- Title Customization
- SubTitle
- SubTitle Customization
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Title in ASP.NET CORE Accumulation Chart Component
4 Jun 20247 minutes to read
Accumulation Chart can be given a title using title
property, to show the information about the data plotted.
List<PieChartData> chartData = new List<PieChartData>
new PieChartData { xValue = "Saudi Arabia", yValue = 58, text = "58%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Persian Gulf", yValue = 15, text = "15%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Canada", yValue = 13, text = "13%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Venezuela", yValue = 8 , text = "8%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Mexico", yValue = 3 , text = "3%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Russia", yValue = 2, text = "2%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Miscellaneous", yValue = 1, text = "1%"}
<ejs-accumulationchart id="container" title="Oil and other liquid imports in USA">
<e-accumulationchart-titlestyle fontFamily="Arial" fontStyle="italic" fontWeight="regular" color="#E27F2D" size="23px">
<e-accumulationchart-legendsettings visible="false">
<e-accumulation-series dataSource="chartData" xName="xValue" yName="yValue">
<e-accumulationseries-datalabel name="text" visible="true">
public class PieChartData
public string xValue;
public double yValue;
public string text;
Title Customization
Accumulation Chart can be customized a title using titleStyle
List<PieChartData> chartData = new List<PieChartData>
new PieChartData { xValue = "Saudi Arabia", yValue = 58, text = "58%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Persian Gulf", yValue = 15, text = "15%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Canada", yValue = 13, text = "13%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Venezuela", yValue = 8 , text = "8%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Mexico", yValue = 3 , text = "3%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Russia", yValue = 2, text = "2%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Miscellaneous", yValue = 1, text = "1%"}
<ejs-accumulationchart id="container" title="Mobile Browser Statistics">
<e-accumulationchart-legendsettings visible="false">
<e-accumulation-series dataSource="chartData" xName="xValue" yName="yValue" name="Browser">
public class PieChartData
public string xValue;
public double yValue;
public string text;
Accumulation Chart can be given a subtitle using subTitle
property, to show the information about the data plotted.
List<PieChartData> chartData = new List<PieChartData>
new PieChartData { xValue = "Saudi Arabia", yValue = 58, text = "58%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Persian Gulf", yValue = 15, text = "15%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Canada", yValue = 13, text = "13%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Venezuela", yValue = 8 , text = "8%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Mexico", yValue = 3 , text = "3%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Russia", yValue = 2, text = "2%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Miscellaneous", yValue = 1, text = "1%"}
<ejs-accumulationchart id="container" title="Oil and other liquid imports in USA" subTitle="In the year 2014 - 2015">
<e-accumulationchart-legendsettings visible="false">
<e-accumulation-series dataSource="chartData" xName="xValue" yName="yValue">
<e-accumulationseries-datalabel name="text" visible="true">
public class PieChartData
public string xValue;
public double yValue;
public string text;
SubTitle Customization
Accumulation Chart can be customized a subtitle using subTitleStyle
List<PieChartData> chartData = new List<PieChartData>
new PieChartData { xValue = "Saudi Arabia", yValue = 58, text = "58%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Persian Gulf", yValue = 15, text = "15%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Canada", yValue = 13, text = "13%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Venezuela", yValue = 8 , text = "8%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Mexico", yValue = 3 , text = "3%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Russia", yValue = 2, text = "2%"},
new PieChartData { xValue = "Miscellaneous", yValue = 1, text = "1%"}
<ejs-accumulationchart id="container" title="Oil and other liquid imports in USA" subTitle="In the year 2014 - 2015">
<e-accumulationchart-subtitlestyle fontFamily="Arial" fontStyle="italic" fontWeight="regular" color="#E27F2D" size="13px">
<e-accumulationchart-legendsettings visible="false">
<e-accumulation-series dataSource="chartData" xName="xValue" yName="yValue">
<e-accumulationseries-datalabel name="text" visible="true">
public class PieChartData
public string xValue;
public double yValue;
public string text;