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PdfPen API in JavaScript (ES5) Pdf Export API control

PdfPen class defining settings for drawing operations, that determines the color, width, and style of the drawing elements.

// create a new PDF document
let document : PdfDocument = new PdfDocument();
// create a new page
let page1 : PdfPage = document.pages.add();
// set pen
let pen : PdfPen = new PdfPen(new PdfColor(0, 0, 0));
// draw rectangle, new RectangleF({x : 0, y : 0}, {width : 100, height : 50}));
// save the document.'output.pdf');
// destroy the document


dashStyle PdfDashStyle

Gets or sets the dash style of the pen.

// create a new PDF document
let document : PdfDocument = new PdfDocument();
// create a new page
let page1 : PdfPage = document.pages.add();
// set pen
let pen : PdfPen = new PdfPen(new PdfColor(0, 0, 0));
// set pen style
pen.dashStyle = PdfDashStyle.DashDot;
// get pen style
let style : PdfDashStyle = pen.dashStyle;
// draw rectangle, new RectangleF({x : 0, y : 0}, {width : 100, height : 50}));
// save the document.'output.pdf');
// destroy the document

width number

Gets or sets the width of the pen.

// create a new PDF document
let document : PdfDocument = new PdfDocument();
// create a new page
let page1 : PdfPage = document.pages.add();
// set pen
let pen : PdfPen = new PdfPen(new PdfColor(0, 0, 0));
// set pen width
pen.width = 2;
// draw rectangle, new RectangleF({x : 0, y : 0}, {width : 100, height : 50}));
// save the document.'output.pdf');
// destroy the document