Essential Studio for EJ2 TypeScript Release Notes

December 12, 2024



  • Tailwind 3.4 theme support added for Syncfusion® JavaScript controls, offering enhanced styling and support for CSS variables to elevate the design experience.

AI AssistView


  • The JavaScript AI AssistView has been developed to meet industry standards and is now production-ready. To align with our naming conventions, the folder and file names have been updated from ai-assist-view to ai-assistview.

  • We have now provided support for preserving the text format when copying the response using the Copy button.



  • The Autocomplete component now includes a new Popup Resize feature, providing users with the ability to dynamically resize the popup for improved visibility and control. This functionality is activated by enabling the AllowResize property. Once enabled, users can resize the popup, and the adjusted dimensions are preserved across sessions, ensuring a consistent experience. Please find the demo link here.


  • #I513228 - Provided support to enable/disable the keyboard interactions in the carousel component by using allowKeyboardInteraction property.


Bug Fixes

  • #I659555 - Now, the minor gridlines and ticks are rendered in canvas mode.


  • #I567864 - Legends can be arranged horizontally or vertically, with a fixed-width option and a maximum column count for consistent and flexible presentation.
  • #I620773 - The crosshair now snaps to the nearest data point, providing improved precision and focus on individual data points.
  • #F194134 - Users can now customize the position of the zoom toolbar within the chart using drag-and-drop functionality, allowing easy repositioning anywhere within the chart area.
  • Users can now customize the ARIA label, role, tab index, and focusable options for chart elements to improve accessibility and keyboard navigation.
  • Added options for adjusting the spacing between the chart area and container.
  • When hovering over a data point, the corresponding series is now highlighted, improving clarity and interaction with the tooltip.

Breaking Changes

  • The default value of the edgeLabelPlacement property has been changed from None to Shift for better visibility of axis labels.

Chat UI preview

The JavaScript Chat UI control is a lightweight, user-friendly conversational interface for displaying chat messages between users. It features messages with timestamps, avatar images with fallback text, typing indicators, and extensive customization options, making it ideal for building modern chat applications.

Explore the demo here


  • Message suggestions: Provides on-demand suggestions using customizable templates to enhance user interactions.
  • On-demand messages loading: Dynamically loads messages to optimize performance, especially for lengthy conversations.
  • Header toolbar: Allows adding toolbar items in the header with options for executing custom commands.
  • Timebreak: Automatically inserts time breaks between messages, enhancing readability by grouping conversations by date.
  • Typing indicator: Shows real-time typing activity of users with customizable indicator styles.
  • Customization: Allows users to customize the default appearance, including messages, the footer, and more, to suit their needs.



  • #FB16787 - Provided template support to render HTML elements as chip item content.

Circular Gauge


  • #I642465 - The drag-and-drop interaction for pointers can now be enabled individually by using the enableDrag property within the pointers property when multiple pointers are available.



  • The ComboBox component now includes a new Popup Resize feature, providing users with the ability to dynamically resize the popup for improved visibility and control. This functionality is activated by enabling the AllowResize property. Once enabled, users can resize the popup, and the adjusted dimensions are preserved across sessions, ensuring a consistent experience. Please find the demo link here.


Bug Fixes

  • I660452 - Resolved uneven positioning of hierarchical tree child nodes with multiple root nodes.
  • #I642521 - Interactions with nodes now work properly in the Safari browser after switching between the Pan and Select tools.
  • #I642106 - The issue with diagram zooming and node dragging in the Safari browser has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I649860 - Resolved the hanging issue while loading split table document in Document Editor.
  • #I652445 - Resolved the overlapping issue when pasting copied content in document.
  • #I647120 - Resolved the copy pasting and undo/redo issues with comments.
  • #I645890 - Resolved the content control border rendering issue when content control split multiple pages.
  • #I652850 - Resolved the left, home and end keys navigation issue in content control.
  • #I654688 - Resolved the undo issue after pasting content on Track Changes Mode.
  • #I648834 - Resolved the section break layout issue on exported document.
  • #I649050 - Resolved the script error issue when performing accept and reject action in collaborative editing mode.


  • #I629004 - Added support for selecting a revision in the beforeAcceptRejectChanges event.
  • #I617641 - Added public API for restart and continue list numbering.
  • #I642430, #I641651 - Added event support to notify document loading failure.


  • The DropdownList component now includes a new Popup Resize feature, providing users with the ability to dynamically resize the popup for improved visibility and control. This functionality is activated by enabling the AllowResize property. Once enabled, users can resize the popup, and the adjusted dimensions are preserved across sessions, ensuring a consistent experience. Please find the demo link here.

Bug Fixes

  • #I472623 - Resolved an issue when the window is resizing the popup position is misaligned



  • #FB22569 - Provided chunk upload support in the File Manager, making it easier to upload large files or folders by breaking them into smaller chunks based on the specified chunkSize within uploadSettings property.

Bug Fixes

  • #I659845 - The persistence issue with the sorting direction in the File Manager component details view has been resolved.
  • #I654478 - Resolve the inconsistent path issue in File Manager component ID based service.
  • #I658815 - The issue with the ctrl and cmd buttons for selecting multiple files in the macOS has been resolved.
  • #I662195 - The issue with navigation pane not reflect the renamed item data in the macOS has been resolved.



  • #I639036 - Added AutoFit and AutoFitAll options in the columnMenuItems property to perform autofit on the current column and all existing columns. For more details, refer to the documentation link here.
  • #I644719 - Implemented support for applying custom colors to individual segments in the PDF Gantt chart using the taskSegmentStyles property, enabling enhanced customization and improved visualization of tasks and their segments in exported document.



  • The column resizing feature in the grid has been enhanced to ensure seamless usability on touch devices, improving user experience across platforms.

Bug fixes

  • #I657741 - Resolved the issue where the Escape key was not functioning correctly for the filter in the column menu.
  • #I656105, #I641521 - Resolved the issue where the selectedRowIndex property and selectRow method did not properly navigate the selected record into the viewport.
  • #I643507 - The issue where Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End key navigation did not work correctly with virtual scrolling has been resolved.



  • #I647940, #I637795 - Unsafe HTML codes in the HeatMap control can now be sanitized by setting the enableHtmlSanitizer property to true.



  • #I523666, #I613689 - Marker clusters can now be enabled for individual marker groups using the clusterSettings property in the markerSettings of the map layer. This allows you to apply customizations such as different colors, shapes, connector lines, and marker count labels to marker clusters in each group.



  • The MultiSelect component now includes a new Popup Resize feature, providing users with the ability to dynamically resize the popup for improved visibility and control. This functionality is activated by enabling the AllowResize property. Once enabled, users can resize the popup, and the adjusted dimensions are preserved across sessions, ensuring a consistent experience. Please find the demo link here.

Bug Fixes

  • #I451885 - Resolved the performance issue when multiselect component is rendered with large number of data.

PDF Viewer


  • #I593597 - Added support for preserving unicode text in free text annotations within the standalone PDF Viewer.
  • #I630970 - Added support for local session storage in the PDF Viewer.
  • Added support for preserving unicode text in form fields within the standalone PDF Viewer.

Bug Fixes

  • #I655125 - Now, the page renders correctly with form fields after zooming in and out on an iOS device.
  • #I655531 - Now, the button field color is rendered properly in the PDF viewer.
  • #I655380 - Now, the signatureIndicatorSettings updated properly for the existing signature fields in the document.
  • #I655530 - Now, able to load the provided document when form designer module is enabled.
  • #I653882 - Now, the sticky notes is properly visible by import after delete the annotation using the deleteAnnotations API.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #I657448 - Double-clicking the ‘No records to display’ cell for drill-through in the pivot table will no longer trigger an error.
  • #I655109 - The calculated field option will now work properly with the ‘Defer Layout Update’ option enabled in the pivot table when using the server-side engine.
  • #I661608 - The pivot button will now show the proper text in the static field list when the ‘showAggregationOnValueField’ property is disabled.
  • #I653425 - The pivot table will now be rendered properly when changing the aggregation type dynamically using the ‘Value field settings’ popup for a value field name that begins with numeric text.


  • The classic (tabular) layout support has been added, allowing the pivot table to display in a traditional format with separate columns for row headers, offering a more detailed and organized table structure. Explore the demo here.



  • #I354565 - Provided support to enables clipboard functionality for appointments, allowing them to be copied using keyboard shortcuts and pasted onto the Scheduler by setting allowClipboard property as true. When set to true, users can use keyboard shortcuts to cut, copy appointments and paste them into different time slots.
Keys Description
Ctrl + X To cut the selected appointment.
Ctrl + C To copy the selected appointment.
Ctrl + V To paste the cut/copied appointment.

Methods cut, copy, and paste have been implemented to allow users to perform clipboard actions on appointments.

  • Provided method getViewDates to get the previous, next, or current view render dates.
  • Provided method getDateRangeText to get the date range text for the given date collection.



  • #I491300, #I271239, #I636239 - Now, you can use custom data validation with formulas, allowing you to define rules based on custom formulas.

  • #I370203 - Now, you can experience chunked response processing to enhance performance when opening large Excel files in the Spreadsheet.

  • You can now use the manual calculation mode, allowing you to manually trigger formula calculations. This feature continues to enhance performance and accuracy, especially when handling large datasets.

Stock Chart


  • #I620773 - The crosshair now snaps to the nearest data point, providing improved precision and focus on individual data points.



  • #I313872, #I511661, #F163147, #F163322 - Provided the content rendering support that allows you to specify the modes for loading tab content.
  • #F153247 - Provided support to enable/disable the Tab content swiping by using the swipeMode property.



  • #I647939, #I637797 - Unsafe HTML codes in the TreeMap control can also be sanitized by setting the enableHtmlSanitizer property to true.


Bug Fixes

  • #I659354 - The issue where the hidden target’s parent node expands after adding a new node using the addNodes method with preventTargetExpand set to true in the TreeView component has been resolved.
  • #I656707 - The issue where the source node fails to move under a hidden target node using the moveNodes method in the TreeView component has been resolved.