Essential Studio for Vue Release Notes

August 24, 2021


Bug Fixes

  • I236269, I333667, I336462 Performance Improvements in Template re-rendering.


Bug Fixes

  • #337302 - Browser responsive issue while zooming the chart has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F168138 - When the axis’ maximum and minimum values are the same, the axis will not be rendered.


Bug Fixes

  • #I338448 - The issue “An exception occurs when save and load the diagram with PreventDefaults as true” has been fixed.
  • #I338105 - The issue “The drawing tool draws multiple node while perform right click” has been fixed.
  • #I339621 - The issue “An exception occurs render a image node with alignment as none and scale as Stretch” has been fixed.
  • #I339619 - The issue “An exception occurs when save and load the swimlane with BPMN children” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I335857 - Resolved the after spacing preservation issue in copy paste.
  • #I335107 - Resolved the table rendering issue.
  • #I336632 - Resolved the next style hierarchy issue.
  • #I334046 - Optimized the spell check by page service call in optimized spell check mode.
  • #I330165, #I327647, #I324515, #I338278 - Resolved the issues in comment delete and history operation.
  • #I336315 - Resolved the tab issue for the text with floating table.
  • #I319206 - Resolved issue with horizontal line shape rendering.
  • #F167416 - Line spacing is now preserved properly in server side export.
  • #I337720 - Resolved the localization in Document Editor.
  • #I335145, #I337499 - Resolved the text measuring issue when HTML and Body tag contains styles.


Bug Fixes

  • #339511 - Issue in maintaining resource selection has been resolved.
  • #338206 - Cleared warnings thrown in Firefox browser.


Bug Fixes

  • #I333667 - DOM Nodes and JS Heap Size are increasing when we change the dataSource dynamically issue has been fixed.
  • #I338200 - Searching operation is not working properly in foreignKeyColumn issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F168138 - When the axis’ maximum and minimum values are the same, the axis will not be rendered.


Bug Fixes

  • Rendering issue with PDF Grid pagination into PDF export is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F168163 - The download file name is now set properly in the PDF Viewer.


Bug Fixes

  • #I336931- The issue with “Rich Text Editor character count increased when bold, italic, underline format applied in empty content and accessing using getCharCount() public method has been resolved.
  • #I338261 - The issue with “Rich Text Editor hangs when pasting the word content, after clearing the value” has been resolved.
  • #I339192 - The “Rich Text Editor height is not adjusted to parent element height” issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • I337420 - Top border not updated for merged cells while loading the saved JSON data issue resolved.
  • I337854 - Sorting action not working properly for newly inserted column issue resolved.
  • I337515 - Same style updated all the rows, while copy / paste multiple lines of text issue resolved.
  • I337957 - Formula expression which contains consecutive product and subtract operators throws #VALUE! error issue resolved.
  • F167279 - Merged cells with border not updated properly on copy / paste action issue resolved.