The Export3DModule
module is used to print and export the rendered chart.
Export the chart on the page to PNG, JPEG, or SVG format.
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | ExportType |
The format in which the chart will be exported. |
fileName | string |
The name of the exported file. |
Returns void
Gets a data URL for the rendered 3D chart as an HTML canvas element, including data URL and blob URL if available.
Parameter | Type | Description |
chart | Chart3D |
The 3D chart for which the data URL is requested. |
Returns Object
Export the chart on the page to a PDF document.
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileName | string |
The name of the exported file. |
orientation (optional) | PdfPageOrientation |
Page orientation (portrait or landscape). |
controls (optional) | Chart3D[] |
Array of controls to be exported. |
width (optional) | number |
The width of the exported chart. |
height (optional) | number |
The height of the exported chart. |
isVertical (optional) | boolean |
Export the chart vertically or horizontally. |
header (optional) | IPDFArgs |
Text to appear at the top of the exported PDF document. |
footer (optional) | IPDFArgs |
Text to appear at the bottom of the exported PDF document. |
exportToMultiplePage (optional) | boolean |
Export the chart to multiple PDF pages. |
Returns void