Persisting Data in Server

21 Dec 202219 minutes to read

Edited data can be persisted in the database using the RESTful web services.

All the CRUD operations in the grid are done through DataManager. The DataManager has an option to bind all the CRUD related data in server-side.


For your information, the ODataAdaptor persists data in the server as per OData protocol.

In the below section, we have explained how to get the edited data details on the server-side using the UrlAdaptor.

Using URL adaptor

You can use the UrlAdaptor of DataManager when binding data source from remote data. In the initial load of grid, data are fetched from remote data and bound to the grid using url property of DataManager. You can map The CRUD operation in grid can be mapped to server-side Controller actions using the properties InsertUrl, RemoveUrl, UpdateUrl, CrudUrl and BatchUrl.

The following code example describes the above behavior.

@Html.EJS().Grid("CommandColumn").DataSource(dataManager => { dataManager.Url("/Home/UrlDatasource").InsertUrl("/Home/Insert").UpdateUrl("/Home/Update").RemoveUrl("/Home/Delete").Adaptor("UrlAdaptor"); }).Columns(col =>
   col.Field("OrderID").HeaderText("Order ID").IsPrimaryKey(true).Width("120").ValidationRules(new { required = true }).TextAlign(Syncfusion.EJ2.Grids.TextAlign.Right).Add();
   col.Field("CustomerID").HeaderText("Customer Name").Width("150").ValidationRules(new { required = true, minLength = 3 }).Add();
   col.Field("ShipName").HeaderText("Ship Name").Width("150").Add();
   col.Field("ShipCountry").HeaderText("Ship Country").EditType("dropdownedit").Width("150").Add();

}).AllowPaging().EditSettings(edit => { edit.AllowAdding(true).AllowEditing(true).AllowDeleting(true); }).Toolbar(new List<string>() { "Add", "Edit", "Delete", "Update", "Cancel" }).Render()
public ActionResult UrlDatasource(DataManagerRequest dm)
  IEnumerable DataSource = OrdersDetails.GetAllRecords();
  DataOperations operation = new DataOperations();
  int count = DataSource.Cast<OrdersDetails>().Count();
  if (dm.Skip != 0)
    DataSource = operation.PerformSkip(DataSource, dm.Skip);   //Paging
  if (dm.Take != 0)
    DataSource = operation.PerformTake(DataSource, dm.Take);
  return dm.RequiresCounts ? Json(new { result = DataSource, count = count }) : Json(DataSource);

Also, when using the UrlAdaptor, you need to return the data as JSON from the controller action and the JSON object must contain a property as result with dataSource as its value and one more property count with the dataSource total records count as its value.

The following code example describes the above behavior.

@Html.EJS().Grid("CommandColumn").DataSource(dataManager => { dataManager.Url("/Home/UrlDatasource").InsertUrl("/Home/Insert").UpdateUrl("/Home/Update").RemoveUrl("/Home/Delete").Adaptor("UrlAdaptor"); }).Columns(col =>
   col.Field("OrderID").HeaderText("Order ID").IsPrimaryKey(true).Width("120").ValidationRules(new { required = true }).TextAlign(Syncfusion.EJ2.Grids.TextAlign.Right).Add();
   col.Field("CustomerID").HeaderText("Customer Name").Width("150").ValidationRules(new { required = true, minLength = 3 }).Add();
   col.Field("ShipName").HeaderText("Ship Name").Width("150").Add();
   col.Field("ShipCountry").HeaderText("Ship Country").EditType("dropdownedit").Width("150").Add();

}).AllowPaging().EditSettings(edit => { edit.AllowAdding(true).AllowEditing(true).AllowDeleting(true); }).Toolbar(new List<string>() { "Add", "Edit", "Delete", "Update", "Cancel" }).Render()
public ActionResult UrlDatasource(DataManagerRequest dm)
  IEnumerable DataSource = OrdersDetails.GetAllRecords();
  DataOperations operation = new DataOperations();
  int count = DataSource.Cast<OrdersDetails>().Count();
  if (dm.Skip != 0)
    DataSource = operation.PerformSkip(DataSource, dm.Skip);   //Paging
  if (dm.Take != 0)
    DataSource = operation.PerformTake(DataSource, dm.Take);
  return dm.RequiresCounts ? Json(new { result = DataSource, count = count }) : Json(DataSource);

Insert record

Using the InsertUrl property, you can specify the controller action mapping URL to perform insert operation on the server-side.

The following code example describes the above behavior.

@Html.EJS().Grid("CommandColumn").DataSource(dataManager => { dataManager.Url("/Home/UrlDatasource").InsertUrl("/Home/Insert").UpdateUrl("/Home/Update").RemoveUrl("/Home/Delete").Adaptor("UrlAdaptor"); }).Columns(col =>
   col.Field("OrderID").HeaderText("Order ID").IsPrimaryKey(true).Width("120").ValidationRules(new { required = true }).TextAlign(Syncfusion.EJ2.Grids.TextAlign.Right).Add();
   col.Field("CustomerID").HeaderText("Customer Name").Width("150").ValidationRules(new { required = true, minLength = 3 }).Add();
   col.Field("ShipName").HeaderText("Ship Name").Width("150").Add();
   col.Field("ShipCountry").HeaderText("Ship Country").EditType("dropdownedit").Width("150").Add();

}).AllowPaging().EditSettings(edit => { edit.AllowAdding(true).AllowEditing(true).AllowDeleting(true); }).Toolbar(new List<string>() { "Add", "Edit", "Delete", "Update", "Cancel" }).Render()
public ActionResult Insert(CRUDModel Object)
    var ord = Object.Value;
    OrdersDetails.GetAllRecords().Insert(0, ord);
    return Json(Object.Value);

public class CRUDModel
    public List<OrdersDetails> Added { get; set; }

    public List<OrdersDetails> Changed { get; set; }

    public List<OrdersDetails> Deleted { get; set; }

    public OrdersDetails Value { get; set; }

    public int key { get; set; }
    public string action { get; set; }

The newly added record details are bound to the Object parameter. Refer to the following screenshot.


Update record

Using the UpdateUrl property, the controller action mapping URL can be specified to perform save/update operation on the server-side.

The following code example describes the previous behavior.

@Html.EJS().Grid("CommandColumn").DataSource(dataManager => { dataManager.Url("/Home/UrlDatasource").InsertUrl("/Home/Insert").UpdateUrl("/Home/Update").RemoveUrl("/Home/Delete").Adaptor("UrlAdaptor"); }).Columns(col =>
   col.Field("OrderID").HeaderText("Order ID").IsPrimaryKey(true).Width("120").ValidationRules(new { required = true }).TextAlign(Syncfusion.EJ2.Grids.TextAlign.Right).Add();
   col.Field("CustomerID").HeaderText("Customer Name").Width("150").ValidationRules(new { required = true, minLength = 3 }).Add();
   col.Field("ShipName").HeaderText("Ship Name").Width("150").Add();
   col.Field("ShipCountry").HeaderText("Ship Country").EditType("dropdownedit").Width("150").Add();

}).AllowPaging().EditSettings(edit => { edit.AllowAdding(true).AllowEditing(true).AllowDeleting(true); }).Toolbar(new List<string>() { "Add", "Edit", "Delete", "Update", "Cancel" }).Render()
public ActionResult Update([FromBody]ICRUDModel<OrdersDetails> value)
    var ord = value.value;
    OrdersDetails val = OrdersDetails.GetAllRecords().Where(or => or.OrderID == ord.OrderID).FirstOrDefault();
    val.OrderID = ord.OrderID;
    val.EmployeeID = ord.EmployeeID;
    val.CustomerID = ord.CustomerID;
    val.Freight = ord.Freight;
    val.OrderDate = ord.OrderDate;
    val.ShipCity = ord.ShipCity;

    return Json(value.value);

public class ICRUDModel<T> where T : class
    public string action { get; set; }

    public string table { get; set; }

    public string keyColumn { get; set; }

    public object key { get; set; }

    public T value { get; set; }

    public List<T> added { get; set; }

    public List<T> changed { get; set; }

    public List<T> deleted { get; set; }

    public IDictionary<string, object> @params { get; set; }

The updated record details are bound to the Object parameter. Refer to the following screenshot.


Delete record

Using the RemoveUrl property, the controller action mapping URL can be specified to perform delete operation on the server-side.

The following code example describes the previous behavior.

@Html.EJS().Grid("CommandColumn").DataSource(dataManager => { dataManager.Url("/Home/UrlDatasource").InsertUrl("/Home/Insert").UpdateUrl("/Home/Update").RemoveUrl("/Home/Delete").Adaptor("UrlAdaptor"); }).Columns(col =>
   col.Field("OrderID").HeaderText("Order ID").IsPrimaryKey(true).Width("120").ValidationRules(new { required = true }).TextAlign(Syncfusion.EJ2.Grids.TextAlign.Right).Add();
   col.Field("CustomerID").HeaderText("Customer Name").Width("150").ValidationRules(new { required = true, minLength = 3 }).Add();
   col.Field("ShipName").HeaderText("Ship Name").Width("150").Add();
   col.Field("ShipCountry").HeaderText("Ship Country").EditType("dropdownedit").Width("150").Add();

}).AllowPaging().EditSettings(edit => { edit.AllowAdding(true).AllowEditing(true).AllowDeleting(true); }).Toolbar(new List<string>() { "Add", "Edit", "Delete", "Update", "Cancel" }).Render()
public ActionResult Delete([FromBody]ICRUDModel<OrdersDetails> value)
    OrdersDetails.GetAllRecords().Remove(OrdersDetails.GetAllRecords().Where(or => or.OrderID == int.Parse(value.key.ToString())).FirstOrDefault());
    return Json(value);

public class ICRUDModel<T> where T : class
    public string action { get; set; }

    public string table { get; set; }

    public string keyColumn { get; set; }

    public object key { get; set; }

    public T value { get; set; }

    public List<T> added { get; set; }

    public List<T> changed { get; set; }

    public List<T> deleted { get; set; }

    public IDictionary<string, object> @params { get; set; }

The deleted record primary key value is bound to the key parameter. Refer to the following screenshot.



Using the CrudUrl property, the controller action mapping URL can be specified to perform all the CRUD operation at server-side using a single method instead of specifying separate controller action method for CRUD (insert, update and delete) operations.

The action parameter of CrudUrl is used to get the corresponding CRUD action.

The following code example describes the above behavior.

@Html.EJS().Grid("CrudUrl").DataSource(dataManager => { dataManager.Url("/Grid/UrlDatasource").CrudUrl("/Grid/CrudUpdate").Adaptor("UrlAdaptor"); }).Columns(col =>

    col.Field("OrderID").HeaderText("Order ID").IsPrimaryKey(true).Width("120").ValidationRules(new { required = true }).TextAlign(Syncfusion.EJ2.Grids.TextAlign.Right).Add();
    col.Field("CustomerID").HeaderText("Customer Name").Width("150").ValidationRules(new { required = true, minLength = 3 }).Add();
    col.Field("ShipName").HeaderText("Ship Name").Width("150").Add();
    col.Field("ShipCountry").HeaderText("Ship Country").EditType("dropdownedit").Width("150").Add();

}).AllowPaging().EditSettings(edit => { edit.AllowAdding(true).AllowEditing(true).AllowDeleting(true); }).Render()
public IActionResult UrlDatasource([FromBody]DataManagerRequest dm)
    IEnumerable DataSource = OrdersDetails.GetAllRecords();
    DataOperations operation = new DataOperations();
    int count = DataSource.Cast<OrdersDetails>().Count();
    if (dm.Skip != 0)
        DataSource = operation.PerformSkip(DataSource, dm.Skip);   //Paging
    if (dm.Take != 0)
        DataSource = operation.PerformTake(DataSource, dm.Take);
    return dm.RequiresCounts ? Json(new { result = DataSource, count = count }) : Json(DataSource);

public ActionResult CrudUpdate([FromBody]ICRUDModel<OrdersDetails> value, string action)
    if (value.action == "update")
        var ord = value.value;
        OrdersDetails val = OrdersDetails.GetAllRecords().Where(or => or.OrderID == ord.OrderID).FirstOrDefault();
        val.OrderID = ord.OrderID;
        val.EmployeeID = ord.EmployeeID;
        val.CustomerID = ord.CustomerID;
        val.Freight = ord.Freight;
        val.OrderDate = ord.OrderDate;
        val.ShipCity = ord.ShipCity;
    else if (value.action == "insert")
        OrdersDetails.GetAllRecords().Insert(0, value.value);
    else if (value.action == "remove")
        OrdersDetails.GetAllRecords().Remove(OrdersDetails.GetAllRecords().Where(or => or.OrderID == int.Parse(value.key.ToString())).FirstOrDefault());
        return Json(value);
    return Json(value.value);

public class ICRUDModel<T> where T : class
    public string action { get; set; }

    public string table { get; set; }

    public string keyColumn { get; set; }

    public object key { get; set; }

    public T value { get; set; }

    public List<T> added { get; set; }

    public List<T> changed { get; set; }

    public List<T> deleted { get; set; }

    public IDictionary<string, object> @params { get; set; }

Refer to the following screenshot to know about the action parameter.



If you specify InsertUrl along with CrudUrl, then while adding InsertUrl only will be invoked.

Batch URL

The BatchUrl property supports only for batch editing mode. You can specify the controller action mapping URL to perform batch operation on the server-side.

The following code example describes the above behavior.

@Html.EJS().Grid("grid").DataSource(dataManger =>
 }).Columns(col =>

}).AllowPaging().EditSettings(edit => { edit.AllowAdding(true).AllowEditing(true).AllowDeleting(true).Mode(Syncfusion.EJ2.Grids.EditMode.Batch); }).Toolbar(new List<string>() { "Add", "Edit", "Delete", "Update", "Cancel" }).Render()
public ActionResult UrlDatasource(DataManagerRequest dm)
    IEnumerable DataSource = OrdersDetails.GetAllRecords();
    DataOperations operation = new DataOperations();
    int count = DataSource.Cast<OrdersDetails>().Count();
    if (dm.Skip != 0)
        DataSource = operation.PerformSkip(DataSource, dm.Skip);   //Paging
    if (dm.Take != 0)
        DataSource = operation.PerformTake(DataSource, dm.Take);
    return dm.RequiresCounts ? Json(new { result = DataSource, count = count }) : Json(DataSource);

public ActionResult BatchUpdate(string action, CRUDModel batchmodel)
    if (batchmodel.Changed != null)
        for (var i = 0; i < batchmodel.Changed.Count(); i++)
            var ord = batchmodel.Changed[i];
            OrdersDetails val = orddata.Where(or => or.OrderID == ord.OrderID).FirstOrDefault();
            val.OrderID = ord.OrderID;
            val.EmployeeID = ord.EmployeeID;
            val.CustomerID = ord.CustomerID;
            val.Freight = ord.Freight;
            val.OrderDate = ord.OrderDate;
            val.ShipCity = ord.ShipCity;
            val.ShipAddress = ord.ShipAddress;
            val.ShippedDate = ord.ShippedDate;

    if (batchmodel.Deleted != null) 
        for (var i = 0; i < batchmodel.Deleted.Count(); i++)
            orddata.Remove(orddata.Where(or => or.OrderID == batchmodel.Deleted[i].OrderID).FirstOrDefault());

    if (batchmodel.Added != null) 
        for (var i = 0; i < batchmodel.Added.Count(); i++)
            orddata.Insert(0, batchmodel.Added[i]);
    var data = orddata.ToList();
    return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

public class CRUDModel
    public List<OrdersDetails> Added { get; set; }

    public List<OrdersDetails> Changed { get; set; }

    public List<OrdersDetails> Deleted { get; set; }

    public OrdersDetails Value { get; set; }

    public int key { get; set; }

    public string action { get; set; }
public ActionResult BatchUpdate([FromBody]string action, List<EditableOrder> added, List<EditableOrder> changed, List<EditableOrder> deleted, int? key)
//Save the batch changes in database
