Hide checkbox in ListView in Angular ListView component

22 Jan 202524 minutes to read

The checkbox of the any list item can be hidden by using htmlAttributes of fields object. With the help of htmlAttributes we can add unique class to each list item that will be rendered from the data source, from the CSS class we can hide the checkbox of the list item.

In this sample, we had hidden the multiple leaf node of nested list. The e-checkbox-hidden class has been added in the data source where the checkbox needs to be hidden. Refer the below snippet for simple data source.

        'text': 'New York',
        'id': '3002',
        'category': 'USA',
        'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file e-checkbox-hidden' }

Even though we have hidden the checkbox the functionality will be same for the list item which might affect the getSelectedItems method. So, to counteract that we will follow certain logic in the select event. The Logic here is to remove the e-active class from the other checkbox hidden list item which will be added when we select on that item and retain e-active on currently selected item.

In this process we will exclude the visible checkbox list items and only consider the hidden checkbox items.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'
import { ListViewModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-lists'
import { Component, ViewChild } from "@angular/core";
import { ListViewComponent } from "@syncfusion/ej2-angular-lists";

    imports: [
    standalone: true,
    selector: 'my-app',
    template: `
    <div id="sample">
      <ejs-listview #list id='folderCheckbox' [dataSource]='dataSource' [fields]='fields' [sortOrder]='Ascending' headerTitle='Mixed Leaf Checkbox Hidden List' [showHeader]=true [showCheckBox]=true (select)="onSelect($event)"></ejs-listview>

export class AppComponent {

    public dataSource: Object = [
            'text': 'Asia',
            'id': '01',
            'category': 'Continent',

            'child': [{
                'text': 'India',
                'id': '1',
                'category': 'Asia',

                'child': [{
                    'text': 'Delhi',
                    'id': '1001',
                    'category': 'India',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file e-checkbox-hidden' },
                    'text': 'Kashmir',
                    'id': '1002',
                    'category': 'India',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file e-checkbox-hidden' },
                    'text': 'Goa',
                    'id': '1003',
                    'category': 'India',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file' },
                'text': 'China',
                'id': '2',
                'category': 'Asia',

                'child': [{
                    'text': 'Zhejiang',
                    'id': '2001',
                    'category': 'China',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file' },
                    'text': 'Hunan',
                    'id': '2002',
                    'category': 'China',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file e-checkbox-hidden' },
                    'text': 'Shandong',
                    'id': '2003',
                    'category': 'China',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file' },

            'text': 'North America',
            'id': '02',
            'category': 'Continent',

            'child': [{
                'text': 'USA',
                'id': '3',
                'category': 'North America',

                'child': [{
                    'text': 'California',
                    'id': '3001',
                    'category': 'USA',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file e-checkbox-hidden' },
                    'text': 'New York',
                    'id': '3002',
                    'category': 'USA',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file e-checkbox-hidden' },
                    'text': 'Florida',
                    'id': '3003',
                    'category': 'USA',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file' },
                'text': 'Canada',
                'id': '4',
                'category': 'North America',

                'child': [{
                    'text': 'Ontario',
                    'id': '4001',
                    'category': 'Canada',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file e-checkbox-hidden' },
                    'text': 'Alberta',
                    'id': '4002',
                    'category': 'Canada',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file' },
                    'text': 'Manitoba',
                    'id': '4003',
                    'category': 'Canada',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file' },

            'text': 'Europe',
            'id': '03',
            'category': 'Continent',

            'child': [{
                'text': 'Germany',
                'id': '5',
                'category': 'Europe',

                'child': [{
                    'text': 'Berlin',
                    'id': '5001',
                    'category': 'Germany',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file e-checkbox-hidden' },
                    'text': 'Bavaria',
                    'id': '5002',
                    'category': 'Germany',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file' },
                    'text': 'Hesse',
                    'id': '5003',
                    'category': 'Germany',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file e-checkbox-hidden' },
            }, {
                'text': 'France',
                'id': '6',
                'category': 'Europe',

                'child': [{
                    'text': 'Paris',
                    'id': '6001',
                    'category': 'France',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file' },
                    'text': 'Lyon',
                    'id': '6002',
                    'category': 'France',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file e-checkbox-hidden' },
                    'text': 'Marseille',
                    'id': '6003',
                    'category': 'France',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file' },
            'text': 'Australia',
            'id': '04',
            'category': 'Continent',

            'child': [{
                'text': 'Australia',
                'id': '7',
                'category': 'Australia',

                'child': [{
                    'text': 'Sydney',
                    'id': '7001',
                    'category': 'Australia',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file e-checkbox-hidden' },
                    'text': 'Melbourne',
                    'id': '7002',
                    'category': 'Australia',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file' },
                    'text': 'Brisbane',
                    'id': '7003',
                    'category': 'Australia',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file' },
            }, {
                'text': 'New Zealand',
                'id': '8',
                'category': 'Australia',

                'child': [{
                    'text': 'Milford Sound',
                    'id': '8001',
                    'category': 'New Zealand',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file' },
                    'text': 'Tongariro National Park',
                    'id': '8002',
                    'category': 'New Zealand',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file' },
                    'text': 'Fiordland National Park',
                    'id': '8003',
                    'category': 'New Zealand',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file e-checkbox-hidden' },
            'text': 'Africa',
            'id': '05',
            'category': 'Continent',

            'child': [{
                'text': 'Morocco',
                'id': '9',
                'category': 'Africa',

                'child': [{
                    'text': 'Rabat',
                    'id': '9001',
                    'category': 'Morocco',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file e-checkbox-hidden' },
                    'text': 'Toubkal',
                    'id': '9002',
                    'category': 'Morocco',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file' },
                    'text': 'Todgha Gorge',
                    'id': '9003',
                    'category': 'Morocco',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file e-checkbox-hidden' },
            }, {
                'text': 'South Africa',
                'id': '10',
                'category': 'Africa',

                'child': [{
                    'text': 'Cape Town',
                    'id': '10001',
                    'category': 'South Africa',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file e-checkbox-hidden' },
                    'text': 'Pretoria',
                    'id': '10002',
                    'category': 'South Africa',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file e-checkbox-hidden' },
                    'text': 'Bloemfontein',
                    'id': '10003',
                    'category': 'South Africa',
                    'htmlAttributes': { 'class': 'e-file' },
    public fields = { tooltip: 'text' };
    @ViewChild('list') listViewInstance?: ListViewComponent;
    Ascending: any;
    onSelect(args: any) {
        if (this.listViewInstance && this.listViewInstance.element) {
            const normalElements =

            // Remove 'e-active' class from all elements with 'e-checkbox-hidden' class
            normalElements.forEach((element: Element) => {
                (element as HTMLElement).classList.remove('e-active');

            // Add 'e-active' class to the currently selected item if it has 'e-checkbox-hidden' class
            if (args.item.classList.contains('e-checkbox-hidden')) {
@import 'node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-base/styles/material.css';
@import 'node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-angular-base/styles/material.css';
@import 'node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-angular-lists/styles/material.css';
@import 'node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-angular-buttons/styles/material.css';

#folderCheckbox {
    border: 1px solid #dddddd;
    border-radius: 3px;
    margin: 5px;
    width: 400px;

#folderCheckbox .e-checkbox-hidden .e-checkbox-wrapper {
    visibility: hidden;
import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import 'zone.js';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent).catch((err) => console.error(err));