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ExecCommand in Rich Text Editor
6 Dec 20245 minutes to read
In Rich Text Editor, execCommand used to perform commands for the modification of content in editable area. The execCommand will perform the following commands.
Commands | Description | Code snippets |
bold | Bold the selected content in the Rich Text Editor. | rteObj.executeCommand('bold'); |
italic | The selected text will be italics. | rteObj.executeCommand('italic'); |
underline | Underline the selected text in the Rich Text Editor. | rteObj.executeCommand('underline'); |
strikeThrough | Apply single line strike through formatting for the selected text. | rteObj.executeCommand('strikeThrough'); |
superscript | Makes the selected text as superscript (higher). | rteObj.executeCommand('superscript'); |
subscript | Makes the selected text as subscript (lower). | rteObj.executeCommand('subscript'); |
uppercase | Change the case of selected text to upper in the content. | rteObj.executeCommand('uppercase'); |
lowercase | Change the case of selected text to lower in the content. | rteObj.executeCommand('uppercase'); |
fontColor | Apply the specified font color for the selected text. | rteObj.executeCommand('fontColor', 'yellow'); |
fontName | Apply the specified font name for the selected text. | rteObj.executeCommand('fontName', 'Arial'); |
fontSize | Apply the specified font size for the selected text. | rteObj.executeCommand('fontSize', '10pt'); |
formatBlock | Apply the specified format styles for the selected text. | rteObj.executeCommand('formatBlock', 'H1'); |
backColor | Apply the specified background color the selected text. | rteObj.executeCommand('backColor', 'red'); |
justifyCenter | Align the content with center margin. | rteObj.executeCommand('justifyCenter'); |
justifyFull | Align the content with justify margin. | rteObj.executeCommand('justifyFull'); |
justifyLeft | Align the content with left margin. | rteObj.executeCommand('justifyLeft'); |
justifyRight | Align the content with right margin. | rteObj.executeCommand('justifyLeft'); |
undo | Allows to undo the actions. | rteObj.executeCommand('undo'); |
createLink | Creates a hyperlink to a text or image to a specific location in the content. | rteObj.executeCommand('createLink',{ text: 'Links', url: 'http://', title : 'Link' }); |
indent | Allows to increase the indent level of the content. | rteObj.executeCommand('indent'); |
insertHTML | Insert the html content to the current cursor position. | rteObj.executeCommand('insertHTML', 'inserted an html'); |
insertOrderedList | Create a new list item(numbered). | rteObj.executeCommand('insertOrderedList'); |
insertUnorderedList | Create a new list item(bulleted). | rteObj.executeCommand('insertUnorderedList'); |
outdent | Allows to decrease the indent level of the content. | rteObj.executeCommand('outdent'); |
redo | Allows to redo the actions | rteObj.executeCommand('redo'); |
removeFormat | remove all formatting styles (such as bold, italic, underline, color, superscript, subscript, and more) from currently selected text. | rteObj.executeCommand('removeFormat'); |
insertText | Insert text to the current cursor position. | rteObj.executeCommand('insertText', 'inserted a text'); |
insertImage | Insert an image to the current cursor position. | rteObj.executeCommand('insertImage', { url: 'https://ej2.syncfusion.com/javascript/demos/src/rich-text-editor/images/RTEImage-Feather.png', cssClass: 'rte-img'}); |
copyFormatPainter | Copy the format of selected text and apply it to another text. | rteObj.executeCommand('copyFormatPainter', formatPainterSettings); |
applyFormatPainter | Apply the copied format to the selected text. | rteObj.executeCommand('applyFormatPainter'); |
escapeFormatPainter | Remove the previously copied format and disable the sticky mode | rteObj.executeCommand('escapeFormatPainter'); |
The ‘ExecuteCommand’ public method is not supported in Syncfusion® Markdown Editor