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Overview API in JavaScript (ES5) Pivotfieldlist API control

Name Description
Authentication Allows you to set the credential information to access the specified SSAS cube.
> It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
CalculatedFieldSettings Allows options to create new calculated fields from the bound data source or using simple formula with basic arithmetic operators in the pivot table.
ConditionalFormatSettings Allows a collection of values fields to change the appearance of the pivot table value cells with different style properties such as background color, font color, font family, and font size based on specific conditions.
CustomGroups Allows to specify the custom group information of specific field to create custom groups.
DataSourceSettings Allows the following pivot report information such as rows, columns, values, filters, etc., that are used to render the pivot table and field list.
* catalog: Allows to set the database name of SSAS cube as string type that used to retrieve the data from the specified connection string. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
* cube: Allows you to set the SSAS cube name as string type that used to retrieve data for pivot table rendering. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
* providerType: Allows to set the provider type to identify the given connection is either Relational or SSAS to render the pivot table and field list.
* url: Allows to set the URL as string type, which helps to identify the service endpoint where the data are processed and retrieved to render the pivot table and field list. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
* localeIdentifier: Allows you to set the specific culture code as number type to render pivot table with desired localization.
By default, the pivot table displays with culture code 1033, which indicates “en-US” locale. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
* dataSource: Allows you to set the data source as JSON collection to the pivot report either from local or from remote server to the render the pivot that and field list.
You can fetch JSON data from remote server by using DataManager. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
* rows: Allows specific fields associated with field information that needs to be displayed in row axis of pivot table.
* columns: Allows specific fields associated with field information that needs to be displayed in column axis of pivot table.
* values: Allows specific fields associated with field information that needs to be displayed as aggregated numeric values in pivot table.
* filters: Allows to filter the values in other axis based on the collection of filter fields in pivot table.
* excludeFields: Allows you to restrict the specific field(s) from displaying it in the field list UI.
You may also be unable to render the pivot table with this field(s) by doing so. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
* expandAll: Allows you to either expand or collapse all the headers that are displayed in the pivot table.
By default, all the headers are collapsed in the pivot table. Note: It is applicable only for Relational data.
* valueAxis: Allows you to set the value fields that to be plotted either in row or column axis in the pivot table.
* filterSettings: Allows specific fields associated with either selective or conditional-based filter members that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
* sortSettings: Allows specific fields associated with sort settings to order their members either in ascending or descending that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
By default, the data source containing fields are display with Ascending order alone. To use this option, it requires the enableSorting property to be true.
* enableSorting: Allows to perform sort operation to order members of a specific fields either in ascending or descending that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
* formatSettings: Allows specific fields used to display the values with specific format that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
For example, to display a specific field with currency formatted values in the pivot table, the set the format property to be C.
* drilledMembers: Allows specific fields used to display their the headers to be either expanded or collapsed in the pivot table.
* valueSortSettings: Allows to sort individual value field and its aggregated values either in row or column axis to ascending or descending order.
* calculatedFieldSettings: Allows to create new calculated fields from the bound data source or using simple formula with basic arithmetic operators in the pivot table.
* allowMemberFilter: Allows to perform filter operation based on the selective filter members of the specific fields used to be displayed in the pivot table.
* allowLabelFilter: Allows to perform filter operation based on the selective headers used to be displayed in the pivot table.
* allowValueFilter: Allows to perform filter operation based only on value fields and its resultant aggregated values over other fields defined in row and column axes that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
* showSubTotals: Allows to show or hide sub-totals in both rows and columns axis of the pivot table.
* showRowSubTotals: Allows to show or hide sub-totals in row axis of the pivot table.
* showColumnSubTotals: Allows to show or hide sub-totals in column axis of the pivot table.
* showGrandTotals: Allows to show or hide grand totals in both rows and columns axis of the pivot table.
* showRowGrandTotals: Allows to show or hide grand totals in row axis of the pivot table.
* showColumnGrandTotals: Allows to show or hide grand totals in column axis of the pivot table.
* showHeaderWhenEmpty: Allows the undefined headers to be displayed in the pivot table, when the specific field(s) are not defined in the raw data.
For example, if the raw data for the field ‘Country’ is defined as “United Kingdom” and “State” is not defined means, it will be shown as “United Kingdom >> Undefined” in the header section.
* alwaysShowValueHeader: Allows to show the value field header always in pivot table, even if it holds a single field in the value field axis.
* conditionalFormatSettings: Allows a collection of values fields to change the appearance of the pivot table value cells with different style properties such as background color, font color, font family, and font size based on specific conditions.
* emptyCellsTextContent: Allows to show custom string to the empty value cells that used to display in the pivot table. You can fill empty value cells with any value like “0”, ”-”, ””, “(blank)”, etc.
groupSettings: Allows specific fields to group their data on the basis of their type.
For example, the date type fields can be formatted and displayed based on year, quarter, month, and more. Likewise, the number type fields can be grouped range-wise, such as 1-5, 6-10, etc.
You can perform custom group to the string type fields that used to displayed in the pivot table.
* showAggregationOnValueField: Allows the pivot button with specific value field caption along with the aggregation type, to be displayed in the grouping bar and field list UI.
For example, if the value field “Sold Amount” is aggregated with Sum, it will be displayed with caption “Sum of Sold Amount” in its pivot button.
* authentication: Allows you to set the credential information to access the specified SSAS cube. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
DrillOptions Allows specific fields used to display their the headers to be either expanded or collapsed in the pivot table.
FieldListFieldOptions Allows specific fields associated with field information that needs to be displayed in the field axes of pivot table. The following configurations which are applicable are as follows:
* name: Allows you to set the field name that needs to be displayed in row/column/value/filter axis of pivot table.
* caption: Allows you to set caption to the specific field. It will be used to display instead of its name in pivot table component’s UI.
* type: Allows to display the values in the pivot table with appropriate aggregations such as sum, product, count, average, etc… Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
* axis: Allows you to set the axis name to the specific field. This will help to display the field in specified axis such as row/column/value/filter axis of pivot table.
* showNoDataItems: Allows you to display all members items of a specific field to the pivot table,
even doesn’t have any data in its row/column intersection in data source. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
* baseField: Allows you to set the selective field, which used to display the values with either
DifferenceFrom or PercentageOfDifferenceFrom or PercentageOfParentTotal aggregate types. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
* baseItem: Allows you to set the selective item of a specific field, which used to display the values with either DifferenceFrom or PercentageOfDifferenceFrom aggregate types.
The selective item should be set the from field specified in the baseField property. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
* showSubTotals: Allows to show or hide sub-totals to a specific field in row/column axis of the pivot table.
* isNamedSet: Allows you to set whether the specified field is a named set or not. In general,
the named set is a set of dimension members or a set expression (MDX query) to be created as a dimension in the SSAS OLAP cube itself. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
* isCalculatedField: Allows to set whether the specified field is a calculated field or not.
In general, the calculated field is created from the bound data source or using simple formula with basic arithmetic operators in the pivot table. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
* showFilterIcon: Allows you to show or hide the filter icon of a specific field that used to be displayed on the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This filter icon is used to filter the members of a specified field at runtime in the pivot table.
* showSortIcon: Allows you to show or hide the sort icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This sort icon is used to order members of a specified field either in ascending or descending at runtime.
* showRemoveIcon: Allows you to show or hide the remove icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This remove icon is used to remove the specified field during runtime.
* showValueTypeIcon: Allows you to show or hide the value type icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This value type icon helps to select the appropriate aggregation type to specified value field at runtime.
* showEditIcon: Allows you to show or hide the edit icon of a specific field that used to be displayed on the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This edit icon is used to modify caption, formula, and format of a specified calculated field at runtime that to be displayed in the pivot table.
* allowDragAndDrop: Allows you to restrict the specific field’s pivot button that is used to drag on runtime in the grouping bar and field list UI.
This will prevent you from modifying the current report.
* expandAll: Allows you to expand or collapse all of the pivot table’s headers for a specific field.
FieldOptions Allows specific fields associated with field information that needs to be displayed in the field axes of pivot table. The following configurations which are applicable are as follows:
* name: Allows you to set the field name that needs to be displayed in row/column/value/filter axis of pivot table.
* caption: Allows you to set caption to the specific field. It will be used to display instead of its name in pivot table component’s UI.
* type: Allows to display the values in the pivot table with appropriate aggregations such as sum, product, count, average, etc… Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
* axis: Allows you to set the axis name to the specific field. This will help to display the field in specified axis such as row/column/value/filter axis of pivot table.
* showNoDataItems: Allows you to display all members items of a specific field to the pivot table,
even doesn’t have any data in its row/column intersection in data source. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
* baseField: Allows you to set the selective field, which used to display the values with either
DifferenceFrom or PercentageOfDifferenceFrom or PercentageOfParentTotal aggregate types. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
* baseItem: Allows you to set the selective item of a specific field, which used to display the values with either DifferenceFrom or PercentageOfDifferenceFrom aggregate types.
The selective item should be set the from field specified in the baseField property. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
* showSubTotals: Allows to show or hide sub-totals to a specific field in row/column axis of the pivot table.
* isNamedSet: Allows you to set whether the specified field is a named set or not. In general,
the named set is a set of dimension members or a set expression (MDX query) to be created as a dimension in the SSAS OLAP cube itself. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
* isCalculatedField: Allows to set whether the specified field is a calculated field or not.
In general, the calculated field is created from the bound data source or using simple formula with basic arithmetic operators in the pivot table. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
* showFilterIcon: Allows you to show or hide the filter icon of a specific field that used to be displayed on the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This filter icon is used to filter the members of a specified field at runtime in the pivot table.
* showSortIcon: Allows you to show or hide the sort icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This sort icon is used to order members of a specified field either in ascending or descending at runtime.
* showRemoveIcon: Allows you to show or hide the remove icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This remove icon is used to remove the specified field during runtime.
* showValueTypeIcon: Allows you to show or hide the value type icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This value type icon helps to select the appropriate aggregation type to specified value field at runtime.
* showEditIcon: Allows you to show or hide the edit icon of a specific field that used to be displayed on the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This edit icon is used to modify caption, formula, and format of a specified calculated field at runtime that to be displayed in the pivot table.
* allowDragAndDrop: Allows you to restrict the specific field’s pivot button that is used to drag on runtime in the grouping bar and field list UI.
This will prevent you from modifying the current report.
* expandAll: Allows you to either expand or collapse all of the headers in the pivot table for a specific field.
Filter Allows specific fields associated with either selective or conditional-based filter members that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
FormatSettings Allows specific fields used to display the values with specific format that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
For example, to display a specific field with currency formatted values in the pivot table, the set the format property to be C.
GroupSettings Allows specific fields to group their data on the basis of their type.
For example, the date type fields can be formatted and displayed based on year, quarter, month, and more. Likewise, the number type fields can be grouped range-wise, such as 1-5, 6-10, etc.
You can perform custom group to the string type fields that used to displayed in the pivot table.
Sort Allows specific fields associated with sort settings to order their members either in ascending or descending that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
Style Allows the style information to customize the pivot table cell appearance.
ValueSortSettings Allows to sort individual value field and its aggregated values either in row or column axis to ascending or descending order.
PivotFieldList Represents the PivotFieldList component.
FieldItemInfo Allows to configure the specific field information during UI operation at runtime.
IAuthenticationInfo Allows you to set the credential information to access the specified SSAS cube.
> It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
IAxisSet Allows you to configure the pivot cell information retrieved from the data source.
ICalculatedFieldSettings Allows options to create new calculated fields from the bound data source or using simple formula with basic arithmetic operators in the pivot table.
ICalculatedFields Configures the specific calculated field information.
IConditionalFormatSettings Allows a collection of values fields to change the appearance of the pivot table value cells with different style properties such as background color, font color, font family, and font size based on specific conditions.
ICustomGroups Allows to specify the custom group information of specific field to create custom groups.
IDataOptions Allows the following pivot report information such as rows, columns, values, filters, etc., that are used to render the pivot table and field list.
* catalog: Allows to set the database name of SSAS cube as string type that used to retrieve the data from the specified connection string. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
* cube: Allows you to set the SSAS cube name as string type that used to retrieve data for pivot table rendering. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
* providerType: Allows to set the provider type to identify the given connection is either Relational or SSAS to render the pivot table and field list.
* url: Allows to set the URL as string type, which helps to identify the service endpoint where the data are processed and retrieved to render the pivot table and field list. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
* localeIdentifier: Allows you to set the specific culture code as number type to render pivot table with desired localization.
By default, the pivot table displays with culture code 1033, which indicates “en-US” locale. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
* dataSource: Allows you to set the data source as JSON collection to the pivot report either from local or from remote server to the render the pivot that and field list.
You can fetch JSON data from remote server by using DataManager. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
* rows: Allows specific fields associated with field information that needs to be displayed in row axis of pivot table.
* columns: Allows specific fields associated with field information that needs to be displayed in column axis of pivot table.
* values: Allows specific fields associated with field information that needs to be displayed as aggregated numeric values in pivot table.
* filters: Allows to filter the values in other axis based on the collection of filter fields in pivot table.
* excludeFields: Allows you to restrict the specific field(s) from displaying it in the field list UI.
You may also be unable to render the pivot table with this field(s) by doing so. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
* expandAll: Allows you to either expand or collapse all the headers that are displayed in the pivot table.
By default, all the headers are collapsed in the pivot table. Note: It is applicable only for Relational data.
* valueAxis: Allows you to set the value fields that to be plotted either in row or column axis in the pivot table.
* filterSettings: Allows specific fields associated with either selective or conditional-based filter members that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
* sortSettings: Allows specific fields associated with sort settings to order their members either in ascending or descending that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
By default, the data source containing fields are display with Ascending order alone. To use this option, it requires the enableSorting property to be true.
* enableSorting: Allows to perform sort operation to order members of a specific fields either in ascending or descending that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
* formatSettings: Allows specific fields used to display the values with specific format that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
For example, to display a specific field with currency formatted values in the pivot table, the set the format property to be C.
* drilledMembers: Allows specific fields used to display their the headers to be either expanded or collapsed in the pivot table.
* valueSortSettings: Allows to sort individual value field and its aggregated values either in row or column axis to ascending or descending order.
* calculatedFieldSettings: Allows to create new calculated fields from the bound data source or using simple formula with basic arithmetic operators in the pivot table.
* allowMemberFilter: Allows to perform filter operation based on the selective filter members of the specific fields used to be displayed in the pivot table.
* allowLabelFilter: Allows to perform filter operation based on the selective headers used to be displayed in the pivot table.
* allowValueFilter: Allows to perform filter operation based only on value fields and its resultant aggregated values over other fields defined in row and column axes that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
* showSubTotals: Allows to show or hide sub-totals in both rows and columns axis of the pivot table.
* showRowSubTotals: Allows to show or hide sub-totals in row axis of the pivot table.
* showColumnSubTotals: Allows to show or hide sub-totals in column axis of the pivot table.
* showGrandTotals: Allows to show or hide grand totals in both rows and columns axis of the pivot table.
* grandTotalsPosition: Allows the grand totals to be position at first position in the row and column axis of the pivot table.
* showRowGrandTotals: Allows to show or hide grand totals in row axis of the pivot table.
* showColumnGrandTotals: Allows to show or hide grand totals in column axis of the pivot table.
* showHeaderWhenEmpty: Allows the undefined headers to be displayed in the pivot table, when the specific field(s) are not defined in the raw data.
For example, if the raw data for the field ‘Country’ is defined as “United Kingdom” and “State” is not defined means, it will be shown as “United Kingdom >> Undefined” in the header section.
* alwaysShowValueHeader: Allows to show the value field header always in pivot table, even if it holds a single field in the value field axis.
* conditionalFormatSettings: Allows a collection of values fields to change the appearance of the pivot table value cells with different style properties such as background color, font color, font family, and font size based on specific conditions.
* emptyCellsTextContent: Allows to show custom string to the empty value cells that used to display in the pivot table. You can fill empty value cells with any value like “0”, ”-”, ””, “(blank)”, etc.
groupSettings: Allows specific fields to group their data on the basis of their type.
For example, the date type fields can be formatted and displayed based on year, quarter, month, and more. Likewise, the number type fields can be grouped range-wise, such as 1-5, 6-10, etc.
You can perform custom group to the string type fields that used to displayed in the pivot table.
* showAggregationOnValueField: Allows the pivot button with specific value field caption along with the aggregation type, to be displayed in the grouping bar and field list UI.
For example, if the value field “Sold Amount” is aggregated with Sum, it will be displayed with caption “Sum of Sold Amount” in its pivot button.
* authentication: Allows you to set the credential information to access the specified SSAS cube. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
IDrillOptions Allows specific fields used to display their the headers to be either expanded or collapsed in the pivot table.
IDrilledItem Allows you to configure the drill information of a specific field item that used to display the pivot table.
IField Allows you to configure the information retrieved from the data source for the field list.
IFieldOptions Allows specific fields associated with field information that needs to be displayed in the field axes of pivot table. The following configurations which are applicable are as follows:
IFilter Allows specific fields associated with either selective or conditional-based filter members that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
IFormatSettings Allows specific fields used to display the values with specific format that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
For example, to display a specific field with currency formatted values in the pivot table, the set the format property to be C.
IGroupRange Allows to configure the group range information to perform date and number grouping on specific fields.
IGroupSettings Allows specific fields to group their data on the basis of their type.
For example, the date type fields can be formatted and displayed based on year, quarter, month, and more. Likewise, the number type fields can be grouped range-wise, such as 1-5, 6-10, etc.
You can perform custom group to the string type fields that used to displayed in the pivot table.
IPageSettings Allows to set the page information to display the pivot table with specific page during virtual scrolling.
ISort Allows specific fields associated with sort settings to order their members either in ascending or descending that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
IStyle Allows the style information to customize the pivot table cell appearance.
IValueSortSettings Allows to sort individual value field and its aggregated values either in row or column axis to ascending or descending order.
AfterServiceInvokeEventArgs Represents the arguments that provide necessary information about the service after it has been invoked.
AggregateEventArgs The aggregate event arguments provide the necessary information on each pivot value cell framing in the pivot engine for pivot table render.
AggregateMenuOpenEventArgs The aggregate menu open event arguments provide the necessary information to customize the aggregate menu options before it opens.
BeforeExportEventArgs The before export event arguments provides the necessary information to customize before exporting the file.
BeforeServiceInvokeEventArgs The before service invoke event arguments provide the necessary information about the service before it get invoked.
BeginDrillThroughEventArgs The begin drill-through event arguments provide the necessary information about the cell clicked on the pivot table for drill-through and editing.
CalculatedFieldCreateEventArgs The calculated field create event arguments provide the necessary information about the calculated field settings before it creates to update the pivot table.
CellClickEventArgs The cell click event arguments provides the necessary information about the cell clicked in the pivot table.
CellSelectedObject Defines the selected cells information on the pivot table.
CellTemplateArgs Defines the cell template information
ChartSeriesCreatedEventArgs The chart series created event arguments provide the necessary information about the chart series that used to create the pivot chart.
ColumnRenderEventArgs The column render event arguments provide the necessary information about the pivot table column headers before rendering.
DrillArgs The drill event arguments provide the necessary information about the pivot cell that performing drill operation.
DrillThroughEventArgs The drill-through event arguments provides the necessary information about the cell clicked in the pivot table for drill-through.
EditCompletedEventArgs The event argument which holds the editing information of the raw data made in corresponding aggregated cell.
EnginePopulatedEventArgs The engine populated event arguments provides the necessary information about the engine populated using updated report.
EnginePopulatingEventArgs The engine populating event arguments provides the necessary information to customize the report before populating the pivot engine.
ExcelCell Defines the cell information for excel export
ExcelColumn Defines the column on excel export
ExcelRow Defines the row on excel export
ExcelStyles Defines the style options for excel export
ExportCompleteEventArgs The export complete event arguments provide the necessary information about the exported data after completing the file export.
FetchRawDataArgs Defines the raw data needs to be updated.
FetchReportArgs The fetch report event arguments provides the necessary information to fetch reports from storage.
FieldDragStartEventArgs The field drag start event arguments provides the necessary information about the drag field and its axis.
FieldDropEventArgs The field drop event arguments provides the necessary information to customize the drop field and its drop axis.
FieldDroppedEventArgs The field dropped event arguments provides the necessary information about the dropped field and its dropped axis.
FieldListRefreshedEventArgs The field list refreshed event arguments provide the necessary information to render the pivot table.
FieldRemoveEventArgs The field remove event arguments provide the necessary information about the selected field information before it removes.
HeadersSortEventArgs Defines the current sorting information such as field name, sort order and members which is to be sorted.
HyperCellClickEventArgs The hyperlink cell click event arguments provides the necessary information about the cell clicked in the pivot table for hyperlink.
LoadEventArgs The load event arguments provides the necessary information to customize the pivot table before initializing the component.
LoadReportArgs The load report event arguments provides the necessary information to load the report.
MemberEditorOpenEventArgs The member editor open event arguments provide the necessary information about the selected field and its filter settings on before filter popup opens.
MemberFilteringEventArgs The member filtering event arguments provides the necessary information about the filtering which is performing.
MemberItems Defines the filter members information that used to render member filter dialog.
MultiLevelLabelClickEventArgs The event argument which holds the information of the clicked multi-level label.
MultiLevelLabelRenderEventArgs The event argument which holds the information of the multi-level labels that renders.
NewReportArgs The new report event arguments provides the necessary information to create a new report.
NumberFormattingEventArgs The number formatting event arguments provide the necessary information about the format settings of the selected field before it creates to update the pivot table.
PdfBorder Defines the border options for PDF export
PdfCellRenderArgs The PDF cell render event arguments provides the necessary information to customize the pivot cells while PDF exporting.
PdfMargins Interface for defining the margins of the PDF document when exporting a pivot table or pivot chart.
PdfStyle Defines the styles information to customize the PDF cell.
PdfTheme Defines the theme options for PDF export
PdfThemeStyle Defines the theme options for PDF export
PivotActionBeginEventArgs The action begins event arguments provide information about the current UI action, such as the action name, current datasource settings,
and the selected field information which are configured based on the UI actions like
drill down/up,
value sorting,
built-in toolbar options,
grouping bar and
field list buttons actions such as
sorting, filtering,
aggregate type change and so on,
CRUD operation in editing in the Pivot Table.
PivotActionCompleteEventArgs The action complete event arguments provide information about the current UI action, such as the current action name, current datasource settings, selected field information, and the current action information
which are configured based on the UI actions like
drill down/up,
value sorting,
built-in toolbar options,
grouping bar and
field list buttons actions such as
sorting, filtering,
aggregate type change and so on,
CRUD operation in editing in the Pivot Table.
PivotActionFailureEventArgs When the current UI action fails to achieve the desired result, the action failure event arguments provide necessary information about the current UI action, such as the current action name and failure information
which are configured based on the UI actions like
drill down/up,
value sorting,
built-in toolbar options,
grouping bar and
field list buttons actions such as
sorting, filtering,
aggregate type change and so on,
CRUD operation in editing in the Pivot Table.
PivotActionInfo Defines the unique information of the current UI action performed such as sorting, filtering, drill, editing, report manipulation, summarization, etc.
PivotCellSelectedEventArgs The cell selected event arguments provide the necessary information about the pivot cells that have been selected.
PivotColumn Defines the grid columns information that used to render as the pivot table header.
PivotEditInfo Defines the edited information such as current edit type, action and its edited record information such as edited data, previous data and index positions of before editing performed.
PivotExportInfo Defines the export information such as current export type and its additional settings such as page size, orientation, header, footer, etc.
PivotReportInfo Defines the report name that used to create, load, rename save and save as current report.
PivotToolbarInfo Defines the current toolbar information such as current display options and its settings such as chart settings, grid settings, etc.
QueryCellInfoEventArgs The query cell event arguments provide the necessary information on each pivot cell rendering in the pivot table.
RemoveReportArgs The remove report event arguments provides the necessary information to remove the report.
RenameReportArgs The rename report event arguments provides the necessary information to rename the report.
SaveReportArgs The save report event arguments provides the necessary information to save the report.
SelectionSettings Defines the cell selection settings
ToolbarArgs The toolbar event arguments provides the necessary information to customize options of the toolbar creating.
UpdateRawDataArgs Defines the raw data needs to be fetched.
Condition Defines the conditional formatting operators. They are
DataSourceType Allows to define the data source type. They are,
DateGroup Defines group of date field. They are:
DateOperators Defines the conditional operators for date type fields. They are
FilterType Allows you to set the specific filter type to display the filter members in the pivot table. They are:
GroupType Defines the group types. They are:
LabelOperators Defines the conditional operators for string type fields. They are
Operators Defines the conditional operators for filtering settings. They are
ProviderType Allows to set the provider type to identify the given connection is either Relational or SSAS to render the pivot table and field list. The following options are:
RenderMode Allows to set the mode of rendering the pivot table. They are,
Sorting Allows to apply sorting to the specified field either by ascending or descending or JSON order. The types are,
SummaryTypes Allows to display the values in the pivot table with appropriate aggregations such as sum, product, count, average, etc… The available types are,
ValueOperators Defines the conditional operators for value type fields. They are
AggregateTypes Allows to display the values in the pivot table with appropriate aggregations such as sum, product, count, average, etc… The available types are,
ChartSelectionMode Defines the pivot chart selection mode. They are
ChartSeriesType Defines the pivot chart types.
The available chart types are:
EditMode Allow options for performing CRUD operations with different modes in the data grid that used to update the appropriate cells in the pivot table.
The available modes are as follows:
ExportView Allows the table or chart to be exported in the PDF export document. The available options are:
GrandTotalsPosition Allows the grand totals to be displayed in either the top or bottom position in the pivot table’s row and column axes.
The options available are:
GridLayout Specifies the layout options for displaying the pivot table in either a compact or tabular format.
The available options are:
* Compact: Displays the pivot table in a compact format, merging row headers into a single column.
* Tabular: Displays the pivot table in a traditional format with separate columns for row headers, creating a more detailed table format.
LabelPosition Defines the data label position. They are,
Mode It defines the field list render modes. The available modes are:
MultipleAxisMode Allows the chart series to be displayed, depending on the value fields specified, in either a stacked or single chart area.
The options available are:
PagerPosition Allows to display the pager UI either at top or bottom of the Pivot Table UI.
The options available are:
PdfBorderStyle Defines border style to PDF export file. They are
PivotAccumulationChartSelectionMode Defines the SelectionMode for chart types pie, doughnut, Funnel and pyramid.
PivotCellSelectionMode Defines mode of cell selection. The modes available are:
PivotChartAlignment Defines the Alignment. They are
PivotChartAnchor Defines the strip line text position.
PivotChartAxisPosition Defines the Position. They are
PivotChartBorderType Defines border type for multi level labels.
PivotChartConnectorType Defines the ConnectorType for chart types pie, doughnut, Funnel and pyramid. They are
PivotChartDrawType Type of series to be drawn in radar or polar series. They are
PivotChartEdgeLabelPlacement Defines the Edge Label Placement for an axis. They are
PivotChartEmptyPointMode Defines the empty point mode of the chart.
PivotChartErrorBarDirection Defines the direction of error bar. They are
PivotChartErrorBarMode Defines the modes of error bar. They are
PivotChartErrorBarType Defines the type of error bar. They are
PivotChartGroupModes Defines the mode of the group mode for chart types pie, doughnut, Funnel and pyramid
PivotChartLabelIntersectAction Defines the Alignment. They are
PivotChartLabelPlacement Defines the Label Placement for category axis. They are
PivotChartLabelPosition Defines the LabelPosition for chart types pie, doughnut, Funnel and pyramid. They are
PivotChartLegendPosition Defines the position of the legend. They are
PivotChartLegendShape Defines the shape of legend. They are
PivotChartLineType Defines the mode of line in crosshair. They are
PivotChartPyramidModes Defines the mode of the pyramid
PivotChartShape Defines the shape of marker. They are
PivotChartSizeType Defines the unit of Strip line Size. They are
PivotChartSplineType It defines type of spline.
PivotChartTextOverflow Defines the Text overflow.
PivotChartTheme Defines Theme of the chart. They are
PivotChartToolbarItems Defines the ZoomingToolkit, They are.
PivotChartTrendlineTypes Defines the type of trendlines. They are:
PivotChartZIndex Specifies the order of the strip line. Over
PivotChartZoomMode Defines the zooming mode, They are.
PivotTableCheckboxSelectionType Defines modes of checkbox Selection. They are:
PivotTableClipMode Defines the cell content’s overflow mode. The available modes are
PivotTableContextMenuItem Defines the pivot table context menu items. They are
PivotTableGridLine Defines modes of GridLine, They are
PivotTablePrintMode Print mode options are
PivotTableSelectionType Defines types of Selection. They are:
Primary Allows you to set the primary view to be either table or chart.The available options are:
SelectionMode Defines mode of selection. They are
SubTotalsPosition Specifies different types of positions that will allow the row and column sub-totals to be displayed at the top or bottom of the header group in the pivot table.
The available options are:
ToolbarItems Allows the built-in toolbar options that used to access features like switching between pivot table and pivot chart, changing chart types, conditional formatting, number formatting, exporting, etc… with ease at runtime.
The available toolbar options are:
View It defines the view port as either table or chart or both table and chart. The available options are: