Migration from Essential® JS 1

8 Dec 20244 minutes to read

This article describes the API migration process of RadioButton component from Essential® JS 1 to Essential® JS 2.


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Label Property: text

Property: label

Checked state Property: checked

Property: checked

Adding custom css class Property: cssClass

Property: cssClass

Disabled state Property: enabled

Property: disabled

State persistence Property: enablePersistence

Property: enablePersistence

RTL Property: enableRTL

Property: enableRtl

HTML Attributes Property: htmlAttributes

Not applicable
Id property Property: id

Not applicable
Prefix value of Id Property: idPrefix

Not applicable
Name attribute Property: name

Property: name

Value attribute Property: value

Property: value

Size Property: size

Property: size

Validation rules Property: validationRules

Not applicable
Validation message Property: validationMessage

Not applicable


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
Destroy Method: destroy

var radiobutton = $(“#radio”).data(“ejRadioButton”);
Method: destroy

var radiobutton = document.getElementById(‘radio’).ej2_instances[0];
Disable the RadioButton Method: disable

var radiobutton = $(“#radio”).data(“ejRadioButton”);
Not applicable
Enable the RadioButton Method: enable

var radiobutton = $(“#radio”).data(“ejRadioButton”);
Not applicable


Behavior API in Essential® JS 1 API in Essential® JS 2
BeforeChange Event Event: beforeChange


function beforeChange(args) {
    /** code block */
Not applicable
Change Event Event: change


function change(args) {
    /** code block */
Event: change


function change(args) {
    /** code block */
Create Event Event: create


function create(args) {
    /** code block */
Event: created


function created() {
    /** code block */
Destroy Event Event: destroy


function destroy(args) {
    /** code block */
Not applicable