" alt="${resourceName}" />
              <span class="e-task-label" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1;max-width:70%; font-size: 12px; color: white; top: 5px; left: 35px; font-family: "Segoe UI"; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; width: 40%; cursor: move;">${taskData.TaskName}</span>

    <script type="text/x-jsrender" id="ParentTaskbarTemplate">
       <div class="e-gantt-parent-taskbar-inner-div e-gantt-parent-taskbar" style="height:100%">
          <div class="e-gantt-parent-progressbar-inner-div e-gantt-parent-progressbar" style="width:${ganttProperties.progressWidth}px;height:100%">
          <span class="e-task-label" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1; font-size: 12px; color: white; top: 5px; left: 10px; font-family: "Segoe UI"; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; width: 40%; cursor: move;">${taskData.TaskName}</span>
    <script type="text/x-jsrender" id="MilestoneTemplate">
        <div style="margin-top=-7px;">
        <div class="e-gantt-milestone" style="position:absolute;">
            <div class="image" style="position:absolute; left: 6px ; top: 5px">
                <img class="moments" src="../images/${ganttProperties.resourceNames}.png" height="40px" width="40px" />
            <div class="e-milestone-top" style="border-right-width:20px; margin-top: -2px;border-left-width:20px;border-bottom-width:20px;"></div>
            <div class="e-milestone-bottom" style="top:26px;border-right-width:20px; border-left-width:20px; border-top-width:20px;"></div>
    <div id='container'>
        <div id='GanttExport'></div>


Exporting with task label template

The PDF export functionality allows to export task label template that include images and text to an PDF document using pdfQueryTaskbarInfo event.

In the following sample, task label template with images and text are exported to PDF using labelSettings properties in the pdfQueryTaskbarInfo event.

Note: PDF Export supports base64 string to export the images.

import { Gantt, Toolbar, PdfExport, Selection, PdfExportProperties,pdfQueryTaskbarInfo,PdfQueryCellInfoEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-gantt';
import { GanttData,editingResources } from 'datasource.ts';
import { PdfColor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pdf-export';
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations/src/toolbar/toolbar';

Gantt.Inject(Toolbar, PdfExport, Selection);

let clickHandler: EmitType<ClickEventArgs> = (args: ClickEventArgs) => {
    if (args.item.id === 'GanttExport_pdfexport') {
        let exportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
            enableFooter: false
let pdfQueryTaskbarInfo: EmitType<Object> = (args: Object) => {
    args.labelSettings.leftLabel.value = args.data.ganttProperties.taskName + '[' + args.data.ganttProperties.progress + ']';
        if (args.data.ganttProperties.resourceNames) {
            args.labelSettings.rightLabel.value = args.data.ganttProperties.resourceNames;
            args.labelSettings.rightLabel.image = [{
                    base64: args.data.taskData.resourcesImage, width: 20, height: 20
        args.labelSettings.taskLabel.value = args.data.ganttProperties.progress + '%';
(<{ getResourceElements?: Function }>window).getResourceElements = (value: any) => {
    let out: string = '';
    let img: HTMLImageElement = document.createElement('img');
    img.height = 40;
    let span: HTMLElement = document.createElement('span');
    span.style.marginLeft = '5px';
    span.style.marginRight = '5px';
    for (let index: number = 0; index < value.length; index++) {
        img.src = 'https://ej2.syncfusion.com/demos/src/gantt/images/' + value[index].resourceName + '.png';
        span.innerHTML = value[index].resourceName;
        out = out + img.outerHTML + span.outerHTML;
    return out;

let gantt: Gantt = new Gantt({
    dataSource: GanttData,
    height: '450px',
    rowHeight: 55,
    taskbarHeight: 45,
    taskFields: {
        id: 'TaskID',
        name: 'TaskName',
        startDate: 'StartDate',
        endDate: 'EndDate',
        progress: 'Progress',
        duration: 'Duration',
        resourceInfo: 'resources',
        dependency: 'Predecessor',
        child: 'subtasks'
    columns: [
        { field: 'TaskID', headerText: 'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left' },
        { field: 'TaskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: '250' },
    pdfQueryTaskbarInfo: pdfQueryTaskbarInfo,
    allowPdfExport: true,
    toolbar: ['PdfExport'],
    labelSettings: {
        leftLabel: '#leftLabel',
        rightLabel: '#rightLabel',
        taskLabel: '${Progress}%'
    toolbarClick: clickHandler,
    resources: editingResources,
    resourceFields: {
        id: 'resourceId',
        name: 'resourceName'
    projectStartDate: new Date('03/24/2019'),
    projectEndDate: new Date('04/30/2019'),
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    <div id='loader'>Loading....</div>

    <script type="text/x-template" id="leftLabel">
        <div style="margin-top=-7px;">
            <div id = "leftLabel">
                <span>${TaskName} [ ${TaskID}]</span>
    <script type="text/x-template" id="rightLabel">
        <div style="margin-top=-7px;">
        <div id = "rightLabel">
    <div id='container'>
        <div id='GanttExport'></div>


Exporting with header template

The PDF export functionality allows to export header template that include images and text to an PDF document using pdfColumnHeaderQueryCellInfo event.

In the following sample, header template with images and text are exported to PDF using headerTemplate properties in the pdfColumnHeaderQueryCellInfo event.

Note: PDF Export supports base64 string to export the images.

import { Gantt, Toolbar, PdfExport, Selection, PdfExportProperties,PdfColumnHeaderQueryCellInfoEventArgs,pdfQueryTaskbarInfo,PdfQueryCellInfoEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-gantt';
import { GanttData,editingResources } from 'datasource.ts';
import { PdfColor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pdf-export';
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations/src/toolbar/toolbar';

Gantt.Inject(Toolbar, PdfExport, Selection);

let clickHandler: EmitType<ClickEventArgs> = (args: ClickEventArgs) => {
    if (args.item.id === 'GanttExport_pdfexport') {
        let exportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
            enableFooter: false
let i : number = 0;
let pdfColumnHeaderQueryCellInfo = (args: PdfColumnHeaderQueryCellInfoEventArgs) => {
    let base64Array: Object[] = [
    while (i < base64Array.length) {
        const key = Object.keys(base64Array[i])[0];
        const value = base64Array[i][key];
        if (key === args.column.field) {
            args.headerTemplate.image = [{
                base64: value, width: 20, height: 20
            args.headerTemplate.value = args.column.field;

let gantt: Gantt = new Gantt({
    dataSource: GanttData,
    height: '450px',
    rowHeight: 45,
    taskbarHeight: 35,
    taskFields: {
        id: 'TaskID',
        name: 'TaskName',
        startDate: 'StartDate',
        endDate: 'EndDate',
        progress: 'Progress',
        duration: 'Duration',
        resourceInfo: 'resources',
        dependency: 'Predecessor',
        child: 'subtasks'
    columns: [
        { field: 'TaskName', headerTemplate: '#projectName', width: 250 },
        { field: 'StartDate', headerTemplate: '#dateTemplate' }
    pdfColumnHeaderQueryCellInfo :pdfColumnHeaderQueryCellInfo,
    allowPdfExport: true,
    toolbar: ['PdfExport'],
    toolbarClick: clickHandler,
    resources: editingResources,
    resourceFields: {
        id: 'resourceId',
        name: 'resourceName'
    projectStartDate: new Date('03/24/2019'),
    projectEndDate: new Date('04/30/2019'),
<!DOCTYPE html>
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    <title>EJ2 Gantt</title>
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    <meta name="description" content="Typescript Gantt Controls" />
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    <script type="text/x-template" id="projectName">
                <img class="taskName" src="images/Task name.png" width="20" height="20" />  Task Name
    <script type="text/x-template" id="dateTemplate">
                <img class="startDate" src="images/Start date.png" width="20" height="20" />  Start Date
    <div id='container'>
        <div id='GanttExport'></div>
