Filter menu in Vue Gantt component

11 Jun 202410 minutes to read

The Gantt Component provides the menu filtering support for each column. You can enable the filter menu by setting the allowFiltering to true. The filter menu UI will be rendered based on its column type, which allows you to filter data. You can filter the records with different operators.

        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields = "taskFields" :height = "height" :columns="columns" :splitterSettings = "splitterSettings" :filterSettings="filterSettings" :allowFiltering= "true"></ejs-gantt>
<script setup>
import { provide } from "vue";

import { GanttComponent as EjsGantt, Filter, } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
import { projectNewData } from './data-source.js';
const data = [
        TaskID: 1,
        TaskName: 'Project initiation',
        StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
        EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
        subtasks: [
            {TaskID: 2, TaskName: 'Identify site location', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 0,Progress: 50, resources: [1]},
            {TaskID: 3, TaskName: 'Perform soil test', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Predecessor: '2',Progress: 50, resources: [2, 3, 5]},
            {TaskID: 4, TaskName: 'Soil test approval', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 0, Predecessor: '3', Progress: 50 },
        TaskID: 5,
        TaskName: 'Project estimation',
        StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
        EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
        subtasks: [
            {TaskID: 6, TaskName: 'Develop floor plan for estimation', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'),Duration: 3, Predecessor: '4', Progress: 50, resources: [4]},
            {TaskID: 7, TaskName: 'List materials', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'),Duration: 3, Predecessor: '6', resources: [4, 8],Progress: 50},
            {TaskID: 8, TaskName: 'Estimation approval', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'),Duration: 0, Predecessor: '7', resources: [12, 5]}
const height = '450px';
const columns = [
    { field: 'TaskID', headerText: 'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left', width: '100' },
    { field: 'TaskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: '250' },
    { field: 'StartDate', headerText: 'Start Date', width: '150' },
    { field: 'Duration', headerText: 'Duration', width: '150' },
    { field: 'Progress', headerText: 'Progress', width: '150' },
const taskFields = {
    id: 'TaskID',
    name: 'TaskName',
    startDate: 'StartDate',
    duration: 'Duration',
    progress: 'Progress',
    child: 'subtasks'
const splitterSettings = {
const filterSettings = {
provide('gantt',  [ Filter]);
        <ejs-gantt ref='gantt' id="GanttContainer" :dataSource="data" :taskFields = "taskFields" :height = "height" :columns="columns" :splitterSettings = "splitterSettings" :filterSettings="filterSettings" :allowFiltering= "true"></ejs-gantt>
import { GanttComponent, Filter, } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-gantt";
import { projectNewData } from './data-source.js';
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
  data: function() {
            data: [
        TaskID: 1,
        TaskName: 'Project initiation',
        StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
        EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
        subtasks: [
            {TaskID: 2, TaskName: 'Identify site location', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 0,Progress: 50, resources: [1]},
            {TaskID: 3, TaskName: 'Perform soil test', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Predecessor: '2',Progress: 50, resources: [2, 3, 5]},
            {TaskID: 4, TaskName: 'Soil test approval', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 0, Predecessor: '3', Progress: 50 },
        TaskID: 5,
        TaskName: 'Project estimation',
        StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
        EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
        subtasks: [
            {TaskID: 6, TaskName: 'Develop floor plan for estimation', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'),Duration: 3, Predecessor: '4', Progress: 50, resources: [4]},
            {TaskID: 7, TaskName: 'List materials', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'),Duration: 3, Predecessor: '6', resources: [4, 8],Progress: 50},
            {TaskID: 8, TaskName: 'Estimation approval', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'),Duration: 0, Predecessor: '7', resources: [12, 5]}
            height: '450px',
            columns: [
            { field: 'TaskID', headerText: 'Task ID', textAlign: 'Left', width: '100' },
            { field: 'TaskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: '250' },
            { field: 'StartDate', headerText: 'Start Date', width: '150' },
            { field: 'Duration', headerText: 'Duration', width: '150' },
            { field: 'Progress', headerText: 'Progress', width: '150' },
        taskFields: {
            id: 'TaskID',
            name: 'TaskName',
            startDate: 'StartDate',
            duration: 'Duration',
            progress: 'Progress',
            child: 'subtasks'
        filterSettings: {
  provide: {
      gantt: [ Filter]

allowFiltering must be set as true to enable filter menu.
Setting columns.allowFiltering as false will prevent filter menu rendering for a particular column.