Task labels in Vue Gantt component
11 Jun 20243 minutes to read
Task labels
The Gantt component maps any data source fields to task labels using the labelSettings.leftLabel
, labelSettings.rightLabel
, and labelSettings.taskLabel
properties. You can customize the task labels with templates.
<ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :height="height" :taskFields="taskFields"
:labelSettings="labelSettings" :projectStartDate="projectStartDate"
<script setup>
import { GanttComponent as EjsGantt } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
import { editingData } from './data-source.js';
const data = editingData;
const height = '450px';
const taskFields = {
id: 'TaskID',
name: 'TaskName',
startDate: 'StartDate',
duration: 'Duration',
progress: 'Progress',
child: 'subtasks'
const labelSettings = {
leftLabel: 'Task ID: ${taskData.TaskID}',
rightLabel: 'Progress Value: ${taskData.Progress}',
taskLabel: '${Progress}%'
const projectStartDate = new Date('03/28/2019');
const projectEndDate = new Date('04/14/2019');
<ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :height = "height" :taskFields = "taskFields" :labelSettings="labelSettings" :projectStartDate="projectStartDate" :projectEndDate="projectEndDate"></ejs-gantt>
import { GanttComponent } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
import { editingData } from './data-source.js';
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
data: function() {
data: editingData,
height: '450px',
taskFields: {
id: 'TaskID',
name: 'TaskName',
startDate: 'StartDate',
duration: 'Duration',
progress: 'Progress',
child: 'subtasks'
labelSettings: {
leftLabel: 'Task ID: ${taskData.TaskID}',
rightLabel:'Progress Value: ${taskData.Progress}',
taskLabel: '${Progress}%'
projectStartDate: new Date('03/28/2019'),
projectEndDate: new Date('04/14/2019'),