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Overview API in JavaScript (ES5) Pdf Export API control

Name Description
PdfDocumentLinkAnnotation PdfDocumentLinkAnnotation class represents an annotation object with holds link on another location within a document.
PdfTextWebLink PdfTextWebLink class represents the class for text web link annotation.
PdfAutomaticField Represents a fields which is calculated before the document saves.
PdfCompositeField Represents class which can concatenate multiple automatic fields into single string.
PdfMultipleValueField Represents automatic field which has the same value within the PdfGraphics.
PdfPageCountField Represents total PDF document page count automatic field.
PdfPageNumberField Represents PDF document page number field.
PdfSingleValueField Represents automatic field which has the same value in the whole document.
PdfDocument Represents a PDF document and can be used to create a new PDF document from the scratch.
PdfViewerPreferences Defines the way the document is to be presented on the screen or in print.
PdfTilingBrush PdfTilingBrush Implements a colored tiling brush.
PdfDrawElement Represents a base class for all page graphics elements.
PdfFillElement Represents a base class for all page graphics elements.
PdfGraphicsElement Represents a base class for all page graphics elements.
PdfStandardFont Represents one of the 14 standard fonts.
It’s used to create a standard PDF font to draw the text in to the PDF.
PdfStringFormat PdfStringFormat class represents the text layout information on PDF.
TtfOS2Table TtfOS2Table.ts class for EJ2-PDF
The OS/2 table consists of a set of metrics that are required by Windows and OS/2.
TtfAppleCmapSubTable TtfAppleCmapSubTable.ts class for EJ2-PDF
TtfCmapSubTable TtfCmapSubTable.ts class for EJ2-PDF
TtfCmapTable TtfCmapTable.ts class for EJ2-PDF
TtfGlyphHeader TtfLocaTable.ts class for EJ2-PDF
TtfGlyphInfo TtfGlyphInfo.ts class for EJ2-PDF
TtfHeadTable TtfHeadTable.ts class for EJ2-PDF
TtfHorizontalHeaderTable TtfHorizontalHeaderTable.ts class for EJ2-PDF
TtfLocaTable TtfLocaTable.ts class for EJ2-PDF
TtfLongHorMetric TtfLongHorMetric.ts class for EJ2-PDF
TtfMicrosoftCmapSubTable TtfMicrosoftCmapSubTable.ts class for EJ2-PDF
TtfNameRecord TtfNameRecord.ts class for EJ2-PDF
TtfPostTable TtfPostTable.ts class for EJ2-PDF
TtfTableInfo TtfTableInfo.ts class for EJ2-PDF
TtfTrimmedCmapSubTable TtfTrimmedCmapSubTable.ts class for EJ2-PDF
PdfGraphics PdfGraphics class represents a graphics context of the objects.
It’s used for performing all the graphics operations.
PdfPen PdfPen class defining settings for drawing operations, that determines the color,
width, and style of the drawing elements.
BigEndianWriter Writes data in BigEndian order.
PdfPage Provides methods and properties to create pages and its elements.
PdfPage class inherited from the PdfPageBase class.
PdfPageTemplateElement Describes a page template object that can be used as header/footer, watermark or stamp.
PdfSection Represents a section entity. A section it’s a set of the pages with similar page settings.
PdfSectionTemplate Represents a page template for all the pages in the section.
PdfGridRow PdfGridRow class provides customization of the settings for the particular row.
DuplexMode The paper handling option to use when printing the file from the print dialog.
PageScalingMode Specifies the different page scaling option that shall be selected
when a print dialog is displayed for this document.
PdfPageLayout A name object specifying the page layout to be used when the document is opened.
PdfPageMode Represents mode of document displaying.
PdfExtend Specifies the constant values specifying whether to extend the shading
beyond the starting and ending points of the axis.
PdfLinearGradientMode Specifies the gradient direction of the linear gradient brush.
ShadingType Shading type constants.
PdfFontFamily Specifies the font family from the standard font.