Essential Studio for EJ2 TypeScript Release Notes

March 04, 2025


Bug Fixes

  • #I678051 - Resolved trailing zeros issue in custom number format.


Bug Fixes

  • #I694559 - Now, the RTL-enabled chart renders properly while exporting.
  • #I690910 - Multiple charts can now be exported as a single CSV or XLSX file.


Bug Fixes

  • #I683160 - Fixed the issue where an itemTemplate element not render while opens ComboBox popup twice when filtering enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • #I40705 - Fixed issue where the selected date was incorrect when setting the Start and Depth properties in the DateRangePicker to Year.


Bug Fixes

  • #I679022 - Scroll padding is now applied during panning, allowing movement to the extreme end of the diagram.
  • #I689120 - Ports are no longer retained after undoing the grouping of nodes with ports set in nodeDefaults.


Bug Fixes

  • #I687932 - Fixed the issue where focus was not updated to the document when selecting a comment in the comment pane.
  • #I685571, #I694238 - Fixed the tab element formatting issue when opening the reported document.
  • #I683091 - Fixed the issue where cell size was not reverting correctly and an extra column was created after deleting a row.
  • #I683159 - Fixed the issue where the editable region start marker was not rendering correctly when a paragraph had a right margin.
  • #I691849 - Fixed the issue where Document Editor became unresponsive when accepting all changes in SFDT files containing multiple lists copied from Word.


Bug Fixes

  • #I691585 - Resolved the errors in the File Manager component while selecting multiple file items with virtualization support.
  • #I683396 - The issue context menu is not closed when scrolling in the FileManager component layout content has been resolved.


Bug fixes

#I689599 - Resolved a console error that occurred when undoing a deleted split task.
#I692333 - When the includeWeekend property is set to true, the split taskbar cannot be dragged and dropped issue has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I688846 - The issue of performance delay in checkbox row selection when filtering complex columns has been resolved.
  • #I687298 - Resolved the issue where column header spanning was not working correctly with stacked headers in Excel export.
  • #I682492 - Fixed an issue where a script error was thrown when copying with a focused stacked header in cell selection mode.
  • #I690056 - Resolved the issue with persistSelection in the grouped grid when collapsing and expanding.
  • #I685339 - Resolved the issue where resizing the frozen column is not adjust the content table properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I687522 - Issue with “Filtering data not properly displayed while filter with diacritic characters in Listbox” has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I695421 - The data label will render correctly when binds to the specified label Path.

MultiColumn ComboBox

Bug Fixes

  • #I682925 - Now the issue with value not returned properly when using the ejs-for in the Multicolumn ComboBox has been resolved.

  • #I691442 - Now the issue with popup height doesn’t adjust properly when filtering results with large row content in the Multicolumn ComboBox has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I688364 - Fixed an issue with the positioning issue of the Multi select component popup while enabling the RTL mode.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I688924 - Now, the stamp annotation is displayed correctly in the provided document in the PDF Viewer.
  • #I688583 - Now, we are able to add the signature to the signature field properly after clearing the form field value using the clearFormFields method.

Bug Fixes

  • #I688364 - Fixed an issue with the positioning issue of the Multi select component popup while enabling the RTL mode.


Bug Fixes

  • #I689382 - Now, the backspace functionality works correctly within the table after the mention chip.

  • #I676899 - Now, the background color functionality works properly when applied to pasted content in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I691820 - Now, the backspace functionality works properly when applied to indented bullet lists in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I692332 - Now, the shift + enter functionality works properly when applied after an image with <br> tag in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I691812 - Now, pressing the backspace key twice within the table does not remove the table in the Rich Text Editor.

  • #I691805 - Now, the “Insert Row Before Header” option works properly by being disabled or removed when trying to insert a row above the header.

  • #I691770 - Now, the Rich Text Editor works properly when inserting a link to an image via the quick toolbar, with validation applied to empty values and spaces in the web address field.

  • #I691792 - Now, the Rich Text Editor works properly when using the Insert Link popup, removing the validation error when a valid web address is entered after an initial error.


Bug Fixes

  • #I685282 - The clear button has been disabled during the file upload process to prevent user interactions while the upload is in progress.
Note : The bug or feature items that do not have a corresponding ID associated with them are internally identified.