Essential Studio for EJ2 JavaScript Release Notes

April 27, 2021


Bug Fixes

  • #323707 - Console error thrown while using various radius pie chart inside dashboard layout issue is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #324756 - If numeric content is set, the text style of the annotation content will now be applied correctly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I322813, #I324083 - Batch edit the changes made in server not reflected with RemoteSaveAdaptor, has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I324223, #I324023 - Resolved the underline issue in word document export.
  • #I322560, #I323516 - Script error in the top and bottom layout is resolved.
  • #I322402 - Before pane switch event triggering twice issue is resolved.
  • #F163664 - Unresponsive issue in opening large size text file is resolved.
  • #I323401, #I323423 - Resolved the page wise footnote content layout issue.
  • #I322548 - Resolved the track changes issue in track changes.
  • #I322561 - Bookmark delete and history operation is working fine.


  • #I307321 - Added support table positioning properties.


Bug Fixes

  • #I321258, #I320950 - The issue with “Error as occurred while sorting the path column at second time in File Manager component” has been fixed.
  • #I318476, #I320950 - Resolved the script error that occurred while dragging and dropping an item without selecting it in details view of the File Manager component.


Bug Fixes

  • #324141 - Issue in tooltip rendering position has been fixed.
  • #320979 - Issue on changing data source and timeline settings on same time has been fixed.
  • F163357 - Duplicating issue when a task is dropped below an unassigned resource in the resource view has been fixed.
  • F164497 - Issue in editing end date of a task has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I323447 - Grid print dialog hovering issue has been fixed.
  • #I323007 - getRowIndexByPrimaryKey thrown script error while rendering the child grid issue has been fixed.
  • #I322540 - Selected row index property issue with checkbox deselection has been fixed.
  • #I322859, #I323462 - Ignore accent property issue with excel filter has been fixed.
  • #I318995 - Child Grid expand not working properly has been fixed.
  • #I321908 - Throws script error while dragging page number index in Grid is fixed.
  • #I323304 - Displayed the headerText instead of Filter in adaptive UI filter dialog.
  • #I323304 - Column’s visible, allowFiltering, and allowSorting properties not working in adaptive UI issue has been fixed.
  • #I322769 - Adaptive UI default toolbar items issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I322799 - The imported stamp annotation position is updated correctly in the MVC platform.


Bug Fixes

  • #I324040 - An issue with the scheduler multiple appointment selection in IOS device has been resolved.
  • #I324529, #I323448 - An issue with deleting the entire recurrence events with resources has been resolved.
  • #FB23906, #FB23902 - An issue with “Scheduler causing focus loss for text inputs in Android device” has been fixed.
  • #FB23931 - An issue with “Scheduler stealing focus on window resize” has been fixed.
  • #I313715 - An issue with script error throws while resizing the scheduler events has been fixed.
  • #FB24226 - An issue with the scheduler alert message when drag the event in series has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F163365 - The issue with “When the first pane is collapsed, the size of the second pane is not properly set” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #22087 - Filter icon is removed after refresh issue has been fixed.
  • #24222 - Conditional formatting font color is changed to default color in list data validation issue has been fixed.
  • #23945 - Conditional Formatting is not working properly when range is selected from down to up & right to left issue has been fixed.
  • F163837, F164024 - Number format drop down shows wrong formatted value while setting locale text for the number format items issue resolved.
  • #23856 - Height of the merged cell increases on Alt + Enter action issue resolved.
  • #23644 - Dependent cells not updated after using openFromJson and refresh method issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I320271 - The issue with “While performing drag and drop action between two TreeView components, the dataSourceChanged event is not triggered for the source TreeView” has been resolved.
  • #F158127 - The issue with “The TreeView getAllCheckedNodes method returns invalid data while setting invalid IDs to the CheckedNodes property” has been resolved.