Keyboard Support in ASP.NET CORE Rich Text Editor Control
21 Mar 202516 minutes to read
The editor has full keyboard accessibility that includes shortcuts to open and other actions with toolbar items, drop-down lists, and dialogs.
HTML editor shortcut keys
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts when the Rich Text Editor is set to editorMode as HTML
The toolbar shortcuts allow quick navigation and interaction with the toolbar elements, including focusing, moving between tools, and executing actions like closing menus and dialogs.
Actions | Windows | Mac |
Focus on toolbar | Alt + F10 | ⌥ + F10 |
Move to the next tool | → | →, ⌘ + F |
Move to the previous tool | ← | ←, ⌘ + F |
Close dropdowns/menu and dialogs | Esc | Esc |
Execute the currently focused tool action | Enter, Space | Enter, Space |
Content editing and formatting
These keyboard shortcuts allow for quick access to content editing features like bold, italic, and text selection.
Actions | Windows | Mac |
Select all content | Ctrl + A | ⌘ + A |
Insert a hard line break (a new paragraph) | Enter | Enter |
Insert a soft line break (without starting a new paragraph) | Shift + Enter | ⇧ + Enter |
Make text bold | Ctrl + B | ⌘ + B |
Italicize text | Ctrl + I | ⌘ + I |
Apply strikethrough | Ctrl + Shift + S | ⌘ + ⇧ + S |
Insert inline code | Ctrl + ` | ⌘ + ` |
Create link | Ctrl + K | ⌘ + K |
Copy format painter | Alt + Shift + C | ⌥ + ⌘ + C |
Paste format painter | Alt + Shift + V | ⌥ + ⌘ + V |
Clear the copy format painter | Esc | Esc |
Tab space (when enableTabKey is enabled) | Tab | Tab |
These shortcuts enable you to quickly insert tables, images, audio, and videos into your content.
Actions | Windows | Mac |
Open the insert table dialog | Ctrl + Shift + E | ⌘ + ⇧ + E |
Open the insert image dialog | Ctrl + Shift + I | ⌘ + ⇧ + I |
Open the insert audio dialog | Ctrl + Shift + A | ⌘ + ⇧ + A |
Open the insert video dialog | Ctrl + Alt + V | ⌘ + ⌥ + V |
Table cell
These shortcuts assist in navigating between table cells and managing table rows easily.
Actions | Windows | Mac |
Move the selection to the next cell | Tab | Tab |
Move the selection to the previous cell | Shift + Tab | ⇧ + Tab |
Insert a new table row (when in the last cell) | Tab | Tab |
Navigate through the table (using arrow keys) | ↑ , → , ↓ , ← | ↑ , → , ↓ , ← |
Text manipulation
These shortcuts allow you to manipulate text, such as changing case or applying superscript/subscript formatting.
Actions | Windows | Mac |
Convert text to uppercase | Ctrl + Shift + U | ⌘ + ⇧ + U |
Convert text to lowercase | Ctrl + Shift + L | ⌘ + ⇧ + L |
Apply superscript | Ctrl + Shift + = | ⌘ + ⇧ + = |
Apply subscript | Ctrl + = | ⌘ + = |
Alignment and formatting
These shortcuts help you quickly adjust text alignment and formatting, such as left, center, or right justification.
Actions | Windows | Mac |
Align text to the center | Ctrl + E | ⌘ + E |
Justify text | Ctrl + J | ⌘ + J |
Align text to the left | Ctrl + L | ⌘ + L |
Align text to the right | Ctrl + R | ⌘ + R |
List and indentation
These shortcuts help with creating and adjusting ordered and unordered lists, and modifying indentations.
Actions | Windows | Mac |
Increase indent | Ctrl + ] | ⌘ + ] |
Decrease indent | Ctrl + [ | ⌘ + [ |
Create an ordered list | Ctrl + Shift + O | ⌘ + ⇧ + O |
Create an unordered list | Ctrl + Alt + O | ⌘ + ⌥ + O |
Clipboard operations
These shortcuts streamline copying, cutting, pasting, and pasting content as plain text.
Actions | Windows | Mac |
Copy the selected content | Ctrl + C | ⌘ + C |
Cut the selected content | Ctrl + X | ⌘ + X |
Paste the copied or cut content | Ctrl + V | ⌘ + V |
Paste content as plain text | Ctrl + Shift + V | ⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + V |
Undo & redo
These shortcuts allow you to quickly undo and redo changes to your content.
Actions | Windows | Mac |
Undo | Ctrl + Z | ⌘ + Z |
Redo | Ctrl + Y | ⌘ + Y |
Other actions
These miscellaneous shortcuts help with actions like toggling fullscreen, clearing formatting, and accessing the HTML source.
Actions | PC | Mac |
View HTML source | Ctrl + Shift + H | ⌘ + ⇧ + H |
Toggle fullscreen mode | Ctrl + Shift + F | ⌘ + ⇧ + F |
Exit Fullscreen | Esc | Esc |
Clear all formatting | Ctrl + Shift + R | ⌘ + ⇧ + R |
<ejs-richtexteditor id="keyboard" created="created" height="500" value="@ViewBag.value">
<e-richtexteditor-toolbarsettings items="@ViewBag.items"></e-richtexteditor-toolbarsettings>
<script type="text/javascript">
var rteObj;
function created() {
rteObj = this;
document.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
if (e.altKey && e.keyCode === 84) { /* t */
// press alt+t to focus the control.
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.value = @"<p>The Syncfudion Rich Text Editor, a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor, is a user interface that allows you to create, edit, and format rich text content. You can try out a demo of this editor here.</p><p><b>Key features:</b></p><ul><li><p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes.</p></li><li><p>Bulleted and numbered lists.</p></li><li><p>Handles images, hyperlinks, videos, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p></li><li><p>Contains undo/redo manager. </p></li></ul><div style='display: inline-block; width: 60%; vertical-align: top; cursor: auto;'><img alt='Sky with sun' src='' width='309' style='min-width: 10px; min-height: 10px; width: 309px; height: 174px;' class='e-rte-image e-imginline e-rte-drag-image' height='174' /></div>";
ViewBag.items = new[] { "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "StrikeThrough",
"FontName", "FontSize", "FontColor", "BackgroundColor",
"LowerCase", "UpperCase", "|",
"Formats", "Alignments", "OrderedList", "UnorderedList",
"Outdent", "Indent", "|",
"CreateLink", "Image", "CreateTable", "|", "FormatPainter" , "ClearFormat", "Print",
"SourceCode", "FullScreen", "|", "Undo", "Redo"
return View();
Custom Key Config
You can able to customize the key config for the keyboard interaction of Rich Text Editor, using keyConfig property.
In the following sample, customize the bold, italic, underline toolbar action with `ctrl` + `alt` + `b`, `ctrl` + `alt` + `i` and `ctrl` + `alt` + `u` respectively.
<ejs-richtexteditor id="customKey" keyConfig="@ViewBag.keyConfig" value="@ViewBag.value">
<e-richtexteditor-toolbarsettings items="@ViewBag.items"></e-richtexteditor-toolbarsettings>
public class HomeController : Controller
public KeyModel KeyConfigData = new KeyModel();
public class KeyModel
public string bold { get; set; }
public string italic { get; set; }
public string underline { get; set; }
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.value = @"<p>The Syncfudion Rich Text Editor, a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor, is a user interface that allows you to create, edit, and format rich text content. You can try out a demo of this editor here.</p><p><b>Key features:</b></p><ul><li><p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes.</p></li><li><p>Bulleted and numbered lists.</p></li><li><p>Handles images, hyperlinks, videos, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p></li><li><p>Contains undo/redo manager. </p></li></ul><div style='display: inline-block; width: 60%; vertical-align: top; cursor: auto;'><img alt='Sky with sun' src='' width='309' style='min-width: 10px; min-height: 10px; width: 309px; height: 174px;' class='e-rte-image e-imginline e-rte-drag-image' height='174' /></div>";
KeyConfigData.bold = "ctrl+alt+b";
KeyConfigData.italic = "ctrl+alt+i";
KeyConfigData.underline = "ctrl+alt+u";
ViewBag.keyConfig = KeyConfigData;
ViewBag.items = new[] { "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "StrikeThrough",
"FontName", "FontSize", "FontColor", "BackgroundColor",
"LowerCase", "UpperCase", "|",
"Formats", "Alignments", "OrderedList", "UnorderedList",
"Outdent", "Indent", "|",
"CreateLink", "Image", "CreateTable", "|", "ClearFormat", "Print",
"SourceCode", "FullScreen", "|", "Undo", "Redo" };
return View();