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PdfTextWebLink API in JavaScript (ES5) Pdf Export API control

PdfTextWebLink class represents the class for text web link annotation.

// create a new PDF document.
let document : PdfDocument = new PdfDocument();
// add a page to the document.
let page1 : PdfPage = document.pages.add();
// create the font
let font : PdfFont = new PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 12);
// create the Text Web Link
let textLink : PdfTextWebLink = new PdfTextWebLink();
// set the hyperlink
textLink.url = '';
// set the link text
textLink.text = 'Google';
// set the font
textLink.font = font;
// draw the hyperlink in PDF page
textLink.draw(page1, new PointF(10, 40));
// save the document.'output.pdf');
// destroy the document


font PdfFont

Gets or sets a PdfFont that defines the text format.

// create a new PDF document.
let document : PdfDocument = new PdfDocument();
// add a page to the document.
let page1 : PdfPage = document.pages.add();
// create the font
let font : PdfFont = new PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 12);
// create the Text Web Link
let textLink : PdfTextWebLink = new PdfTextWebLink();
// set the hyperlink
textLink.url = '';
// set the link text
textLink.text = 'Google';
// set the font
textLink.font = font;
// draw the hyperlink in PDF page
textLink.draw(page1, new PointF(10, 40));
// save the document.'output.pdf');
// destroy the document

text string

Gets or sets a value indicating the text that should be printed.

// create a new PDF document.
let document : PdfDocument = new PdfDocument();
// add a page to the document.
let page1 : PdfPage = document.pages.add();
// create the font
let font : PdfFont = new PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 12);
// create the Text Web Link
let textLink : PdfTextWebLink = new PdfTextWebLink();
// set the hyperlink
textLink.url = '';
// set the link text
textLink.text = 'Google';
// set the font
textLink.font = font;
// draw the hyperlink in PDF page
textLink.draw(page1, new PointF(10, 40));
// save the document.'output.pdf');
// destroy the document

url string

Gets or sets the Uri address.

// create a new PDF document.
let document : PdfDocument = new PdfDocument();
// add a page to the document.
let page1 : PdfPage = document.pages.add();
// create the font
let font : PdfFont = new PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 12);
// create the Text Web Link
let textLink : PdfTextWebLink = new PdfTextWebLink();
// set the hyperlink
textLink.url = '';
// set the link text
textLink.text = 'Google';
// set the font
textLink.font = font;
// draw the hyperlink in PDF page
textLink.draw(page1, new PointF(10, 40));
// save the document.'output.pdf');
// destroy the document