Chip customization in React Multi select component

2 Feb 202310 minutes to read

The MultiSelect allows the user to customize the selected chip element through the tagging event. In that event, you can set the custom classes to chip element via that event argument of setClass method.

The following sample demonstrates chip-customization with the MultiSelect component.


import { MultiSelectComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-dropdowns';
import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
export default class App extends React.Component {
    // define the JSON of data
    colorsData = [
        { Color: 'Chocolate', Code: '#75523C' },
        { Color: 'CadetBlue', Code: '#3B8289' },
        { Color: 'DarkOrange', Code: '#FF843D' },
        { Color: 'DarkRed', Code: '#CA3832' },
        { Color: 'Fuchsia', Code: '#D44FA3' },
        { Color: 'HotPink', Code: '#F23F82' },
        { Color: 'Indigo', Code: '#2F5D81' },
        { Color: 'LimeGreen', Code: '#4CD242' },
        { Color: 'OrangeRed', Code: '#FE2A00' },
        { Color: 'Tomato', Code: '#FF745C' }
    // maps the appropriate column to fields property
    fields = { text: 'Color', value: 'Code' };
    // set the value to MultiSelect
    colorValues = ['#75523C', '#4CD242', '#FF745C'];
    // bind the tagging event
    onTagging = (e) => {
        // set the current selected item text as class to chip element.
    render() {
        return (<MultiSelectComponent id="chip-customization" value={this.colorValues} dataSource={this.colorsData} fields={this.fields} mode="Box" placeholder="Favorite Colors" tagging={this.onTagging = this.onTagging.bind(this)}/>);
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('sample'));
import { MultiSelectComponent, TaggingEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-dropdowns';
import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

export default class App extends React.Component<{}, {}> {
  // define the JSON of data
  private colorsData: { [key: string]: Object }[] =[
    { Color: 'Chocolate', Code: '#75523C' },
    { Color: 'CadetBlue', Code: '#3B8289' },
    { Color: 'DarkOrange', Code: '#FF843D' },
    { Color: 'DarkRed', Code: '#CA3832' },
    { Color: 'Fuchsia', Code: '#D44FA3' },
    { Color: 'HotPink', Code: '#F23F82' },
    { Color: 'Indigo', Code: '#2F5D81' },
    { Color: 'LimeGreen', Code: '#4CD242' },
    { Color: 'OrangeRed', Code: '#FE2A00' },
    { Color: 'Tomato', Code: '#FF745C' }
  // maps the appropriate column to fields property
  private fields: { [key: string]: string } = { text: 'Color', value: 'Code' };
  // set the value to MultiSelect
  private colorValues: string[] = ['#75523C', '#4CD242', '#FF745C'];
  // bind the tagging event
  public onTagging = (e: TaggingEventArgs) => {
    // set the current selected item text as class to chip element.
    e.setClass((e.itemData as any)[this.fields.text].toLowerCase());
  public render() {
    return (
            <MultiSelectComponent id="chip-customization" value={this.colorValues} dataSource={this.colorsData} fields={this.fields} mode="Box" placeholder="Favorite Colors" tagging={this.onTagging = this.onTagging.bind(this)} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('sample'));


import { MultiSelectComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-dropdowns';
import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
function App() {
    // define the JSON of data
    const colorsData = [
        { Color: 'Chocolate', Code: '#75523C' },
        { Color: 'CadetBlue', Code: '#3B8289' },
        { Color: 'DarkOrange', Code: '#FF843D' },
        { Color: 'DarkRed', Code: '#CA3832' },
        { Color: 'Fuchsia', Code: '#D44FA3' },
        { Color: 'HotPink', Code: '#F23F82' },
        { Color: 'Indigo', Code: '#2F5D81' },
        { Color: 'LimeGreen', Code: '#4CD242' },
        { Color: 'OrangeRed', Code: '#FE2A00' },
        { Color: 'Tomato', Code: '#FF745C' }
    // maps the appropriate column to fields property
    const fields = { text: 'Color', value: 'Code' };
    // set the value to MultiSelect
    const colorValues = ['#75523C', '#4CD242', '#FF745C'];
    // bind the tagging event
    function onTagging() { }
    (e) => {
        // set the current selected item text as class to chip element.
    return (<MultiSelectComponent id="chip-customization" value={colorValues} dataSource={colorsData} fields={fields} mode="Box" placeholder="Favorite Colors" tagging={onTagging = onTagging.bind(this)}/>);
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('sample'));
import { MultiSelectComponent, TaggingEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-dropdowns';
import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

function App() {
  // define the JSON of data
  const colorsData: { [key: string]: Object }[] =[
    { Color: 'Chocolate', Code: '#75523C' },
    { Color: 'CadetBlue', Code: '#3B8289' },
    { Color: 'DarkOrange', Code: '#FF843D' },
    { Color: 'DarkRed', Code: '#CA3832' },
    { Color: 'Fuchsia', Code: '#D44FA3' },
    { Color: 'HotPink', Code: '#F23F82' },
    { Color: 'Indigo', Code: '#2F5D81' },
    { Color: 'LimeGreen', Code: '#4CD242' },
    { Color: 'OrangeRed', Code: '#FE2A00' },
    { Color: 'Tomato', Code: '#FF745C' }
  // maps the appropriate column to fields property
  const fields: { [key: string]: string } = { text: 'Color', value: 'Code' };
  // set the value to MultiSelect
  const colorValues: string[] = ['#75523C', '#4CD242', '#FF745C'];
  // bind the tagging event
  const onTagging = (e: TaggingEventArgs) => {
    // set the current selected item text as class to chip element.
    e.setClass((e.itemData as any)[fields.text].toLowerCase());
  return (
      <MultiSelectComponent id="chip-customization" value={colorValues} dataSource={colorsData} fields={fields} mode="Box" placeholder="Favorite Colors" tagging={onTagging} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('sample'));