Animation in Angular Dialog component
27 Apr 20244 minutes to read
The Dialog can be animated during the open and close actions. Also, user can customize animation’s delay
, duration
and effect
delay | The Dialog animation will start with the mentioned delay |
duration | Specifies the animation duration to complete with one animation cycle |
effect |
Specifies the animation effects of Dialog open and close actions effect.
List of supported animation effects: 'Fade' | 'FadeZoom' | 'FlipLeftDown' | 'FlipLeftUp' | 'FlipRightDown' | 'FlipRightUp' | 'FlipXDown' | 'FlipXUp' | 'FlipYLeft' | 'FlipYRight' | 'SlideBottom' | 'SlideLeft' | 'SlideRight' | 'SlideTop' | 'Zoom'| 'None' If the user sets ‘Fade’ effect, then the Dialog will open with ‘FadeIn’ effect and close with ‘FadeOut’ effect |
In the below sample, Zoom
effect is enabled. So, The Dialog will open with ZoomIn
and close with ZoomOut
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'
import { DialogModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-popups'
import { Component, ViewChild, OnInit, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
import { DialogComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-popups';
import { EmitType } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
imports: [
standalone: true,
selector: 'app-root',
template: `
<button class="e-control e-btn" style="position: absolute;" id="targetButton" (click)="onOpenDialog($event)">Open Dialog</button>
<div #container class='root-container'></div>
<ejs-dialog id='dialog' #ejDialog header='Dialog' content='Dialog enabled with Zoom effect' [target]='targetElement'
[animationSettings]='animationSettings' width='250px' [buttons]='buttons'>
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
@ViewChild('ejDialog') ejDialog: DialogComponent | any;
// Create element reference for dialog target element.
@ViewChild('container', { read: ElementRef }) container: ElementRef | any;
// The Dialog shows within the target element.
public targetElement?: HTMLElement;
//To get all element of the dialog component after component get initialized.
ngOnInit() {
// Initialize the Dialog component target element.
public initilaizeTarget: EmitType<object> = () => {
this.targetElement = this.container.nativeElement.parentElement;
// Hide the Dialog when click the footer button.
public hideDialog: EmitType<object> = () => {
// Sample level code to handle the button click action
public onOpenDialog = (event:any): void => {
// Call the show method to open the Dialog;
//Animation options
public animationSettings: Object = { effect: 'Zoom', duration: 400, delay: 0 };
// Enables the footer buttons
public buttons: Object = [
'click': this.hideDialog.bind(this),buttonModel:{ content:'OK', isPrimary: true }
'click': this.hideDialog.bind(this),buttonModel:{ content:'Cancel' }
import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import 'zone.js';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent).catch((err) => console.error(err));