Auto wrap in EJ2 TypeScript Treegrid control

27 Apr 20234 minutes to read

The auto wrap allows the cell content of the treegrid to wrap to the next line when it exceeds the boundary of the cell width. The Cell Content wrapping works based on the position of white space between words.
To enable auto wrap, set the allowTextWrap property to true.
You can configure the auto wrap mode by setting the textWrapSettings.wrapMode property.

There are three types of wrapMode. They are:

  • Both: Both value is set by default. Auto wrap will be enabled for both the content and the header.
  • Header: Auto wrap will be enabled only for the header.
  • Content: Auto wrap will be enabled only for the content.

Note: When a column width is not specified, then auto wrap of columns will be adjusted with respect to the treegrid’s width.

In the following example, the textWrapSettings.wrapMode is set to Content.

import { TreeGrid } from '@syncfusion/ej2-treegrid';
import { sampleData } from './datasource.ts';

let treeGridObj: TreeGrid = new TreeGrid({
    dataSource: sampleData,
    childMapping: 'subtasks',
    height: 300,
    allowTextWrap: true,
    textWrapSettings: { wrapMode: 'Content' },
    treeColumnIndex: 1,
    columns: [
        { field: 'taskID', headerText: 'Task ID', width: 90, textAlign: 'Right' },
        { field: 'taskName', headerText: 'Task Name', width: 75 },
            field: 'startDate', headerText: 'Start Date', width: 90, textAlign: 'Right', type: 'date',format: 'yMd'
        { field: 'duration', headerText: 'Duration', width: 80, textAlign: 'Right' }

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