
4 Apr 20231 minute to read


The CDN links are provided individually for all the scripts and style sheets of Syncfusion Angular UI Components.

The CDN links are provided to following files in the package

  1. UMD Files
  2. CSS Files

The latest minified versions of all UMD and CSS files are available in CDN:


For example


Syncfusion Angular UI Components packages is published and available in public
npm registry.

Anatomy of NPM packages

Syncfusion Angular UI Components are shipped as npm packages. Following table explains the purpose of each file available in the package.

Files Purpose  
dist/<packagename>.umd.min.js dist/<packagename>.umd.js For applications using AMD or Common JS based module loader can be utilize these files.  
src/ This folder contains the script files in ES6 format. It can be utilize Bundling.  
styles/<theme_name>.css styles/<theme_name>.scss This folder contains the CSS and SCSS files of the package.