Getting Started with ASP.NET Core Standalone PDF Viewer control
6 Dec 20243 minutes to read
The ASP.NET Core PDF Viewer control is used to viewing and printing PDF files in any web application. It provides the best viewing experience available with core interactions such as zooming, scrolling, text searching, text selection, and text copying. Thumbnail, bookmark, hyperlink and table of contents support provides easy navigation within and outside the PDF files.
This section briefly explains about how to integrate ASP.NET Core PDF Viewer control in your ASP.NET Core application using Visual Studio.
System requirements for ASP.NET Core controls
Integrate PDF Viewer into an ASP.NET Core application
- Start Visual Studio and select Create a new project.
- In the Create a new project dialog, select ASP.NET Core Web App.
- In the Configure your new project dialog, enter Project Name and select Next.
- In the Additional information dialog, select .NET 6.0 (Long-term Support) and then select Create.
ASP.NET Core PDF Viewer NuGet package installation
To add ASP.NET Core PDF Viewer control, the following NuGet package need to be installed in your ASP.NET Core application.
Add Syncfusion® ASP.NET Core Tag Helper
Open ~/Pages/_ViewImports.cshtml
file and import the Syncfusion.EJ2
@addTagHelper *, Syncfusion.EJ2
Add style sheet
The theme is referred using CDN inside the <head>
of ~/Pages/Shared/_Layout.cshtml
file as follows,
<!-- Syncfusion ASP.NET Core controls styles -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
Checkout the Themes topic to learn different ways (CDN, NPM package, and CRG) to refer styles in ASP.NET Core application, and to have the expected appearance for Syncfusion® ASP.NET Core controls.
Add script reference
Add the required scripts using CDN inside the <head>
of ~/Pages/Shared/_Layout.cshtml
file as follows,
<!-- Syncfusion ASP.NET Core controls scripts -->
<script src=""></script>
While referring the scripts from the downloaded resources in your application, make sure to place the ‘ej2-pdfviewer-lib’ assets in the same directory as the ‘ej2.min.js’ script.
Register Syncfusion® Script Manager
Open ~/Pages/Shared/_Layout.cshtml
page and register the script manager in the ASP.NET Core application as follows.
<!-- Syncfusion ASP.NET Core Script Manager -->
Add the script manager
at the end of<body>
Add ASP.NET Core PDF Viewer control
Add the Syncfusion® ASP.NET Core PDF Viewer tag helper in ~/Pages/Index.cshtml
page. You can load a PDF file in the PDF Viewer by specifying the document name in the documentPath property as below.
@page "{handler?}"
@model IndexModel
ViewData["Title"] = "Home page";
<div class="text-center">
<ejs-pdfviewer id="pdfviewer" style="height:600px" documentPath="">
In the above code,
ejs-pdfviewer refers to the PDF Viewer control among the EJ components with id as “pdfviewer”.
documentPath is the property needed to load a PDF file in the PDF Viewer.
Press Ctrl+F5 (Windows) or ⌘+F5 (macOS) to run the app. Then, the Syncfusion® ASP.NET Core PDF Viewer control will be rendered in the default web browser.