Template in Angular Uploader component

28 Sep 202323 minutes to read

You can customize the default appearance of the uploader using a template along with buttons.

File list template

The template property is used to customize the default appearance of each file in the list. It can be represented as the HTML element or string. The selected or dropped files are displayed as per the template layout provided. The remove and progress bar action is handled using the corresponding events when the template is defined.

For example, you can display file type icon along with default UI elements.

import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { detach } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { UploaderComponent, FileInfo, SelectedEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-inputs';

 * Uploader Custom Template sample
    selector: 'app-root',
    template: `<div id='dropArea'><span id='drop' class="droparea"> Drop files here or <a href="" id='browse'><u>Browse</u></a> </span>
    <ejs-uploader #defaultupload autoUpload='false'  [asyncSettings]='path' (selected)="onSelect($event)" (failure)="onuploadFailed($event)" (progress)="onFileUpload($event)" (success)="onuploadSuccess($event)">
    <ng-template #template let-data="">
          <span class='wrapper'><span class='icon sf-icon-'></span>
          <span class='name file-name'></span></span>
          <span class='file-size-td file-size'> bytes</span>
          <span class='e-icons e-file-remove-btn' title='Remove'></span> <br/>
          <progress id='progressBar' class='progressbar' value='0' max='100'></progress>
          <span class='percent-td percent'></span>
    </div> `,
    // styleUrls: ['./index.css']
export class AppComponent {
    public uploadObj?: UploaderComponent;
    public path: Object = {
      saveUrl: 'https://services.syncfusion.com/angular/production/api/FileUploader/Save',
      removeUrl: 'https://services.syncfusion.com/angular/production/api/FileUploader/Remove' };
    constructor() {
     ngAfterViewInit() {
      (document.getElementById('browse') as HTMLElement).onclick = function() {
      (document.getElementsByClassName('e-file-select-wrap')[0].querySelector('button') as HTMLButtonElement).click();
        return false;
      document.getElementById('dropArea')!.onclick = (e: any) => {
            let target: HTMLElement = <HTMLElement>e.target;
            if (target.classList.contains('e-file-delete-btn')) {
                for (let i: number = 0; i < (this.uploadObj as UploaderComponent).getFilesData().length; i++) {
                    if ((target.closest('li') as HTMLLIElement).getAttribute('data-file-name') === (this.uploadObj as UploaderComponent).getFilesData()[i].name) {
                        (this.uploadObj as UploaderComponent).remove((this.uploadObj as UploaderComponent).getFilesData()[i]);
            else if (target.classList.contains('e-file-remove-btn')) {
                detach(target.closest('li') as HTMLLIElement);
   public parentElement ?: HTMLElement;
    public progressbarContainer ?: HTMLElement;
    public filesDetails : FileInfo[] = [];
    public filesList: HTMLElement[] = [];
    public dropElement: HTMLElement = document.getElementsByClassName('control-fluid')[0] as HTMLElement;
    public onFileUpload(args: any) {
    let li: HTMLElement = (this.uploadObj as any)!.uploadWrapper?.querySelector('[data-file-name="' + args.file.name + '"]');
    let progressValue: number = Math.round((args.e.loaded / args.e.total) * 100);
    li.getElementsByTagName('progress')[0].value = progressValue;
    li.getElementsByClassName('percent')[0].textContent = progressValue.toString() + " %";
  public onuploadSuccess(args: any) {
    if (args.operation === 'remove') {
        let height: string = document.getElementById('dropArea')!.style.height;
        height = (parseInt(height) - 40) + 'px';
        document.getElementById('dropArea')!.style.height = height;
    } else {
        let li: HTMLElement = (this.uploadObj as any).uploadWrapper.querySelector('[data-file-name="' + args.file.name + '"]');
        let progressBar: HTMLElement = li.getElementsByTagName('progress')[0];
        let height: string = document.getElementById('dropArea')!.style.height;
        document.getElementById('dropArea')!.style.height = parseInt(height) - 15 + 'px';
public onuploadFailed(args: any) {
    let li: HTMLElement = (this.uploadObj as any).uploadWrapper.querySelector('[data-file-name="' + args.file.name + '"]');
    let progressBar: HTMLElement = li.getElementsByTagName('progress')[0];
public onSelect(args: SelectedEventArgs) {
    let length: number = args.filesData.length;
    let height: string = document.getElementById('dropArea')!.style.height;
    height = parseInt(height) + (length * 55) + 'px';
    document.getElementById('dropArea')!.style.height = height;
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { UploaderModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-inputs';

 * Module
    imports: [
        BrowserModule, UploaderModule
    declarations: [AppComponent],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
import { AppModule } from './app.module';

import 'zone.js';

Custom template

You can design the own template by preventing the default file list including buttons.
The showFileList property is used to display whether the default file list or own file list when you use custom template to upload or remove the files, pass the custom UI argument as true to call upload/remove public method as follows:

  • UploaderObj.upload(filesData, true);

  • UploaderObj.remove(filesData, true);

Refer to the following code sample.

import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { EmitType, detach, isNullOrUndefined, createElement, EventHandler } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { UploaderComponent, FileInfo, SelectedEventArgs, RemovingEventArgs  } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-inputs';
import { createSpinner, showSpinner, hideSpinner  } from '@syncfusion/ej2-popups';

    selector: 'app-root',
    template: `<div id='dropArea'>
                    <span id='drop' class="droparea"> Drop files here or <a href="" id='browse'><u>Browse</u></a> </span>
                    <ejs-uploader #templateupload id='templatefileupload' [dropArea]="dropArea" [asyncSettings]='path'(progress)='onFileUpload($event)' (selected)='onFileSelect($event)' (removing)='onFileRemove($event)' (failure)='onUploadFailed($event)' (success)='onUploadSuccess($event)'></ejs-uploader>
    styleUrls: ['./index.css']
export class AppComponent {
    public uploadObj?: UploaderComponent;

    public path: Object = {
        saveUrl: 'https://services.syncfusion.com/angular/production/api/FileUploader/Save',
        removeUrl: 'https://services.syncfusion.com/angular/production/api/FileUploader/Remove'

    ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.dropArea = document.querySelector('#dropArea') as HTMLElement;
    (document.getElementById('browse') as HTMLElement).onclick = function() {
    (document.getElementsByClassName('e-file-select-wrap')[0].querySelector('button') as HTMLButtonElement).click();
      return false;
    constructor() {
    public dropArea?: HTMLElement;
    public uploadWrapper: HTMLElement = document.getElementsByClassName('e-upload')[0] as HTMLElement;
    public parentElement ?: HTMLElement;
    public progressbarContainer ?: HTMLElement;
    public filesDetails : FileInfo[] = [];
    public filesList: HTMLElement[] = [];
    public onFileSelect(args : SelectedEventArgs) : void  {
        if (isNullOrUndefined((document.getElementById('dropArea') as HTMLElement).querySelector('.upload-list-root') as Element )) {
            this.parentElement = createElement('div', { className: 'upload-list-root' });
            this.parentElement.appendChild(createElement('ul', {className: 'ul-element' }));
            (document.getElementById('dropArea') as HTMLElement).appendChild(this.parentElement);
        for (let i : number = 0; i < args.filesData.length; i++) {
            this.formSelectedData(args.filesData[i], this);  // create the LI element for each file Data
        this.filesDetails = this.filesDetails.concat(args.filesData);
        this.uploadObj?.upload(args.filesData, true);
        args.cancel = true;
     public formSelectedData (selectedFiles : FileInfo, proxy: any ) : void {
        let liEle : HTMLElement = createElement('li',  { className: 'file-lists', attrs: {'data-file-name' : selectedFiles.name} });
        liEle.appendChild(createElement('span', {className: 'file-name ', innerHTML: selectedFiles.name }));
        liEle.appendChild(createElement('span', {className: 'file-size ', innerHTML: (this.uploadObj as UploaderComponent).bytesToSize(selectedFiles.size) }));
        if (selectedFiles.status === 'Ready to upload') {
            this.progressbarContainer = createElement('span', {className: 'progress-bar-container'});
            this.progressbarContainer.appendChild(createElement('progress', {className: 'progress', attrs: {value : '0', max : '100'}} ));
        } else { (liEle.querySelector('.file-name') as Element).classList.add('upload-fails'); }
        let closeIconContainer : HTMLElement = createElement('span', {className: 'e-icons close-icon-container'});
        EventHandler.add(closeIconContainer, 'click', this.removeFiles, proxy);
        (document.querySelector('.ul-element') as Element).appendChild(liEle);

    public onFileUpload(args : any) : void {
        let li: Element = (document.getElementById('dropArea') as HTMLElement).querySelector('[data-file-name="' + args.file.name + '"]') as Element;
        EventHandler.remove(li.querySelector('.close-icon-container') as Element, 'click', this.removeFiles);
        let progressValue : number = Math.round((args.e.loaded / args.e.total) * 100);
        if (!isNaN(progressValue)) {
            li.getElementsByTagName('progress')[0].value = progressValue;   // Updating the progress bar value

    public onUploadSuccess:  EmitType<Object> = (args: any) => {
        let spinnerElement: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('dropArea') as HTMLElement;
        let li: HTMLElement =  (document.getElementById('dropArea') as HTMLElement).querySelector('[data-file-name="' + args.file.name + '"]') as HTMLElement;
        if (args.operation === 'upload') {
            let progressBar: HTMLElement = li.getElementsByTagName('progress')[0];
            (li.querySelector('.close-icon-container') as Element).classList.add('delete-icon');
            (li.querySelector('.file-size') as HTMLElement).style.display = 'inline-block';
            (li.querySelector('.file-name') as HTMLElement).style.color = 'green';
            (li.querySelector('.e-icons') as HTMLElement).onclick = () => {
                createSpinner({ target: spinnerElement, width: '25px' });
            (li.querySelector('.close-icon-container') as HTMLElement).onkeydown = (e: any) => {
                if (e.keyCode === 13) {
                    createSpinner({ target: spinnerElement, width: '25px' });
        } else {
            this.filesList.splice(this.filesList.indexOf(li), 1);
            this.filesDetails.splice(this.filesList.indexOf(li), 1);
            detach(spinnerElement.querySelector('.e-spinner-pane') as Element );
        EventHandler.add(li.querySelector('.close-icon-container') as Element, 'click', this.removeFiles, this);

    public onFileRemove(args: RemovingEventArgs): void {
        args.postRawFile = false;

    public onUploadFailed(args : any) : void {
        let li: Element = (document.getElementById('dropArea') as HTMLElement).querySelector('[data-file-name="' + args.file.name + '"]') as Element;
        EventHandler.add(li.querySelector('.close-icon-container') as Element, 'click', this.removeFiles, this);
        (li.querySelector('.file-name ') as Element).classList.add('upload-fails');
        if (args.operation === 'upload') {
            detach(li.querySelector('.progress-bar-container') as Element);

    public removeFiles(args : any) : void {
        let status : string = this.filesDetails[this.filesList.indexOf(args.currentTarget.parentElement)].status;
        if (status === 'File uploaded successfully') {
        } else {
        (this.uploadObj as UploaderComponent).element.value = '';

    public generateSpinner(targetElement: HTMLElement): void {
        createSpinner({ target: targetElement, width: '25px' });
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { UploaderModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-inputs';

 * Module
    imports: [
        BrowserModule, UploaderModule
    declarations: [AppComponent],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
import { AppModule } from './app.module';

import 'zone.js';

You can also explore Angular File Upload feature tour page for its groundbreaking features. You can also explore our Angular File Upload example to understand how to browse the files which you want to upload to the server.

See Also