Sorting in Vue Gantt component

11 Jun 202424 minutes to read

Sorting enables you to sort data in the ascending or descending order. To sort a column, click the column header.

To sort multiple columns, press and hold the CTRL key and click the column header. You can clear sorting of any one of the multi-sorted columns by pressing and holding the SHIFT key and clicking the specific column header.

To enable sorting in the Gantt component, set the allowSorting property to true. Sorting options can be configured through the sortSettings property.

To sort data, inject the Sort module in the provide section.

        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields = "taskFields" :height = "height" :columns="columns" :splitterSettings= "splitterSettings" :allowSorting= 'true'></ejs-gantt>
<script setup>
import { provide } from "vue";
import { GanttComponent as EjsGantt, Sort } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
const data = [
        TaskID: 1,
        TaskName: 'Project Initiation',
        StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
        EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
        subtasks: [
            {  TaskID: 2, TaskName: 'Identify Site location', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
            { TaskID: 3, TaskName: 'Perform Soil test', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50  },
            { TaskID: 4, TaskName: 'Soil test approval', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
        TaskID: 5,
        TaskName: 'Project Estimation',
        StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
        EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
        subtasks: [
            { TaskID: 6, TaskName: 'Develop floor plan for estimation', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
            { TaskID: 7, TaskName: 'List materials', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
            { TaskID: 8, TaskName: 'Estimation approval', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 }
const height = '450px';
const taskFields = {
    id: 'TaskID',
    name: 'TaskName',
    startDate: 'StartDate',
    duration: 'Duration',
    progress: 'Progress',
    child: 'subtasks'
const splitterSettings = {
    columnIndex: 3
   columns = [
        { field: 'TaskID', headerText: 'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left', width: '100' },
        { field: 'TaskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: '250' },
        { field: 'StartDate', headerText: 'Start Date', width: '150' },
        { field: 'Duration', headerText: 'Duration', width: '150' },
        { field: 'Progress', headerText: 'Progress', width: '150' },
provide('gantt',  [ Sort ]);
        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields = "taskFields" :height = "height" :columns="columns" :splitterSettings= "splitterSettings" :allowSorting= 'true'></ejs-gantt>

import { GanttComponent, Sort } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
  data: function() {
            data: [
                TaskID: 1,
                TaskName: 'Project Initiation',
                StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
                EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
                subtasks: [
                    {  TaskID: 2, TaskName: 'Identify Site location', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
                    { TaskID: 3, TaskName: 'Perform Soil test', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50  },
                    { TaskID: 4, TaskName: 'Soil test approval', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
                TaskID: 5,
                TaskName: 'Project Estimation',
                StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
                EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
                subtasks: [
                    { TaskID: 6, TaskName: 'Develop floor plan for estimation', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
                    { TaskID: 7, TaskName: 'List materials', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
                    { TaskID: 8, TaskName: 'Estimation approval', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 }
            height: '450px',
            taskFields: {
                id: 'TaskID',
                name: 'TaskName',
                startDate: 'StartDate',
                duration: 'Duration',
                progress: 'Progress',
                child: 'subtasks'
            splitterSettings: {
                columnIndex: 3
           columns: [
                { field: 'TaskID', headerText: 'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left', width: '100' },
                { field: 'TaskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: '250' },
                { field: 'StartDate', headerText: 'Start Date', width: '150' },
                { field: 'Duration', headerText: 'Duration', width: '150' },
                { field: 'Progress', headerText: 'Progress', width: '150' },
  provide: {
      gantt: [ Sort ]

  • Gantt columns are sorted in the ascending order. If you click the already sorted column, the sort direction toggles.
  • To disable sorting for a particular column, set the columns.allowSorting property to false.

Sorting column on Gantt initialization

The Gantt component can be rendered with sorted columns initially, and this can be achieved by using the sortSettings property. You can add columns that are sorted initially in the sortSettings.columns collection defined with field and direction properties. The following code example shows how to add the sorted column to Gantt initialization.

        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields = "taskFields" :height = "height" :columns="columns" :splitterSettings= "splitterSettings" :sortSettings="sortSettings" :allowSorting= 'true'></ejs-gantt>
<script setup>
import { provide } from "vue";
import { GanttComponent as EjsGantt, Sort } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
const data = [
        TaskID: 1,
        TaskName: 'Project Initiation',
        StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
        EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
        subtasks: [
            {  TaskID: 2, TaskName: 'Identify Site location', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
            { TaskID: 3, TaskName: 'Perform Soil test', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50  },
            { TaskID: 4, TaskName: 'Soil test approval', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
        TaskID: 5,
        TaskName: 'Project Estimation',
        StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
        EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
        subtasks: [
            { TaskID: 6, TaskName: 'Develop floor plan for estimation', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
            { TaskID: 7, TaskName: 'List materials', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
            { TaskID: 8, TaskName: 'Estimation approval', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 }
const height = '450px';
const taskFields = {
    id: 'TaskID',
    name: 'TaskName',
    startDate: 'StartDate',
    duration: 'Duration',
    progress: 'Progress',
    child: 'subtasks'
const splitterSettings = {
    columnIndex: 3
   columns = [
        { field: 'TaskID', headerText: 'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left', width: '100' },
        { field: 'TaskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: '250' },
        { field: 'StartDate', headerText: 'Start Date', width: '150' },
        { field: 'Duration', headerText: 'Duration', width: '150' },
        { field: 'Progress', headerText: 'Progress', width: '150' },
    sortSettings = { columns: [{ field: 'TaskID', direction: 'Descending' }, { field: 'TaskName', direction: 'Ascending' }] };
provide('gantt',  [ Sort ]);
        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields = "taskFields" :height = "height" :columns="columns" :splitterSettings= "splitterSettings" :sortSettings="sortSettings" :allowSorting= 'true'></ejs-gantt>

import { GanttComponent, Sort } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
  data: function() {
            data: [
                TaskID: 1,
                TaskName: 'Project Initiation',
                StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
                EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
                subtasks: [
                    {  TaskID: 2, TaskName: 'Identify Site location', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
                    { TaskID: 3, TaskName: 'Perform Soil test', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50  },
                    { TaskID: 4, TaskName: 'Soil test approval', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
                TaskID: 5,
                TaskName: 'Project Estimation',
                StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
                EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
                subtasks: [
                    { TaskID: 6, TaskName: 'Develop floor plan for estimation', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
                    { TaskID: 7, TaskName: 'List materials', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
                    { TaskID: 8, TaskName: 'Estimation approval', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 }
            height: '450px',
            taskFields: {
                id: 'TaskID',
                name: 'TaskName',
                startDate: 'StartDate',
                duration: 'Duration',
                progress: 'Progress',
                child: 'subtasks'
            splitterSettings: {
                columnIndex: 3
           columns: [
                { field: 'TaskID', headerText: 'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left', width: '100' },
                { field: 'TaskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: '250' },
                { field: 'StartDate', headerText: 'Start Date', width: '150' },
                { field: 'Duration', headerText: 'Duration', width: '150' },
                { field: 'Progress', headerText: 'Progress', width: '150' },
            sortSettings: { columns: [{ field: 'TaskID', direction: 'Descending' }, { field: 'TaskName', direction: 'Ascending' }] },
  provide: {
      gantt: [ Sort ]

Sorting column dynamically

Columns in the Gantt component can be sorted dynamically using the sortColumn method. The following code example demonstrates how to invoke the sortColumn method by clicking the custom button.

       <ejs-button id="sortColumn" cssClass="e-info" v-on:click="sort">Sort Column</ejs-button>
         <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields = "taskFields" :height = "height" :columns="columns" :splitterSettings= "splitterSettings" :allowSorting= 'true'></ejs-gantt>
<script setup>
import { provide, ref } from "vue";
import { GanttComponent as EjsGantt, Sort } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
import { ButtonComponent as EjsButton } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-buttons";
const gantt = ref(null);
const data = [
        TaskID: 1,
        TaskName: 'Project Initiation',
        StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
        EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
        subtasks: [
            {  TaskID: 2, TaskName: 'Identify Site location', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
            { TaskID: 3, TaskName: 'Perform Soil test', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50  },
            { TaskID: 4, TaskName: 'Soil test approval', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
        TaskID: 5,
        TaskName: 'Project Estimation',
        StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
        EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
        subtasks: [
            { TaskID: 6, TaskName: 'Develop floor plan for estimation', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
            { TaskID: 7, TaskName: 'List materials', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
            { TaskID: 8, TaskName: 'Estimation approval', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 }
const height = '450px';
const taskFields = {
    id: 'TaskID',
    name: 'TaskName',
    startDate: 'StartDate',
    duration: 'Duration',
    progress: 'Progress',
    child: 'subtasks'
const splitterSettings = {
    columnIndex: 3
   columns = [
        { field: 'TaskID', headerText: 'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left', width: '100' },
        { field: 'TaskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: '250' },
        { field: 'StartDate', headerText: 'Start Date', width: '150' },
        { field: 'Duration', headerText: 'Duration', width: '150' },
        { field: 'Progress', headerText: 'Progress', width: '150' },
    const sort = function(e){
        var ganttObj = gantt.value.ej2Instances;
        ganttObj.sortModule.sortColumn('TaskID', "Descending", false);
provide('gantt',  [ Sort ]);
       <ejs-button id="sortColumn" cssClass="e-info" v-on:click="sort">Sort Column</ejs-button>
         <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields = "taskFields" :height = "height" :columns="columns" :splitterSettings= "splitterSettings" :allowSorting= 'true'></ejs-gantt>

import { GanttComponent, Sort } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
import { ButtonComponent } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-buttons";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
  data: function() {
            data: [
                TaskID: 1,
                TaskName: 'Project Initiation',
                StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
                EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
                subtasks: [
                    {  TaskID: 2, TaskName: 'Identify Site location', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
                    { TaskID: 3, TaskName: 'Perform Soil test', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50  },
                    { TaskID: 4, TaskName: 'Soil test approval', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
                TaskID: 5,
                TaskName: 'Project Estimation',
                StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
                EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
                subtasks: [
                    { TaskID: 6, TaskName: 'Develop floor plan for estimation', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
                    { TaskID: 7, TaskName: 'List materials', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
                    { TaskID: 8, TaskName: 'Estimation approval', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 }
            height: '450px',
            taskFields: {
                id: 'TaskID',
                name: 'TaskName',
                startDate: 'StartDate',
                duration: 'Duration',
                progress: 'Progress',
                child: 'subtasks'
            splitterSettings: {
                columnIndex: 3
           columns: [
                { field: 'TaskID', headerText: 'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left', width: '100' },
                { field: 'TaskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: '250' },
                { field: 'StartDate', headerText: 'Start Date', width: '150' },
                { field: 'Duration', headerText: 'Duration', width: '150' },
                { field: 'Progress', headerText: 'Progress', width: '150' },
  provide: {
      gantt: [ Sort ]
  methods: {
      sort: function(e){
          var ganttObj = document.getElementById('GanttContainer').ej2_instances[0];
          ganttObj.sortModule.sortColumn('TaskID', "Descending", false);

Clear all the sorting dynamically

In the Gantt component, you can clear all the sorted columns and return to previous position using the clearSorting public method. The following code snippet shows how to clear all the sorted columns by clicking the custom button.

        <ejs-button id="Clearsort" cssClass="e-info" v-on:click="sort">Clear Sorting</ejs-button>
        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields = "taskFields" :height = "height" :columns="columns" :splitterSettings= "splitterSettings" :sortSettings="sortSettings" :allowSorting= 'true'></ejs-gantt>
<script setup>
import { provide, ref } from "vue";
import { GanttComponent as EjsGantt, Sort } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
import { ButtonComponent as EjsButton } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-buttons";
const gantt = ref(null);
const data = [
        TaskID: 1,
        TaskName: 'Project Initiation',
        StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
        EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
        subtasks: [
            {  TaskID: 2, TaskName: 'Identify Site location', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
            { TaskID: 3, TaskName: 'Perform Soil test', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50  },
            { TaskID: 4, TaskName: 'Soil test approval', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
        TaskID: 5,
        TaskName: 'Project Estimation',
        StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
        EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
        subtasks: [
            { TaskID: 6, TaskName: 'Develop floor plan for estimation', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
            { TaskID: 7, TaskName: 'List materials', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
            { TaskID: 8, TaskName: 'Estimation approval', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 }
const height = '450px';
const taskFields = {
    id: 'TaskID',
    name: 'TaskName',
    startDate: 'StartDate',
    duration: 'Duration',
    progress: 'Progress',
    child: 'subtasks'
const splitterSettings = {
    columnIndex: 3
   columns = [
        { field: 'TaskID', headerText: 'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left', width: '100' },
        { field: 'TaskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: '250' },
        { field: 'StartDate', headerText: 'Start Date', width: '150' },
        { field: 'Duration', headerText: 'Duration', width: '150' },
        { field: 'Progress', headerText: 'Progress', width: '150' },
    sortSettings = { columns: [{ field: 'TaskID', direction: 'Descending' }, { field: 'TaskName', direction: 'Ascending' }] };
    const sort = function(e){
        var ganttObj = gantt.value.ej2Instances;
    provide('gantt',  [ Sort ]);
        <ejs-button id="Clearsort" cssClass="e-info" v-on:click="sort">Clear Sorting</ejs-button>
        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields = "taskFields" :height = "height" :columns="columns" :splitterSettings= "splitterSettings" :sortSettings="sortSettings" :allowSorting= 'true'></ejs-gantt>

import { GanttComponent, Sort } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
import { ButtonComponent } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-buttons";

export default {
name: "App",
components: {
  data: function() {
            data: [
                TaskID: 1,
                TaskName: 'Project Initiation',
                StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
                EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
                subtasks: [
                    {  TaskID: 2, TaskName: 'Identify Site location', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
                    { TaskID: 3, TaskName: 'Perform Soil test', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50  },
                    { TaskID: 4, TaskName: 'Soil test approval', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
                TaskID: 5,
                TaskName: 'Project Estimation',
                StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
                EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
                subtasks: [
                    { TaskID: 6, TaskName: 'Develop floor plan for estimation', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
                    { TaskID: 7, TaskName: 'List materials', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
                    { TaskID: 8, TaskName: 'Estimation approval', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 }
            height: '450px',
            taskFields: {
                id: 'TaskID',
                name: 'TaskName',
                startDate: 'StartDate',
                duration: 'Duration',
                progress: 'Progress',
                child: 'subtasks'
           columns: [
                { field: 'TaskID', headerText: 'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left', width: '100' },
                { field: 'TaskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: '250' },
                { field: 'StartDate', headerText: 'Start Date', width: '150' },
                { field: 'Duration', headerText: 'Duration', width: '150' },
                { field: 'Progress', headerText: 'Progress', width: '150' },
            splitterSettings: {
                columnIndex: 3
            sortSettings: { columns: [{ field: 'TaskID', direction: 'Descending' }, { field: 'TaskName', direction: 'Ascending' }] },
  provide: {
      gantt: [ Sort ]
  methods: {
      sort: function(e){
          var ganttObj = document.getElementById('GanttContainer').ej2_instances[0];

Sorting events

During the sort action, the Gantt component triggers two events. The actionBegin event triggers before the sort action starts, and the actionComplete event triggers after the sort action is completed.

        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields = "taskFields" :height = "height" :columns="columns" :splitterSettings= "splitterSettings" :actionBegin="actionBegin" :actionComplete="actionComplete" :allowSorting= 'true'></ejs-gantt>
<script setup>
import { provide } from "vue";
import { GanttComponent as EjsGantt, Sort } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
const data = [
        TaskID: 1,
        TaskName: 'Project Initiation',
        StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
        EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
        subtasks: [
            {  TaskID: 2, TaskName: 'Identify Site location', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
            { TaskID: 3, TaskName: 'Perform Soil test', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50  },
            { TaskID: 4, TaskName: 'Soil test approval', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
        TaskID: 5,
        TaskName: 'Project Estimation',
        StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
        EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
        subtasks: [
            { TaskID: 6, TaskName: 'Develop floor plan for estimation', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
            { TaskID: 7, TaskName: 'List materials', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
            { TaskID: 8, TaskName: 'Estimation approval', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 }
const height = '450px';
const taskFields = {
    id: 'TaskID',
    name: 'TaskName',
    startDate: 'StartDate',
    duration: 'Duration',
    progress: 'Progress',
    child: 'subtasks'
const splitterSettings = {
    columnIndex: 3
   columns = [
        { field: 'TaskID', headerText: 'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left', width: '100' },
        { field: 'TaskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: '250' },
        { field: 'StartDate', headerText: 'Start Date', width: '150' },
        { field: 'Duration', headerText: 'Duration', width: '150' },
        { field: 'Progress', headerText: 'Progress', width: '150' },
    actionBegin = function(args) {
        alert(args.requestType + ' ' + args.type); //custom Action
    actionComplete = function(args) {
        alert(args.requestType + ' ' + args.type); //custom Action
provide('gantt',  [ Sort ]);
        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields = "taskFields" :height = "height" :columns="columns" :splitterSettings= "splitterSettings" :actionBegin="actionBegin" :actionComplete="actionComplete" :allowSorting= 'true'></ejs-gantt>

import { GanttComponent, Sort } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
  data: function() {
            data: [
                TaskID: 1,
                TaskName: 'Project Initiation',
                StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
                EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
                subtasks: [
                    {  TaskID: 2, TaskName: 'Identify Site location', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
                    { TaskID: 3, TaskName: 'Perform Soil test', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50  },
                    { TaskID: 4, TaskName: 'Soil test approval', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
                TaskID: 5,
                TaskName: 'Project Estimation',
                StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
                EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
                subtasks: [
                    { TaskID: 6, TaskName: 'Develop floor plan for estimation', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
                    { TaskID: 7, TaskName: 'List materials', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
                    { TaskID: 8, TaskName: 'Estimation approval', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 }
            height: '450px',
            taskFields: {
                id: 'TaskID',
                name: 'TaskName',
                startDate: 'StartDate',
                duration: 'Duration',
                progress: 'Progress',
                child: 'subtasks'
            splitterSettings: {
                columnIndex: 3
            columns: [
                { field: 'TaskID', headerText: 'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left', width: '100' },
                { field: 'TaskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: '250' },
                { field: 'StartDate', headerText: 'Start Date', width: '150' },
                { field: 'Duration', headerText: 'Duration', width: '150' },
                { field: 'Progress', headerText: 'Progress', width: '150' },
           actionBegin: function(args) {
                alert(args.requestType + ' ' + args.type); //custom Action
            actionComplete: function(args) {
                alert(args.requestType + ' ' + args.type); //custom Action
    provide: {
        gantt: [ Sort ]

The args.requestType is the current action name. For example, for sorting the args.requestType, value is sorting.

Touch interaction

To perform tap action on a column header, trigger sorting operation to the selected column. A popup is displayed for multi-column sorting. To sort multiple columns, tap the popup, and then tap the desired column headers.

The following screenshot shows Gantt touch sorting,

Multiple Sorting